Summer 2013 dx

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PETITE POISE Collection 2013

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MAMiMaga Content

10-11 Ryche Chlanda

70 Russian In NY

12-13 Summer Intern Tips

72 Porsche Panamera SE Hybrid Plugin 74 Desert Queen

RC Movement.

Don’t leave home without them.

20 Future by Jvdas Berra

30 MAMi Masons Co-Freemasonry abounds.

36 Ordo Ab Chao

Lord Algie bends the concept.

50 Iggy Azalea Work.

56 Darnaa Runaway.

60 Tomaas imagery.

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Mihaela pins her down.

Luxury Global.

86 Cyber Punk 92 Kray Bone Krazie Bone Speaks.

94 Terae deWitt beauty.

96 Eric Ouaknine Photos In Paris.


gazine Algie deWitt IV Publisher


sUMMERTIME Summer.. ahhh the height of the year.. fireworks, explosions of color. Explore with us some of the great works of photography, music, auto and fashion for Summer 2013. Summertime, Summertime... take me to the warm time. Ok, who else here remembers that old club classic.. lol. This summer we have a HOT issue.. of course.. with Darnaa who has an interesting story about Child Abuse with her new smash single “Runaway�... oh.. and have you seen Iggy Azalea! OMG.. really?!? this woman is Take a spin with us in our new Porsche Panamera SE Hybrid and oh the view is OUTSTANDING.. with the World Class Photography we have been known for.. Its MAMi.. what do you expect?

As always, MAMi is dedicated to the art of fashion, the things that motivate us in a positive, creative way. We also rejoice in the globalization of media through internet devices.. this has enabled us to reach over 2 million people per month in over 140 countries. Social Networking has played a major part in the survival and growth of MAMi Magazine. visit us today and like us

MAMi Mag Editors

Asia Nicholas Mihaela Nicoleta Micula Farah Zulaikha Jvdas Berra Eric Ouaknine Jeff Linett Vee Vera Ochia

Content Dev. Bobby Paulino

Graphic Designers

PhillyStyleHD/MAMi Media

Advertising/ Business Dev. MAMi Media


Derrick Brown Anthony Paulino


Sunil P Narayan


MAMi Media/IMC

Photography all content copyright 2013 MAMi Media may not be used without written permission.

Javier Galue Derrick Brown Jeff Linett

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ryche chlanda

Hidden Me.

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Ryche chlanda HIDDEN ME

“the thrill of performing has led him back to the stage and the upcoming release of his new album, Hidden Me.”

Ryche Chlanda is an accomplished guitarist. He has been a musician, vocalist, songwriter, composer and producer for over thirty years. He was a founding member of America’s first progressive rock group, Fireballet, in the 1970’s. The band’s first album, Night on Bald Mountain, was produced by King Crimson founding member Ian McDonald who went on to additional fame with Foreigner. During that time Ryche worked on the Intergalactic Touring Band project. For a period during his solo career he played with the progressive band Nektar where he became a “bandmate” and friend with Larry Fast. Soon after, Ryche was signed as a recording artist managed by Hit & Run Music joining fellow performers there Genesis, Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel. Ryche recorded his first solo album during this time. His musical journey led him to writing and singing for films, including the title track for “Build for Speed”. A severely fractured arm altered his musical journey and he returned home to rehab his arm. During that time he built a studio and focused on writing and producing.

In 1993, Ryche was asked to write and produce aerobic musical tracks for exercise gurus Denise Austin and Joanie Greggains which resulted in sales of over 2 million tapes. This led to working on productions for Motown and sessions with members of Todd Rundgren’s band, the OJ’s, Billy Joel and countless others. After years of touring and studio work, he devoted the last several years to song writing and composing, but the thrill of performing has led him back to the stage and the upcoming release of his new album, Hidden Me. It also provided an opportunity to work with his old friend, Larry Fast. * UPDATE -Ryche was asked to perform a Spring tour with the renowned Classical Progressive band Renaissance. After that successful tour he’s NOW back at home in New jersey working on a few more songs to Add to his solo CD “Hidden me” and a new track for “Fireballet”- Both to be released Early Summer 2013 -

visit or

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A Tips for

8 SUMMER INTERNS To help students maximize their summer internships and distinguish themselves among a sea of new faces, Patrick Sullivan, Assistant Director of Personal and Career Development at Wake Forest University, offers these tips:

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ccording to a recent report by Michigan State University and the Collegiate Employment Research Institute, summer internships have steadily increased over the last decade and are now organizations’ primary source of talent recruitment.Performing well, developing transferable skills and fostering strong relationships during summer internships is crucial. Even if full-time job offers do not follow, managers of highperforming student interns often become their biggest advocates in future job searches.

