28 minute read
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of the Promised Messiahas. Huzooraa added, “That should have also been included in this programme. When you are making a programme, then you should also read a hadith and explain that hadith also. Then, a passage from the writings of the Promised Messiahas should be presented and explain it as well.”
Following this, Huzooraa was shown a video presentation, prepared by waqf-e-nau Indonesia, showing the waqifeen who are serving in different offices and departments in Indonesia.
Upon seeing the video, Huzooras said, “Masha-Allah!” and asked, “Now, what’s next?” The national secretary replied, “Questions and answers, Huzoor.”
Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa lovingly asked, “Am I going to ask questions and you answer them, or will you ask questions and I answer?”
The first question was about studies. A waqif-e-nau said that he was studying biomedical science and asked Huzooraa which research topic would be useful and beneficial for the Jamaat.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa replied by saying, “When you receive topics from your university, then you should ask me, ‘These are the topics which the university, or my professor, has suggested for me.’” Huzooraa added, “Whenever your professor gives you any topic or he gives you the option that ‘these are the topics, pick any of them’, then if you want to seek any guidance, you may ask me.”
Upon being asked how one is able to preserve the bond of marriage, especially bearing in mind newly married couples, Huzooraa said, “Whenever [your wife] gives good food, you should praise her. Always think that you have to set a good example before her. Always think that if the relation between the husband and wife is not good, then your children will also suffer and in this way, you will be destroying the future of the new Ahmadi generation.”
Whilst seeking guidance from Huzooraa , a waqif-e-nau asked what could be done if someone was studying in university and faced financial difficulties.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said, “If it is with regard to your fees and educational expenses, then you can ask the Jamaat and the Jamaat can either give you a loan, a soft term loan, to complete your studies or a scholarship according to the condition of the student.”
Following this, a waqif-e-nau, whilst asking his question, said that the impact of climate change was felt and seen throughout the world and was getting severe. He asked for Huzoor’saa opinion regarding the current climate situation and how one should try to address the issue.
Answering the question, Huzooraa said, “The climate change problem is an issue everywhere across the world, especially in the developing countries
where the population is increasing in numbers without any proportion. Just to accommodate this population, residential areas are being increased and because of increasing residential areas, forests are also being cut down.
“This deforestation is also causing climate change … Whenever any tree is cut, you should plant two to replace it.” Huzooraa added, “Fuel consumption should also be reduced. We [mankind] have become so lazy that if we want to go from one place to another and the distance is only 100 or 200 yards, instead of walking, we take our motorbike or car to go to that place. In this way, you are polluting the atmosphere … there are so many other factors which are causing pollution and climate change.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa added, “Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya and Waiqfeen-eNau should start a scheme for the plantation of trees in the forest and in different areas.”
Upon being asked if one is allowed to enter politics, Huzooraa said, “Yes, you can go into politics, of course. If it is possible, you can even stand for a parliamentary seat.”
Following this, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was asked how one can maintain the spirit of waqf. Responding to this, Huzooraa said, “Being a waqif-ezindagi, always remember that you are doing your work for the sake of Allah and always know that whatever you do, Allah is always watching over you … Always
remember that we have to do our work to seek Allah’s pleasure.”
A waqif-e-nau stated there were many cases of discrimination, especially in religious matters, in Indonesia and enquired if a waqif-e-nau could go into the field and become a policymaker or a government employee to serve the country to fight against such discrimination.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa said, “Those waqifeen-e-nau who are not directly serving the Jamaat – not going to Jamia Ahmadiyya or those who are not interested in doing medicine and serving in the Jamaat’s hospitals – can go into public service; and if you are in the public service, you can help reduce discrimination in the country.”
A waqif-e-nau stated that before the current pandemic, Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa would travel to various countries like USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, etc. He asked Huzooraa how he spends his time whilst travelling.
Huzooraa replied, “It all depends on the condition of the travel. If it is five to six hours of travel, then I take some rest and do some reading. If it is prayer time, then some time is spent in prayers … I don’t get much time to talk to my wife when I am at home, so sometimes, while travelling, we also discuss some matters.”
Following this, a waqif-e-nau stated that he had watched some documentaries about Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa and learnt that prior to Khilafat, Huzooraa was a person
who didn’t like to be the centre of attention. He further asked how Huzooraa managed to adapt to the change after becoming the Khalifa.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated, “I don’t know. It is Allah Who has changed me.”
