7 minute read
Continued on
from Al Hakam - 9 October 2020
by Alhakam
very joyfully guided us and we all enjoyed these moments.”
Naseer Ahmad Khan Sahib, Secretary Ziafat, said:
Khalid Mahmood Naeem Sahib, Secretary Mal, said:
Rahman Masood Mahar Sahib, Additional Secretary Mal, said:
“By the grace of Allah, I was able to join the meeting with Huzooraa today. It is the sheer grace of Allah, that we had the opportunity to receive the instructions of Huzooraa directly. May Allah the Almighty help us to follow the instructions of Huzooraa. Th e truth of Khilafat was manifested to everyone through his deep understanding and love for Jamaat members.”
Sheikh Abdul Hadi Sahib, Secretary Talim-ul-Quran and Waqf-e-Arzi, said:
Mian Rizwan Masood Sahib, Secretary Tahrik-e-Jadid, said:
Muhammad Ahsan Gardezi Sahib, Secretary Tarbiyat and Waqf-e-Jadid Nau Mubai‘een, said:
Zahid Masud Sahib, Secretary Waqf-eNau, said:
“Th is was my fi rst meeting with Huzooraa as a member of the national amila. Th is virtual meeting was no less nerve-racking than a physical meeting. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every single moment. I will try my best to implement the instructions given by Huzooraa. I am thankful to Allah the Almighty that Huzooraa granted us some time from his busy schedule.”
Farhatullah Shad Sahib, Muhasib, said:
Mahmood Ashraf Sahib, Internal Auditor, said:
Sabahuzafar Missionary, New Zealand
Tasleem Ahmad Sahib reports that the newly launched “Discover Islam NZ” tabligh campaign run by Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya New Zealand has been continuing with great strength.
Th e “Discover Islam NZ” team recently visited the towns of Morrinsville and Matamata under the “Meet Your Muslim Neigbour NZ” campaign on 17 September 2020.
Th e campaign consisted of both street campaigns and “Islam Table Talk” sessions. Th e “Discover Islam NZ” team engaged with the public in diff erent places around the two towns, answering their questions and discussing a vast array of topics.
Th e “Islam Table Talk” sessions provided an opportunity for more in-depth discussions in cafes, over a cup of coff ee.
One notable guest was Mr Tim van de Molen, Member of Parliament for Waikato, who had a lengthy meeting with the “Discover Islam NZ” team. Th e MP for Waikato was provided a background to the campaign, introduced to Jamaate-Ahmadiyya, and Hazrat Amirul Momineen’saa eff orts for establishing lasting world peace.
During the meeting, various Islamic teachings were also discussed in detail. Th e delegation also presented Th e Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam as a gift to him. Following the meeting, the MP published a post from his offi cial Facebook account, to
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adjacent to mosques, but they never join in the Prayer. All I wish to say is that one ought to fervently and passionately pray to God Almighty that just as He has granted us diverse forms of pleasure in fruits and other things, may He enable us to experience, even once, the sweet taste of Prayer and worship. One never forgets the taste of a thing. If an individual looks at someone beautiful with pleasure, they remember it well. Further, if a person sees an ugly and hideous figure, the entire state of such a figure comes forth as an embodiment in the mind of the observer, whenever they are reminded of it. Of course, if a person is indifferent and saw the figure in passing, then one remembers nothing. Similarly, in the estimation of those who do not pray, the Prayer is like a penalty, whereby one is unjustly forced to wake up in the morning when it is cold and leave their precious sleep to perform ablution, and compelled to forsake many comforts in order to offer it. The actual fact is that such a one is averse and therefore, is unable to understand; they are oblivious of the pleasure and satisfaction that is present in Prayer. How then can they experience pleasure in Prayer? I observe that when a drunkard or one who suffers
promote and let the local public know about the campaign taking place in their respective towns.
Th e campaign received coverage in local media; Morrinsville News published an article prior to the visit on 17 September 2020, explaining the aims of the “Discover Islam NZ” campaign and highlighting the various initiatives and events the team was holding in the area.
Th e “Islam Table Talk” sessions also gave the “Discover Islam NZ” team the opportunity to hold an interview with the from addiction is unable to find satisfaction, they continue to drink glass after glass, until they are finally inebriated. A wise and prudent individual can benefit from this example. In other words, one must remain persistent in Prayer and continue observing it until they begin to experience pleasure. Just as a drunkard conceives of a pleasure in his mind, which is the actual objective he pursues, in the same way, the mind and all of one’s faculties must feel a propensity towards the acquisition of that very pleasure that exists in Prayer. Then, with sincerity and passion, at least to the extent that an addict suffers from anxiety, restlessness and pain, an individual ought to pray that they are able to experience the pleasure they seek. I say truthfully that surely and most definitely they will experience the pleasure of Prayer.
Then, in the observance of Prayer, one ought to strive to seek the benefits that are associated with it and keep in view the concept of goodness or ihsan (i.e. to worship God as though one can see Him or at least that God can see you). As God Almighty good works drive away evil. Therefore, whilst aspiring to goodness and striving to attain the pleasures in Prayer, one ought to supplicate that God enables one to observe the Prayer that is characteristic of the editor of the Morrinsville News, which was later published on 24 September 2020.
Another follow up article from our visit to Te Awamutu was published in Te Awamutu Courier on 1 October 2020.
Th e “Discover Islam NZ” campaign is making good progress, alhamdolillah, and the team is working hard and praying to ensure the campaigns’ ongoing success.
It will continue to be held in diff erent locations across New Zealand in the future,
states: تایﺴلا ��ﻫﺬﻳ ﺖﻨﺴﺤلا نا and that is to say, insha-Allah truthful (siddiqin) and of those who excel in good works (mohsinin).
As mentioned, Allah the Exalted has stated: تایﺴلا ��ﻫﺬﻳ ﺖﻨﺴﺤلا نا and this means that good works or Prayer drives away evil. In another instance, God Almighty states that Prayer saves one from indecency and manifest evil. However, despite this we observe that there are people who observe Prayer, yet still indulge in evil deeds. The response to this is that they observe Prayer, but not in its true spirit, nor with piety. They only perform useless movements in the form of a custom and habit. Their soul is dead. Allah the Exalted has not described this as hasanat (or good works). In this verse, God has used the word hasanat as opposed to al-Salat even though the two words mean one and the same thing. This is because God wishes to allude to the merit and husn (or beauty) of Prayer, which in its true form possesses within it a spirit of truth and the effects of divine grace. This form of Prayer does indeed drive away evil. Prayer is not simply a process of sitting and standing. In fact, the essence and soul of the formal Prayer is that supplication which possesses within it a pleasure and satisfaction.