1 .


Do whatever is needed and do not assume that your education equips you with so mucknowledge that executing low-level projects is beneath you. Don’t be the intern that turns their nose up at the “little” jobs.

chance to make a first impression, so even the small things matter. Remember that people you work with today will be key advisors and allies in your job search tomorrow.


The quality of every task you complete and every interaction you have with colleagues and managers affects how they perceive you. This does not mean you have to be the expert on day one, but it does means that you should show up ready to do your best every day.


SEEK EXTRA WORK Show your willingness to go above and beyond the

job description. Be proactive in asking for more projects and responsibilities. Look for opportunities to assist co-workers and volunteer for assignments that interest you.

5 6 7 8

DEVELOP SKILLS Challenge yourself by helping out with

projects requiring you to develop skills that you don’t use very often. Observe the skills used by people in the kinds of positions in which you envision yourself working, and polish those skills.


In today’s workplace, more and more work is project-oriented, which means you will be working on teams. If you are a strong team player, you will be a strong intern.



Get a sense for what you do well and what you need to improve. Ask for specific suggestions on how you can get better and make it a point to do


Everyone you meet is a potential member of your network. The more people who know you and your work, the more support you will have when it comes to turning your internship into a full-time job. Some of these co-workers will act as references if you decide to conduct your job search in another career sector or company.

SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT INTERNSHIP? DRINKIN THIS SUMMER? HOPE NOT.. BUT JUST IN CASE. Always choose experience over money. As you read this, you are probably shaking us your thinking, “How can I take unpaid internship and still Pace haveyourDo all head a favor (including yourself ) andan party smart. Be responsible. spending the pay, purpose of the internship is to proself if you money?” choose toRegardless drink, andof avoid hardthe alcohol or other drinks that are powvide you remember shy away from lowertargets.) wage internships erful you andwith haveexperience. fast effects.If(And thatunpaid drunks or = easy Also be you could be missing out on an opportunity that could help you grow profesaware of alcohol poisoning. According to a University of Wisconsin study, 75 persionally and personally. Use connections andreported resources you have available. cent of college males and 43the percent of females being intoxicated on professors, family andbreak. friendsIf want to decide help you Reach to your aYour daily basis during spring you do to succeed. drink, know theout liquor laws network andyou’ll inquire internship openings or even if you can use themsituas a of wherever beabout vacationing. Drinking & driving is always a dangerous reference to attest work ethic. take to speak with your career ation, so avoid this to byyour having your safeAlso, mode of time transportation home planned services department. before you go out. Not only can they help you tailor your resume, but they can direct you to your school’s online job resources and possibly introduce you to recruiters from companies you are interested in interning with.

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2 3.

PAY ATTENTION After all, everyone else is. You never have a second


Shawn King’s Empire

Jeweler to the Stars. 632 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147 Phone:(267) 882-9280

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THE INTERNATIONAL DJ CASPER CASPAWS CEO | PRODUCER - CASPAWS MUSIC GROUP Facebook-DJCasperDJC Twitter-DJCasperDJC Instagram-DJCasperDJC Official DJ for Rodney (DarkChild) Jerkins MUISC CHOICE TV NETWORK-(RAP CHANNEL) KDUK-Moring House Party 104.7 FM-Mondays Official Producer for Blazedout Inc DJ/HOST MAMI LOUNGE

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DRINKIN THIS SUMMER? HOPE NOT.. BUT JUST IN CASE. Do us all a favor (including yourself ) and party smart. Be responsible. Pace yourself if you choose to drink, and avoid hard alcohol or other drinks that are powerful and have fast effects. (And remember that drunks = easy targets.) Also be aware of alcohol poisoning. According to a University of Wisconsin study, 75 percent of college males and 43 percent of females reported being intoxicated on a daily basis during spring break. If you do decide to drink, know the liquor laws of wherever you’ll be vacationing. Drinking & driving is always a dangerous situation, so avoid this by having your safe mode of transportation home planned before you go out.

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FUTURE Photo: Jvdas Berra Model: Isa Jaime for The Orange Marketing M&H: Ana Karen Gonzรกlez Styling: Bloo Barcena Accesories: Mykita. KumKum

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Maria Deraismes (August 17, 1828 – February 6, 1894) was a French author and major



erhaps the most intriguing story in connection with Munster Masonry concerns the Hon. Mrs Elizabeth Aldworth (see St Leger), the only Lady Freemason. She was born in 1693, the fourth child and only daughter of Viscount Doneraile, who was himself a keen mason. The story states that Lord Doneraile held Lodge meetings at Doneraile Court from time to time. On one occasion (c.1712), some building work had been partially completed whereby two rooms were to be connected by an arch. She remained an interested member of the order until her death in 1772.

