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Prime Ventures

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NPM Capital

Prime Ventures investeert in bedrijven in technologie en gerelateerde sectoren die de potentie hebben om snel te groeien. Het bedrijf heeft kantoren in Amsterdam en Cambridge (VK). Prime Ventures investeert €10 tot €35 miljoen over verschillende investeringsrondes. Portfoliobedrijven moeten internationale ambities hebben. Zij kunnen gebruik maken van een uitgebreid internationaal netwerk om die ambities waar te maken. In het huidig portfolio zitten toonaangevende bedrijven zoals Almotive, Tripaneer, iwoca, ZeroLight, CybelAngel, Creative Group, SlimPay, Holidu, Eatstreet, Meero, Blueground en TerraPay.

Facts & Figures


Bedrijf Hoofdkantoor Website Telefoonnummer Actief in Managing Partner(s) Medewerkers Actieve fondsen Enterprise value portfoliobedrijven Aantal bedrijven in portfolio Aantal acquisities 2019 & 2020 Exits 2019 & 2020 Investeringsfocus Investeringstermijn Sectorfocus Average equity ticket Investments (op volgorde van laatst aangekochte) Prime Ventures Museumplein 5A, 1071 DJ Amsterdam www.primeventures.com +31 (0)20 205 0820 Europe, Offices in Amsterdam en Cambridge Joost Holleman, Sake Bosch 12 5 N/A 21 4 2 Europe, growth stage, technology driven companies 5 jaar Software, Consumer, Hightech €10-35 miljoen TerraPay, Blueground, CybelAngel, BLueground, Holidu, Meero, Creative Group, Leavy, AIMotive, Tripaneer, iwoca, Eatstreet, Zappistore, SlimPay, Forcare, Pagantis, Falcon Social, Bright Computing, AppLift, Zerolight, Takeaway.com, Mendix

Joost Holleman

Managing Partner +31 (0)20 205 0820 joost@primeventures.com

Founder, Managing Partner +31 (0)20 205 0820 sake@primeventures.com Joost Holleman joined in 2009 and is responsible for the operations of Prime Ventures, including fundraising and investor relations. Before his time at Prime Ventures Joost was with AlpInvest Partners in Amsterdam, one of the leading independent investors in private equity funds in the world (€35 billion under management). Before his time at AlpInvest he was a senior consultant at PwC in the area of strategy and organizational design (19972001). Preceding that period he was research fellow at Leiden University.

Sake Bosch

Sake Bosch is a founder and managing partner of Prime Ventures. Sake brings over 25 years of experience in venture capital to Prime. Prior to founding Prime in 1999, he was a senior principal at Holland Venture and was responsible for managing investments in technology companies. He serves on the board of directors of Civolution, Meero, Pagantis and SlimPay. Previous investments include Takeaway.com, Global Collect and Forcare.

Monish Suri

Partner +44 (0)122 345 1294 monish@primeventures.com

Pieter Welten

Partner +31 (0)20 205 0820 pieter@primeventures.com

Nick Kalliagkopoulos

Principal +31 (0)20 205 0820 nick@primeventures.com

Thijs Emondts

Principal +31 (0)20 205 0820 thijs@primeventures.com

Margaret Perchik

Associate +31 (0)20 205 0820 margaret@primeventures.com Monish Suri is a partner at Prime Ventures, which he joined in 2001. He brings over 25 years of international experience in sales, management and venture capital to Prime. Based in the UK office, Monish currently serves on the board of directors of Intrinsic-ID, Palringo, Pulsic, ZappiStore and ZeroLight. Previous investments include Cint, acquired by Nordic Capital.

Pieter Welten is a partner who joined Prime Ventures in 2013. Before joining Prime, he worked at LSG Holdings, a corporate finance and private equity boutique based in London. Pieter was involved in the investments and acquisition of several industrial companies in the UK and internationally. He currently serves on the board of iwoca, EatStreet, Tripaneer, Creative Group, TerraPay and CybelAngel.

Nick Kalliagkopoulos joined Prime Ventures as an associate in 2015. Before joining Prime, he worked at the Randstad Innovation Fund, the corporate venture capital fund of the Randstad group investing in early stage technology companies. Nick started his career as an investment analyst at Dutch Expansion Capital. He has been involved in Prime’s investments in Zappistore and Tripaneer. Nick currently serves on the board of AImotive, Blueground, Bright Computing and holidu.

Thijs Emondts is a principal who joined Prime Ventures in 2019. Before that, Thijs was at Uber, where he was general manager for the Rides business in the Benelux region, one of Uber’s priority markets in EMEA. Thijs started his career in Investment Banking and spent 6 years at Credit Suisse, where he was involved in M&A and Capital Market transactions with a focus on Tech, Capital Goods and Private Equity. He has been involved in Prime’s investment in CybelAngel.

Margaret Perchik joined Prime Ventures in 2017 as an associate. Prior to joining Prime, she worked at MMC Ventures, a London-based venture capital fund, evaluating technology investment opportunities across the UK. Margaret has worked on several investments across enterprise software, marketplaces, fintech and e-commerce, including Prime’s investments in Meero, holidu, Blueground and CybelAngel.

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