13 minute read
Ahmadi Muslims follow the sunnah of the Holy Prophet
A group of 461 nasirat, aged 10-12, from Germany, were blessed with the opportunity to meet Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V, may Allah be his Helper, in a virtual mulaqat on Sunday, 22 January 2023.
After conveying salaam, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa called Manahal Mahmood to recite a portion of the Holy Quran, followed by its German translation; Razia Mustafa read out the Urdu translation. Adeena Bushra presented a nazm (poem) composed by the Promised Messiahas
Thereafter, this fortunate group had the opportunity to ask Huzooraa questions that they had. These questions covered an array of everyday matters.
Basima Tariq asked Huzooraa if it was permissible to offer Fajr at 6am before leaving the house if one was required to leave for school etc. at 6am while the stipulated Fajr time was 7am.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered that if the Fajr time started at 7am, then she could not offer it before that and added that she could offer it on her bus, car or train as soon as the Fajr time starts.
Fareeha Naeem asked what the best way was to express one’s love for Khilafat. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said:
“Pray to God that Allah may grant you the opportunity to establish a relationship with Khilafat. Secondly, try to follow what
Hadith-e-Rasul – Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
Hazrat Aishara narrates, “Some of the wives of the Holy Prophetsa asked him, ‘Who amongst us will be the first to follow you (i.e., to pass away after you)?’ He said, ‘Whoever amongst you has the longest hands.’ So, they started measuring their hands with a stick and Sauda’sra hands turned out to be the longest. Afterwards, we came to know that the ‘long hands’ was (a metaphor for) practising charity. So, the first one amongst us to follow him was the one who loved giving charity (i.e., Zaynab bint Jahshra).” (Sahih alBukhari, Kitab al-Zakat, Hadith 1420)
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, In His Own Words
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Ramadan, and pay the Zakat.’ However, I declare that all of these actions of theirs are not good deeds in the true sense. They are a mere shell that is empty of the kernel. For if their actions were good deeds in the deeper sense, why do they not bring about positive results? Good deeds are characterised by the quality of being pure from all forms of corruption and adulteration. But where can such qualities be found in these people? I can never accept that a person be a righteous believer who performs good works, yet he should be an enemy of the godly; yet these people refer to me as being irreligious and an atheist, and have no fear of God.
“I have sworn by Allah the Exalted and proclaimed that Allah Almighty has raised me by way of divine appointment. If these people possessed even the slightest regard in their hearts for the greatness of Allah Almighty, they would not reject me. In fact, they would be fearful, lest they became those who denigrate the name of God Almighty. However, this could only be if they possessed a true and outstanding faith in Allah the Exalted, and if they feared the Day of Recompense, and if they acted upon the following verse of the Holy Quran: مﻠ� ﻪب ﻚل ﺲ�ل اﻣ ﻒقت
“‘And follow not that of which thou hast no knowledge.’ [Surah Bani Isra’il, Ch.17: V.3]”
(Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, Malfuzat, Vol. II, pp. 59-60) that an angel remains in his place or station. That which is instilled in one’s heart – be it a vision, divine dream, or a revelation that Prophets receive – is done through angels. On some occasions, where God deems it necessary, an angel’s presence may be revealed. But it should not be taken to mean that the angel has moved from his place. Huzooraa said, “It is wrong to think that angels possess a physical body.”
Pious thoughts from God are instilled into the hearts of people through angels –be it through a dream or other means. It does not mean that an angel has left his fixed station and is now physically in your dream, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said.
