Alia Bitar Design Portfolio

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ALIA BITAR 2018/2019


Branding & Advertising


Packaging Design


Service Branding Social Media & Branding Self Branding Food Branding

Dynamic Packaging Sustainable Packaging

Creative Design Studio Traditional Product Pattern Creation


Signs and Symbols


Realization Print


Movie Symbols


Editorial Portrait Photography Editorial Makeup and photography

! "#$%&'(#) %" I’m a 21 year old design enthusiate. I always found my self very fond of art and design in all its forms. I very often catch myself staring at paintings, houses and everything that contains design and art. I have always known that i wanted to get in the field of design. I engaged in even more artistic practices, I had a dream of holding a memorable solo art exhibition that drove me to create and produce works of design and art. I want to create work that is both thought provocative and expressive of our reality.

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Service Branding

Visual Aspects The Idea behind this project is to fulfill the visual aspect that forms a part of the overall brand. The brand identity of a company is made of many visual devices such as a logo , stationary, sinage...etc.

Store Sinage

Shopping bag

Jeans Label

Shirt Label

Price Tag

Clothing hanger


Service Branding


The Idea behind this project is to fulfill the visual aspect that forms a part of the overall brand. “The Claw� is a brand name that is created for a clothing shop. The name refers to the sharp curved nails at the end of each of the toes of a cat. It suits the brand as this clothing shop offers edgy fashion with a fierce style.


Service Branding

Website Design


Service Branding


Employee Pins

Business Card Letter Head

Note Book


Service Branding

Gift Services

Gift Voucher

Butter Paper

Gift Wrapping


Service Branding

Advertising Campaign Photoshop Composite Photography. The two advertisments are a combination of photography and photoshop. The emblemn of the logo “The Claw” passes through the women’s body to represent how clothing gives you powerful energy and a vibrant feel.

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Social Media Manager

Daoud Tycoon’s; Sole Agents for International Brands

Since 1979, The company “Daoud Tycoons� are the sole agents of 12 international brands including; Hugo Boss, Betty Barclay, Baumler and many more. They have 5 branches located in Amman, Jordan. The trademark has been the ultimate gathering of worldwide fashion brands under one roof. My resposibilities. Content management duties

-Deliberate planning and goal setting. -Development of brand awareness and online reputation. -Content management -Create a regular publishing schedule. -Implement a content editorial calendar to manage content and plan specific, timely marketing campaigns.


Social Media Content Creation

Instagram Posts A regular publishingSchedule was implemented. Weekly photoshoots were held under my control. Images were photoshoped and edited to fit instagram and facebook. Social Media layout is arranged in a

SMART CASUAL Polish Your Casual Look

Instagram Account: @DaoudTycoons

Trousers Sweater Blazer Scarf Shoes

Daniel Hechter Luigi faro Daniel Hechter Gianni Fortenelli Fynch Hatton

SIMPLE CASUAL Step up your casual

Denim jeans Warm red sweater Scarf Cross Bag

Hugo Boss Fynch Hatton Fynch Hatton Daniel Hechter

ALL BLACK CASUAL Black Streetwear Style

Jeans Black Sweater Scarf Beanie Cross Bag

Daniel Hechter Fynch Hatton Fynch Hatton Fynch Hatton Ruck & Maul


Social Media Content Creation

Creation and publishing of relevant, original, high-quality content..

Social Media marketing plan was done and updated regularly. Ideas, Photography, post editing and marketing campaign were my responsibility. Instagram Account: @DaoudTycoons


Website Design

Website Design Consistant Visuals were developed. The Website gained website visits and scant visitors. The website was updated every month or on specific timely occasions. Website:


Instagram Layout

Marketing Plan and Goal Setting A significant increase in followers and Sales have been noted after social media was created. Engagment with customers on a daily basis was the ultimate goal of turing fans into customers. Generating More Visibilty through Videos. Video shooting and post editing were done to form a connection between the customer and the brand. This goes together with establishing, and maintaining, a brand as an authority. Instagram Account: @DaoudTycoons


Ads Creation


Visual ads were done in a smart layout aproach to help capture short attention spans. The advertisments were simple and clear yet memorable.


