20 minute read
Continued on
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declaring each other “kafi r” and minority sects face constant harassment and violence; bomb blasts targeted at Shias in Afghanistan and the endless murders of Ahmadis in Pakistan unveil the lack of acceptance within Muslim countries.
To fi nd even a ray of unity within the ummah is a cumbersome task. It seems “a Muslim brother” is highly subjective.
Antipathy towards Islam isn’t within political spheres alone, but attacks on Islamic teachings and the Holy Prophetsa are common place amongst academia too. New Atheists like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris seem to lead this crusade against Islam.
As we noted in our last issue, Muslims are now the new scapegoats.
Everything aside, the one person all Muslims hold in most reverence, love and respect is Prophet Muhammadsa. Th e man who was the “mercy for mankind” is vilifi ed, slandered and mocked, oft en with the support of political leaders.
In response, the repetitive, reactionary and emotional retort has been shown by Muslims across the world in protests and boycotts, as we witnessed recently aft er Macron’s attacks on Islam and his support of caricatures of Prophet Muhammadsa being published and spread.
Th ankfully, some Muslim leaders did openly condemn Macron’s divisive comments and support of the vile caricatures, such as President Erdogan, Iran’s Hassan Rouhani and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan; however, the forthright condemnation by the actual leaders of Muslim countries themselves can be counted on one hand – many Muslims were urging their leaders to offi cially condemn the support of France in publishing the caricatures of Prophet Muhammadsa, but to no avail.
Nevertheless, even condemnations from government ministries in Qatar, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco and Jordan etc. added to the unity in condemning the cartoons.
Imagine, if all 50-plus Muslim countries – in a united voice – openly condemned the vile attacks made against Prophet Muhammadsa and Islam, would any other world leader – like Macron – dare to support, promote and endorse such derogatory caricatures if faced with such a united front of Muslims?
Th e importance of Muslim unity was encapsulated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in his Friday Sermon soon aft er Macron’s anti-Muslim rhetoric:
“… it is clear that there is a lack of unity amongst Muslims and this is the very reason why all of this is occurring. Muslim countries are at odds with one another and increasing divisions display to the world that there is discord amongst Muslims.
“If the world knew that Muslims are united, that they believe in the same One God and His Messengersa and are ever-ready to present sacrifi ces for their sake, then the non-Muslim world would never act in this way and never would a newspaper be emboldened to publish caricatures of the Holy Prophetsa.”
Emphasising the solution for the ummah, Huzooraa went on to say:
“If the Muslim Ummah [nation] desires a permanent solution, then the entire Muslim world must become united. Even now, the president of Turkey responded to the French president and a few other [Muslim] countries responded as well. However, these responses do not bear the same impact as compared to the potential impact of a united response from all Muslims.
“It is said that as a result of the response from the president of Turkey and other nations, the French president changed and soft ened his statement and tried to justify what he really meant. Yet, at the same time, he fi rmly maintained his stance of being correct in their approach. However, if 54 or 55 Muslim countries were to speak out unanimously, then the French president would not simply make justifi cations for his statement; instead, he would have been compelled to plead for forgiveness.
“In short, all I wish to say is that we must pray for the Muslim nations to at least be able to raise a single, united voice against others; only then will we see true results. We have remained persistent in our mission and will continue to do so, insha-Allah!” (Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vaa, Friday Sermon, 6 November 2020)
Th is back-to-basics approach towards unity while sidelining internal diff erences and personal interests is what the Muslim world desperately needs. A united Muslim front will eff ectively extinguish the uncontrollable fi re of anti-Muslim rhetoric and malice-fi lled attacks against our beloved Prophetsa .
Apart from unity, productive and educational eff orts need to be made to show the world the beautiful teachings of Islam that are refl ected in the blessed character of Prophet Muhammadsa. As Huzooraa has continuously pointed out in his sermons, momentary outcries and boycotts will not bring lasting changes.