Maleeha Bushra Bhatti said some nonMuslim girls in her school expressed their dislike of her wearing a dupatta. She sought Hazrat Khalifatul Masih’saa advice on how to handle the situation.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that she should say to them: “‘Everyone has their own preference.’” Huzooraa continued by explaining that she should tell them to put religion to one side for now and say to the girls that they dress in the clothes they are comfortable with, or they like – be it shorts or frocks etc., “‘You like to wear this clothing, and so you wear it. And that which I prefer and like, I wear.’ This is not a matter of contention. Tell them, ‘That which you prefer to wear, you wear. Likewise, that which I prefer to wear, I wear.’ Apart from this, apart from telling them that it is what you prefer, tell them, ‘I am a follower of a religion, a follower of Islam, and Islam has prescribed a dress code for girls.’” Huzooraa said that as she was still young, it was not compulsory for her to wear a hijab anyway. However, Huzooraa said, as and when one matures, it becomes compulsory.
Huzooraa said she should tell the students at her school that she was not wearing a dupatta for them. Tell them, “‘You do what you prefer, and I am doing what I prefer. What is the need to fight and quarrel and be irritated?’ Tell them, ‘We are human beings, we should live together in harmony,’ […].”
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa said that it is logical that when praying to God, we pray and ask Him during salat. “We follow what the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did,” Huzooraa said.
Quratul Ain asked how different religions were formed. Hearing this, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa smiled and said, “You have asked a very difficult question.”
Huzooraa explained that to guide mankind, Allah sends Prophets. For example, Allah sent Adamas. Then, when people moved to different areas, Allah raised prophets among the people in their respective nations. At that time, there were no means of transport like we have today –no cars, no planes. There were no phones, messaging systems, WhatsApp groups, or emails. “The people of that time were confined to their localities,” and for this reason, prophets were raised among those people and then even some prophets were raised for the reformation of specific nations to guide them and show them the right path, for example, “He [God] sent Hazrat Mosesas for the reformation of the Children of Israel,” Huzooraa said. Then God raised Prophet Jesusas to continue the teachings given to Prophet Mosesas. God deemed that when mankind was ready to comprehend the message of the Final Prophet, He sent the Holy Prophetsa for the entire world, who was given the complete teaching: the Holy Quran.
Huzooraa said that in this day and age, where the means of communication and transport are easily available, and with various other technological advancements such as the printing press, Allah sent the Promised Messiahas to revive and propagate the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa.
<< Continued from previous page the Khalifa says,” Huzooraa added that it should not be that one simply follows that which is in their favour and leaves what they deem is unfavourable for them, or begins to formulate their own meaning of it.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa added and made it clear that by adhering to the true meaning of the Khalifa’s words, one can deepen their connection and affection for Khilafat.
Saaria Ahmad, 12, mentioned that when her non-Ahmadi German friends, who did not know about Islam, Ahmadiyyat visit her house, they often inquire about the framed photos of the Khulafa of the Promised Messiahas that they see on the walls in her house. She asked Huzooraa for advice on how to explain the significance of the Khulafa to her friends.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa encouraged Saaria Ahmad to use the opportunity to educate her German friends about the Promised Messiahas - who claimed to be the Messiah of the age - and his Khulafa. She could explain to her Christian friends, who believe in the second advent of Jesusas, that our Jamaat believes Jesusas to be a revered prophet of Allah who has passed away, and that the second coming of Prophet Jesusas was fulfilled through Hazrat Ahmadas, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi, who came to preach the true Islam and announced his claim of being the Promised Messiahas and that after his demise, the system of Khilafat was reestablished. Hazrat Khalifatul Masihaa advised her to inform her friends that the framed pictures on her room’s wall were the photos of the successors of the Promised Messiahas and that the message of Ahmadiyyat is one of love, peace and spreading the true teachings of Islam throughout the world. Huzooraa said, “Religion is a matter of the heart,” so, he who desires to accept Islam may do so and he who doesn’t is also free to.
Nigarish Ahmad asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa about angels. Huzooraa said that angels do not have a physical body whereby they may come, sit, and meet, “as one does in a mulaqat.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa explained
Sabah Khan asked Hazrat Amirul Mominenaa if he would be attending the Jalsa Salana Germany. Hearing this, Huzooraa smiled and replied, “When Jalsa will happen, then you will find out if I am coming. The [Germany] Jalsa is going to take place in August, and you are asking me eight months in advance.”
