A Alexis Lanz
A About Alexis Lanz I was born and raised in San Diego, California into a close-knit Irish family who enjoys singing Irish songs and telling stories. This has inf luenced my love to create valuable content through a stor y behind a design. From a young age, creativity has helped shape my world. Growing up in a house of girls I learned about teamwork, independence, f ixing things and being a go get ter, but the most power ful tools that were given to me are the power and impor tance of integrity, honesty and the encouragement to use my imaginations to my advantage. Traveling, going on an adventures and avocado toast are just a few things that fuel and inspire my design work.
Eterna Eterna is a luxur y car brand that represent s eternal beauty. Specif ically designed for the active person in mind, Eterna uses only the most durable and f inely craf ted materials for a combination of luxur y fused with rugged functionality. Integrating new state of the ar t textile technology, Eterna is designed to keep the interior of the car looking like it came of f the factor y f loor for as long as an eternity.
Eternal Luxury.
James Gray The Mogul.
Age: 35 y/o Income: $1,000,000 “Dressing well is a form of good manners.”
James is a 35 year old mogul. He’s a self-made millionaire and lives for the finer things in life. He likes when his car matches his lifestyle.
Material Inspiration
Night Rider Blue #3b4b5b C79 M64 Y46 K31
Ox Blood #3d1a11 C47 M78 Y79 K71
Aged Brass #a38c68 C35 M40 Y63 K6
Taupe #8e8275 C45 M43 Y51 K8
Aged Brass Primary metal
Aged Brass Mesh Primary Mesh
Blue Light Accent Light
Ox Blood Leather Primary Leather
Blue Seating Accent Seating
Cream Stitching Primary Stitch
CMF Board
Infinite Series
Bridget Rhodes The Entrepreneur.
Age: 28 y/o Income: $85,000 “I deeply believe that a beautiful decor can have a beneficial influence on our lives.�
Bridget is a 29 year old successful interior decorator. She likes taking the unconventional and out of the ordinary approach to functionality.
Material Inspiration
Gray Blue #536a75 C79 M49 Y43 K15
Foggy Blue #323740 C76 M67 Y54 K49
Gold #c28b41 C22 M46 Y83 K6
Teal #0b92a3 C82 M26 Y32 K1
Brushed Blue Steel Primary metal
Aged Brass Mesh Primary Mesh
Champagne Lighting Accent Lighting
Dark Tan Leather Primary Leather
Suede Accent Seating
Iridescent Teal Stitching Primary Stitch
CMF Board
Performance Series
Hailey King The Influencer.
Age: 25 y/o Income: $60,000 “Nothing BIG will happen in your life, until you build off of the many SMALL things�
Hailey is a 25 year old influencer. She lives for following trends and setting her own.
Material Inspiration
Grey Blue #404e5a C76 M60 Y48 K31
Foggy Day #a1a7a3 C39 M28 Y33 K0
Foundation Nude #d6c6aa C16 M18 Y34 K0
Burnt Orange #a55945 C27 M71 Y74 K15
Rose Gold Aluminum Primary Metal
Gold Lighting Primary Lighting
Sterling Vinyl Primary Seating
Light Tan Leather Primary Leather
Orange Suede Accent Seating
Burnt Orange Thread Primary Stitch
CMF Board
Lux Series