Beautiful Skin

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AlexandraRoseKi rt on FA4009:I nt roduct i ont oFashi onDesi gn

Desi gn Phi losophy MyAW1718collect i onai mst ocreat ea curi ouslywonderfulcont rastbet weent he rebelli ousst yleoft heski nheadsubcult ure andt hegent lefemi ni ni t yofflorals.Taki ng fromt hemovement skeygarment sand domi nantcharact eri st i csEg:TheBomber j acket ,t hepoloshi rt ,docsanddeni m,my desi gnslookt oembracet herugged expressi onoft hefamouslyunrulyt rend.I t heni nt endt opai rt hi saest het i cwi t ht he i nnocenceofnat uret hroughpat t ernand colourt ocreat eanew uni quei deaof di sobedi ence.Myconceptlookst oanaudi ence ofuni queandvi brantpeoplewi t hani nt erest i nvi nt agefashi onandadesi ret osubvert convent i onalfashi oni deals.Challengi ngt he not i ont hatyoucan’ tbearebeli npi nk.

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017


Vi brant

Femi ni ne Vi ntagei nfluence Uni que


Colourful Youthful

Confi dent

p Li



rced Pei



Est at e

Deni m


Mi santexti les DarkGreen £38/ M

MacCulloch& MacCulloch Walli s &Walli s Li me100% Cotton 100% £20/ M Cotton Mi sanTexti les £12/ M Orange £35/ M

MacCullock &Walli s MacSpacer, green £21. 60/ m Thecloth House Navy MacCulloch& £18/ M Walli s OrangeCoated Cotton £16. 67/ M

MacCulloch&Walli s Magenta 20% si lk80% Asotate £15/ M

MacCulloch &Walli s 100% pi nk cotton £20/ M TheClothHouse Li ghtPi nk £26/ M

MacCulloch&Walli s 100% cotton £12/ M

Fabri cBoard

I ni t i alSki nheadsubcult ureresearch

braces Cardi gans

DocMart i nBoot s Polo’ s

Tat t oos

deni mj eans BomberJ acket s

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Embroi derydevelopment

Si lkpai nt i ngwi t h embrodi dereddet ai l


Badgedesi gns Monot oneski nheadi magery cont rast i ngbri ghtflorals

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Pri ntSamples

Colourtesti ngonmulti plefabri cs

Experi mental apli cati on wi thcreati ve tools Experi mentati onwi th ti ssueandmaski ngtape

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Pri ti ngI nkcolour samples

Pri ntDevelopment

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Tensi onchanges

ColourStri pes

Kni tSamples


Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017


Burberry’ srecentcollect i onwasi nspi redbyt heworkofart i stHenry Moore.Hi ssculpt ures,obj ect sandi llust rat i onsi nfluencedt hecreat i on Burberry’ si nspi ri ng oft heexhi bi t onandweredi splayedalongsi det hegarment s.i twas si lhouettes. Bomberj acket amazi ngt oseet herelat i onshi pbet weent hedesi gnersi nspi rat i onand i dea. t hei rfi nalout come. Thi sresearchshowedmehow t ousemysubj ectt o creat edesi gnsandt oi nfluenceaspect ssuchas;si lhouet t eandshape, fabri candmat eri als.


ChunkyKni t St reetSt yleprovi des greati nspi rat i onformy researchfi rst lybecause i tgi vesmeani deaof currentt rendandnew st yles.Secondlyit hi nki t relat eswellwi t hmy t hemeasSki nheadfashi on wast heccreat i onofa subcut lure,somet hi ng t hatwasseenmoreont he st reetwornbyt he everydaypersont hanon runwaysi nt hefashi on i ndust i res.Ialsousedt hi s researchasanopert uni t y t oi nvest i gat ewhet herkey aspect sandgarment sof t hecult urearest i ll prevalenti nmodern fashi on.

Wi de Sleeves

oversi zed layers

Eart hy colours

Mi li t aryst yle t rousers

BomberJ acket



oversi zed

SOULLANDERI KDI STRESSEDJEAN £109 •100% Cotton •Di stressedDecorati on •Sli m,TaperedLeg •Whi teSelvedgeDetai l Badgesand •5PocketSetUp embroi dery •ButtonDownFly

A. P. C.PETI TNEW STANDARDJEAN £165 •JapaneseSelvedgeDeni m •Sli ghtlySli mFi t •EngravedButtonDetai l •ButtonFly

LEVI ' SVI NTAGECLOTHI NG1947501JEAN £239 •100% Cotton •ConeMi llsRedSelvedgeDeni m •TwoHorseLeatherWai stPatch •ButtonFly •Authenti cWornI nDetai li ng

Di st ressed,ri ps

WTAPSBLUESVERYSKI NNYTRASH JEAN £425 •Heavi lyDi stressedCottonDeni m •Sli mLegCut •SlashedThi ghs •ExposedContrasti ngPatchesToKnee pFly •Zi •Si xPocketConstructi onWi thTwoCoi nPockets



Oversi zedhem

TOMMYJ EANS £110 •Exposedbut t onandconcealedzi pfly fast eni ngatfront •Momfi t ,t apered,hi ghri se,beltloops,faded wash,fi vepocket s,brandedhardware, embroi deredbrandi ngatcoi npocket ,vshaped yokeatback,brandedpat chatbackwai st band •100% cot t on

GOODAMERI CAN £175. 00 •GoodAmeri canst ret chdeni mj eans •Exposedbut t onandconcealedzi pfly fast eni ngatfront •Ski nny,hi ghri se,fadedwashand whi skeri ng,cont rastst i t chi ng,beltloops, fi vepocket s,si lvert onedhardware, di st resseddet ai latfront ,crossloopsat cent reback,vshapedyokeatback,frayed cuffs •91. 5% cot t on,6% polyest er,2. 5% elast ane

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

AG TheSloanst rai ghthi ghri sej eans £235. 00 •AGJ eansdeni mj eans •Exposedbut t onandconcealedzi pflyfasteni ng atfront •St rai ght ,cropped,hi ghri se,beltloops,faded wash,di st ressed,fi vepocket s,brandi ngatcoi n pocketandback,vshapedyokeatback,frayedhem •100% cot t on

KeyGarmentResearch-Deni mJ eans

Zi pFasteni ng

ButtonFasteni ng Oversi zi ng


Deni mj eansDetai ls TopSti chi ng

Ski nnyJeans? MomJeans? Low Ri seJeans? Boyfri end? bootcut? strai ghtleg? cropj eans? patchworkJeans? Ri ppedJeans? Embroi deredJeans?

Ri psanddi stresseddetai ls

Raw Edge

Ri ppedand di stressed

Embroi dery

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Desi gnDevelopment

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Desi gnDevelopment

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Women’ sLook1

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Women’ sLook2

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Women’ sLook3

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Women’ sLook4

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Fi nalwomen’ swearLi neup

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

Women’ sRangePlan

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

FlatI llustrati ons

Beauti fulSki nSpri ng/Summer2017

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