Resume Oct 2020

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City of Philadelphia – Department of Planning and Development – Division of Planning and Zoning Art and Urban Design Division – City Planner III (UD) January 2015 – Current + City Planner II (UD) January 2014 – January 2015 Urban Design Regulatory Review Management • Civic Design Review and Complete Streets Coordination • Supervise the preparation of Civic Design Review (CDR) meetings, coordinate the work of city planning staff, developers, architects, community groups (RCOs), City Council offices, and other city agencies • Organize, assign, and prepare recommendations and present findings to Civic Design Review Committee and Planning Commission in public meetings for large-scale building projects • Review and guide the physical and environmental development of the city through sound urban design principles and compliance with citywide policy initiatives including the City’s Comprehensive and District Plans, PCPC regulations, and Philadelphia Zoning Code • Oversee and advise recommendations of other city agencies for large-scale building projects’ public spaces and streets, review for adherence to the City’s Complete Street, Vision Zero and citywide mobility policies and reports

• Neighborhood Conservation Overlay (NCO), Façade / Garage Elevation, Art Commission and Public Space Reviews

• Supervise, manage, and coordinate seven regulatory review processes, with the goal of improving and enhancing the public realm of city neighborhoods, prominent streets and the built environment • Analyze, comment, and approve zoning and building permits, work with supervisors, other city agencies and community groups; review for conformity to zoning controls, development controls, and design guidelines for specific development parcels and special districts; review site plans, building elevations, streetscapes and landscape designs • Review, evaluate, and approve applications for new construction and renovations of buildings in several neighborhoods or zoning districts that must meet certain design standards to maintain the surrounding neighborhoods’ physical traits • Prepare recommendations and formulate solutions for streetscapes, plazas, parks, and other civic / public spaces - review oversees landscape elements, lighting, adjacent land uses, transportation linkages, signage and public art as part of the City’s Public Space Bonus, Art Commission or Sign Committee review processes

Urban Design Project Management • Broad, Germantown and Erie KaBOOM! Play Everywhere Philly Grant – Butler Triangle Plaza Enhancement Project Supervise team of four internal city and transportation planners and manage supervision of design firm consultant Lead staff meetings, prepare project work assignments and review project process with City Planning Senior Staff Secured and oversee project budget of approximately $130,000 in funding from non-profit and public entities Manage and coordinate project timeline - prepare grant agreements, direct purchase orders, review and implement design Oversee and schedule community and stakeholder engagement and participation programs with other city agencies, neighborhood groups, Mayor’s Office, and two City Council Offices and the BGE Task Force • Develop and prepare sketch renderings, illustrating proposed urban design programming and placemaking strategies • • • • •

• Frankford Avenue Corridor Multimodal Study • Supervise team of two internal city planners and manage five staff members of the regional planning agency consultant (DVRPC) for three-year corridor planning study • Advise and oversee internal and external stakeholder meetings, manage project work plan, generate monthly program reports • Manage coordination with sister agencies and consultant to analyze existing / proposed conditions along street • Facilitate reviews and direct implementation actions for safety and predictability improvements, focusing on Vision Zero strategies, zoning and development controls, and future work via public request for proposals (RFP). • Project examines opportunities to improve public realm, looking to slow vehicular traffic, improve walkability, and enhance safety for all corridor users along the city’s most prominent Northeast commercial street (Frankford Avenue)

• Citywide COVID Task Force and NACTO Pandemic Response and Recovery Grant • Co-project manager for DPD for Citywide COVID Task Force; TF consists of 60+ city employees from 9+ agencies • Advise and implement new policies and design guidelines, adhering to Federal, State, and Local health requirements for •

small business and restaurants, enabling use of public streets for outdoor retail, commerce, and dining Urban Design lead on NACTO Grant (City is one of ten national recipients of $25,000 grant) – focusing on Equity in Street Uses during COVID. Grant supports local businesses in underserved and majority minority communities of color

• Urban Design Division Project Manager: Lower Southwest + West District Plans

• Advise team of six community planners on design of public realm, in line with Department’s long-term, citywide visions • Create conceptual designs and sketch illustrations / renderings for District Plan Focus Areas, for individual development sites, redevelopment areas or public spaces. Supervise conceptual design recommendations on future land uses, zoning controls, development standards, transportation connections, and capital program projects • Initiate / manage plan implementation; coordinate efforts with municipal/state agencies, private stakeholders, and residents • Facilitate public meetings & charrettes; provide outreach, policy documents, project manage design and planning consultants

• City of Philadelphia Trail Master Plan, Vision Zero Action Plan, Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan Progress Report • Design and coordinate public facing documents identifying strategies / recommendations to increase walking and bicycling in the City by improving the safety, connectivity, convenience, and attractiveness of streets, bicycle routes, sidewalks and trails • Work with various city agencies to plan, prioritize, update, and implement safety, multimodal trail and bike/pedestrian initiatives recommended within citywide plans and current administration policies • Help coordinate public outreach and participation, design charettes, and create construction and maintenance schedules

• Philadelphia City Planning Commission Philadelphia2035 Annual Progress Report

• Manage, design, and create graphic-focused Philadelphia City Planning Commission Philadelphia2035 Progress Report • Assign project tasks to 12 planners - providing graphic, research, and policy guidance • Publicly present and distribute report for both internal and external stakeholders, communities, and City Council