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by, Algie deWitt IV

Lord Doneraile and other masons held a meeting in one of the rooms not realising that Elizabeth was in the other room having fallen asleep whilst reading. The sound of voices awakened her and, her curiosity aroused, she removed a loose brick in the wall and observed the proceedings. It is reported a staff member discovered her. The members of the lodge, under the circumstances, felt they had to initiate her. At this time, she was a young girl, not more than nineteen years of age. She remained an interested member of the order until her death in 1772

was that of a minor with no civil rights, women were refused membership in the Lodges. This did not sit well with women belonging to the nobility” Freemasonry as we know it today was officially born in June of 1717, when four Lodges gathered in London to form a Grand Lodge. From England where it spread quickly, it was introduced in France after 1735. There, as in England, because a woman’s legal status was that of a minor with no civil rights, women were refused membership in the Lodges. This did not sit well with women belonging to the nobility and even with some men, who noted the injustices in the arguments used to keep women away from the Craft. France Around 1740, the “ Maçonnerie d’Adoption”, or “Adopted Masonry” was created to “allow the fair sex to take part in charity and philosophy”. In 1774. the newly created “Grand Orient de France” recognized these adopted Lodges, but demanded that they be subordinate to men’s Lodges and remain under their management and direction. The members were mason’s Wives and their main activity was the organization of balls and charitable events. They recruited in the nobility and the Haute Bourgeoisie. For instance, the “Contrat Social” Lodge was presided over by the Princess de Lamballe. During the French Revolution, Freemasonry became dormant, and so did the Adoptive Lodges. They were reopened under the Napoleonic Empire and the Empress Joséphine, wife of Napoléon I, was Grand Master of one of them. Although they were specifically designed for women, they were always presided by a man. The rituals were allegorical rather than symbolic. They evoked qualities such as modesty, candor, faithfulness and chastity. Their main activities were social and philanthropic. At the end of the 19th Century, men and women alike increasingly felt the need for an organization that went beyond balls and charitable receptions. Participation in the Lodges helped to develop a feminist consciousness and a taste for democracy. In 1892, the Lodge Les LibresPenseurs in Le Pecq initiated Maria Deraismes, a wellknown feminist writer and activist. This was against the rules of the Grand Orient which closed the Lodge. Maria Deraisme remained a close friend of Georges Martin who persuaded her to create a Lodge where both men and women could work in full equality.

She gathered a small number of women and a few Freemasons, and in 1893, created the Droit Humain (DH), a Masonic organization open to both men and women, which eventually spread to all continents, including in the United States where it is known as Co-Masonry. In 1901, an Adoptive Lodge was reactivated, but this time under the auspices of the Grande Loge de France. By the time of World War I, more and more women had joined the work force, replacing the men gone to the battlefield in offices and factories. Soon after the war, women obtained their voting rights. The emancipation of women was closely followed by the emancipation of women’s Freemasonry. Between 1911 and 1935, several adoptive Lodges were created, but they had nothing in common with those of the 18th and 19th centuries. They met regularly to discuss the same type of subjects as in the men’s Lodges, although they still used Adoptive Masonry rituals. The Grand Master, a woman, worked with complete freedom, without the supervision of a Brother. In 1935, the Grande Loge de France decided to grant complete autonomy to its adoptive Lodges. But the French Sisters did not feel ready and asked to be given some time to form a Secretariat and prepare a congress of all adoptive Lodges. Meanwhile, World War II started and all Masonic activities were suspended until 1944. On September 17, 1945, a new Masonic body was created, with the help of the Grande Loge de France. This Grand Lodge was independent and its membership was exclusively female. it was called the Union Maçonnique Féminine de France (The Women’s Masonic Union of France), which in 1952 became the Grande Loge Féminine de France or G.L.F.F. (Women’s Grand Lodge of France). The rituals in use in the adoptive Lodges were abandoned in 1959 and replaced with the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The French Rite and French Traditional Rite were introduced in 1973. Since then, the G.L.F.F. has been instrumental in the creation of other national Grand Lodges. Women’s Freemasonry has spread to Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Denmark, Turkey, Germany, Canada, England, Africa and the Americas.

