Ultimate secrets of hypnosis & nlp

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(c) Jonathan Royle aka Alex William Smith Well Hello There! Firstly, before I forget, please do yourself a massive favour and if you are not already a member of what is rapidly becoming the biggest and most useful Hypnosis & NLP Discussion Group on Facebook then join it now at this link:


Secondly, many thanks for downloading this PDF within which you will find links to 19 Amazing Training Videos which are PRIVATE and also UNLISTED. That basically means that they are not freely available on You-Tube and can only be seen by clicking on the links contained within this PDF.

This PDF will be distributed only to those who are sincerely and genuinely interested in learning the True Inside Secrets of all areas of Hypnotherapy, NLP and even Stage & Street Hypnosis and as such we wish to keep these powerful secrets out of the hands of the general public at large and most importantly from those who are just merely curious.

As such we would ask that you PLEASE DO NOT SHARE THE VIDEO LINKS with anybody in any manner, other than actually giving them a complete copy of this PDF in its entirety and exactly as you received it. With that said, as well as learning from and also being entertained by the 19 videos (total of 20 Hours & 38 Minutes of Training) to which links are enclosed we would also Strongly Recommend that you download all of my three massive Encyclopedias on Hypnosis and NLP, which between them cover everything you will ever need to know:

They are 100% Free in Ebook format from: http://www.elitehypnosisbootcamp.com/freebook

When (as we know you will) you realize just how invaluable those 3 Hypnosis Training Manuals will prove to be to you, then you may wish to obtain copies of them in proper Large format A4 Size Paperback Book Format which can be purchased incredibly cheaply from Amazon by searching for hypnosis and hypnotherapy books by JONATHAN ROYLE AMAZON USA - http://tinyurl.com/obx8ena

AMAZON U.K - http://tinyurl.com/n9ha4ha Also before you start studying the 19 videos to which you will find Private Access Links to within this PDF, you would also be wise to watch the Four Short, but truly eye opening Hypnosis and NLP training videos that you can gain Free Access to at: http://launch.elitehypnosisbootcamp.com/ And then it is time to set some time aside each day and study the 19 videos that follow, and which when studied, will, without doubt, give you a far better understanding of how all and I do mean all areas of Hypnosis and NLP truly work....

Enjoy the videos that follow, you may find that watching them whilst wearing headphones will enable you to alter the sound on both your computers graphic equaliser and also on the headphones controls to thus enable you to eliminate some of the “echo� that unfortunately was captured on camera.

However if you pay close attention (which will mean you learn more anyway) then the sound should not be an issue! Oh and remember that you can widen your knowledge base and skills even further by taking a look at my many other training courses and products which are available at amazing value for money prices at: http://www.sellfy.com/JonathanRoyle

ULTIMATE CHANGE SEMINAR - LONDON Student Comments = http://youtu.be/RNt4M0zX5s4 – (9 Mins & 42 Secs) Intro To Course = http://youtu.be/BmnFt_jN6DE – (21 Mins & 51 Secs)

Part One = http://youtu.be/ax2iv01MvP8 – (One Hour & 32 Mins) Part Two = http://youtu.be/EnlcX5JEWrQ – (One Hour & 18 Mins) Part Three = http://youtu.be/65yM9RNQGN8 – (One Hour & 12 Mins) Part Four = http://youtu.be/pV1819geQSA – (One Hour & 4 Mins) Part Five = http://youtu.be/52kFP5pe5mU – (One Hour & 12 Mins) Part Six = http://youtu.be/imwTLYNuUJ4 – (One Hour & 17 Mins)

Part Seven = http://youtu.be/I8gyi8qVCzM – (One Hour & 28 Mins) Part Eight = http://youtu.be/u0c-XqzybiA – (One Hour & 19 Mins)

Part Nine = http://youtu.be/1-Ol22awVkc – (59 Mins & 23 Secs) Part Ten = http://youtu.be/KZQ2n4OUG3M – (48 Mins & 33 Secs) Part Eleven = http://youtu.be/JS0lxUx7fB4 – (One Hour & 24 Mins) Part Twelve = http://youtu.be/S58UdapmD9M – (One Hour & 14 Mins) Part Thirteen = http://youtu.be/EcFTYrh2lxw – (50 Mins)

Part Fourteen = http://youtu.be/8hDEOFoAOF8 – (One Hour & 11 Mins) Part Fifteen = http://youtu.be/Va-f1VEmCWs – (One Hour & 3 Mins) Part Sixteen = http://youtu.be/oJLuQOnmOkU – (53 Mins & 46 Sec)

Part Seventeen = http://youtu.be/2317JAc8xU4 (One Hour & 22 Mins)

TOTAL = 19 Videos.

