H h
TABLE OF CONTENTS + PHILOSOPHY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 + WHERE WE STAND ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 + VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 + THE PRODUCT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 + PRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-11 + DESIGN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 + TARGET MARKETS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 14-15
-LOCATION BREAKDOWN --------------------------------------------------------- 16-17
+ OUR DESTINATION -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 + THE IOU PROJECT -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 + THE MARKET ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-22 + CONSUMER EDUCATION -------------------------------------------------------------- 24-29 + HEADQUARTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 + DELIVERY AND POLICIES -------------------------------------------------------------- 31 + COMPETITOR ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 32
- SWOT ANALYSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------- 33
- PERCEPTUAL MAP --------------------------------------------------------------- 33
+ SOURCING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 + MARGINS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 + DISTRIBUTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
- INTERNATIONAL BREAKDOWN ------------------------------------------------------ 38
+ COLLECTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
- INSPIRATION --------------------------------------------------------------- 40-42
- COLOR STORY ------------------------------------------------------------------ 43
- MATERIAL BREAKDOWN -------------------------------------------------------- 44-63
- LINE-UP ------------------------------------------------------------------- 64-65
- GARMENT DESCRIPTION AND FUNCTION ------------------------------------------ 66-75
+ PACKAGING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 76-77 + GARMENT COST BREAKDOWN----------------------------------------------------------- 78-87 + CARE CALCULATOR ----------------------------------------------------------------- 88-89 + PHOTO GALLERY ------------------------------------------------------------------- 90-99 + WORKS CITED ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 + CREDITS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101
O ur
philosophy at H책lb책r is to design for effortless and minimalistic
men and women with an urban style. Our intuitive silhouettes redefine sustinablity and technical craft.
where we stand
collections from re-appropriatd military fabrics. By taking aprt the existng garments of surplus milary stock, we begin the process of deconstruction. These steps have sparked inspiration and ideas to create new modern day garments. Our re-imagining of old military product has introduced enexpected uses for the old and challenged t h e c o n c e p t o f w h a t i s c o n s i d e r e d “ n e w �.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
+ Fairness S i m i l a r o p p o r t u n i t y, q u a l i t y f o r a l l , r e s p e c t i n g e v e r y o n e’s r i g h t s
+ Integrity Acting in line with your belief, being honest and truthful, taking pride in the craft
+ Environment Respecting the current and future condition of the earth.
+ Advancement G e t t i n g a g e a d , b e i n g a m b i t i o u s , a s p r i t i n g t o h i g h e r l e v e l s . We n e v e r s e t tle
+ Competition If you t h r ive i n a h i g h - e n e rg y, c omp e t it ive te am e nv i ron m e nt you’ l l l ove it here
+ Knowledge, We s e e k i n t e l l e c t u a l s t t i m u l a t i o n . i n n o v a t i v e m i n d s e t s , t r u t h a n d u n d e r standing. Knowing the product is caring about it.
+ Creativity Find new ways to do things, being innovative
+ Communication O p e n d i a l o g u e , e x h c a n g e o f v i e w s . We h e a r a n d w e l i s t e n
+ Te a m w o r k Cooperating with others toward a common goal, learn from one another
+ Aesthetic Desire for artistic beauty and never settling for an average product
ll aspects of our business - from the product to the business model - are an extension of who we are and how we live.
the product
ur products bring together an effortless and minimalistic modernism to
sport-inspired designs, With comfort and practicality at the core, our silhouettes create an urban essence with a contemporary twist. Details in the garments create an individuality within each piece. This new definiton of ch i c re f l e c t s ou r c re at ive d e s i g n an d a n e w s e ns e of su st ai n abl i l it y.
We c r e a t e c o l l e c t i o n s t o f i t t h e s u s t a i n a b l e a n d a c t i v e l i f e s t y l e . O u r g o a l each season is to produce an entire line that can compolete a consumers w a r d r o b e . We p r o v i d e c u s t o m e r s w i t h h a n d m a d e “ u p c y c l e d � m i l i t a r y s u p plies, along with any other material choices our customers would like. Our collections includes tops, pants, shorts, jackets, skirts and various accessories. Each product can be transformed to for other uses.
* Up c y cl e d : Tur ning w a ste m ate r i al or unw ante d pro du c t into a b e t te r qu alit y pro du c t . * R e c y cl e d : Tur ning w a ste into a re u s abl e pro du c t or to re f urbi sh a pro du c t for re u s e
ålbår incorporates sustainability in fashion, a radical re-thinking of
consumptions syetems, distribution and production. Within this design framework, materials are sourced with an eye toward environmental and s o c i a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y. We “ u p c y c l e” a r m y m a t e r i a l s t h a t a r e d o n a t e d f r o m third party outsiders.
We l o o k a t t h e e n e r g y a n d r e s o u r c e s u s e d t o c r e a t e a f a b r i c , a n d t h e o p portunities and systems that deal with producing our product at the end o f i t s l i f e . We d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n t h e l i f e c y c l e o f t h e g a r m e n t a n d t h e initial and end considerations of its fibers. Halbar plans to eliminating the need for new clothes by up cycling old product we will drastically reduce our (consumers) eco-footprint, which is much bigger than one rea l i z e s . “ We ( h u m a n s ) u s e t h e E a r t h’s r e s o u r c e s 3 0 - p e r c e n t f a s t e r t h a n t h e Earth can replenish those resources. At this rate, it takes our planet 18 m o n t h s t o g e n e r a t e t h e r e s o u r c e s t h a t h u m a n s u s e u p i n o n l y a y e a r .”