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“because a woman’s legal status


Horst P. Horst Lisa on Silk





1911 saw the creation of the first Belgian Lodge of the Droit Humain, in Brussels. The first women’s Lodge, Irini, was created in April 1974 under the auspices of the G.L.F.F. The Grande Loge féminine de Belgique-Women’s Grand Lodge of Belgium (W.G.L.B.) was founded in 1981 and celebrated its twentieth Anniversary in 2001. By that time, 35 Lodges with more than 1500 members had received their Charter from the W.G.L.B. Three of these Lodges are located in the United States: Universalis, created in 1992 in New York, Aletheia,in Los Angeles, and Emounah, in Washington, D.C.

There probably were a few androgynous operative and speculative lodges in the English Isles in the 17th Century and the beginning of the 18th Century. Indeed, the first known female speculative Mason was Elizabeth St-Leger, later Mrs. Aldworth, of Cork Ireland, who is said to have been initiated by her father in 1712, after she was caught spying on the Lodge’s proceedings. She even received a Masonic funeral at the time of her death.

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finally acknowledged their existence, recognizing that “Freemasonry is not confined to men” and stating that except for the fact that the Lodges consist of women, they are otherwise “regular”.

However, with the creation of the Grand Lodge of London and the publication of Anderson’s Constitutions in 1723, women were barred from what became known as regular Free-Masonry. Mention is made of a Mrs. Bell, in 1790 in London, and a Mrs. Harvard, in Hereford, in 1770, but these are isolated cases and do not prove the presence of women in Masonic lodges. Usually, the story goes that these ladies were caught spying on a Lodge meeting and since they had learned the secrets of the Craft, the only way to prevent them from divulging them was to initiate them right then and there and make them take the oath of silence of a Free-Mason. In 1902, Annie Besant, who had been initiated in a Droit Humain Lodge in Paris created the Human Duty Lodge in London. This was the beginning of co-masonry in England. In 1908, a dissident group created the Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry, whose membership was exclusively female and who adopted the Emulation Rite. In 1958, it changed its name to the Order of Women’s Free-Masons. In 1913, a second Women’s Grand Lodge was founded under the name The Honourable Fraternity of Antient Free-Masons. 1925 saw the creation of the Order of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons for Men and Women.

Apart from the important difference of the inclusion of women, the International Order of Co-Freemasonry, with talk of rituals, symbols and “the Craft”, is identical to the better-known United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) to the unitiated eye. And both are suffering from a declining and ageing membership base. Although official numbers are hard to come by, most estimates suggest that there are some 6 million freemasons in the world and just over 300,000 in the UK. In comparison, 300 men and women belong to the UK arm of the Co-Freemasons. At its peak in the 1950s, there were five times as many Co-Freemasons, a rate of decline that many believe is echoed in the main branch. At its postwar peak, membership of a fraternity that began as a sort of union for medieval stonemasons was boosted by returning armed service personnel as well as some of the most powerful men in the land. George VI, who died in 1952, is the last British king to be listed on the official UGLE website, which also includes Winston Churchill, an Archbishop of Canterbury and a surprisingly long list of celebrities from Nat King Cole to Peter Sellers. The royal connection continues today with the Duke of Kent, who is the current grand master of the UGLE.

Today, the two female English Masonic bodies count as many as 60 000 members. In March 1999, the Grand Lodge of England finally acknowledged their existence, recognizing that “Freemasonry is not confined to men” and stating that except for the fact that the Lodges consist of women, they are otherwise “regular”. United States The most widely circulated story of a woman Mason in the U.S. is that of Catherine Babington, who lived in Kentucky in the 1800’s. Near her house was a two-story building used by Masons as a Lodge room. Catherine is said to have concealed herself in the hollow pulpit at every meeting of the Lodge for more than a year, seeing all the degrees and learning all the work. She was finally discovered and on being closely questioned, she showed a remarkably proficient knowledge of the ritual. She was kept in custody for more than a month, while the Lodge decided what to do with her. She was eventually obligated but not admitted into the order. If the story is true, it is again an isolated case and is not indicative of the acceptance of women in Masonic Lodges. MAMi Magazine 33


“In March 1999, the Grand Lodge




The first co-masonic Lodge was founded in the United States in 1903. In 1907, the American Federation of the Human Rights was incorporated in Washington D.C. It has several Lodges in the U.S. There are other co-masonic bodies, among them George-Washington Union and the Grand Lodge Symbolic of Memphis-Misraïm. We should also mention the existence, now or in the past, of Women’s Lodges or Grand Lodges working exclusively in Spanish, French or German. The three Lodges created by the Women’s Grand Lodge of Belgium since 1992 hope to one day form the Women’s Grand Lodge of the United States.

