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Custom Eco Friendly Boxes Presented By Dodo Packaging
Today's Presentation POINTS OF DISCUSSION • What is Eco-Friendly Packaging? • Reusable, Recyclable, Bio-degradable, and EcoFriendly Boxes • Get Wholesale Eco-Friendly Packaging • Our Services • Benefits of Custom Eco-Friendly Packaging • How It Works? • Why Choose DODO Packaging? • Social Accounts • Contact Us
What is Eco-Friendly Packaging? EC O - FR IE N D LY PACKAG I N G I S PACKAG I N G TH AT , AFT E R SO M E TI M E , D E CO M P O SES.
This can occur in various manners: • Ingredients: Using 100% reused or crude materials • Production process: By limiting manufacturing carbon release • Reusability: Creating a roundabout economy around the packaging, expanding its lifecycle, and ease of use.
Pulp produced by the kraft process is more substantial than that provided by other pulping processes. Acidic sulfite processes break down the Cellulose leading to the production of weak fibers, whereas mechanical pulping leave behind most of the lignin. On the other hand, Kraft pulping isolates most of the lignin present in the woods. The low level of lignin gives strength to the paper as the hydrophobic nature of lignin interferes with forming the hydrogen bonds between Cellulose in the fibers. Kraft wooden pulp is dark, but it can be made light by the process of bleaching. A fully bleached pulp is in use in the manufacturing of highquality paper.
Reusable, Recyclable, Bio-degradable, and Eco-Friendly Boxes
Being a Packaging organization, they realize that nothing can be sold in the market without a container or a covering. So, they should focus on producing green packaging. The same number of overviews and investigates have upheld how the clients incline toward custom printed eco-friendly boxes compared to others, particularly for household use
Get Wholesale Eco-Friendly Packaging For this very reason, alongside merely delivering them from eco-friendly material. Packaging companies even use hues removed from natural substances to print the cases as eco-friendly printed boxes, due to the developing pattern of reusing in nations. Packaging organizations have paid attention to the circumstance more and to go just for wholesale eco-friendly packaging and recyclable production.
Our Services
No Die & Plate Charges
Starting From 100 Boxes
High Quality Offset Printing
Benefits of Custom EcoFriendly Packaging C ust om E c o -Fri e ndl y Packag ing pas ses by a co upl e of di ff eren t name s, s uch a s mai nt ai nab l e packagi ng, gre en pac kag ing , an d nat ure -fr i en dly p ackagi ng. To b e e co - fr ie ndl y , pa cka gi ng mus t b e b io deg rad abl e (ho w ev er i de al ly co mpos ta bl e), recy cl a bl e, re usab le , n on- poi so nous, produce d u si ng reus ed it e ms, si t uat e d i n bi om ass o r e ve ry d ay obj e ct s, or f abri ca te d t hroug h l ow -s way im pli e s.
SH A R E YO U R I D E A Get in touch with our Production specialists, so we may implement your technical specifications and artwork design, over the live chat, phone or send an email at info@dodopackaging.com
How It Works?
W E CA N PR I N T A S A M PL E Receive our 3D digital illustration/prototype of the Box to ensure the final product is exactly the way you want it.
F I N A LI Z E AN D D E LI V E R E D Choose a lamination for your box's finishing. This is the final step before the order is processed.
Why Choose DODO Packaging? Dodo Packaging is one of the best USA based custom packaging boxes manufacturing company which is involved in producing every kind of custom printed boxes & packaging products. We also offer custom printed stickers.
Get in Touch
A D D R E SS 82-104 Country Pointe Circle, 1st Floor, Bellerose Manor Queens New York, 11427, USA
PH O N E 1-646-503-1158
E M A I L AD D R E SS info@dodopackaging.com
W EBSI TE www.dodopackaging.com