This is a beautiful wedding collection of gorgeous deep velvety red roses with luscious red carnations brought together perfectly with fern and eucalyptus eucalyptus..
This is a stunning Lavender Bride’s Bouquet using gorgeous Lavender Roses with jeweled color to the centre to give a little extra sparkle and definition
This bridesmaid bouquet is made with the highest quality fresh white hydrangeas, ivory roses and millionstars gypsophilia.. It is a smaller version of gypsophilia the Bridal bouquet bouquet..
A beautiful ivory rose wedding buttonhole complimented by a hint of purple statice and eucalyptus. eucalyptus. Velvet ribbon provides the finishing touch of luxury. luxury.
The Center piece bouquet is made with the highest quality fresh ivory and cerise roses combined with cerise carnations carnations.. Eucalyptus leaves add the finishing touch touch..
Flowers4Design Ltd. 3rd Floor, 14 Hamover, Hamover, Street, London. England. W1S 1YH Visit At: Email: