Alex Ma ARC 107 Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

Alex Ma Fall 2022
i Preface ii Project 01 - Sequential Experience iii Exercise 02 - Mapping Space iv Exercise 01 - The Animate Inanimate v Exercise 03 - Form vi Photography 2 1 12 14 16 18

This portfolio, is a collection of design works that I have done over the course of the first semester studio at Syracuse Uni versity School of Architecture, ARC 107.

Exercise 01, 02, 03 and project 01 are led by my studio professor, Iman Fayyad, whom have guided me through out the designs and the produc tion of all the work from this course.

This portfolio also includes some of the photography work that I have done due to my interest.

Preface 1

Project 01 involves the designing of pavil ion that exhibits various kinds of objects.

The whole pavilion was inspired and made accordingly to the sculptures by Barbara Hepworth, which were the ones that formed from the carving of space(s) within the wood and along the usage of strings to create this space within the space itself. Because of this, I wanted to make something that uses string and bris tal throughout the six pavilion but having different kinds of spaces at the same time. This means that even they have basically the same materials, they were made dif ferently to showcase different sculptures.

The photo on the right illstrates the pavilion in a wholistic view.

Project 01Sequential Experience


The photos on the previous two pag es are details of the pavilion, showing the path created from the strings and the tension formed from both the pa per and the string. This also shows how the six spaces are different from each other but with the similar techniques

The four sets of photos on the right ill strates the study models made prior to the designing and production of the site for the whole pavilion. The one on at the most right was chosen due to how much it can be changed based on where the string was placed and the tension placed on the string given how the paper is plac es at the same position for each space.

Study Models

Project 01 Diagrams
Site Plan 10
+8’ +10’ Site Section 11

Exercise 02 involves the designing of a cube fromed from one line on a piece of paper with nine connected squares. Some parts of the paper had been cutten out from the lined drawn on the paper, and folded to form the outer most surface of the cube. Volumes or planes were add ed to the cube to form two dom inant voids within the cube itself.

Exercise 02Mapping Space

Cube 13
(Photos taken by Hector Yu)

Exercise 01 involves the drawing of the elevations, section and the dis section of the chosen objects and these figures were turned into anima tion drawings during later processes.

Exercise 01The Animate Inanimate

Dissection Drawing

Exercise 03 started with the develop ment of 2-dimensional collage, which were turned 3-dimensional models. These models later became section drawings that later became objects that were designed digitally to form various shapes and even functions that varied from one to another.

Exercise 03 -

Exercise 03 D - Reinterpreted Form 17

This section marks some of the pho topraghs that I have taken starting from mid-November of 2021. I found pho tography appealing to me as I would walk alone to all the places that I have been to and taking photos of things that I’ve seen.


Location: World Trade Center

Time: Nov. 20, 2022

This Photo was taken by using Sony Alpha 7 Mark iv + 24-105 G Lens


Photos on the Page 20 - 23

Location: Shanghai Time: Summer of 2022

This Photo was taken by using Canon EOS 5D Mark i + 24-105 Lens


Photos on the Page 24 - 25


Time: Summer of 2022 This Photo was taken by using Canon EOS 5 + 24-105 Lens (Film)

Syracuse University School of Architecture

Alex Ma

Fall 2022

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