“Pr i c e i s w h at you p ay to d ay, c o st i s w h at you sp e n d ove r t i m e”
Halbar is recreating fast fashion with the idea of slow fashion. 52% believe the quality of apparel has decreased in the last couple years, we see this as a reflection from fast fashion. Fast Fashion has provided cheap prices for a multitude of fast manufactured clothing; it has allowed quick fashion to keep up with trends and styles. However, this fast fashion has created enormous amounts of waste in energy and production with an immense amount of toxic waste. It takes 132 metric tons of coal to pro duce the 60 billion kilograms of textiles made each year. Cutting back on just 2.2 pounds of material can help reduce carbon emissions by nearly 8 pounds.
We a t h a l b a r a r e w o r k i n g t o d o j u s t t h a t i n o u r s l o w c r a f t s m a n s h i p o f o u r clothing. Our handmade clothing is made out of high quality materials, with a higher level of personal attention and quality control from our designers. It is made to last for years, rather than to be discarded after one or two seasons, in contrast to the fast-fashion consumerism that fuels demand for mass production.
There are multiple environmental benefits associated with recycling clothing. It reduces the amount of pesticides used in growing cotton or to make fabrics from petroleum sources and the water needed to dye fabrics, and cuts down on the pollutants, greenhouse gases and volatile organic compounds released into the water and air from manufacturing processes. 11
ur designs are made with the environmental burden of waste,
life-cycle assesment, transparency and a conscious approach to creating sustaible collections. As the line evolves we seek to create ite ms w it h an opt i m a l bl an a c e of ut i l it y, b e aut y, an d, m o st of a l l, q u a l i t y. We p u s h u r b a n e s s e n t i a l s w i t h m o d e r n s i l h o e t t e s .
Each piece is designed for practical use while still following current t r e n d s i n f a s h i o n . We a d d r e s s o v e r - c o n s u m p t i o n b y d e s i g n i n g p r o d ucts with durable and long-lasting aesthetics. Every product is creatively designed
t o t r a n s f o r m i n t o s o m e t h i n g e l s e . We l i k e t o t h i n k
of it as a two for one deal.
target markets
The Stylistic Location: Portland, Oregon Age: 40 Occupation: Art Director Annual Income: $95,000 Ho b b i e s : Tr av e l i n g , Ru n n i n g
The Visionar y Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Age: 32 Occupation: Entrepreneur Annual Income: $200,000 H o b b i e s : R e a d i n g , Te n n i s
The Expressionist L o c a t i o n : Va n c o u v e r, C a n a d a Age: 25 Occupation: Editor Annual Income: $45,000 H o b b i e s : B l o g g i n g , Yo g a
The Artisan L o cation: B oulder, C olorado Age: 45 Occupation: Photographer Annual Income: $65,000 Hobbies: Biking, Camping
LOCATION BREAK DOWN: TOP 4 SUSTAINABLE STATES IN US + COLORADO benefits in ranking from above-average pollution scores, scoring sixth best for birth-defect inducing toxins and carcinogenic chemicals released into waterways. Colorado also ranks 12th in particle pollution. The “Centennial State” has very good policy scores, ranking seventh for energy saving targets, according to ACEEE’s assesment. More than 6% of Colorado’s total energy output is from alternative resources, the eighth best rating in the country. Population: 5,024,748 (22nd) GDP: $252.6 Billion (19th) Toxic Waste: 41,532 Tons (19th) Carbon Footprint: 98.1 Million Metric Tons (27th) Alternative Energy: 10.0% (14th)
+ OREGON ranks in the middle third for all of our pollution metrics, including 29th in EPA toxic waste violations and 33rd in toxic exposure, according to the RSEI index. On the other hand, Oregon does exceptionally well both in policy and alternative energy. In the Pew Center on Global Climate Change’s list of state energy-saving programs, Oregon has the second-most, behind only California. The state also produces the second-most hydroelectric energy, and the eighth most non-hydroelectric alternative energy, mostly from state wind farms. Population: 3,825,657 (27th) GDP: $165.6 Billion (26th) Toxic Waste: 61,876 Tons (23rd) Carbon Footprint: 43.5 Million Metric Tons (10th) Alternative Energy: 63.4% (3rd)
+ MONTANA is unofficially nicknamed “Big Sky Country.” It is understandable that residents would be proud of their air, as it is tied for the lowest rate of ozone particulates in the nation, according to the American Lung Association. The state also ranks well in many other categories. It ranks seventh for total energy used, however this is largely the result of the state’s relatively low population density, the third lowest in the country. Population: 974,989 (44th) GDP: $35 Billion (48th) Toxic Waste: 37,758 Tons (17th) Carbon Footprint: 37.7 Million Metric Tons (9th) Alternative Energy: 36.5% (6th)
+ IDAHO generates the greatest relative amount of renewable energy in the country, with 84.5% of all energy coming from alternative sources. Idaho ranks fifth for producing geothermal energy thanks to its unique terrain, and sixth for conventional hydroelectric power, thanks to the Snake River Plain and the state’s smaller rivers. Furthermore, the state has the fourth lowest rate of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. This is largely the result of the state’s extensive use of renewable energy. Population: 1,545,801 (39th) GDP: $54 Billion (42nd) Toxic Waste: 4,808 Tons (9th) Carbon Footprint: 16.2 Million Metric Tons (4th) Alternative Energy: 84.5% (1st)
our destination
(Social and Environment Responsibility)
Our responsibility is to guide consumers, employees and partners towrad socially and environmentally responsible decisions that reflect both our values and those of humankind.
aim Our main goal is to reduce H책lb책r and our partners environmental f o o t p r i n t w i t h m i n i m a l i m p a c t o n l a n d , a i r a n d w a t e r ( L AW ) r e s o u r c e s . We t a k e v e r y e f f o r t t o m i n i m i z e w a s t e b y r e d u c i n g p a p e r u s a g e , evergy consumptions and thoughtless disposal in our daily operations.
