Alex West Junior Portfolio

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Junior Portfolio / 2019


DESIGN Vetrax Application ADAA Website Rebrand

Vetrax Application Redesign

This project challenged groups of designers to tackle the user interface of the Vetrax application. This application was designed to monitor the way your pet behaves to provide owners with a more comprehensive sense of their dog’s daily activity. The following rebrand of the application was intended to create a more simple system of navigation; focusing on icons and simplification of the interface.

ADAA Website Rebrand

ADAA focuses on college students struggling with depression and anxiety and provides a link to information and help for each individual. Redesigned to easily access information and help yourself, this website provides users with a self-assessment that will ultimately lead them to professional help and educational opportunities.

Website Identity Helvetica Neue


AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMm NnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz

Assessment Icons

Permanent Icons

1800 273 TALK

Ho often do you cook a How healthy e meal for yourself or others? Never






DING The Raven Bookstore Jungle House Goods

Raven Bookstore Rebrand

The Raven is an independent bookstore specializing in literary fiction, mystery, and regional books. I embraced wooden typography and it’s texture for the expansion of my brand to pay respect to the printing processes and it’s relationship within literature.

Exterior Design


Jungle House Goods

Jungle House is a Lawrence-based exotic plant nursery.Jungle House provide a welcoming environment that educates and advocates for exotic plants and their well-being. We work everyday to show our Lawrence community how important and impactful plants can be for a space and for people.


OGRAPHY Film Iconography

Film Iconography

Symbols are a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process. Symbols are a fundamental part of visual communication as a whole. Representing processes, objects or ideas even when they are abstract is the fundamental challenge of brand and logo design. Film - A film, also called a movie, motion picture, theatrical film, or photoplay, is a series of still images that, when shown on a screen, create the illusion of moving images. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed in rapid succession. The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.


TION Je Suis

Je Suis Publication

Using a strict grid and focusing on the treatment of text and photography, this project was to create a magazine surrounding the words of essayist Susan Sontag and highlighting on the work of photographers Richard Avedon and Craig Mcdean, two prevalent fashion photographers. This project pushed to entertain the relationships photography and typography can have within layout design.



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