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Latin America The first Chilean Lodge, Araucaria, was created in 1970 to “give Chilean women a space in which to develop intellectually and spiritually in a non-dogmatic framework free of religious prejudice.” 1983 saw the creation of the Women’s Grand Lodge of Chile which also seeded Lodges in Bolivia and Argentina thanks to its traveling Lodge, Cruz del Sur. Today, there are Women’s Lodges or Grand Lodges in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela and Mexico.

finally acknowledged their existence, recognizing that “Freemasonry is not confined to men” and stating that except for the fact that the Lodges consist of women, they are otherwise “regular”.

So what can membership do for you? According to The Lady Magazine [UK] A volunteer on the marketing side of Freemasonry For Men And Women, explains: ‘There’s been an increase in interest in Freemasonry for women recently. There are a lot of people out there looking for something more meaningful: something that offers, as Freemasonry does, a degree of spiritual development. In our meetings, we can provide an environment of like-minded people who want to give something back to their community. You don’t necessarily have to be religious to join, but you should believe that there’s something bigger than us.’ Another woman, who became a member of the Morning Star Lodge in London last year, agrees. Having grown up in France, she was familiar with Le Droit Humain and is enthusiastic about the spiritual side of Freemasonry. ‘I like their values,’ she says, ‘tolerance, self-improvement, to be more open and listen to people. I joined because of the people I met. They were interesting, and I found it inspiring. In the first year you are not allowed to talk during meetings, only listen. I learnt a lot, and it was very pleasing to be around like-minded people. I believe there’s a lot to learn, and talking to people, listening to what they have to say and then discussing new ideas in meetings was very civilising.’ Yet for another, Freemasonry has always played a part in her life – both her parents and grandparents were Freemasons. As a teenager, she ‘had tried religion, and Buddhism, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. I liked the fact that with Freemasonry you weren’t bound to any doctrines or dogmas. Instead its values are kindness, honesty and moral awareness. I decided to join seven years ago and it’s had a very positive effect on my life. It’s given me the tools not to let problems hold me back.’ And if you are interested in becoming a Freemason, all suggest talking to members before joining. ‘That’s important,’ says one. ‘Because you have to become a Freemason before you can attend a meeting. It’s something of a leap of faith. But you can come after a meeting and talk to people there and see if you think it would suit you.’

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“In March 1999, the Grand Lodge


Ordo Ab Chao Photography by Algie deWitt 2013

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Iggy Azalea


methyst Amelia Kelly (born 7 June 1990), better known by her stage name Iggy Azalea, is an Australian hip hop recording artist signed to Island Def Jam and Mercury Records. Azalea is also a model represented by Wilhelmina Models, being announced the “New Face of Levi Jeans” in late 2012. She first gained recognition after the respective music videos for her controversial songs “Pu$$y”, and “Two Times,” went viral on YouTube. On 27 September 2011, Azalea released her first fulllength project, a mixtape titled Ignorant Art, saying she made it “with the intent to make people question and redefine old ideals”. In 2012, Azalea became the first female and first non-American rapper to be featured on XXL’s annual Top 10 Freshman cover issue. On 30 July 2012, she released a free EP, executive produced by Grand Hustle label-boss T.I., titled Glory. Later in October, Azalea appeared alongside T.I., B.o.B and other Grand Hustle artists at the 2012 BET Hip Hop Awards rap cypher.[3] She released her second mixtape, TrapGold, produced entirely by 1st Down of production team FKi and Diplo, on 11 October 2012. Her debut studio album The New Classic is set to be released in 2013.

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Russian in

nEW YORK by Mihaela Nicoleta

“What about fashion? Haha, it’s an interesting question.”


lga Nenazhivina was born in 1966 in the Southern Russia. She received her initial artistic training under her father, a professional sculptor, and her mother, an art enthusiast. In 1985 she received her Bachelors of Fine Arts from Vladivostok College for the Arts. Olga Nenazhivina is a Member of the Union of Artist of Russian Federation. Her works were extensively exhibited domestically and internationally. Nenazhivina’s aesthetics are a fine merger of the Eastern philosophy of introspection and the Western principle of individualism and originality. Growing up in the city of Vladivostok, Russia’s largest port on the Pacific Ocean, the artist absorbed the exotic atmosphere of nearby Japan and China and the European vibrancy of the daily life of her native metropolis. This combination of cultures resulted in multi-figured, often action packed compositions resting upon the structure of existential meditative calm. The disciplined and refined artistry of Nenazhivina’s monochromatic inks bring equilibrium into the abundance of images and action.” According to Dzen Doctrine, an artist expresses truth in his work, and truth exists everywhere: in a human’s heart, and in every corner of our world. An artist is meant not to copy things, but to express his own vision of reality and every single element of it; to feel inside your own self all nuances of changing nature. If a cloth is torn by a force of wind; the aroma of tender flowers touches one’s heart; if one’s smile reminds of a past, and a green stem makes you think of a future; then all of these experiences should pass through the heart. Only then, as it is believed in the East, the creation of a masterpiece is possible and it is the only way to express the spirit of life and its endless configurations.” Olga Nenazhivina

