Why Hydroponic Green Fodders Are The Best Choice For Livestock Animals

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Why Hydroponic Green Fodders Are The Best Choice For Livestock Animals

Green fodders produced by growing seeds without soil but in water or nutrients rich solutions are known as hydroponics green fodder and the production method is termed as Alfaculture. Hydroponics green fodder production or Alfaculture is a method of cultivating livestock feed mostly in green houses under controlled environment, in nutrient rich water.

Green fodders are staple feed for dairy animals. Dairy animals producing up to5-7 liters milk per day can be maintained exclusively by feeding green fodders. Inclusion of green fodders in ration of dairy animals decreases amount of concentrate feeding and thus increases profit. Therefore, for economical and sustainable dairy farming, fodder production round the year is highly essential. Green fodder produced in an Alaculture system would have many benefits as it is capable to fulfill bulk of animal easily and quickly, hydroponic green fodders are a major source of vegetable protein, it is a good source of carbohydrate (soluble and fibrous) and good source of minerals. Hydroponic green fodders are rich in essential vitamins and a good source of water (approx. 15-25% water).

The Alfaculture units are built with a greenhouse (for growth of fodder) and a control unit, (for regulation of light, temperature, humidity and water) for optimum growth of fodder. And generally in an Alfaculture system, fodders are grown in trays in 7 days cycle excluding the day for seed soaking.

In comparison to conventional green fodders, hydroponics green fodders contain more protein, fat (ether extract) and soluble carbohydrates (nitrogen free extract); but less fiber, total ash and acid insoluble ash.

Feeding of hydroponics green fodder produced in Alfaculture units are more beneficial to all livestock due to their high nutritional values. Green fodders are highly succulent and relished by dairy animals. For instance; 7-8Kgs of Alfaculture maize green fodder can replace one kg concentrate mixture fodder. As it is highly succulent, it is recommended to offer maximum 20 kg hydroponic green fodder per day per animal.

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