Upon being asked how one can eliminate laziness, Huzooraa said, “Make sure that you get up early in the morning, offer Tahajud prayer and the Fajr prayer and then start your work. If you haven’t had enough sleep during the night, you can also sleep for one hour and then start doing your job. So, it all depends on your willpower.”
In the end, Huzooraa prayed, “Allah bless you all and Allah enable each and every waqif-e-nau to strengthen his bond of waqf-e-nau and strengthen his bond with Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyyat.” Thereafter, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa extended salaam to everyone.
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effects of this coronavirus and also saves us from all bad things, so that the world becomes a place of peace for us.
“But it cannot be achieved until we try to reform ourselves; we try to change ourselves; we try to follow all the commandments of the Holy Quran given to us by Allah the Almighty. So, in this way, if we reform ourselves, insha-Allah, Allah the Almighty will remove all the difficulties and will make this world a peaceful place to live, like a heaven. Allah the Almighty even says in the Holy Quran that you can develop and create Paradise on this earth and that can only be achieved when you are following Allah the Almighty’s commandments.”
Another Lajna member reported to Huzooraa about an MTA programme she participates in and said the response from non-Ahmadis was very positive.
Huzooraa asked the member what the feedback was on the new MTA Ghana channel and whether positive feedback was received? She reported that lots of nonAhmadis tune in and make a lot of phone calls to enquire about more and overall, the feedback was very positive with lots of people engaging with the new channel.
A question was asked regarding the literacy of Lajna members and how the umur-e-talibat secretary could improve literacy. Huzooraa responded by saying:
“The nasirat secretary should make it a point that all their nasirat members at least complete their middle school … And when they enter Lajna Imaillah, then secretary umur-e-talibat should make it a point to try and find out the talent. If your students are talented, then they should be given the opportunity to have a better and higher education to go to university. And if, because of some financial restraints and some other problems, they cannot do it, then the Jamaat should be informed of it and we should not waste such talent.
“Apart from that, you should also make it a point to reflect on how, according to your condition, you can improve the literacy rate? You know your situation better than me. So, make a plan and whatever plan you make, send it to me for approval. And then, if there is any financial help needed in this plan, then I can ask your sadr Lajna or even the Jamaat to help you. But the plan should be very much practical and try to improve the level of education of your members.”
Sadr Lajna took the opportunity to thank Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for granting them the meeting and for his kind letters sent to Lajna Imaillah Ghana full of prayers and valuable guidance. Sadr Sahiba said she shared the contents of those letters with other amila members who were then motivated even more.
At the end of the meeting, Huzooraa said:
“I am happy I have seen you. May Allah the Almighty bless you and let you achieve all those expectations which I have explained just now. Allah bless you all.”
Huzooraa then conveyed salaam to everyone and the meeting ended.
Mosque in Spain offers free English classes and removes misconceptions about Islam
Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet, Muhammadsa
A single endeavour in Allah’s cause
Hazrat Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
“A single endeavour in Allah’s cause
Allah the Exalted states:ترما امک مقتساف, i.e. become upright and free yourselves of all forms of evil action and crookedness, then shall I be pleased with you; be- come upright yourself and make others the same.
How difficult was it for the Arabs to make people upright. When the people asked, the Holy Prophetsa said that Surah Hud had made him old, because this injunction placed a very heavy responsibility upon him.
As far as a person’s own being is concerned, it is possible for an individual to make themselves upright and fully obey the commandments of Allah Almighty. However, it is not easy to mould others in this way. This demonstrates the lofty grandeur and the spiritual power of the Noble Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. How wonderfully did the Holy Prophetsa fulfil this commandment. He produced a pious community of noble companions to whom it was said: in the forenoon or in the afternoon is better than the world and whatever is in it.”
(Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Jihad wa al-Siyar, Hadith 2792)
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , In His Own Words
The spiritual power of the Holy Prophet

Abdusalaam Stedman Spain Correspondent
Zafar Rasheed Sahib, a missionary of Jamaat Spain reports that Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Spain had a unique opportunity to collaborate with the local authorities to provide help to residents in this difficult time of Covid-19, at Basharat Mosque, Cordoba, Spain.
Over a period of three months, free English learning classes were held with the help of the mayor and her team at the local town hall of Pedro Abad.
The classes were arranged for people who wanted to learn English at a beginner’s level. The classes were arranged in the conference hall situated in the premises of the Basharat Mosque.