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I think this atmosphere of the eastern nature, a sense of the Japanese islands which were nearby, and, of course, sea played a role in my attachment to such material as ink. I will never forget when my father got ink from the flounder’s bile, the ink was dark brown. The desire to cognize the culture and the origins of the material were born with the understanding of the material. Since that time ink became my favorite material, despite the fact that I use different techniques. Which is you conception about art? What is my understanding of art? This question always confuses me, because it is equal as asking what is my understanding of life. I think the story of my life will be an answer to this question in my case. What else can I add to the fact that my first feelings and understanding of the meaning of life were just in that? My father oncetold me - Olga, the most important thing is work, everything else omes next. What about fashion? Classical or modern? What about fashion? Haha, it’s an interesting question. When I was fifteen years old, I was fascinated by the fashion design; I drew a lot of sketches. I was even going to attend the college of fashion in our city. However this hobby quickly disappeared. I think, because there was no strong base that could be enough for my development as a fashion designer. At that time I didn’t feel how in our life conditions I could express myself in this field. If you ask me about the fashion style, I prefer the style in which I am comfortable, thus, my everyday clothes are jeans. And, of course, I prefer the classics.

MAMiMagazine “What is my

understanding of art? This question always confuses me, because it is equal as asking what is my understanding of life. “

How it looks like a fashion icon by Olga Nenazhiniva? I wear elegant suits with trousers more often compare to evening dresses. So, I adore Coco Chanel; she was the first who wore a man’s suit, and it was gorgeous. You know, if we talk about fashion, I see it as an art, and there are a lot of great names in fashion. As for style, I think it does not matter what people wear, it is not very important for me. Our inner world is the main thing; charisma and power that people radiate outside are important. Is there a portrait of a lady? Question about a Portrait of a Lady is a difficult one if you are asking about a single person; in this case my answer would not be complete. I admire a lot of women in our World. They are talented, strong and weak and full of love. I can name one of them, it’s Maya Plisetskaya. When I was six years old, my mother introduced me to the work of this brilliant woman. Outstanding ballerina, choreographer, People’s Artist of the USSR, winner of numerous awards and prizes of various states - Maya Mikhailovna is a doctor at the Sorbonne, and an honorary professor at Moscow State University. European editor at Mami International Magazine of Fashion and Music Art

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he Panamera S E-Hybrid plug-in comes with a gasoline V6 engine that produces 316 horsepower and an electric motor that produces 94 HP, for a combined total output of 410 HP. The electric motor is powered by a 9.4 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, which has five times the capacity of the older battery; the car can be driven in all-electric mode for 22.3 miles (36 km). The batteries can by charged in 2.5 hours with the Porsche Universal Charger or in 4 hours using household electric outlets (in Germany). The Panamera hybrid reaches 62 mph (100 km/h) in 5.5 seconds with a top speed of 168 mph (270 km/h); this model is also supposedly good for the environment, with a claimed 75.8 mpg (3.1 L/100 km) combined. The new Panamera S and 4S are now offered with twin-turbo V6 engines, instead of V8’s. These V6 engines produce 414 HP and 384 pound-feet (520 Nm) of torque, mated to 7-speed PDK automatic transmissions. The V6 engines produce 20 HP and 20 Nm of torque more than the V8 engines they replace.

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MAMiMagazine The Porsche Panamera L (Executive) is the new longer wheelbase model, offering 5.9� (150 mm) longer wheelbase. This model offers extra space for the rear passengers and fancy goodies like headrest mounted LED screens and pop-up trays for laptops. The LWB cars are powered by the same twin-turbo V6 engines mentioned above. The 2014 Porsche Panamera cars will be unveiled in Shanghai on April 21, with a starting price of ₏81,849 (or about $105,000 US). Via: Porsche

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Desert Queen A Luxury Global Production Producer: Suraj Maraboyina Creative Director/Photographer: Stephanie Stylist: Tanja Caldwell Assistant Stylist: Aakomon Jones Makeup: Barbra Jo Batterman Hair: Alyn Martin Lighting: Dennis Harber 2nd Assistant: Joey Allen 3rd Assistant: Brie Seavey

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MAMiMagazine Vintage cover-up/tunic, brown suede lace up sandal by Altuzarra, gold plate necklace and hold cuff bracelets - stylist own.