plan We p l a n t o t e a m u p w i t h t h e I O U P r o j e c t w h i l e t e l l i n g t h e s t o r i e s o f how our items were created, the people involved and the customers who purchased them. The essence of our e-commerce social network is to build a meeting place for a community that shares our brand v a lu e s of aut h e nt i c it y, t r ansp are n c y, i n n ov at i on an d b ot h s o c i a l an d e nv i ron m e nt a l re sp ons i bi l it y.
the iou project B
orn f rom the need to emp ower b oth the ar tisan and the consumer, The
IOU Proj e c t u s e s t r ansp are n c y, t r a c e - abi l it y, an d t h e s o c i a l we b to c re ate a new more empowered supply chain that they call the prosperity chain. The creation of their own brand and e-commerce platform brings to life this new idea and drives significantly more money into the producers’ hands. They offer unique, beautifully crafted pieces at the same price p oint as p opular, mass-pro duced, low-quality fashion. Their completely traceable supply chain tells you the entire story of your product and enables the customer to engage in the emotional link. The platform they have built will serve as a new industry standard as they will “white-label� it to all major apparel companies on earth.
E ach pro duct is made with a sp ecif ic co de. When given to the consumer, the code is able to be input online along with a picture of the customer wearing the garment. The customer, as well as others in the IOU commun it y, i s t h e n abl e to s e e w h o wove t h e f abr i c i n In d i a , t h e c r af t s m e n w h o assembled it in Europe and the customer who wore it. People in the IOU community are able to see photos of each member of the process as well as learn about them. (website includes a photo of each weaver as well as a short video, their enrollment form in the program, and a small description of their lives. 19
the market
he activewear market is made up of fitness and sports apparel for
men, women and children. The category is valued at over $30 billion USD. Of that total, sales in activewear have now reached jsut over one tenth ofthe entire apparel market, making this sefment the most dynamic for opportunity growth. It is the market segment to watch over the next two years. Many industy analysts predict a 2.5-3% sales increase from 2012-2014.
According to the Global Industry Analysts, the world sports apparel industry is expected to exceed $126 billion by 2015. The market is driven by a trend toward healthier, active lifestyles with more mature demographics and women becoming more active.
YOU SHOULD KNOW... over a span of 46 countries, here are 5 key findings based on performance, outdoor and sports-inspired clothing and footwear.
1. Global sportswear sales are forecasted to hit 300 billion US dollars by 2017 2. Sales in Brazil have almost doubled in the past 5 years 3. The US is the largest market for outdo or fo otwear, but India is known to be the most dynamic 4. Per capita spending on performance clothing, japan is 6 times higher than China 5. Sports-inspired clothing and footwewar will contribute to 12 percent of the total absolute sportswear groth over the next 5 years.
consumer education C
+ 82% of energy use, 66% of solid waste and over half of the emissions of air (83% carbon dioxide) are abused during washing and drying.
+ By washing half as often, the products overall energy rating can be cut by 50% with similar savings in air pollution and production of solid waste.
+ A typical garment is washed and dried around 20 times, Most of the environmental impact comes from laundering instead of growing, processing or producting the fabric or disposal at the end of life.
+ It takes 132 metric tons of coal to produce the 60 billion kilograms of textiles made each year. Cutting back on just 2.2 p ounds of material can help reduce carbon emissions by nearly 8 pounds.
+ T h e U. S . t e x t i l e re c yc l i ng i n du s t r y c ons i s t s of ab out 2 , 0 0 0 c omp an i e s , most of which are family-owned. They provide about 17,000 jobs and account for gross sales of $700 million ever y year.
YOU SHOULD KNOW... The US generates an average of 25 billion pounds of textiles per year – which is about 82 pounds per US resident. Of that 82 pounds, only 15 percent (12.3 lbs.) gets donated or recycled. 85 percent of textiles go to landfills, totaling about 21 billion pounds of post-consumer textile waste per year. That 21 billion pounds makes up 5.2 percent of all generated waste in the Unite States.
Metals & Glass
Textile Waste
Food Scraps
CONCERN FOR BROAD ENVIRONEMTNAL ISSUES DECLINES AS ACTIVISM RISES Consumer consern for environmental and social issues has declines, while the percentage of consumers who say they practice activism has increased since 2008. One-third of consuers (33%) say they put effort into finding environmental-friendly clothing for themselves, up significantyly from responses in recent years.
100% 90% 80% 2013 2008
70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
2013 2008
30% 20%
e build sustainability into everything we make, our products are designed
to have a long lifespan, sometimes longer than their usefulness to a single person. Hand it down, pass it on, give it away: we will warrant a product until normal wear and tear run their course.
consumer education
+ When leaving with your garment, hang it straight back into a hand in a well-ventilated location.
+ Freshen the garment by leaving it in a steam bathroom while showering.
+ Spot clean or hand wash in cold water using cold-water or biodegradable specific detergents.
+ Do not discard used products. Donate or recycle the iteams and give us an ot h e r opp or tu n it y to te l l an ot h e r stor y.
+ Reduce carb on emissions by switching to cold water. Energ y Star states that almost 90% of the energy consumed by a washing machine goes to heating water. In fact, each household that makes the switch to coldwater washing eliminates about 1,600 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year.