The duration of the class was two hours and were on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The two teachers were Tahira Ilahi Sahiba (who taught online), Tarik Ata ul Munim Sahib, Zafar Rasheed Sahib and myself (Abdusalaam Stedman).
Before the classes were arranged, amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Spain along with national secretary tabligh held meetings with the Mayor of Pedro Abad and the councilor of equality and co-existence, in which details regarding the format of the class, duration, technical support, etc. were finalised.
Due to the pandemic, it was decided that no more than 15 people could attend the class at a time. 17 people registered for the class and 11 people had 80% or more attendance and were eligible for exams.
The councilor of equality and coexistence also thanked the Ahmadiyya Community in Spain for organising the classes and helping the town hall.
The Elementary Course’s books of Oxford University and other helping material was used to teach the students. Despite the fact students had difficulty in learning English, eight out of 10 students passed the final exam the teachers had set.
Before and during the class, teachers also held meetings and were in touch to keep up to date with the progress and developments of the class and discussed the difficulties and how to tackle them. Likewise, the teaching plan and the follow up on the teaching plan was also done on a regular basis.
The exam was held on 15 December 2020, and then on 17 December, a small concluding ceremony was held to distribute certificates among students. This event was also held in the conference hall inside the premises of Basharat Mosque.
In this ceremony, amir Jamaat Spain, the mayor of Pedro Abad and the councilor of equality and co-existence were present, while national secretary tabligh and two teachers joined virtually.
The mayor of Pedro Abad invited national secretary tabligh to say a few words. He said:
“Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya all around the world is always at the forefront to help people in any way possible, as it is one of the duties of a Muslim which he owes to the society. We will continue to hold such programmes, which benefit our neighbours here in Pedro Abad and in Spain. I thank the respected mayor and her councilor for providing the material and support for the classes. In future, culinary, Arabic calligraphy or Arabic language classes can also be held here if people are interested in learning or we can diversify the future classes including such things.”
The students present at the conference hall appreciated his idea.
The mayor said the following words:
“First I want to thank Mr Razak, Amir of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat [Spain] for his continuous support. I have always found the Jamaat and Mr Razak, helpful in all the positive and society building activities. The town hall was trying to arrange for an English course for some time, but lacked the professional support, so when Mr Razak proposed to hold these classes here in this conference hall, I could not help agreeing to it.
“Ever since the Basharat Mosque has been built, the Ahmadiyya Community has always helped the local community and authorities in any manner they can. I have always felt welcome here. Mr Razak has always encouraged me to promote that the people can come to the mosque whenever they want to as it is just like their home and they are always more than welcome here.”
Amir Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Spain said:
“I thank the mayor for her appreciation. We have many mosques all around the world. This mosque is for you, so you are always welcome here. Whenever you want, you may come to the mosque to visit at any time, consult us about your English problems or just study some books in the library. You can come visit the mosque with your family. We are always more than happy to receive you. You should listen to the radio and other programmes to improve your English. We are always here to help you in any way we can. We are here to help humanity because service to humanity is the first and foremost thing.”
The councilor of equality and coexistence said:
“To organise a class with collaboration
سانلِل تجرخا ۃما ریخ متنک
“You are the best people raised for the good of mankind.”
Then, these same people were given the glad tiding: ہنع اوضر و مہنع ہللا یضر
“Allah is well pleased with them, and they are well pleased with Him.”
Before the Holy Prophetsa passed away, no hypocrite was left in Medina, the Holy City. Hence, the Holy Prophetsa received such success that its parallel cannot be found in the life accounts of any other Prophet.
By this, the purpose of Allah the Almighty was to teach that one must not remain limited to mere words and statements. For if we remain confined to mere words, statements and outward display, then what will differentiate us from others and how shall we be any better?
You ought to exhibit a shining practical example that others find acceptable, because until your example possesses a true radiance, others will never accept it. Can anyone be attracted to a dirty and filthy thing? If even one stain is evident on a person’s clothes, they do not look appealing. Similarly, until your inner-state is pure and shining, no one will hold you in esteem. Everyone admires things of fine quality and in the same manner, until your morals are of a high standing, you shall not be able to achieve anything.