Floura Teeter Landscape Architects, Inc. – Urban Designer + Landscape Designer – Baltimore, MD July 2012 – January 2014

• Project Landscape Supervisor: Hollywood Gateway Neighborhood Park (College Park, MD) • Lead site analysis, concept programming, and park design into construction documentation phasing • Lead public outreach and community presentations, produced graphic documentation and project renderings

• Project Landscape Designer: Red Line Metrorail: Art-In-Transit Urban Design Report

• Advise site analysis and art programming for transit stations for proposed Baltimore Red Line Metrorail • Manage and present Strategies Report focusing on recommended approaches for transit station public art • Research agency transit master plans, grant funded art and infrastructure case studies, and cycle-transit corridor projects

• Project Landscape Designer: Horseshoe Casino Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) • Manage entertainment district master plan including pedestrian and transit connections, landscape proposals • Lead construction documentation process, graphic design, and rendering tasks; developed documentation for UDARP review

Land Concepts Group – Urban Designer + Landscape Supervisor – Blue Bell, PA July 2010 – July 2012 (Intern from July 2010 - August 2010 / Full time Employee December 2011 - July 2012)

• Project Supervisor: The Angus Tract Trail at Erdenheim Farm (Lafayette Hill, PA)

• Recreational trails and open space master plan; site and programming schematic design; educational and wayfinding signage fabrication; trail construction documentation; construction administration, public outreach

• Project Manager: Mount Saint Joseph’s Academy Campus Plan (Flourtown, PA) • Schematic design of campus plan; land use review in coordination with local municipalities and school district, prepared zoning permit applications and monthly public presentations


The Pennsylvania State University Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Honors Distinction (Accredited by LAAB) University Park, PA – 2007 to 2011 [GPA: 3.80/4.00] • Focus: Urban Design and City Planning, Semester Design Studios in metropolitan and regional centers – Toronto, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia.

The Pantheon Institute: Sede di Roma Rome City Planning and Urban Studies - Undergraduate Student (4th year, Spring Semester) Rome, Italy – Spring 2011 [GPA: 3.78/4.00] • Focus: Historical and contemporary urban planning studies; historic preservation; streetscape and right-of-way design Best practice planning/transit study trips to London, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Paris, Venice, Cinque Terre, and Florence

The Pennsylvania State University World Campus - Tanzania Service Learning and Conservation Planning - Undergraduate Student (3rd year, Summer Semester) Udzungwa, Tanzania – Summer 2010 [GPA: 4.00/4.00] • Focus: Field-study patterns of sustainability, resource use, community needs, energy alternatives through planning, minimizing pressures on local resources; mapping + surveying of existing communities + structures; land use programming




+ City Planning & Urban Design Guest Lecturer: Temple and Drexel Universities – Philadelphia, PA, January 2016 – June 2019 + Philly Real Estate Week Presenter: City of Philadelphia – The Future of Philadelphia – Philadelphia, PA, June 2018 + Citizens Planning Institute (CPI) Instructor: City of Philadelphia – Showcasing Your Ideas – Philadelphia, PA, June 2016 + PHS / PHL Design Competition – Image Maker Design Competition Advisory Council – Philadelphia, PA, June 2016 – May 2018 + Fairmount Civic Association – Neighborhood Outreach and Design Volunteer – Philadelphia, PA, May 2016 – February 2019 + APA + Penn State Alumni Mentorship Programs – Planning + Landscape Architecture – Philadelphia, PA, June 2012 – Current + Old City Green – Neighborhood Outreach and Design Member + Volunteer – Philadelphia, PA, May 2014 – September 2016 + Storefront Improvement Program – City of Philadelphia Commerce – Design Review Board – Philadelphia, January 2014 – January 2016 + Blue Water Baltimore – Landscape Design Representative + Laborer – Baltimore, MD, March 2013 – October 2013

+ 2019 NACTO Designing Cities Conference Representative (PCPC) + 2016 National Planning Excellence Award for a Planning Agency (PCPC) + 2014 USGBC Maryland Leadership Project Award (FTLA) + 2014 ASLA Maryland Honor Award for ICC/MD 200 (FTLA) + 2011 Waterfront Toronto Design Award + 2011 4th Year Landscape Architecture Design Excellence Award + 2011 Golumbic Scholarship Award: General Design (Finalist)

C. Beige Berryman, AICP Art and Urban Design Manager, Department of Planning and Development 215-370-1289

+ 2014 - Current: American Planning Association Member (APA) + 2012 - Current: Penn State University Alumni Association + 2012 - 2014: USGBC [National and Delaware Valley Chapters] + 2009 - 2012: PSU Comm. and Marketing Task Force Committee + 2008 - 2011: National Society of Collegiate Scholars [PSU Chapter] + 2007 - 2011: American Society of Landscape Architects [Student] + 2007 - 2011: Landscape Architecture Student Society [PSU Chapter]

R. David Schaaf, RA Former Director of Urban Design, Department of Planning and Development 267-615-7096

Richard Collier, FAICP Principal of Planning Land Concepts Group 215.646.2031

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