Th e reaction of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been not only to condemn the defamation of Prophet Muhammadsa in the guise of freedom of speech, but also to actively educate people about the truth of Prophet Muhammadsa .
Th is unifi ed response by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has led to scores of intellectuals, leaders and members of the public, worldwide, to appreciate Islamic teachings and Prophet Muhammadsa .
Uniquely, Huzooraa has also hugely emphasised and encouraged Ahmadi Muslims towards invoking durood (salutations and prayers) upon Prophet Muhammadsa as a response to attacks on Prophet Muhammadsa – something wider Muslim leaders and scholars have not paid attention to.
Responding to attacks on Prophet Muhammadsa and Islam in a unifi ed, collective and eff ective manner will enable the Muslim ummah to push back at a world that has demonised them and their beloved Prophetsa . ��ھاﺮﺑا یﻠ� ﺖﻴﻠﺻ اﻤﻛ ﺪﻤ�� لآ یﻠ�و ﺪﻤ�� یﻠ� ﻞﺻ ﻢ���ا ﺪﻴ�� ﺪﻴﻤﺣ کنا ��ھاﺮﺑا لآ یﻠ�و ��ھاﺮﺑا یﻠ� ﺖ�راﺑ اﻤﻛ ﺪﻤ�� لآ یﻠ�و ﺪﻤ�� یﻠ� كراﺑ ﻢ���ا ﺪﻴ�� ﺪﻴﻤﺣ کنا ��ھاﺮﺑا لآ یﻠ�و
monument and a reminder [to all that follow].” Huzooras added, “It will be an impactful spectacle to see the [members of a] Jamaat who were united during their lifetime also united after their demise. This is very good … It is not an innovation to add inscriptions on gravestones; in fact, this serves as a reminder and every gravestone will serve as a piece of history of the Jamaat.” (Malfuzat, Vol. 4, p. 586)
9 December 1894: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra. Huzooras expressed his gratitude for his fi nancial sacrifi ce and further wrote, “You have occupied a warm place in my heart. I continuously pray for you in your absence and I also pray for your brothers, Salih Muhammad, Ali Muhammad and Yunus.” (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 334)
10 December 1892: The Promised Messiahas issued an open announcement to all clerics and religious authorities, which can be termed as the fi rst call of mubahala (prayer duel). This was chosen as a decisive measure to reach a solution between him and his opponents. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 363)
10 December 1892: The Promised Messiahas wrote a lengthy letter to Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra. In this letter, Huzooras narrated the purpose of establishing the Jamaat, Allah’s treatment with the Jamaat and shared details of a few prophecies and eradicated misconceptions with regard to the aforementioned prophecies. After removing some doubts in light of Quranic verses, Huzooras stated that though this letter was addressed to Nawab Sahibra, however many points had been written for the benefi t of removing misconceptions that others may have also. This precious letter is cited in Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam (Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 5, pp. 331-358). (Maktubate-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 170)
10 December 1894: On this day, the Promised Messiahas wrote to Hazrat Mian Abdullah Sanaurira . Huzooras stated that he was pleased to receive his letter in which he mentioned that Allah the Almighty had saved him from a certain matter. Huzooras, in the letter, prayed that Allah the Almighty granted Hazrat Mian Abdullah Sanauri Sahib’s father good health. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 3, p. 222)
10 December 1894: The Promised Messiahas issued a handbill on this day for the eyes of the British Government, the Empress of India Queen Victoria, the governor general of India, lieutenant governor of Punjab and other concerned infl uential fi gures. This was published in Gulzar Muhammadi Press, Lahore and contained the rebuttal of an article titled, A Dangerous Fanatic, published in the Civil and Military Gazette on 24 October 1894. The article was about the Promised Messiahas and was misleading and deceitful. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 595)
10 December 1899: On this date, the Promised Messiahas said: Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib should then translate. This book will have three sections. The fi rst section will be on our duties to Allah the Exalted; the second section will deal with the rights that we owe to our own souls and the third section will provide an exposition on the rights that we owe to humanity at large.” (Malfuzat [English], Vol. 2, p. 105)
10 December 1899: The Promised Messiahas wrote to a sajjada nasheen (a term used within the sufi tradition for a successor or sufi master), Maulvi Sultan Mahmud Sahib, in which he gave a short, yet comprehensive introduction to his Jamaat and the status which Allah the Almighty granted him and his mission. After conveying his message in full, Huzooras stated:
“This is a proclamation from me to you. The responsibility for all those individuals who can accept the truth with a slight gesture by you, rests on your shoulders.” (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 1, p. 483)
10 December 1901: The Promised Messiahas was extremely worried for the masses as the plague was claiming lives in many parts of the Indian subcontinent. On this day, out of sheer sympathy, he issued a written announcement in three languages, Arabic, Urdu and Persian, with a supplement in Pashto so that his message could reach as many locals as possible and they could safeguard themselves from this growing pandemic. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 2, pp. 537553)
From the Markaz Outreach plans and spiritual reformation

Ghana amila receives direction from Huzoor through virtual mulaqat
As the pandemic continues to spread and we continue to make changes and alterations in our lives whilst adjusting to the “new normal”, one thing is for certain, that the strong, unique and unwavering bond between the Khalifa and the Jamaat shall never diminish.
In such circumstances, while members of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat yearn to meet their beloved Imamaa once again, the national amila of Ghana were fortunate to have a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, on 28 November 2020.
Along with the amila members, the zonal missionaries currently serving in Ghana were also present. Th e amila members gathered in the Wahab Adam MTA Studio at Bustan-e-Ahmad, Accra.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa began the mulaqat with a silent prayer, aft er which the amila members had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their respective roles and departments. Every department had the opportunity to speak with Huzooraa and seek guidance and direction.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa , having served as a waqif-e-zindagi in Ghana from 1977 to 1985, personally recognised many of those present during the mulaqat.
Whilst addressing the principal of Jamia Ahmadiyya International, Huzooraa enquired as to how many students were studying in Jamia. Upon this, the principal replied that 231 student from 24 countries were currently studying in Jamia. Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa remarked, “Masha-Allah!” and added, “So this is a real international Jamia!”
Following this, whilst addressing the secretary Waqf-e-Jadid, Huzooraa asked if any special eff ort was being made as the Waqf-e-Jadid year approached its end.
Huzooraa added, “Th is time, in Tahrike-Jadid, Ghana came in the top ten.” Alluding to Waqf-e-Jadid, Huzooraa said, “At least among the African countries, Ghana should be at the top of the list. Th is is my wish and this is my desire. Extend this message to all Ahmadis living in Ghana.”
Addressing the assistant secretary tabligh, Huzooraa enquired about the work currently in progress and asked about this year’s target for new converts. Upon this, the assistant secretary stated that due to Covid-19, the tabligh work was not able to be conducted as it usually is.
Upon this, Huzooraa stated, “On a personal basis you can do tabligh.” Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa added, “Owing to Covid-19, you are talking to me directly and I am talking to the amila. So in this way, you can also explore some new avenues.”
Huzooraa, whilst providing direction, stated, “You should make a proper outreach plan; ‘Despite Covid-19, how can we reach the people? How can we do tabligh? What are the new ways we should explore?’ … You have a fertile brain, masha-Allah; you can do this if you wish.”
Addressing the national secretary tabligh (preaching), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa stated that due to health concerns, “if you cannot go outside to do tabligh, you can give a proper plan to your additional secretary so that he can implement those plans. As I have said, there are so many means and ways to fi nd out and be used under the present circumstances.”
Whilst conversing with the secretary talim (education), lovingly, Huzooraa expressed, “When I left Ghana, you looked quite young. Now you look elderly.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa then

enquired as to how many university-going students were present in Ghana. Huzooraa further said:
“You should have the data of all the students who are attending university; all the data of the students attending secondary schools; all those who have dropped out aft er doing their middle school; the data of those who dropped out aft er primary school and the reason as to why they didn’t continue their studies. [You should also ascertain] how we can help those students who want to persue further studies and go to school, but because of circumstances, family matters and fi nancial aff airs, they cannot continue; and what help the Jamaat can extend to them. You should have all this data.”