(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , Malfuzat, Vol. 1, pp. 187-188)
This Week in History
29 January - 4 February
In this third year of Al Hakam, we will present a selection of incidents from the blessed life of the Promised Messiahas with some more details

29 January 1900: On this date, the Promised beautifully expounded on. Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Nawab Muhammad Ali Khanra in which he prayed that Allah removed all his problems and hardships. February 1894: The Arabic book of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , Hamamatul-Bushra and another Arabic book, with its Urdu translation, Nur-ul-Haq Part I, were published in February. Huzooras further prayed that Allah granted him a long life and increased his level of faith. Moreover, Huzooras stated that he should visit and stay with him for two-three months. (Maktubat-eAhmad, Vol. 2, p. 253) Hamamatul-Bushra, though written in 1893, was published in February 1894. It was reprinted in Cairo many years after. On the title page of the book, the Promised Messiahas wrote two couplets: 30 January 1903: The Promised Messiahas saw in a vision that he had the sceptre of the Tsar. He said that he saw in a dream as though the sceptre of the Tsar of Russia was in his hand and hidden inside it was the barrel of a gun and thus, it served two purposes. Huzooras then saw that the bow of the king who reigned at the time of Avicenna (Bu Ali Sina) was in his hand and he shot an arrow at a tiger. It appeared to Huzooras as if Avicenna and the king were also with him. (Tadhkirah [English translation], p. 621) 31 January 1891: The Promised Messiahas replied to a letter from Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra which he received through Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra. In the letter, Huzooras prayed that Allah the Almighty granted him permanent happiness and prosperity and also prayed that Allah enabled many others to follow his example. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 100) 31 January 1892: The Promised Messiahas delivered a speech at a general gathering in Lahore which was conducted at the residence of Hazrat Munshi Miran Bakhshra. More than 10,000 people had attended. After his speech, Huzooras instructed Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra to deliver a speech. (Tarikh-eAhmadiyyat, Vol. 1, p. 456)
1893: In the month of February, the book of the Promised Messiahas , Aina-e-Kamalate-Islam was published. Huzooras was occupied for an entire year in completing this First edition of Aina-e-Kamalat-emasterpiece. In this Islam book, the Promised Messiahas introduced Islam in a new light. Huzooras described how, through the religion of Islam, man can achieve spiritual eminence. He explained the functioning of angels and a number of verses of the Holy Quran were

“Our dove flies with the wings of fondness and in its beak are the presents of peace, and it flies to the land of the Prophet who is our beloved Lord, Chief of the Messengers and the best of creation.” The Promised Messiahas added that this book holds some of the spiritual secrets of the Holy Quran. Nur-ul-Haq Part I, was published in Mustafa‘i Press, Lahore. In the first part of this book, the Promised Messiahas refuted allegations leveled against him suggesting his disloyalty to the government. He referred to the services that his father and brother had rendered. In this book, the Promised Messiahas made a fervent prayer: “O God! Am I not from You? At this time, when there is an onslaught of disbelievers – O God – come to my aid from the sky and help this humble self.” Within one month, God accepted this prayer and the lunar and solar eclipses took place on 28 Ramadan – the same sign which ahadith speak of that would appear in support of the advent of the Mahdi. 1 February 1896: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to a priest, Fateh Masih, in which he preached to him regarding disputed matters and advised him to talk morally. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 1, p. 230) 1 February 1897: On this date, the Promised Messiahas published an announcement in Persian which had a message for Shiites like Haji Sheikh Muhammad Raza Tehrani Najfi, who came up with a way of examining the truth of a claimant of prophethood. Haji Sahib suggested that the claimant should jump from the roof of Shahi Mosque Lahore and if the claimant was true, they would survive the fall. The objections regarding the death of Jesusas and the solar and lunar eclipses were also answered in the same announcement. Its Urdu version was also attached. (Majmua-e-Ishtiharat, Vol. 2, p. 194) 2 February 1895: On this date, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter he received from Hazrat Munshi Rustam Alira. Hazrat Ahmadas stated that he had prayed for him during Tahajud and that he had also seen a dream, which he was unable to recall. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 609) 2 February 1897: On this date, the Promised Messiahas replied to a letter from Hazrat Haji Seith Allah Rakha Abdur Rahmanra in which he wrote that he had received his letter and hoped that he would regularly inform him of his wellbeing. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 2, p. 345) 2 February 1900: It was Eid-ul-Fitr in Qadian. Hazrat Hakim Maulvi Nuruddinra led the Eid prayer. Thereafter, the Promised Messiahas delivered a detailed sermon in which he prayed for the victory of the British government in the ongoing war of Transvaal against the Boer nation in South Africa. This convention is known as Jalsa Dua (Prayer Meeting). Whilst describing how the British provided religious freedom to all peoples in India, the Promised Messiahas urged the audience, in accordance with the Islamic teachings, to pray for the success and victory of the British in the war with South Africa. In his sermon, the Promised Messiahas gave an illuminating commentary on Surah al-Nas and enumerated the favours of the British government. The meeting ended with a long prayer for British victory in Transvaal, which certainly did not go in vain – the tide of war turned in favour of the British. 