How To Save Money On The Time Of Use Price Plan admin
April 28, 2020
Every homeowner in The United States of America wants to save money on their SRP electric bill and the time of use price plan can enable you to save. With this plan, you can save by limiting electricity use on weekdays from 2 pm to 8 pm between May and October. These are the peak hours when power costs are higher. Other hours including holidays and weekends are off-peak and prices are lower. Between November and April, on-peak periods are on weekdays from 5 am to 9 am and again from 5 pm to 9 pm. Heating and cooling. Air conditioners can account for more than half of your total energy costs. You should consider installing a smart or programmable thermostat to control your furnace and air conditioner. During summer, make sure you set your thermostat to 85 degrees when you are not home. For every degree you set up your thermostat above 80 degrees, you can save up to 3% on cooling costs. During the cold months, make sure your thermostat
is set between 68 degrees and 70 degrees when you are at home and to 65 degrees or lower when you are not at home. For each degree you lower, you can save up to 3% on your heating costs. Always remember that some thermostats come with advanced features that will achieve your temperature by the time programmed and not start at the time you program them. Before you start figuring out how to lower your electric bill by setting your thermostat, you should start by reading the instruction manual or the website of the manufacturer to verify the advanced features of your thermostat. Spa/pool Your spa or pool pump can account for 13 percent of your energy use at home. Make sure you install a timer and only run your pump as long as needed each day to keep your water clean. You should also use an energy-efficient pump. Other appliances Do not pre-heat your oven for long and turn it off fifteen minutes before the completion. Use a microwave to keep your kitchen cool. If you have to grill then grill outside. Avoid running your dishwasher, but if you have to run it then run it with a full load. Remember to use the energy-saving button to save power on your dishwasher’s electricity costs. Around 16% of your annual electricity costs are from heating water. Most households wash and dry an average of four hundred loads of laundry yearly. Operate your dryer and washer during off-peak hours to save on energy costs. Install a timer and set it for the electric heater to prevent heating during on-peak. You can save up to seven dollars a month by turning down your thermostat to one hundred and twenty. Another way to lower your SRP electric bill in America is by watching some electronics that consume energy even when they are off. These devices are known as vampire appliances. Make sure you plug these appliances in a power strip so as you can easily turn them off during on-peak hours.