+ Sh op for e f f i c i e n c y. E n e rg y St ar w a s h i ng m a ch i n e s u s e 3 7 p e rc e nt l e ss energy and 50 percent less water than their conventional counterparts – which can save you hundreds of dollars over the life of the machine.
city start-up O
reasons. Seattle is a beautiful and
Wa s h i n g t o n
stimulating location, alice with growth,
e n e rg y an d i n n ov at i on . T h e are a c ont i nu e s to e x p an d i n te ch n ol o g y, t h e ar t s , commerce, medicine, politics, outdoor life and pop culture. tle are described as
People in Seat-
highly educated and environmentally minded; a city who
c e l e b r a t e s i t ’s b r a n d n e w l i g h t r a i l s y s t e m s , r e l i a n c e o n h y d r o e l e c t r i c i t y a n d global warming intiatives. This portion of the west coast is now considered a part of a growing technoloy hub.
Geographically speaking, Seattle is one of the most beautiful urban centers nestled within two mountain ranges, offering residents a multitude of diverse and year round recreational activities and unique cultural experiences. The layout of Seattle is easy to navigate with a transportation system that gets you where you want to go. From a marketing perspective, customers are able to appreciate items they choose to invest their money in. This can include, but it not limited to, liing and product purchasing.
Hålbår designs are always made to order and we found the perfect location to build our collections and continue some incredible stories, along with our s t o r y . We l c o m e t o “ s l o w f a s h i o n ,” w h e r e d e s i r i n g a n d w a n t i n g a r e b o t h p a r t o f t h e p l e a s u r e . Tr u n k p i c e s c o nt a i n s o m e t h i n g s p e c i a l a n d t h at s o m e t h i n g m i g ht n e v e r h a p p e n a g a i n . We t a k e p r i d e i n o u r h a n d m a d e c r a f t o v e r f a s h i o n f a s h i o n p r o d u c t i o n s c a l e s . We c r e a t e p r o d u c t s t h a t a r e w e l l - w o r t h t h e w a i t .
delivery and policies
within the written timefram on the order purchase. The pieces are made-toorder and we will start immediate production once the trunk order is placed. O u r p r o d u c t s a r e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e “ s l o w f a s h i o n .� We t a k e p r i d e i n o u r p r production
This might add a long time-window before you recieve your finalized order b u t i t w i l l g u a r e n t e e t h a t a l l p i e c e s a r e m a d e e x c l u s i v e l y f o r y o u . We e n s u r e t h at we d o n ot pro du c e u n n e c e ss ar i ly, t hu s m i n i m i z i ng ou r w a ste. If you w i s h to discuss deliver y or receive other information regarding your tr unk order, pleaser write to us at sales@halbar.com
DELIVERIES D e l i v e r y c o s t w i l l b e c h a r g e d i n a d d t i o n a n d w i l l b e s h o w n i n y o u r t o t a l . We are commisted to sending your orders anywhere in the work and will do our ve r y b e st to e nsu re t h at we d o t h i s i n a t i m e ly, s afe an d c o st - e f fe c t ive f a m an n e r at a l l t i m e s . For an i nte r n at i on a l d e l ive r y, pl e a s e c ont a c t u s to c on f i r m your purchase and arrange delivery terms. The items are under our responsibility until they ahve reached their final detdestination.
CANCELLATIONS customer satisfaction is always our top priority and we handle each inquire on an i n d iv i du a l b a s i s to t h e b e st of ou r abi l it y. If you n ot i c e a m i st a ke i n your order and wish to cancel, please do not hesitate to contact us within 24 hours of your delivered at: sales@halbar.com
If you are not fullly satisfied with your purchased prodcut, we will offer an echage or refund.
competitor analysis
Helveticus is a located out of Switzerland. The brand specializes in creating handmade bags and accessories from upcycled swiss army blankets. Prices range from $40-$400.
Remade in Switzerland is a global brand based directly out of Switzerland. The brand specializes in outerwear jackets and coats made from sustainably sourced and upcycled military surplus materials. Prices range from $100-$400.
From somewhere is a company based out of London, England. The brand specializes in creating products from manufacturing houses and textile mills of the luxury fashion industry. Prices range from $400-$700.
Norwegian Rain is a company based out of Norway. The brand’s main focus is on producing hi-tech, waterproof and recycled rain coats from fabrics sourced out of Japan. Prices range from $200-$2000.
Our originality and loyalty to our customers create an unique retial experience with innovative upcycled products. Our company is targeted toward a wide customer base, from men to women, for a variety of activities whether that be work or pleasure. We are providing a new lease of life to our redefined silhouettes.
Crafted design made out of high-quality materials made to last for years, increasing brand values while identifying a need for our products within the market place. We are taking a spon in upcycling by looking at the ways to deal with a product at the end of its useful life. There are no companies like us in the industry within our location.
Existing customer reactions to our market entry could hinder business along with new market experience with out upcycled products. We are a new market creating a niché in an industry that consists of 2,000 companies – most of which are already family owned.
Existing businesses with similar products and sustainable values who have already established themselves will threaten the initial success of our business. We will have to differentiate ourselves with materials and designs.