Duration = 20 Hours & 38 Minutes. If you have not already done so by the time you have watched those 19 Videos to which the links are above, then now would be a good time to grab the 100% Free Ebook Editions of my Three Massive Hypnosis Home Study manuals:

http://www.elitehypnosisbootcamp.com/freebook And also you would be wise (if you have not done so already) to take a look at the Controversial, Shocking and Eye Opening Videos that you can gain instant free access to here: http://launch.elitehypnosisbootcamp.com/

And then when you want to learn even more about Hypnosis including how to make MASSIVE $$$/£££ PROFIT'S with your new skills, may we suggest that you obtain and take advantage of some of our other amazing home study courses which can be found at: http://www.sellfy.com/JonathanRoyle

Should you have the desire to come to a live Hypnosis Training Event to learn more Advanced Techniques and also to gain Practical Hands on Experience then you will find details of such events that I run listed on my website at: http://www.hypnotismexposed.com

Or perhaps you would like to learn things up close and personal but coming to see me in person would be to much of a distance for you? Well in that case, why not consider arranging & promoting one of my Unique & Unrivalled Two Day or Three Day Hypnosis Training events in Your Location and/or Country?

Organising one of my events in your area could also prove Profitable for you as is explained at:

http://klearthoughtsmentalismhypnosis.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/hypnos is-opportunity-your-chance-to-make-help-dr-jonathan-royle-to-organizepromote-his-international-world-tour-of-unique-live-hypnosis-nlptraining-events-lectures-semin/

Or perhaps your desire is to start running your own Profitable Online business Selling Hypnosis, NLP & Related Training courses to people? If that perhaps sounds of interest, then be sure to check out this link:

http://klearthoughtsmentalismhypnosis.wordpress.com/2011/12/17/14amazing-new-magic-mentalism-nlp-hypnosis-showbiz-success-trainingproducts-available-with-legal-resale-rights-license-enabling-you-to-copyand-sell-these-14-products-to-your-custom/ And should you at any time require to book the services of a Hypnotherapist, Stage-Hypnotist or Mind Reader then please contact me via my main Magical Guru webpage at:

http://www.magicalguru.com For any other queries, such as for example arranging Personal One to One

Training in any area of Hypnosis or NLP, or to engage my services to speak at your Hypnosis Event, Seminar, Convention, Practice Group etc, Then in those regards please contact me on my direct email of:


You may also benefit by following me through the following Social Media: Facebook Personal Profile: http://www.facebook.com/alexthehypnotist

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/roylehypnotist

Facebook Business Profile: http://www.facebook.com/JonathanRoyle

I truly hope that you enjoy and benefit from the immense Knowledge you will obtain from the videos and other resources such as ebooks that I have given you 100% Free Access to within this PDF. If you want to learn more then please check out my other products at:

http://www.sellfy.com/JonathanRoyle And also my other store at: http://www.elitehypnosisbootcamp.com In the meantime, until perhaps we one day meet in person, thanks again for taking an interest in my work and I will leave you with a link to One Final Video. This Final Amazing Free Video is Two Hours and 30 Minutes in duration

and will reveal to you The True Inside Secrets of the Famous Name Millionaire Hypnotists - http://youtu.be/7Ck3NysZnCA Yours Hypnotically Jonathan Royle PS: Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of Jealous and Vindictive people in the Hypnosis and Related Industries and due to these individuals, there are a number of untrue and defamtory rumors about me floating around the internet. Rather than becoming one of the “Sheeple� and perhaps falling into the trap of believeing the Lies these people spread, why not take a few short moments to DISCOVER THE REAL NAKED TRUTH ABOUT JONATHAN ROYLE all of which is exposed with cast iron evidence at this link: http://tinyurl.com/mugg7c3

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