P2P Crypto Exchange Development www.bitdeal.net
Explanation of Peer-to-Peer (in Cryptocurrency Exchange) The exchange of assets (cryptocurrencies) or information between parties without intermediator. P2P is based on a decentralized approach. This approach has been used in trading cryptocurrencies.
Explanation of Peer-to-Peer (in Cryptocurrency Exchange) The Traditional Cryptocurrency Exchanges serve as intermediaries between their traders (Customers) and make a profit by Trading fees. decentralized p2p exchanges is a pre programmed software so, it’s does not required any third parties while trading
How Trades performed on Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency Exchanges: The P2P cryptocurrency exchange software is used to automatically connect traders each other, based on the terms they prefer First , let's see how the traditional cryptocurrency exchanges work . If you want to sell bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency in traditional exchanges specify the amount and price they had to sell them at, all the requests are called as order, all the orders are stored in a distributed ledger known as an order book.
How Trades performed on Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency Exchanges: When other person wants to buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrency, they look for a satisfactory price offer in the order book, if the user expected order none can be found in order book, user can create own Buy Order, the possible matches for exchange buy and sell orders by prices and processes the trades For the above process Now , the transaction time of bitcoin takes a long time. In some cases international payment methods may take several days to complete. To accelerate the process of trading, the exchange helps as a trusted third-party (intermediary). Even though the bitcoin transactions have not been completed.
How Trades performed on Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency Exchanges: For the above problem, Peer-to-Peer Working in a different manner Instead of matching orders in the order book , it matches the person behind those orders. It means, whenever matching orders are found, the software does not find an immediate trading process but instead, it connects with the trader, permitting them to conduct the deal without any intermediators.
Advantages of using P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange : P2P exchange offers Private and secure transactions and cheap to use Cheap Operations: Traditional Exchanges are operated by a person, we have to pay for their work, P2P exchanges work on automatically run by software. So, no need to pay any person.
Advantages of using P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange : Security : Peer-to-Peer cryptocurrency exchanges do not hold the bitcoins or altcoins for their users - instead it connects traders who have bitcoin to connect them. So nobody can steal your bitcoin.
What Bitdeal Provides : Bitdeal is a P2P Crypto exchange development company providing some unique features Smart Contracts Powered Bitcoin Escrow Script Decentralized Bitcoin Escrow Script
Bitdeal’s P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange Script features : Master Escrow Wallet
Multi Currency Wallet
Trade Through Ads
Dispute Management
Proximity Match
Private Messaging
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