Valentine’s Day Invitations

Plexi Glass Invitations

Valentine’s party invitations were done by me. A “Cutting Edge” invitation design using laser cut on black plexi glass, creating a truly unique invitation. The three red strips were added sepertaly on the black plexi to create a 3D visual intrest. Black, shiney and sleek tie invitation was made to convey a formal affair. The invitations were sent to loyal customers and top social media influencers in Jordan.

Soft Copy

Plexi Glass Invitation


Social Media Event

Instagram Frame

40 Years Logo and Event Planning

An event took place in the main branch of “Daoud Tycoon’s” to celebrate their 40 years in the market. Popular social media influencers were invited. Followers and sales increased significantly. I was responsible for the event’s marketing on social media, props and photography.

40 years logo


Shopping Bags

Polaroid timeline of “Daoud Tycoon’s Shops”


1992 Sweifieh Branch


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Self Branding

Logo This past year and a half I have created a small business of my own; I am currently a self-employed make up artist and have 5000+ followers on Instagram. This has been the greatest achievement of my life. The concept behind my makeup business is to enhance the unique beauty of each women. The logo forms a flowing and a smooth feel. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and others. It represents harmony and inner peace.





Self Branding

The account “Aliabitarmakeup� has more than 5000 followers on Instagram. All images are my photography and makeup. The main platform for this business is instagram. Instagram Page: @Aliabitarmakeup


Self Branding

Application Design

This app was created taking into consideration my client’s customer behaviour. It’s an easy way to make a makeup appointment online and it’s an application for daily makeup inspiration.

Customer’s Behaviour Patterns

It encourges and guides clients into picking the type of makeup they desire for their appointment and stay updated with makeup trends.


Self Branding

Maping Application Design Goals After exploring user goals. Alignment between my business and clients was achieved through this application.

App Logo

Icons Inactive

Information Architecture


Login/Sign up Our Story

Symbols Date Booking

Header Confirmation

Time Booking




Face charts


Search Profile

Sign out






Options (Looks)


Categoires Date Time Checklist Confirmation






Face charts Images

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Logo, Product Photography , Branding and Social Media

Freelance Project Heavenly Swirls is a home based business that sells very unique and popular sweets. Bringing family and friends together. Re-igniting the true spirit of fun moments with others. The brand identity conveys a “fun” feeling. Logo and Slogan

Heavenly Swirls Le t ’s get rol l i n’

Social Media Icons




Christmas Event

Product Photography

Instagram Page: @Heavenlyswirls


Freelance Project

Food Photography

Talabat is an online application. Where customers order different kinds of food. “Heavenly Swirls� had a section for delievery. High quality images were taken and used for this online delivery application.

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Creating a sub-brand


Creating a new product for an exsiting brand. “Bzuriyeh� is a Jordanian business that sells Spices , arabic sweets and nuts. This project introduces a new product into their line with a new , modern and innovative packaging.

Handcrafted with Care


Creating a sub-brand

Packaging Net

About the package

The package is made up from three main materials; Black cardboard, green recycled cardboard and a transparent material. The structure of the package is very edgy and dynamic. Its a polyhedron like package.

20.8 cm

5.2 cm

It has a twisted and dynamic body where the customer can feel the uniquness of the crackers trought the package. It has a transparent material that allows the customer to see the organic crackers. The illustaryions on the package form a mixture of modernity and a traditional feel.

Package Views







Creating a sub-brand

Logo Development The current logo is out-dated and needs to be simpler to make it easier for the user. Illustrations were made from the ingredients of the crackers and used on the package as a visual aspect for the brands identity.

Logo Process

Illustrations for ingredients


Creating a sub-brand

Advertising Campaign Photoshop Composite Photography. The two advertisments are a combination of photography and photoshop. Showing the main ingredients used to produce “Bzuriyeh’s” natural crackers. Adding the illustrations as a part of the brand’s new identity.


Creating a sub-brand

Advertising Campaign Photoshop Composite Photography. The two advertisments are a combination of photography and photoshop. Showing the main ingredients used to produce “Bzuriyeh’s” natural crackers. Adding the illustrations as a part of the brand’s new identity.

