MEANERTHANA SCRAPVARD ATSATIAN The Superchipped FiestaRSTurboTested hoosh! Roll on the power and this little machine whooses towards the horizon like a whippet on the scent of a jackrabbit. Quick to the point of obscenity the Radiant Red Fiesta Tirrbo has been built up to see just how far this particular model can be taken, and is the baby of Detection Techniques of Buckingham. As might be expected the car's new-foundpower levels have been achieved essentiallyby electronic means, one of DT.'s interface units being at the heart of the rnattâ‚Źr; this overrides the original fuel and ignition maps provided by Ford's EECIV microprocesso! and also removes the predetermined maximum boost level of the T.O2-turbocharged 1600cc engine. This allows the engine toproduce amean maximum brake horsepower output of 165 b.h.p. , againof some thirty two horses - in turn sufficient to shave almost a second andahalf from the 0-60 dash time, and to raise the in-gear performance by a similar level. But 165 brake horsepower, impressive as it undoubtedty is when making its way through to tarmac, was not enough for Detection Techniques; they felt that there was more power still unreleased from the engine, and so set out to look for it. Although their Power Module (as the interface and override unit is known) eliminates the Fordmaximum
boost cut-out, the amount of pressure which the engine will develop is effectively limited by the amount of fuel which can be delivered - boost tends to peak out at about 12 lbs per square inch, andatsix thousand revs has tailed off to eight or ninepounds. By replacing the standard set of fuel injectors with abigger quartet, and then remapping the power Module to match the amended requirements of their feed programme, it proved possible to raise the stakes substantially - peak pressure from the modified induction system is now sixteenpounds, with a nett 14 lbs p.s.i. being measured at 6,000 r.p.m. A specially developed performance camshaft was also added to this particular package. A power run on their in-house rolling road dyno proved that they were correct inpursuing that p^th, because peak power had risen to 185 brake horsepower - and that was with an in-built maximum boost level of l4lbs p.s.i., dialled into the system to ensure that intake charge temperatures remained under control because the restrictive nature of the standard car's exhaust system tends to result in raised underbonnet temperatufes when boost is raised to a further level. To spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar is not Detection
Techniques' style, so they decided to replace the standard exhaust with a substantially sized (3" diameter bore) stainless steel exhaust system which will allow the car to reach its potential sixteenpounds of boost - adequate to take the final horsepower figure up another notch to close on two hundred. Of greater importance than the peak horsepower figures of the various levels of tune (described as Phase 0, Phase 1 and Phase 1+ ) is the corresponding torque curve which becomes avallable with each stage of tune. As with the original Fordproduct this is essentialiv geared towards driveability, and effectively forms aplateaufrom about 2,5OOr.p.m. to 5,000 r.p.m. Whereas the standarf, car peaked at just below 130 tb/ft when DT. ran theiar up on their dyno, the Phase 0 touched TTOlblft and the Phase 1 peaked ^t2OO lb/ft. Or putting it another way, the diminuitive red machine's engine is capable of producing as much torque as the standard big-wing Cosworth made ... The torque gains enhance driveability by an appreciable amount, but the ultimate gains in engine smoothness are achieved by the revised programme written into the Power Module; this aspect of the module is effectively the same as that of their driveability module which we are long-term testing on our Sierra XF.4x4 (feature P.F.November 1991) in that it smooths out the behaviour of EEC-I{ eliminating the light-throttle surging, the on-off-on throttle ierkiness, and the fuel overrun shut-off. To ensure that the rest of the car was up to handling such gargantuan amounts of power Detection Techniques have put together apackage of special springs and dampers which lower the car by an inch and which offer a full range of damper adjustment. A Thr.Ox 12-groove braking system
Lowered ride height is achieved by a specially developed set of coil springs controlled by adj ustable gas-filled dampers.
has been installed on the nose of the clr, and there is an uprated clutch assembly inplace to counter slip when the wick is turned up.
pipe) rewards the driver with an immediate increase in speed and gives the impression that this little lady has akeady hitched up her skirts and is ready to run.
The standard Fiesta RS Turbo is known for a degree of wheelspin when the road surface is damp, and it follows that this uprated machine is no different; although the handling has been sharpened up from the original settings there is no change to the lower front strut links, and it is these which battle to provide traction. And the roads were wet when we first made our acquaintance with the Detection Techniques Fiesta ...