3 February 1892: The Promised Messiahas published an ishtihar (announcement) addressing all Muslims, in which he stated that he did not claim to be a law-bearing prophet. Huzooras further stated that just as he had written in his book, Izala-e-Auham, his belief was that the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was Khatamul-Anbiya (Seal of all the Prophets). (Majmua Ishtiharat, Vol. 1, p. 329) 4 February 1885: The Promised Messiahas wrote a letter to Haji Muhammad Waliullah Sahib. Whilst addressing a letter he (Haji Muhammad Waliullah Sahib) had written earlier, Huzooras stated that his letter was full of rage and foul and harsh words, which displayed his bitter character and animosity. Huzooras stated that if he had read his book, Surma Chasham-e-Arya, he would have known that he had already published an ishtihar stating that if anyone was angry over the delay in the printing of his book, Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, and wanted their money returned, then they should inform him and all such buyers would be refunded. Huzooras also said that those who displayed enmity and resorted to foul and filthy words could never do him any harm. Such people themselves become the recipients of humiliation in this world and in the Hereafter. (Maktubat-e-Ahmad, Vol. 1, p. 399)
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of the mosque administration was a new yet very pleasant experience for me. All people I have met here are very respectful and helping, which encouraged us. Many students have started asking me when the next course will start?”
Amir Sahib later invited some students for their comments.
One student said:
“I have seen the mosque from outside many times, but there was some sort of hesitation that stopped not only me, but maybe a lot of other people as well to enter the mosque. But having a class in the mosque premises helped me overcome my hesitation. Meeting the people of the mosque and knowing them is a memorable experience. A lot of my colleagues who have come to know about the class, are feeling sorry that they lost such a good opportunity.”
Another female student said:
“Although I was not able to attend the last few classes because of my work, but to come here and attend the classes was an unforgettable experience for me. I am looking forward to the next course and to be able to attend that. I think even though this mosque has been here for a long time, many people think that this is for them [Muslims], and that is why they distant themselves from the mosque. But coming here, meeting with you all and learning in such a friendly environment helped me change my opinion. And I think it also helped change others as well. It has left a very good impression on me.”
Another student said:
“The manner in which they have taught here, in a friendly and open environment and the pace they chose for the class encouraged us all to make some effort to learn although it felt difficult at the start. How the teachers have taught here, I cannot think of any other place, where they could teach in such a great manner.”
The councilor of equality and coexistence, thanked Amir Sahib and the mayor of Pedro Abad and invited Amir Sahib to distribute certificates among the students.
The certificates were distributed in three categories: for those who only registered for the course; for those who attended some classes, but were not able to sit in the exam and for those who have passed the exam.
After the distribution of the certificates, a small introductory video about Jamaat-eAhmadiyya and its services was shown.
At the end, in accordance with Islamic teachings of hospitality, refreshments were presented.

Lajna Ghana at new height of motivation after mulaqat
Nabeela Naeema Wahab General Secretary, Lajna Imaillah Ghana
The national amila of Lajna Imaillah Ghana had the immense honour of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineen, Khalifatul Masih Vaa on 24 January 2021 and were particularly pleased that of the three auxiliary organisations in Ghana, the first virtual mulaqat was granted to Lajna Imaillah Ghana.
Amila members gathered at the Wahab Adam Studio in Bustan-e-Ahmad in Accra and MTA Ghana provided the video link to Huzoor’s office in Islamabad, UK. 41 out of 56 amila members were able to attend, alhamdulillah. All Covid-19 safety protocols were observed.
Even though it was a virtual mulaqat, it felt as though members were physically in the presence of beloved Huzooraa .
Muhasiba Mal, who was appointed as an amila member only a week before the mulaqat, stated that she had never met Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa and it felt as though she was in his presence, physically. She said that she felt very blessed to have had the opportunity to meet with beloved Huzooraa, interact with him and watch other amila members interact with him. She was grateful and humbled by the opportunity afforded to her to serve in the amila and her luck at meeting Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa shortly after her appointment.
Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqfe-Jadid stated that she felt as though she was meeting with beloved Huzooraa face to face and it was the first time in her life to speak with him. She stated that she was overwhelmed and most humbled.