Following this, addressing the secretary for external aff airs, Huzooraa asked about the relationship the Jamaat had with the politicians of diff erent parties, members of parliament and presidents.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “You should have a personal relationship with all politicians, especially members of parliament.” Huzooraa emphasised the importance of this task and said, “You should help them realise that they should work for the betterment of the nation so that the country can prosper.”
Addressing the sadr Khuddam-ulAhmadiyya, Huzooraa asked how many khuddam were in Ghana. Upon this, the sadr responded by saying that currently, there were 16,048 khuddam and 6,524 atfal.
Whilst providing valuable advice and guidance, Huzooraa said, “You should try to improve your tajnid [census] … You should go to each and every majlis and try to get the tajnid from the grass-root level.”
Following this, addressing the secretary for new converts, Huzooraa asked about the measures being implemented to train and help in bringing them into the main system of the Jamaat and involve them in Jamaat activities. Huzooraa added, “You should make a plan in such a way that each and every new convert is involved in the mainstream of the Jamaat within a threeyear time period.”
Addressing the secretary talimul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi (Quranic education and temporary devotion of time), Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa directed, “You should ask your amila members to do waqf-e-arzi.” “First”, Huzooraa said, “ask all the national amila members to do waqfe-arzi, then regional amila members to do waqf-e-arzi, then local amila members. In this way, you can achieve your target.” Huzooraa further added, “In this way, you can do some tabligh, training and tarbiyat of the Jamaat as well.”
Whilst conversing with a missionary who acquired his Shahid degree from Jamia Ahmadiyya International, Huzooraa said, “Masha-Allah, so you can speak Urdu.” Upon this, the young missionary replied by saying, “Th ori thori [only a little].” Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said, “Th is means you know Urdu very well, for a person who does not know Urdu well would have said ‘Th ora thora.’”
Following this, a similar incident took place, whilst speaking with another missionary who graduated from Jamia International. Huzooraa instructed, “Write your letters to me in Urdu and your Urdu will improve.”
Whilst addressing another missionary who graduated from Jamia International, Huzooraa said, “All missionaries who are originally from Ghana and who have completed the Shahid degree and know Urdu, should write to me in Urdu.” Huzooraa also expressed that one should read Malfuzat to improve one’s profi ciency in Urdu, even if it be half a page a day.
In the end, the amir and missionaryin-charge requested Huzooraa to pray for peace to reign the country as the presidential elections were due to take place.
Upon this, Huzooraa answered, “If the present government has done well for the country and for the people of the country, then they should win. Otherwise, I pray that some other people come who are helpful and useful for the country, who work for the country with honesty and sincerity, insha-Allah.”
Th is brought the mulaqat to a close.
A dars on Thanksgiving – the tradition of showing gratitude
Syed Shamshad Nasir Missionary, USA
Muhammed Ahmad Sahib of Detroit reports that the Th anksgiving Day is an annual national holiday in the USA, celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Th e holiday is oft en the busiest day of the year, as family members gather together. Th anksgiving Day was celebrated this year on 26 November 2020.
Th is year, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, travel and other activities were relatively limited compared to previous years.
On the evening of 25 November 2020, a night before Th anksgiving, Syed Shamshad Nasir Sahib, Regional Missionary of the Midwest region, delivered a dars on the topic of how to be truly thankful in light of what the Holy Quran as well as the Ahadith of the Holy Prophetsa teach us in this regard.