norwegian rain hålbår
Remade in switzerland
from somewhere 33
militarysupplyhouse.com , Los Angeles, CA -Russia Military wool blankets: 54� x 73� - $18.00 -Wool US G.I. Blankets: 100+ $43/each -Swedish ten shelter quarter $12/each -Full length ponchose US camo: 26+ $15/each -Swiss camo (aesome print) - $18/each *as well as bags and other military accessories
gisurplus.co.uk -Hungarian Olive Wool Blanket (Pack of 5) - $46.97 USD -Belgian Camo sleeping back pack of 5 - $35.17 USD -French Army Sleeping Bag - 12.00 Euros Dutch Therm-A-Rest - 19.95 Euros Cotton White Cellular Blankets - 5.00 Euros Dutch Gore-Tex Bivi Bags - 25.00 Euros Polish Teepee Tent - 12.95 Euros Sandless Sandbag Alternative - Dam it up bags - 2.50 Euros British Camo Nets Green (9 x 5 feet) - 7.95 Euros
margin and profits
Picnic Pants
Blankets (2)
$18 each/ $36
Backpack Jacket
Blankets (2)
$18 each/ $36
Sleeping Bag
Hooded Vest
Skirt to Pant
U.S. Camo Poncho
Pillow Tent Poncho
Tent (3 pieces) (sold in quartrs)
$12 each/ $36
Hooded Coat Pack
Swiss Camo Jacket
Blanket Pant
Rain Suit
Carry-On Fluff Coat
Sleeping Bag
Hammock Pants
Blankets (2)
$18 each/ $36
Sleeping Jacket
B e c au s e we are a s m a l l s c a l e an d br an d n e w c omp any, we w i l l on ly b e distributing our products directly from our website: Halbar.com
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backpack jacket $152.00
sleeping jacket $152.00
pillow tent poncho $101.00
picnic pant $100.00
pant to skirt $42.00
international focus + Vancouver Canada Vancouver is said to be the world’s greenest city by 2020. The city is most known for using renewable resources like wind, solar, and wave power. 90 percent of the power supply is hydroelectric. Vancouver also has the lowest per capita carbon emission of any major city and is aimed to decrease emission by an additional 33 percent by 2020. They also enforce strict “green building” restriction codes in which all new developements must be carbon neautral.
+ Oslo, Norway In Oslo, Norway, 2/3 of the area is covered in protected forest, waterways and agricultural land. The town has city lighting that adjusts by traffic conditions and weather. They are key in using bio-methane from waste to power mass trasit and heating and provide biking programs to reduce transportation emissions. Oslo has implemented an increased number of electrical cars that receive free parking, free tolls and access to lanes generally reserved for public transportation. Heating systems are powered by 80 percent renewable energy-biomass from residual waste. Within the next decade, Oslo pans on using 100% renewable energy for heating and aims to cut carbon emissions by 50 percent by year 2050.
+ Curitiba, Brazil Susainability, energy efficiency and anything environment friendly has been in Curitiba, Brazil’s plan of action since the early 1970s. There are nore than 52 square meters of green space per resident and more than 1.5 millions trees are planted and over 28 parks and forests developed. Inexpensive and fast transit service for resients are used to reduce vehicle emissions. A key finding is that 90 percent of residents recycle 2/3 of their daily garbage. Consumers are able to exchange trash for trasit tokens or fresh produce. This system has reducted waste in even the poorest sections of Curitiba. Mayor Jamie Lerner states, “When a city accepts as a mandate its quality of life; when it respects the people who live in it; when it respects the environmWWWent; when it prepares for future generations, the people share the responsibility for that mandate.”
+ Copenhagen, Denmark In Copenhagen, more than 1/3 of the city’s 1.2 population regularly bike to work, leaving 217 miles throughout the city dedicated to bike lanes. The city is aiming for 50 percent of the population to bike for transportation by the year 2015 which will close down major roads to cars and develop 43 more miles of bike lanes for transportation. Copenhagen is known for having the largest wind tubine industry in the world and is the leader in win production with roughly 19 percent of the country’s power needs is by wind. There is a well0known offshore wind farm planned for this year that wil feature 111 turbines that will supply an additional 4 percent of power needs. Copenhagen’s ultimate goal is to be the first carbon neural capital by year 2025. A mandatory green roof policy will be implemented and will require all new developments to incorporate vegetation into building designs. Parks are being installed so that by year 2015 all residents will be able to walk to a green location in less than 15 minutes. 38
mood and color story
11-4201 TCX
17-1045 TCX
14-4002 TCX
18-0306 TCX
13-0607 TCX
18-1404 TCX
16-1407 TCX
19-0303 TCX
17-1456 TCX
what was... A combination of rayon and polyester fabricate to produce the raincoat. Rayon is an interesting fabric due to its artificial origin but made from naturally occurring fibers. Polyester is also added to the blend, which adds carcinogeni c c h e m i c a l s t o m i x i n , a d d i n g t o t h e c h e m i c a l p o t . Wa t e r p r o o f i n g m a t e r i a l s i s added include resin, pyridinium or melamine complexes, polyurethane, acrylic, f l u o r i n e o r Te f l o n .
what is... H å l b å r ’s g o a l i s t o r e v e r s e T h e E PA e s t i m a t e . T h e a v e r a g e A m e r i c a n t h r o w s a w a y ab out 70 p ounds of clothes a year. A shir t reused saves the environmental cost of a new shirt produced. Our designs reuse what was already there eliminating the production costs and moving forward with creating a quality product.
jacket backpack
hooded vest
what was... The hooded vest was once a Cotton T-shirt which would take anywhere from 700 to 2,000 gallons of water to produce about a pound of conventional cotton – enough for a single T-shirt or 3.5% of the total amount of water used in crop production worldwide. This also pollutes 50 billion cubic meters of water every y e a r. B u t t h e r e a l i s s u e i s n’t n e c e s s a r i l y P T F E , w h i c h i s c h e m i c a l l y i n e r t a n d non-toxic, but the synthetic chemical used in its production – perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
what is... Our T-shirt vest is made out of goretex a breathable waterproof fabric. Goretex is made from polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), as included in non-stick frying pans. Halbar benefits from the reuse of this toxic production process, thus saving 42 gallons of oil and half a ton of toxic air emissions for every 150 products produced.
