In order to make money with your cryptocurrency exchange, you have to keep on updating your exchange, and should not get tired of attracting new traders to your exchange.
1. Trading Fee
This is the most popular way to make money with cryptocurrency exchange. As an admin, you can charge a certain percentage as trading fee from the transaction. The percentage can vary based on the transaction executed.
2. Withdrawal fee
You can charge your user to withdraw the money from their wallet.
3. Deposit Fee
As an admin, you can charge a certain amount for depositing money in their wallet.
4. Service fee
Charges can be applied for using third-party payment options, including master cards, visa cards, credit cards, or any debit cards.
5. Lend Cryptos and Earn Interest
Lending the cryptos to the borrowers could be the add-on revenue method for cryptocurrency exchanges. This can help you in two ways, you can regain the trader, also you can earn interest for trading the lended cryptocurrencies.
6. Custodial Fees
Some exchanges charge their user for securing their asset inside the crypto custodial wallet. The charges can vary based on the quantity of cryptos, and based on the type of crypto they use in the custody wallet.
7. Commission from Merchants
Exchanges like Paxful are tied up with e-commerce merchants for purchasing bitcoins with gift cards. If you commit to tie up with merchants like this, you can get a commission from them for every purchase.
So, It’s the right time to start a crypto exchange business and make money. But, How? Yes, you can start it instantly just by Bitdeal, Who can provide you the best-in-class cryptocurrency exchange script.