Shamshad Nasir Sahib started by providing a quick reminder of the upcoming Th anksgiving Holiday that many families would be together with their loved ones, preparing and eating the traditional feast. While this is one way to celebrate the holiday, we must look into the Holy Quran as well as the life of the Holy Prophetsa, as to what they taught us to be thankful to Almighty Allah for, Who provided us everything. Shamshad Sahib quoted various verses of the Holy Quran in this regard. نا و یدِلاو یلع و یلع ﺖمع�ا یتلا کتمع� ر�ﺷا نا ینعزوا بر نیﺤلﺼلا كداﺒع یف کتمحرب ینلخدا و ہﺿرت اﺤِلاﺻ لمعا
“My Lord, grant me [the will and power] to be grateful for Th y favour which Th ou hast bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do [such] good works as would please Th ee, and admit me, by Th y mercy, among Th y righteous servants.” (Surah al-Naml, Ch.27: V.20)
Th e above prayer was taught by the Almighty Allah to Hazrat Solomonas .
Shamshad Sahib continued by stating that truly, God is Gracious to all people, yet the majority of us are not grateful to Allah. If one wants the blessings of Allah, he must be grateful to Allah for His favours. Th e one who is not grateful to the people, is not grateful to Allah.
At the end, an example was given of the Holy Prophetsa who used to always praise and be thankful to his wife Hazrat Khadijahra. He used to remember her and would say that she was the fi rst one who accepted him and gave comfort to him during the most strenuous of times. When people deprived him of money, she gave him money.
Listeners were reminded to be thankful to Allah and worship Him alone as this is another important way to be thankful to God and this was the way of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
Th ey were also reminded of the fact that many people look to be fed on this day and if anyone in one’s neighborhood needs help or is needy, then they must be off ered help. Th is should not only be limited to today, but in this hard time, one should look to help others as that will also be a form of thanksgiving.
May Allah guide and help us so that we can be truly grateful to Him for all the blessings and bounties He has bestowed upon us. Amin.
Continued from page 1
century is the breaking of the cross. Now since this sign has been fulfilled in his person, the mujaddid of the fourteenth century has been named the “Promised Messiah”. For it is established in the hadith that the task of the Promised Messiah was ﺐﻴﻠﺼﻟا ��ﻜﻳ (he would break the cross).
Even our opponents must accept that the task of the mujaddid of the fourteenth century should be to break the cross because this is the trial with which he is confronted. How can there be any room to deny that the Promised Messiah would be the mujaddid of the fourteenth century?
My attention is directed to those who have a thirst for the truth; but what benefit can those people derive from us who have no desire to search for the truth and whose dispositions are crooked?
Remember that only those are guided who refrain from prejudice. Those who do not contemplate gain nothing. So let the seeker of guidance know that in the present circumstances, the task of the mujaddid of the fourteenth century is to break the cross because the perilous trial of the cross is rampant.
Islam is such a religion that if even one person left the fold, a wave of astonishment would ripple through society. But now, how unfortunate it is that there are hundreds of thousands who have left Islam.
Those who were born in Muslim homes now level all sorts of hurtful allegations against the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who was the perfect man and whose inner purity has no parallel in the world. This is to such an extent that tens of millions of books have been published by this group accusing this Leader of the Sinless. Many regular weekly and monthly newspapers, as well as periodicals, have been established for this very purpose.
Then in such a state of affairs, would God Almighty send no mujaddid? And when the mujaddid was to appear, think for the sake of God, would his task be to bicker and clash over matters such as raising the hands during the Prayer or reciting “amin” aloud in the congregational Prayer?
One ought to reflect that if a disease was spreading in the form of an epidemic, would a doctor seek to cure that disease or would he provide a remedy to some other illness?
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has become the subject of extreme mockery. It is written that a companion of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, went so far as to kill his mother upon hearing her dishonour the Prophetsa .
This was the jealousy and honour that the Muslims once possessed, but today, they read and listen to slanderous books and feel no indignation. They cannot even bring themselves to dislike such publications. On the contrary, they oppose, mock and ridicule the person who has been sent specifically by God to put an end to this calamity and who is possessed with a distinct jealousy for the honour and glory of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
May God Almighty Himself grant these people a discerning eye. Amin.