what was... A combination of rayon and polyester fabricate to produce the raincoat. Rayon is an interesting fabric due to its artificial origin but made from naturally occurring fibers. However souring is minimal, wood grown intensively in appropriate areas can cause soil degradation and erosion. In addition can cause high air pollution and water emissions. Polyesters can be added to the blend that produced the raincoat; the laminated or coated poly is covered with PVC films which are generally the least exp ensive for longer-term fabrications. However, polyester is a non-renewable resource with minimal local sources available.
what is... Halbar has a benefit where they can take this old product and turn it around a n d o r s o u r c e p r o d u c t m a d e f r o m Te n c e l , a n a l t e r n a t i v e f i b e r. T h e c e l l u l o s e o r g r o u n d p u l p u s e d f o r Te n c e l i s t r e a t e d i n w h a t i s k n o w n a s a c l o s e d l o o p p r o c e s s in which non-toxic organic solvents are recycled with a recovery rate of 99.5% and bleach is not required. The tiny amount of remaining emissions is decomposed in biological purification plants.
harem pant skirt
sleeping jacket
what was... The sleeping jacket – a by-product of rayon, viscose, acetate – has its benefits along with challenges. Rayon is a renewable purified wood pulp resource that is reusable and biodegradable. However souring is minimal, wood grown intensively in appropriate areas can cause soil degradation and erosion. In addition can cause high air pollution and water emissions.
what is... Hålabår can take this product and reuse the material while eliminating waste a n d u n n e c e s s a r y o r u n w a n t e d e m i s s i o n s . B e i n g f r o m Wa s h i n g t o n , w e c o n s i d e r wood fibers to be a renewable resource, but it still takes a lot of energy and some nasty chemicals to produce rayon. Again, our advice would be to care for your rayon to maximize its lifespan and try not to buy newly manufactured rayon.
what was... Te n t s t r u c t u r e s a r e c o m m o n l y m a d e o f P o l y e s t e r. T h e m o s t f r e q u e n t l y u s e d b a s e m ate r i a l b e c au s e of it s s t re ng t h , du r abi l it y, c o s t an d s t re tch . Polye s te rs l am i nated or coated with PVC films are generally the least expensive for long-term fabrications. However, p olyester is a non-renewable resource with minimal local sources available. With a long line of processing there often involves use of carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene, toluene, arsenic and heavy metals.
what is... At Halbar we take this product forget the waste of production and take into consideration
such as nylon, taking 30-40 years to decompose. This is a major benefit for our re purposed designs that create quality with life span.
pillow tent poncho
picnic pant
what was... Our picnic pant is a blend of wool a natural fiber that is rapidly renewable an d abu n d ant l o c a l ly. T h e f i b e r i s u s e d i n it s l e a st pro c e ss st ate w h i ch pro vides a bio degradable material that can b e rec ycled. However, wo ol often involves the use of pesticides and fertilizers and can consume large amounts of water and chemicals and pro duce heavily p olluted wastewater. The sheep that are farming can degrade the land.
what is... Now if we all looked to Halbar and promoted this reuse ideal of use what you have, do what you can and if everyone bought just one reclaimed woolen garment each year, it would save an average of 300 million gallons of water and 400 tons of chemical dyes.
what was... Sleeping
sions if made of virgin p olyester. Polyester is a non-renewable resource with minimal local sources available. With a long line of processing, the process often involves use of carcinogenic chemicals such as benzene, toluene, arsenic and heavy metals. Many of the dyes and carriers that are added are allergy provoked. Most sleeping bag productions are manufactured out of goose down, which bears some responsibility for the carbon cost of raising geese and the portion becomes significant due to the intensity of the methane (produced by geese) as a green house gas.
The material becomes a non-degradable fabrica-
tion with minimal recycling infrastructures.
what is... H책lb책r takse this non recycling and non degradable material and gives it a second life with minimal impact on repurposing the garment for reproduction. We a l s o l o o k t o f i n d p r o d u c t s t h a t w h e r e o r i g i n a l l y p r o d u c e d b y Te n c e l , a r e generating, cellulose fiber that is manufactured using an extremely efficient, closed-loop system.
It is processed using a non-toxic organic solvent solu-
tion of which 98% of the materials used are recovered and reused. This allows our pro duct to star t clean and end cleaner.
carry-on fluff coat
hammock pant
what was... Cotton is the primary product for use in the hammock pant. The fiber once benefited in the local sources available, biodegradability and rapidly renewable resources. However, cotton can use large quantities of insecticides and fer tilizers during production, in addition to intensive farming can lead to land degradation and the numb er one kno ck is the use of large amounts of water. Ab out 1,500 gallons of water are required to produce the 1.5 pounds of cotton used to make a single pair of jeans, not including the water used to dye and finish t h e f a b r i c . C o m p a r i n g c o t t o n w i t h d e n i m , I n a s t u d y d o n e b y L e v i ’s , r e s e a r c h e r s found that manufacturing one pair of jeans requires 400 mega joules of energy and expels 71 pounds of carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted to produce one pair of jeans is equivalent to driving 78 miles.
what is... HĂĽlbĂĽr
one bonus to cotton production. While the reuse or cotton is implemented, the production costs and hazards are lost. In addition to create a bonus garment, we try to reuse 100% organically grown cotton, which does not use pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers or defoliants at any point in its growth and development. Cotton grown in the United States uses comparatively less water; although about a third of a pound of chemical pesticides and fertilizers go into each pound of conventionally-grown American cotton. 59
what was... Sleeping bag production depending, on the process, can produce strong emissions if made of virgin p olyester. Go ose down b ears some resp onsibility for the carbon cost of raising geese and the portion becomes significant due to the intensity of the methane (produced by geese) as a green house gas.
what is... At H책lb책r we upcycle each product which allows us to cut the production emissions while reusing the material we are saving at least 35 percent less emissions from virgin polyester and 50 percent less than virgin nylon.