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Smart Packaging


Concept Creating a sustainable packaged product for dry grape leaves that can be stored in freezers. Saves time, easy to store and fun to use.

Customer’s Behavior People preserve wild Grape leaves as batches in their freezers. 1. Pull out the stem of each leaf. 2. Stack leaves on top of one another. 3. Roll them into a slightly loose, cigar-shaped bundle.

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Final Product


Smart Packaging

Highlighting The Gap There is no product in the market that offers people to buy dry leaves in one package that can be freezed rather than spending the time

Packaging Di cut

S.W.O.T Analysis Strenghts


-Unique product -Innovative package design -Protection of product -Fills market gap

8.5 cm

Does not offer ready to eat grape leaves

18 cm 8 cm



Potential compatitors may arise

The product can expand internationally

16 cm 27.4 cm

28.3 cm Package Dimensions

18 cm

8 cm

3D Graphic Model


Smart Packaging

Final Product & Material The Final Product is mainly made up of three sustainable materials; Treated Silver foil to trap the cold tempriture & preserve the leaves, 300 gr chromolocks and Polyolefin transparent material for visual aspects.

Treated Silver Foil PolyoleďŹ n Transparent Material

300 gr Chromolox

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Creative Design Studio

Traditional Item

Concept Handmade Zeit and Za’atar ceramic serving set.Two different lids were designed both to carry a cultural design with a modern and unconventional twist. The first lids represent (O) fro Olive oil and (T) for Thyme. The letters are filled with mosaics illustrated graphically.

Creative Design Studio

Traditional Item

Concept The second lids are handpainted and ovened as ceramic lids that are functional for preserving food. They represent letters that create the word “Zeit & Za’atar” in Arabic and are painted in a scattered style that conveys the beauty of arabic letters.

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Creative Design Studio


Concept My pattern for RAI resturant is inspired by both the physical interior of the place and my personal attachment to the elements it encompasses.The interior presents a youthful atmosphere emphasised by the vibrant colours and modern architecture.

Creative Design Studio The pattern is applied on different objects used by the resturant. I used colourful geometric shapes in my pattern to showcase the interior design element that first captures the eye.


Creative Design Studio Pattern 3D engraved on recycled coasters. This is an unconventional action, but one that allows the observer to appreciate the often overlooked detail in the space. The geometric shapes in the pattern dissipate to form the leaves of the tree.


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Signs and Symbols Concept Created four symbols for four major events that happened in the legendary movie “Sleeping Beauty�. The symbols are created in a way to show the series of events and the significance of each scene.

Movie symbols

“The Spell” The first symbol symbolizes the spell and the evil witch. This is the handheld cane of the witch that she uses to wish an evil curse on sleeping beauty.

“Faries help” The second symbol symbolized the three fairy good in combination of their magic wands that make up a butterfly to symbolize freedom.

“Needles poison” This symbol symbolizes the curse which is the poison that has gone through her body after she touched the needle’s tip.

“The kiss” The leaves of the rose show two lips to symbolize a kiss.It represents love. Sleeping beauty got kissed by the prince and the spell broke.

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Realization Print

Weekly Planner


Realization Weekly Planner Print Realization Print

Cover Page

Creating weekly planner WeeklyaPlanner using Adobe InDesign

Realization Print

Weekly Planner

Realization Print

Weekly Planner

Realization Print

Weekly Planner

Realization Print

Weekly Planner

Realization Print

Weekly Planner


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Portrait Photography, Artistic Makeup and Photo Editing

Pablo Picasso Project This was a highly creative process envolving endless interpritations. The makeup I applied on these model’s faces was a key factor in telling a story and a fictional reality or a certain emotional state. Concept This campaign is inspired by Pablo Picasso’s art and famous quotes. Art shouldn’t be constricted, that’s why I think of a face as my untraditional canvas. It’s what I pour my thoughts and emotions into, whether conventional or unusual.


Portrait Photography, Artistic Makeup and Photo Editing


Portrait Photography, Artistic Makeup and Photo Editing


Portrait Photography, Artistic Makeup and Photo Editing

Contact Information German Number

+49 162 5868344 Jordanian Number

+962 797 907507

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