3 minute read
31 March - 6 April
by Alhakam
4 April 2004: On this day, during his tour of Africa, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa reached Benin from Burkina Faso. It was the first time that any Khalifatul Masih visited the country. (Al Fazl International, 16 April 2004, p. 2)
5 - 6 April
5 April 1985: Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya UK held its 20th Jalsa Salana at Islamabad, Tilford, which was attended by Ahmadis from 48 countries around the world. On this date, the three-day Jalsa Salana commenced. This was the first Jalsa Salana in Islamabad. The Jalsa was graced by the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrh, who delivered three addresses. There were 7,000 people in attendance altogether. (Silsila-e-Ahmadiyya, Vol. 4, p. 675)
5 April 1948: On this day, during his tour of Peshawar, Pakistan, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra delivered a lecture at the Special Government Hall, as part of a series of lectures titled “Istihkame-Pakistan” – Consolidation of Pakistan. The details of this series of lectures have already been published in our article, “‘The consolidation of Pakistan’: Lectures by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmadra on how Pakistan can see success”. (Al Hakam, 6 May 2022, Issue 216, pp. 10-13)
5 April 2004: On this day, during his tour of Benin, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visited the Calavi Jamaat, where 1700 Ahmadis from 17 regions had come to meet Huzooraa. On his return to the capital, Porto-Novo, 800 Ahmadis were present there to meet him. On the same day, Huzooraa laid the foundation stone of a mosque there. At night, Huzooraa granted an audience to the Ahmadi doctors serving in Africa. (Al Fazl International, 16 April 2004, p. 2)
6 April 2004: On this day, during his tour of Benin, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaa visited the northern areas of the country and granted audiences to Ahmadis there. Huzooraa also granted separate audiences to the kings of Allada and Dassa. Huzooraa then visited the third largest city in the country, Parakou, and members of the Jamaat had the opportunity to meet Huzooraa (Al Fazl International, 16 April 2004, p. 3)
<< Continued from previous page ever been.
Going closer to the man himself, we find Fard telling the FBI, in his recorded statement:
“Why did we take Jerusalem from the devil? How long ago? Because one of our righteous brothers, who was a prophet by the name of Jesus was buried there […].” (FBI file 39-40, vault.fbi.gov, accessed 27 March 2023) that link to the Ahmadiyya community and asserts that “even mainstream Sunnis and Shiites used to read the translation by Muhammad Ali.”
This, again, is contrary to Ahmadiyya’s belief, which states that Jesusas survived the crucifixion, travelled to Kashmir and died there of a natural death.
The curiosity of some researchers (Dennis Walker in his foreword to Morrow’s book cited above) has led them to believe that the photograph of Fard shows him holding a copy of the Quran that appears to be the English translation by Muhammad Ali. (Maulvi Muhammad Ali Sahib, founder of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman-e-Ishaat-eIslam, or the Lahori faction as it is more commonly known.)
Elijah Muhammad is reported to have said that Fard once gave him a copy of the Quran “in Arabic and English translated by Maulana Muhammad Ali of Pakistan.” (The Messenger: The rise and fall of Elijah Muhammad the Holy Quran bore an inscription by Fard, declaring that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad religious leader of the present time.” ( eyed Devil, by MM Knight) If this suffices to prove that Fard Muhammad was an Ahmadi, then the same must be said about Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who quite clearly declared Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas to be:
“The profoundest theologian among modern Indian Muhammadans”.
(“Testimonies – Sir Muhammad Iqbal”, Al Hakam, 23 March 2018, Issue 1, p. 11)
Why is it that our opponents move the goalposts around when it comes to Sir Muhammad Iqbal, but insist on Fard Muhammad and his un-Islamic movement being inspired by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community? Both statements are quite literally the same and should amount to the same conclusion.
Informants of the FBI, through reports
Another report has it Elijah Muhammad was “once a member of this [Ahmadiyya] movement but had been expelled for organizing a hate group in Chicago”. (Ibid)

Had Fard Muhammad or his successor Elijah Muhammad been in contact with the Ahmadiyya mission in America? We cannot say for sure, but their statements seem to suggest so.
Does that mean their inspiration came from Ahmadiyya Muslim beliefs? Absolutely not, as we have discussed above.
We have seen where the inspiration actually resided: in the Shiite/Ismaili denominations of Islam.
Some researchers seem to leave Sunni Islam out of the equation; however, I strongly disagree with this statement.
As long as Sunni Islam believes in Jesusas Christ being alive in the heavens, and that he will return with his physical body, they will remain a major bloodline of not only the Nation of Islam but any such heresies that might erupt through this frustrated Messianic hope in future.