The wet roads disappeared behind us as we headed north, and there was abrief opportunity to exploit the accelerative potential of the RS prior to our proper test session booked for the following day. In Phase 0 form the acceleration was scintillating, the virtual absence of lag and the impressive tofque cufve combining to ensure that forward motion was as swift as might be expecte d of a car with apower-weight ratio of as near as dammit a hundred and eighty horsepower to the ton. Progress is smooth and even - deceptively so - and the impression is of a larger engine livingbeneath the louvred red bonnet than its actual 1598cc size.
Fortunately, there is abutton thoughtfullyprovided on the side on the steering column (in the space designated for the choke control on lesser festers) which is able to offer a choice between Phase 0 and Phase I power levels. Only a fool would try to drive this car inits higher level of power when the roads arc anything other than dry. We selected the Phase 0 setting and headed for home territory. Because meaningful amounts of torque are being developed from a little over two thousand revs and are still there as the engine approaches its redline, there is no need to wind on vast amounts of throttle to make reasonable progress, yet even driven with a delicate touch the car is recognisably more rapid thanastandard example of the breed The slightest additionalpressure brought to bear on the loudpedal (an appropriate name, giventhe rumbli and thâ‚Źn roar which emits from the drainpipe-sized exhaust
When the opportunity arose topress the switch and change over to Phase 1 we seized it - and within a matter of moments named the switch the afterburne! because the effect was just like that experienced in a fighter aircruft when the standard jet engines are overboosted by the addition of an extra dose of fuel at the back of the primxy exhaust system. Exhilarating, exciting and indecently fast, the car rushes forward in a manner which embarrasses Porsche 9ll Carrera 2s (ask our Ed; he knows, because he was there), but then it does have a power-weight ratio which is on the far side of 210 b.h.p./ton. In coldfigures, with a good launch on dry t^rmac, the straightline acceleration is awesome, with sixty going by in ablur on
the underside of six seconds, andahundred being reached in a mere 13.2 seconds.
miles an hour
"The caf is, of coufse,a hooligan in a bright red suit." \fith that sort of performance the car is, of course, a hooligan in a bright red suit. If it is a whippet on the stfaights, it becomes meanef thanascrapyard alsatian when devouring bends. The steering is arm-wrenchingly heavy at parking speeds, and even when running with the angels it never becomes light; the castor action is forever trying to tug the front wheels back into the straight-ahead position, and like the scrapman's alsatian the car needs to be kept under afirmgrip or it will bite the hands that feed the wheel. Understeer can make itself apparent when trying a little too hard on the bends, but for the most part the car is poised in a neutral stance when dealing with deviations from the straight and narrow. However, lifting off the power in mid bend will elicit a sharp and sudden sidewards snatch from the rear axle. This needs catching quickly by simultaneously applying a touch of opposite lock and a dose of power if a disastrous conclusion is to be avoided. The standard Fiesta Turbo has precious little body roll in its behaviour pattern and the Detection Techniques car has less still; the car corners flatIy and evenly, andthe 185155 Because the management system modifications are the only identifiable change, the underbonnet looks like any other RS Fiesta's.
Pirelli covers do a manly job of keeping contact with the road rushing beneath them. Ride quality has not suffered unduly at the expense of the handling uprates - potholes are felt with aiolt, but as a generalisation the ride is smooth and jx-fuee. Rough road surfaces, however, bring out a downside to the car's suspension system, in that when the afterburner is engaged and indecent speeds are being attained, the car becomes rather skittish. The motto is to save the heroics for smooth surfaces, and to proceed with caution on the jiggly bits. The package adds up to a car forall reasons. When the traffic is heavy the machine behaves in as civilised a manner as any standard example of the RS Fiesta, yet when conditions allow it can cut loose and leave the rest of the pack behind, even with the power-control switch on its lower setting. When the afterburner is switched into ptay performance hits a level which almost defies the laws of physics. It is also tremendous fun to drive - and in times of increasingly homogenised production cars that too is worth a lot. The car has left a lasting impression on us. If you would like to know more about what they can do for your Fiesta RS Ttrrbo, contact Detection Techniques at Department p.F., Buckingham Industrial Park, Buckingham MK18 1XJ. Telephone: 0280 816781. a
Weuould like to tbank First Leisure plcfor their assistance in prouiding aphotograpbic locationfor tbisfeature car was shot outside tbe Grand Central Leisure Complex in beautiful doutntooun Stockport. o