Hibatul Malik Khan asked Huzooraa why, after offering salat, we do not raise our hands and offer supplications like other Muslims.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa responded that not all Muslims raise their hands to supplicate after salat. Huzooraa suggested that she should ask those who practise this if the Holy Prophetsa ever did it. Huzooraa pointed out, “It is not proven that the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, used to raise his hands to pray after salat.”
Huzooraa further explained that salat itself is a form of prayer in itself and the Promised Messiahas has spoken about this very issue. Huzooraa said that raising one’s hand after salat to pray was like visiting a king’s court, where the king offers you the chance to ask for anything you desire, and you choose to remain silent and only later, when you leave the court, you ask and plead for something. It does not make sense.
“The reason why there were different religions, in the beginning, is because people were unable to travel afar, and secondly, because humanity was not yet able to fully comprehend the complete [final] Message that Allah desired,” however, Huzooraa added, when Allah deemed that mankind became capable of comprehending the final message of the final law-bearing prophet, He sent Prophet Muhammadsa and then his servant, Hazrat Ahmadas to unite everyone under the banner of Islam.
Huzooraa added that the scriptures of other religions have been interpolated, while the Holy Quran is in its original and pristine shape and it will remain so forever, which shows that Islam is the true religion, destined to spread throughout the world. Huzooraa said, it is our duty – including the waqifeen-e-nau and waqifaat-e-nau, and every member of the Jamaat – to act on this complete teaching and spread it throughout the world by way of preaching.

Uzma Mir asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa why we use masculine and not feminine pronouns when speaking about God. When asking her question, she said why we say “ہے ��� �� ﷲا” meaning Allah Almighty says (using the masculine pronoun), and not “ہے ��� �� ﷲا” (using the feminine pronoun).
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa answered, “Allah is neither male nor female. Allah has no gender,” Huzooraa added that when one speaks about Allah, one uses masculine pronouns to describe His Majesty in Urdu.
Huzooraa then gave the example of various languages such as German, wherein
God is referred to using masculine pronouns and said that it was an issue of language. Otherwise, God is neither male nor female. “Allah is a Being Who is above and beyond everything,” Huzooraa said.
Husna Ahmad inquired about the reason for placing the body of the deceased before the worshippers during the funeral prayer (janazah).
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa smiled and asked Husna, whether the body should instead be placed behind the worshippers in her opinion. Huzooraa then explained that this was done so that worshippers, in addition to God’s praise and reciting durood, are reminded to pray for the deceased and remember them in their prayers when the body is placed before them. Huzooraa added that in some cases, “we also offer the funeral prayer in absentia.” Alluding to the martyrs of Burkina Faso, Huzooraa said, “Though they [the martyrs’ bodies] were not before me, I led their funeral prayer.”
Therefore, if the deceased body is present, it is placed before the worshippers so they can pray for the deceased, for those bereaved and for themselves too.
Aroosa Qamar asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa what his favourite activity was that he undertook together with his parents.
Huzooraa said there were many activities he did with his parents, such as listening to their advice, travelling with them and going to the mountains. Huzooraa said that it was not a matter of his favourite activity, “One’s memories with their parents are always pleasant.”
Maheel Arshad was curious as to why we perform five daily prayers, known as salat, even though the wording remains the same in each. She asked Huzooraa why the practice involves offering five prayers instead of just one.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa answered by saying that in the beginning, Allah the
Almighty commanded the Holy Prophetsa to instruct Muslims to pray 50 times a day. Huzooraa said that we pray to Allah and give thanks to Him as He created us, provides for us and is very Merciful and Compassionate. Huzooraa encouraged her to learn the translation of Surah al-Fatihah for a deeper understanding. “We repeatedly seek God’s bounties so that He may continue to make us recipients of his blessings and rewards,” Huzooraa said.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa enumerated the various blessings of Allah bestowed on the questioner and said that in order to express our gratitude, we offer the five daily prayers. Huzooraa said that the day comprises five phases, one could ask why the sun doesn’t remain up during the day and stay in a single state. Huzooraa said, the sun rises, reaches its peak, begins to set, finally sets and then it becomes completely dark. “Just as there are five phases in the day, this is why five prayers are prescribed for the day,” Huzooraa explained.