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White eyelet mini dress by Alaia, swarovski crystal necklace by Beige, Brown suede lace up sandal by AltuzarraÂ

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Vintage one-piece bathing suit, vintage sequin jacket, and shoes - stylist own

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MAMiMagazine Herve Leger one-piece bathing suit

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MAMiMagazine Missoni bathing suit

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Cyber Punk Designer: Leah Babette Stylist: Mirey Enverova Model: Jayson Hicks from Ford Models Photographer: Kayoua Xiong

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A Prelude to Chasing the Devil


By Abesi Manyando With a monstrous song on the new highly anticipated Kevin Hart film, “Let Me Explain” and an upcoming exodus album to remember, Krayzie Bone is making sure his fans have one hell of a summer to remember. The legendary rapper, writer and business executive has been dissecting thoughts through new lyrics while experimenting with various tracks in the hopes of creating something profound enough to sustain Bone fans for years to come. His twenty year career has been encompassed by fulfilled dreams, intuitive observations, changes and lessons learned. The end product of his enigmatic journey will come forth in his long awaited fourth quarter album, “Chasing the Devil.”

“I am so appreciative of our fans,” says Krayzie with an undeniably passionate tone. “They are loyal and have stood by our group through thick and thin so I want to gift them with something that is as musically meaningful as their love for us. This requires time. My upcoming album, “Chasing the Devil” is something that I’m really being very careful about. I’m not just going to just put anything out there. I respect and love my fans too much to do that. I’ve been building our Bone brand and staying in tune with the production and business aspects of the industry the last few years. I want to change the music business by giving aspiring artists and producers their opportunity to shine without exploiting them.”

“I am so appreciative of our fans,” says Krayzie with an undeniably passionate tone. “They are loyal and have stood by our group through thick and thin so I want to gift them with something that is as musically meaningful as their love for us. MAMi Magazine 92

Krayzie has created a music label entitled “The Life Entertainment” and has a studio where he allows artists and producer to create. “I really enjoy helping and mentoring up and coming producers, songwriters and artists because I know how hard this business can be to break in to.”


THE LIFE Despite the fact that Krayzie loves music, he is adamant about wanting to disassemble certain aspects of the industry. “I’ve always hated to see people get taken advantage of. It really disturbs my spirit. I want my label to be the blueprint of a new business model in this very vicious industry. It’s possible to be successful without cheating others and taking away from something that God blessed them with---their talent.” In addition to his music ventures Krayzie’s clothing apparel, The Life is quickly becoming a wardrobe must have. From children with distinct personalities to fly senior citizens with extra swag, The Life clothing is infiltrating the fashion global hemisphere. Krayzie has interrelated casual wear and creativity into trend-setting creative urban couture for everyone.

Krayzie’s business partner, Branding Guru, Bob Francis has developed a company entitled Artist Live which positions artists to be the priority and CEO of their brand utilizing unique global marketing strategies. Based in Boston, Artist Live is creating a national buzz for the platform Francis has created. He has secured internationally unique placements such as Hart’s “Let Me Explain” score and soundtrack. The music from the film will display a plethora of songs from established musicians and rising stars such as American Antagonist and Lisette Love.

Outside of music and clothing, Krayzie has been exploring opportunities in film and television through his production company, Krayzie Bone Media. As a prolific devoted writer, he has written screenplays and two television shows that are reminiscent of the era in television when content and writing actually mattered. He is open about his scripts and synopsis but still remains somewhat mum about the full extent of his screenplays as they are currently in post development stages. Krayzie says that hip hop has allowed him to elevate his life in a way that still seems like a dream despite all the success. Coming from where he came from in Cleveland and going through the struggles that he endured has centered Krayzie with a spirit of humility. His spirit illuminates light into everything he does- leaving the people he comes across with a light strong enough to ignite their own dreams.