hooded coat pack
blanket pant
what was... The fabric of many raincoats is made of a blend of two or more of the following materials: cotton, p olyester, nylon, and/or rayon. R aincoats can also made of wool, wool gabardine, vinyl, microfibers and high tech fabrics. The fabric is treated with chemicals and chemical compounds, depending on the kind of fabr i c . Wa t e r p r o o f i n g m a t e r i a l s i n c l u d e r e s i n , p y r i d i n i u m o r m e l a m i n e c o m p l e x e s , p o l y u r e t h a n e , a c r y l i c , f l u o r i n e o r Te f l o n . S y n t h e t i c f i b e r s a r e t r e a t e d b y m e t h y l siloxanes or silicones (hydrogen methyl siloxanes). The cost of manufacturing on the environment creates nitrous oxide a green house gas 296 times more potent than carbon dioxide, a leading cost to global warming. In addition it is a non-degradable substance that will only add to our accumulating human waste.
what is... Our product is upcycled form of the once manufactured garment of origin. In this case the raincoat is saving on manufacturing and admitants into the atmosphere
the impact from nylon. Halbar is cutting out the production process saving on waste. In addition, since nylon cannot yet be recycled, we take old product and repurpose its design. If needed, our material will be re-waxed for water repellence through natural fibers, like cotton and linen, being bathed in wax.
HAMMOCK PANT The HAMMOCK PANT is similar to a harem pant silhouette. It can be styled for men or women. The back has a zip extension that allows the pants to extend into a flat hammock. The pants will come attached with climbing rope for a string to tie. This pair of pants can easily be dressed up or dressed down yet still caters to the consumers sustainable aesthetic. They can be designed with swiss army blanket and/or rain coat material.
SKIRT TO PANT The HAREM PANT SKIRT; whoa! This pant is the perfect match for men and women alike. The feautre of the garment is simple; Unzip the harem pant and you now have a skirt. Zip it back up for the perfect day to night harem pant. This pant comes in black or camo print. The reinvented waterproof rain coat is now an any-weather, all day kind of trouser.
PICNIC PANT T o continue the collection of bottoms, here is the perfect PICNIC PANT made from light weight blanket and is a great transitional piece for the watdrobe. This pair of pants has the ability to unzip to form the perfectly sized blanket. Yet, this does not leave you without a pair of bottoms to wear. The pant zips off into a pair of shorts. It is the perfect garment for any activity or weather condition.
HOODED COAT PACK T he HOODED COAT PACK is the ideal piece for hot or cold weather. If it’s a little toasty outside, the backpack contains a hidden feature of removable sleeves along the hood. Just attach or detach as pleased. The hood goes a long way in helping prepare for unplanned weather or convenient traveling. The backpack and hood is created from recycled army outerwear gear.
BLANKET PANT Dress it up, dress it down or wrap yourself up. This blanket pant is adaptable for a number of occasions. This pant is developed from a silk-styled rain coat. This pant has the ability to zip closed at the center seam to create another blanket. The lightweight material makes it easy to pack and carry around yet remains durable and strong for harsher handling.
CARRY ON FLUFF COAT The FLUFF COAT is combination piece that transforms into a travel bag or warm igloo jacket produced from strong indoor and outdoor sleeping bags and puffer-style blankets. The waterproof material makes it a durable and sturdy piece of outdoor adventures. The coat is an outwear piece for the cooler seasons of the year. While it keeps the heat inside to warm up the body, it also repels water and wind.
PONCHO PILLOW TENT The PONCHO PILLOW TENT is the perfect product for a last minute camping trip or outdoor sleepover. The poncho comes fully equiped with a pole to be placed at the center, allowing the hood to create a peak. This recycled army tent creates practical waterproof gear for all outdoor conditions. The poncho can also be folded and wrapped to create a small sleeping pillow. Easy to relax and travel with.
SLEEPING COAT The SLEEPING BAG COAT; The ideal garment for a last minute stay over night at a beautiful destination. The product has the amazing ability to untie, extend down and zip completely closed for a waterless, warm and tight sleeping seal. The coat can be worn from day to night and can be easily transported due to it’s lightweight rain coat and parachute fabric.
BACKPACK JACKET Its as simple as it sounds; THE BACKPACK JACKET is produced from swiss army blankets, waterproof rain coats and sturdy parachutes. The product is great for running around town without having to carry an extra bag or coat with only two hands. The options are endless. The backpack jacket has the ability to transition into only a jacket, only a backpack or a both.
Who knew a lightweight and upcycled parachute and soft blanket could become the ideal HOODED VEST. The lightweight and thin material wicks away water during the cooler seasons yet is breathable enough for warm seasons of the year. The piece is gender friendly and can be worn in various ways to cater to men and women’s personal style. Dress it up with a pair of slacks or down with warm sweatpants.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
This garment is an up-cycled parachute donated from a war vet. He was in the air force Special Forces located in Desert Storm, Iraq. After making a parachute jump from his airplane he found himself amongst enemy lines. After an intense ambush, he survived.
Start where you are.
After returning home he hoped to share his journey & celebration of life in a unique & innovative way. We hope you continue to create new stories & adventures of your own with this, now, garment.
Use what you have. Do what you can.
This garment is an up-cycled parachute donated from a war vet. He was in the air force Special Forces located in Desert Storm, Iraq. After making a parachute jump from his airplane he found himself amongst enemy Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
lines. After an intense ambush, he survived.
After returning home he hoped to share his journey & celebration of life in a unique & innovative way. We hope you continue to create new stories & adventures of your own with this, now, garment.
