1 minute read

Test Story

the second time in 2018, Hazrat

Khalifatul Masih V aa visited the Markazi Offices at Tahir House, 22 Deer Park Road.

Hazrat Amirul Momineen aa arrived after 11:00am and visited various offices such as Ahmadiyya Archive and Research Centre, Al Hakam office, Al Fazl office, PS Records, Waqf-e-Nau, Press & Media, Makhzan-e-Tasaweer, Al-Shirkatul Islamiyyah, the Review of Religions, just to name a few.

This was the second time this year Huzoor aa visited Tahir House, the first time being on Saturday 13 October.

After inspecting the offices, Huzoor aa made his way back to the Fazl Mosque at 12:20pm.

O n Monday, 10 December, for

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