Marocatlasgib 4x4 club 2014 solidarity raid essensials

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RAIDS ESSENTIALS & SAFETY ISSUES This is your list of most essentials things you will need for the Raid and recommendations for safety matters. First of all you will have to make sure everything is in proper condition and working order in your vehicle. A complete service should be made before the departing date. Spares for your vehicles should be as follows, recommended to have a spare front and rear shocks absorbers, oil filter, brake pads, all belts installed in car, 2 spare wheels, if not sure of condition of your clutch you should bring a spare one which can be changed for a good prize by local mechanics of the area, job satisfaction guaranteed. Spare bulbs and very important oil & fuel filters, air filters are very important as you will need to change it in the middle of a stage if we get sand storms which are common, CB radios must be installed for SAFETY matters or walkie talkies also do the job. It is also recommended to have an air compressor for your tires as you will need to regulate your tire pressure on the dunes stages.Tyre pressure should be adjusted to 1bar on the dunes. Recommended not to fill up your tanks on the departure date because we will fill up in Tangier for much cheaper prize. Remember every vehicle must be in the name of the driver together with the green card from your insurance for Morocco covering you for a month, should cost you £40. We will be crossing the high atlas so we will be expecting cold on the way so it’s recommended to have winter clothing plus summer clothing too, good mountain boots. In this trip we will have many days of camping so you will need camping tents, sleeping bags and cooking utensils, butane gas can be bought in Morocco for cheaper than here.Food is just up to each individual, we recommend buying as you go and that way you don't carry things that later you don't need or use. A torch is always handy and those you strap to your forehead are very good to walk in the dark.

Participants are reminded that we are to collect each others litter and provide black bags and dispose of it rightly and not throw litter out the windows. As we will be moving on the tracks we will be encountering children on the way, it is very important to be extremely careful how you give out the sweets to them cause if you drop them infants will drop themselves for them on the next passing vehicle, recommended to stop if you want to give things to the kids! When driving on the dunes it is recommended to stay on a single file by following the tracks in front and not trying to make your own way but just follow the leader, when approaching a high dune you should wait your turn once you have been informed the other car has made it to the other side the dune, when stopping try to stop on a slope so as to make it much easier to move again, always stop in a single line one after the other or told other wise, its very easy to confuse the size of the dune and very easy to overturn your car so please stick to the recommendations. While's driving on the roads we will respect the speed limits as designated on the traffic signs and no overtaking will be done without informing first by CB radio, this is for our safety so we expect everyone to cooperate. Once in the port of Tangier you will be issued a green & white copy paper which is very important to keep it safe as it’s the permit for your vehicle to be in the country and you will need it to pass the customs on our way back. Every vehicle will be issued a copy of the itinerary, it is very easy to get stranded in any town cause of the traffic light’s, hats why we need to stick together and make use of the CB's, if this happens, make use of the itinerary and go to our next stopping will also be issued a copy of the list of participants with their details, if stopped by the Gendarmerie just show the list to them and say were you heading next. This list is provided for the controls to make it easier for us and those, so all participants must be accounted for at each control check, if any one has to turn back he will have to be in touch by telephone all the way so we can know he is ok. Participants are reminded that they are fully responsible for their actions and of their vehicles. THE CLUB WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIVIDUALS ACTIONS NOR OF THE VEHICLES

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