Standing Closed Box (with belly band)
Standing Closed Box (without belly band)
Th책nk You. Large Stickers (for inside of box) Small Stickers (to seal tissue paper)
Sitting Closed Box (without belly band)
Repeat Pattern for tissue paper
Back Pack Jacket FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $18.00 1
Rain Coat
$/unit Quantity** $0.18 2 $0.001 100 $0.05 1 $0.07 1
Adjustable Straps Thread Care label Woven label
$Total $0.36 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Tape Labels
Quantity 10
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.24 $2.40 $2.78
$200.00 $
2% 2% 2% 10%
Hooded Vest FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $27.55 1
Goretex Jacket
Thread Care label Woven label
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
100 1 1
$0.10 $0.05 $0.07
0.22 $/unit
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Cartons Tape
10 3.03
$0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$Total $0.05 $0.05 $0.05 $0.24 $2.40
2% 2% 2% 10%
$150.00 $
Skirt to Pants FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $15.00 1
Waterproof Rain Coat (Full Length Poncho) TOTAL FABRIC COST
$15.00 $15.00
Buttons Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.03
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
3 100 1 1
$0.09 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Tape Labels
Quantity 10
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$0.08 $0.08 $0.08 $0.40 $4.00 $4.64
$149.50 $
2% 2% 2% 10%
Sleeping Bag Coat FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $18.00 1
Rain Coat
Zipper Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.15
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
36 100 1 1
$5.40 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Tape Labels
Quantity 10
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$Total $0.08 $0.08 $0.08 $0.40 $4.00
2% 2% 2% 10%
$150.00 $
Poncho Pillow Tent FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $17.84 1
TeePee Tent
Button Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.03
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
12 100 1 1
$0.36 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Tape Labels
Quantity 10
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$0.07 $0.07 $0.07 $0.34 $3.40 $3.94
$125.00 $
2% 2% 2% 10%
Picnic Pant FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $18.00 2
Zipper Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.15
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
9 100 1 1
$1.35 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Quantity Quantity
Cartons Tape Labels
$1.59 $0.01
$ Total $Total
10 3.03
$0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$Total $0.08 $0.08 $0.08 $0.40 $4.00
2% 2% 2% 10%
$149.50 $
299.00 83
Carryon Fluff Coat FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $65.00 1 $18.00 1
Sleeping Bag Poncho
$65.00 $18.00
Thread Metal Clasp Care label Woven label
$0.10 $0.40 $0.05 $0.07
1 1
$0.05 $0.07
$/unit Quantity $1.89 1.01 $0.35 1.01 $0.15 1.01 $0.12 1.01 $0.33 1.01
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$ Total $1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Cartons Tape Labels
Quantity $1.59 $0.01
10 3.03
$0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail 84
$0.12 $0.12 $0.12 $0.60 $6.00 $6.96
$249.50 $
2% 2% 2% 10%
Hammock Pant FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $6.89 1
White Cotton Cellular Blankets
Buttons String Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.03 $0.15
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
6 24 100 1 1
$0.18 3.60 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
$/unit Quantity $1.89 1.01 $0.35 1.01 $0.15 1.01 $0.12 1.01 $0.33 1.01
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$ Total $1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
PACKING Cartons Tape Labels
$/unit $1.59 $0.01
$ Total
Quantity 10 3.03
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$Total $0.08 $0.08 $0.08 $0.40 $4.00
2% 2% 2% 10%
$149.50 $
299.00 85
Hooded Coat Pack FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $36.00 1
Puff Coat
$/unit Quantity** 12 $0.03 $0.15 6 $0.001 100 $0.05 1 $0.07 1
Buttons Zipper Thread Care label Woven label
$Total $0.36 $0.90 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
$/unit Quantity $1.89 1.01 $0.35 1.01 $0.15 1.01 $0.12 1.01 $0.33 1.01
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$ Total $1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Cartons Tape Labels
Quantity $1.59 $0.01
10 3.03
$0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail 86
$0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.50 $5.00 $5.80
$199.50 $
2% 2% 2% 10%
Blanket Pants FABRICS
$/per item Quantity Total $18.00 1
Rain Coat
Zipper Thread Care label Woven label
Quantity** $0.15
$0.001 $0.05 $0.07
20 100 1 1
$3.00 $0.10 $0.05 $0.07
Chipboard Lazer Cut Tags Hang Tags Tissue Paper Stickers
$1.89 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
$ Total
1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01
$1.91 $0.35 $0.15 $0.12 $0.33
Tape Labels
Quantity 10
$Total $0.16 $0.003 $0.06
TOTAL PACKING COSTS LABOR Patternmaking Grading Marking Cutting Sewing
$0.22 Cost/Min
TOTAL LABOR *Includes pressing & packing unless otherwise noted.
GRAND TOTAL Wholesale Retail
$Total $0.06 $0.06 $0.06 $0.30 $3.00
2% 2% 2% 10%
$125.00 $
care calculator
what was...
what is...
BIBLIOGRAPHY “What Is the Most Environmentally Friendly Apparel?” Science Made Simple. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <https://www.atayne.com/ learn/news/science-made-simple/environmentally-friendly-apparel/>. “Sustainability Badges.” Modavanti Sustainable Fashion Boutique. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <https://modavanti.com/sustainability>. “Home Guides.” Home Guides. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <http://homeguides.sfgate.com/recycled-clothing-79332.html>. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. <http://www.ecofashionworld.com/Events/Up-cyclers-Push-for-More-Exposure-in-the-US.html>.
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CREDITS Location: Savannah Ga Models: Alexandra Weinberg Jordan Trinci-Lyne Film: Fiona Gorman Packaging: Shelby Dieckamp Photographer: Alexis Castillo-Snyder Designer: Nicolette Capizzo