Shafia Mansoor, 12, stated that purdah is mandatory for Muslim women. However, she also acknowledged the importance of maintaining good health and asked if it would be permissible for a woman to go for a morning walk or jog while wearing a headscarf and coat.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa, while addressing Shafia, said “You can of course do jogging. You are allowed,” without mixing with other people. Huzooraa pointed out that many people, regardless of their religion, cover themselves for warmth when exercising outdoors, and that even in the summer, some wear caps. However, Huzooraa said it would be advisable to go with a brother or father as parks, at times, can be filled with unsavoury characters.
Sofia Nadeem asked Huzooraa whether it is permissible to give money to beggars who ask for it, even if there is uncertainty about whether they are truly in need.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa stated that it is permissible to give money to beggars who ask for it but added that it is better to donate through charity organisations. Huzooraa mentioned that the Jamaat also gives to charity organisations as they have a system implemented and know how to best utilise it whether it be for school education, feeding people, or medically treating people.
Huzooraa added that if one is asked for money by an individual beggar, it is not appropriate to refuse or reject them but to give them something, even if it is a small amount. If one does not wish to give, one can simply say salaam and leave, without scolding the beggar.
Marusa Mishael asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa what was meant by “maqaame-mahmud”
Huzooraa said that it was an exalted station. Huzooraa said that one should perform good deeds and pray to Allah that He enables one to do good deeds and enables them to attain “maqaam-e-mahmud”
Rameena Afsha asked Huzooraa what one should do if they forget to offer salat
In response, Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa posed the question, “Have you ever forgotten to eat food or have breakfast before going to school?” Huzooraa added that if one loves Allah, then one should not forget to offer prayer. However, Huzooraa said, if one forgets to offer the prayer due to engagements such as coming home late from school or other work, and if one remembers before the next prayer, they should make up for the missed prayer. Huzooraa emphasised that one should not perform salat during the forbidden times.
Alisha Raza asked Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa how the Holy Prophet’ssa prayer mat was.
Huzooraa described the early days of Masjid Nabawi in Medina, noting that it did not even have a roof at the time. Huzooraa explained that when Muslims would perform the prostrations in prayer, the rain would leave marks of water and mud on their foreheads, as the Earth itself served as their prayer mat. Huzooraa added that the Muslims would then make mats from date palm leaves, which they would use for both salat and as a bed.
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa said that once the Holy Prophetsa was taking rest, as he got up, Hazrat Umarra saw he had marks of the mat that was made of date palm leaves, imprinted on his back. Thus, Huzooraa said, in those times, they used mats made of date palm leaves as prayer mats too.
Lastly, Laiba Saliha Siddiq, 10, asked Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa why Allah created different planets.
Huzooraa responded: “It’s Allah’s will,” and added that everything, including the planets, is created by Allah’s will and they all serve a purpose. Huzooraa acknowledged that it’s a complex topic for a girl of her age and suggested that the questioner may understand more about it as they grow older. Further, Huzooraa added that as science progresses, one would learn more about the purposes and effects of these planets. Huzooraa also emphasised that the existence of planets is “a demonstration of God’s Power and that they were created for the benefit of humanity.”
In the end, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa turned to sadr sahiba and secretary nasirat and asked if any efforts were made to teach the children some Urdu as well, to which she said that they would do so in future. Huzooraa said, the words of the Promised Messiahas should be taught and conveyed in Urdu and then translated.
Hazrat Amirul Momineenaa conveyed his salaam after which the meeting came to a close.
(Report prepared by Al Hakam