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CREATIVE MINDS Alex Slippens Design Context

CREATIVE MINDS The name ‘creative minds’ comes from what really inspires me and my work. The work that I have featured in this publication are very ideas focused and conceptually based which have been shaped into a great a creative product. My main focus within graphic design is branding and identity and advertising. But any graphic design will most defiantly catch my eye.

DESIGN STUDIOS I have been looking at many different studios over the last year but two have constantly been a in the forefront of my practice and context.

I went to MeStudio studio in Amsterdam last September. An Idepentand studio run by Martins. His studio is in the centre of Amsterdam As I was heading to the meeting, I recognised his ballet posters (on the right) at all the train stations on the way down. This was the first time I recongiesed the commercail value of graphic design and made me want to see my own work on the out in the real world. He had a small studio which was filled with work from posters to branding. He came across as a ‘creative mind’ in the way he presented himself and his work. His work has deffinatly shaped my work in the last year when it come to thinking out side the box and taking a different approach.

The Dutch National Ballet 50 years posters by MeStuio. The dramtic black and white photography and the modern typefae gives the dutch ballet a more update and modern atmosphere.

These posters are great, the creative idea to illustrate into the sugar is expirenmental production.

The great thing that I find with the work from Me Studio are the diverse range the materials and work by hand and then bring the computer after. These typrogaphy posters have been made using pins and string.

Design Bridge has three office, one in London, another in Amsterdam and a third in Singapore. This branding design agency works with world wide clients. Their creative branding work ranges from drinks and catering to paint dulux packaging.

BRANDING & IDENTITY This is where my main area of work is focused. Many things have drawn me to this area of design over the last few years. Its the effect that good rebrand can have on a product or service has so much value to a business and right now in the current ecomonic client. Busieness are looking for creative way in which to make their buiness grow. What also attracts me to create identities for companies is the many different way you can use design and imagery to comuncate with a person through visual media. The following section of this publication looks at a range of idenities that Inspired me to create well comunicated brands.

Victora / Branding / Agency, SomeOne. The rebrand to Victoria in London aim is refresh the the local area which is huge hub for tourist coming to London by train and coach from Europe. The identity is based on the articeture of the recent construction work on the station. A Metropolian attuide come through thick and confident type. Bold an Vivid colours, adds a cosmopolitan dimension across the range such as the wall artwork and publications.

Huge Arnold / Branding / Agency, Franki&Jonny. Huge Arnold a food writer, Identity. What was meant to be just a website was turned into a full range. Not the largest project by Franki&Jonny, but I think that the conceptual logo comunicates a message that is clear.

‘a one man brand’

Frog Sim Card / Branding / Agency, Bunch. The face of this new identity for a cross boarder sim card named ‘Frogg’. Its a youthful identity which to connotes a sense of fun and sharing. The flow of ink arcoss the identities product range is a good conceptual refference to the idea of cross boarder information flowing from one place to another.

Palace Theatre / Branding / Designer, Cody Petts. Cody is a US Design Student in Wisconsin, he has create a really nice set of product for a local cinema. But what really make this project stand out to me is the way Cody have presented the breif. The context that his work is photographed in fits well with the feel of the idenity of a classic theatre.

The Motel / Branding / Designer, Otto Climan. A very stylish identity for a independent motel, the print production using a bold black across two colour earthtoes paper give this identity a vintage feel. A well designed range like this really stands out amoung a cluttered visual market in the hotel sector. Its a fresh of breath in contrast to more commericalised brands because of the simple print production and welcoming vintage logo.

Silver Fem Farms / Branding / Designer, Matt Hammond. A New Zeland Designer, Matt Hammond has establish a bluckly idenitity for a Meat Farm and Resturant. Print on wood is a great stock to use to comunicate an idea of Meat.

Rhino Tiger Bear / Branding / Designer, Jimmy Gleeson A beautifully designed Idenitity for an Austrailian Vine Yard and Bar called ‘Rhino, Tiger, Bear’. The three aniamls represents a wines or cider. Idenfiting them with strong well contrasting colours which are spread arcoss the brand.

APOTEK / Branding / Agency, BVD An identity and brand for a Swedish pharmacy chain. BVD have created a fittting identity that clean uncomplex graphially, the brand also has a transpartent and apporachable tone.

Matrix / Branding / Agency, Studio Small Branding an Urban Design comapany called Matrix. Studio Small have created a mordern front, to me the logo has remences of a architecture floor plan. The logo is spread acorss printed products with different qauilty finshes such as varshing.

Sellar / Branding / Designer, Campbell Hay A Corporate Idenity and print for Sellar a larger property delveopment agency based in London. The clean & structure identity shows stablity and a repsectable image.

A CONCEPT My work is very much fuelled by concepts and Ideas, the following section of this publication takes a look at work which have underling fantastic concept. The work ranges from simple imagery to full print promotion but behind each range of visuals the concepts are clear and well excuted.

Japan Tribute / Concept / Image / Agency, Just Creative The Japan tribute mark after the earthquake in 2011. This Graphic image was personal tribute by Jacob Cass which was picked up on the internet and became a symbol of respect and compasion. The conceptual minal design creates a very emotion image will alot of impact. A single mark of the tear drop brings an interesting juxtaposition as a flag is a proud symbol of a countries strength, but yet the single tear mark add a deep sense of sadness. In this image the red has sutle second diemesion as in not only the obvious link to Japan but also the country was in need of aid from countries as red is worldwide symbol of aid.

PowerPoint / Concept Exhibtion / Michael Riedel A very graphic from and artist aprroch in this PowerPoint exhibition, it explores a paused expression of digtial distribtuion, the striking of bold accumulation of information has been design around the space has become a feature of the artwork.

Mangoola Coal / Concept Invitation / Agency, End of Work Well crafted invitations by End of Work. Design for a mangoola Coal Function, the coal black stock against the pure white gives a sense of a clean smart ocassion in contrast to the nature of the industry.

Audi / Concept Advertisement / Agency, Vasava A advertisment for Audi has been cleverly produced by Vasava. Many advertisment of cars are usally very simpliar in that the way they are film. Vasva have replicated this but using toy cars to create a fast, dynamic view of Audi 3 cars in age order.

SFDW / Concept / Art Direction / Agency, Manual The San Fransico Design Week visualizes San Francisco’s diverse design community. Manua have explored the idea of design as an ongoing process of exploration, inspiration, and application of technique.

ProWildlife / Concept Advertisement / Agency, RAP The concept behind these advertisment to promote conservation is a very creative approach to comunicating the message. It has a charming appeal along with the impact of the tagline ‘Their life is in your hands’. I works very well hand many onlookers would most deffinatly take the message away with after seeing these ads.

Vintage / Concept Promotion / Agency, Lg2 Boutique Created for a show by Gregory Charles. The different array of sun glasses create a 3D promotion. The contrast between the bold vivid products against the faces is effective to connect with a the target audience. The Identity comes acorss as cool and contempary.

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