Honourary member in-charge of Kumasi, Sefwi, Obuasi and Sekyere Zones also stated that she had served in different capacities as an amila member for about 20 years and alhamdulillah, had met beloved Huzooraa a few times; however, although the meeting was a virtual meeting, it felt as though she was in the physical presence of Huzooraa and she was overjoyed.
During the mulaqat, members introduced themselves to Huzooraa and informed him of the departments they were responsible for. Huzooraa asked meticulous questions and in so doing, he drew the attention of amila members to the areas of their departments they needed to concentrate more on to improve their work.
While describing how the meeting with Huzooraa would improve her work as a national amila member, the general secretary wrote that before the mulaqat, she looked forward to reporting to beloved Huzooraa on the improvements that had been made. She was hoping to inform Huzooraa that alhamdulillah, 23 to 26 zones of the 27 zones in Ghana were submitting regular reports as compared to the 12 to 15 zones that were submitting reports in the 2018/19 Lajna year. She was looking forward to telling beloved Huzooraa that alhamdulillah, all amila members had been submitting departmental reports each month of this Lajna year as well.
However, after beloved Huzoor’s meticulous questions about the number of majalis in these zones that were submitting regular reports and after stating his expectations for Lajna in Ghana, she felt encouraged to work even harder with all amila members to increase work in all inactive majalis and have an even more improved report to submit to Huzooraa at the earliest possible time, insha-Allah.
Secretary tabligh also wrote that the expectations of Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa for Ghana encourages her to work harder to achieve more in tabligh.
Considering the number of jamaats, the world over, which Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa has to supervise, it was exceptional to observe Huzoor’s in-depth knowledge about the activities of all the departments, the tajnid and the way of life of the people in Ghana.
Naib secretary Nasirat wrote that after listening to Huzoor’s interaction with Secretary Nasirat and Huzoor’s questions about the tajnid of Nasirat in Ghana, she became very anxious that she would be asked a question about her department that she may not be able to answer satisfactorily.
Naib secretary tajnid, who was appointed to serve in the amila four months prior to the mulaqat, stated that she was excited at meeting Huzooraa for the first time in her life, but also pleasantly surprised at the in-depth knowledge Huzooraa had of all activities and the questions Huzooraa asked.
Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ghana also stated that she felt blessed.
The interactions with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa were most kind and loving. This became manifest when Huzooraa asked the secretary ziafat what meals she had prepared for the amila members for lunch, after the mulaqat. It was a delight to hear Huzooraa mention some of the favourite Ghanaian dishes. It was also kind of beloved Huzooraa to enquire about the welfare project or programmes planned for Lajna members in Ghana in his interactions with muavina sadr II in-charge of Khidmat-eKhalq.
Alhamdulillah, the mulaqat was a most spiritually inspiring and blessed mulaqat.
An amila member who had served the Jamaat for over 25 years and was once national Lajna sadr, now an honourary member, stated that seeing Huzooraa rekindled her faith in Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Secretary Nasirat said that she felt spiritually inspired. Another amila member wrote that she felt special and blessed.
Secretary tabligh stated that she had never met Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa even though it had been her dream to meet and interact with him someday. She wrote that she felt blessed that one year after being afforded an opportunity to serve as an amila member, her dreams had materialised. She wrote that alhamdulillah, the meeting with beloved Huzooraa virtually was a blessed opportunity.
Secretary for new converts stated that it was a blessed opportunity and she hoped and prayed that despite beloved Huzoor’s very busy schedule, other sisters may derive blessings from such an opportunity too, insha-Allah.
Many other amila members had similar comments, alhamdulillah.
One amila member stated that having interacted with Huzooraa, her suggestion was that all efforts should now be made to engage other Lajna in Jamaat work to fulfil the expectations of Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa for Lajna in Ghana, as soon as possible.
Almost all amila members wrote that the point which they liked the most was Hazrat Amirul Momineen’s advice and expectation that all members should offer their Salat five times a day, lead lives as good Muslims, bring up their children to become righteous and insha-Allah, Allah would then make Lajna in Ghana one of the best in the world. Huzooraa said that once we do this, Allah would have mercy on us and answer our sincere prayers for world peace.
Alhamdulillah, Lajna Imaillah Ghana’s virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa was a blessed one, an extremely uplifting experience and a most loving interaction, inspiring all amila members to do more. It is our prayer that other sisters may be able to experience this, insha-Allah.