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TERAE DeWITT: BEAUTIFUL Being in Atlanta you will find talented and creative people. Not all of them will stand out. However Terae DeWitt has become one to be recognized for her talents in the beauty industry. Although she began her journey as a nail technician, she soon thereafter found a passion for hair. Today she is known for her hair and makeup application. One may even consider her a triple threat in the beauty game. Living in Atlanta, Terae has had the privilege to work with some very talented people. As a freelance artist, she is sought after for her creative styling. She has had an opportunity to work with commercial advertisements, film, and television networks. Her latest work has been shown on Season 2 Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Terae is also the proud owner of Salon DeWitt where she is really in the business of taking care of her client’s hair. “One of my favorite conditioners is The Multiplex Conditioner by Influence. It adds much needed moisture back into the hair.” It is in Salon DeWitt that she gives each client a personalized salon experience with highly noted quality services. She provides her clients with the best in healthy

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hair care and trend setting hair styles. Plus she accommodates her client’s lashes, brow services, and makeup applications. “Not every client likes to feel made up. Sometimes they want their natural beauty to be the exuding canvas of the day. For those clients I may suggest a lash application with Maybelline’s The Colossal Mascara and Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Lip Tars. This combination, along with translucent powder to keep down your skins natural shine, will add just enough color for the natural feel and look. Working in the beauty field is a platform and a way of life for Terae DeWitt. ”It is very rewarding to have a position of encouraging women. Having the ability to transform a person is not only a career craft, it is truly a blessing. It’s like my gift.” For more updates follow Terae at www.facebook. com/salondewitt

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watch the throne


cGuire Furniture has collaborated with artist Jordan Betten of Lost Art to create a one of a kind works of art. Taking five of McGuire’s most iconic chairs, he re- envisioned them with a rock and roll vibe – as he does for his fashion clients. They will be on display at McGuire San Francisco for the month of February and Baker Knapp & Tubbs’ Los Angeles showroom in March. ince 1948, McGuire has been internationally known for creating timeless furniture of natural materials. Each piece of furniture is crafted by trained artisans who bend, weave and form every chair, table or accessory by hand. Says McGuire President Kendra Reichenau, “Jordan’s work is incredibly creative, and he has envisioned some of our classic chairs in an entirely new way. He uses only the finest materials and fine tuned hand-craftsmanship – two qualities we very much admire.” ordan Betten is a New York City based artist and the founder of Lost Art. Lost Art, a luxury leather brand, began in 1997 with the creation of a bag called “The Road”. Since the beginning of Lost Art, all pieces have been made entirely by hand, in the tradition of the finest craftsmanship and attention to detail.


Algie deWitt

Marketing&Advertising Expert MAMi Magazine 102

One Of A Kind Works: McGuire/John Betten The Lost Art collection includes clothing, accessories, motorcycles, instruments and guitar cases. Collectors include Lenny Kravitz, Steven Tyler, Sean Lennon, Sheryl Crow and many others. Betten’s collection can be viewed at the Lost Art gallery in West Chelsea, Manhattan, and his murals are easily recognizable on walls around the world. http://lostartnyc. com


“Knowing that McGuire continues to produce handcrafted furniture was the best reason to collaborate. Our company’s aesthetics may be very different, but our shared sensibilities of paying attention to detail and the respect for the materials created an organic connection,” says Betten



The Butterfly Chair, originally designed by Edward Tuttle, has been a McGuire icon for nearly 40 years. Just as much a work of art as it is functional; the Butterfly chair takes on a new personality. Betten imposed his own rock-star interpretation with the use of a cobra skin seat, arms and back laced with leather fringe. As in his figural art, Betten followed the existing curves of the back and arms to create a sense of movement around the frame.

The Target Dining Chair, designed in 1984 by Elinor McGuire has been a best seller for over 30 years. Betten re-interpreted with a brown calfskin hide on the seat and frame. Leather crossstitching adds an additional element of handcraftsmanship, as does the intricately hand-braided leather fringe that hangs dramatically from the back of the frame.

The Laura Kirar Dining Arm Chair, already one of the most dramatic pieces of McGuire’s collection, became even more of a statement in the artistic hands of Betten. Playing off of the pop-art inspired pattern of rattan circles, Betten doubled the affect, tying in additional brass rings in the back and arms of the chair. The python skin wraps the entire frame, as though it were constricting the rattan beneath. Crystals and feathers adorn the newly-fashioned Barbara Barry Script Side Chair. Reminiscent of a dream catcher, Betten uses the negative space within the calligraphic back to incorporate more detail. Hand-tied feathers frame the outside of the chair, adding a note of whimsical charm. Betten’s work often depicts a sense of gathering or connectedness, physically manifested here via tightly woven leather bands that create one large network of details.


dekor for your home

The McGuire Furniture Company (415) 626-1414 or MAMi Magazine 103



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