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‘The way Huzoor spoke to us was so loving’: Nasirat from Germany express their sentiments after meeting Huzoor
Hamda Soosn Chaudhry Sadr Lajna Imaillah Germany
461 nasirat aged 10-12 from all over Germany were granted the blessed opportunity of a virtual mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa on 22 January 2023. The nasirat were seated at Baitus Subuh, Frankfurt. My humble self and secretary Nasirat-ulAhmadiyya were also present at this blessed occasion.
The duty holders and preparation team arrived at Baitus Subuh between 7:30am8:30am. On arrival, the nasirat registered themselves and received their name tags. From there, they went into the Lajna hall, where they were served breakfast, hot and cold drinks and snacks. After this, the nasirat gathered in the hall where the virtual mulaqat would be held. Upon entering the hall, the nasirat who needed translation, were given headphones. From 12:15pm-1pm a sound check was carried out., and shortly after that, the mulaqat began at 1:15pm.
We are deeply grateful to Allah the Almighty and our beloved Imamaa for giving us this opportunity. The girls were young, some had probably travelled this distance for the first time without their mothers. Accordingly, there was a lot of nervousness, but as soon as Huzooraa entered the room, it was obvious that hearts were filled with calm and contentment. Huzoor’saa immense love for the nasirat was evident from the overjoyed nasirat after the mulaqat
Tahamina Bilal, Secretary Nasirat-ulAhmadiyya Germany, said:
“Last year in February, we had the wonderful opportunity of a virtual mulaqat, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there were limited spaces for nasirat, and only a few could participate. From the large turnout today, we can see nasirat from near and far have come to attend. It shows how happy they are and the love they have for Khilafat. This love is not just one-sided, Huzooraa has given us his precious time and lovingly answered the questions of the nasirat.”
Nida Hirsch, Assistant General Secretary, expressed:
“The Nasirat appeared nervous as they reached Baitus Subuh, but also full of anticipation at the same time. Many mentioned to me that they had not been able to sleep all night. After the mulaqat, all the Nasirat were overjoyed.”
The impressions of the nasirat are as follows.
Labeeqa Ahmad said:
“This was my first virtual mulaqat, and I was really excited to see Huzooraa. I am grateful that Huzooraa gave us his time. I learnt many new things, especially regarding how to answer the questions of other children who are not Muslims, as well as many new things that I can apply in my dayto-day life.”
Sabika Irfan expressed:
“This was my first ever mulaqat, I have never had a live mulaqat with beloved Huzooraa. So, for me this was a very special moment. Three words I would use to describe my feelings are: blessed, happy and fortunate.”
Infall Ahmad said:
“I feel really blessed to have been given this opportunity to attend the virtual mulaqat. My initial feeling was of happiness, of course, that I could finally be part of a mulaqat with beloved Huzooraa, which slowly turned into excitement and now I just feel fortunate to have seen our Khalifaaa Alhamdulillah. I really did not want Huzooraa to conclude the mulaqat, but it had to come to an end. I had a really good time.”
Labeena Ahmad expressed:
“Three words I would use to describe my feelings as I saw Huzooraa on the screen are: surprised (because it happened so suddenly), content and blessed.”
Romana Mudassar expressed:
“The mulaqat was extremely interesting; I look up to all the nasirat that had the opportunity to ask Huzooraa a question.”
Aleeha Rehman said:
“After many years, I had the opportunity