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socioeconomic Encouraging
ECommerce Trading
Updates are being advertised using screens in front of the bank and big launching events will take place in the spine for people to engage and know more about technological updates. differentways togenerate profitinal khalifabank
Exhibiting Currencies
The spine will host interactive screens for people to know more about job opportunities
Rules Of Trading
Participants need to buy and exchange their products using Al Khalifa currency which can be available right away in stations existing in the spine in between spaces.
Evolution of the currency is part of the exhibition and people can document and buy old designs from the gift shop using Al Khalifa currency.
Customers are then introduced to the most crowded spaces inside the bank which is the trading rooms by which stock exchange takes place and people are able to know more about start ups and their current profitability level
4 5 Touristwillenter throughthespineandwitness outdoorbazarshappeningnow
They will want to exchange money to be able to buy from the exhibited products
2 3
People who want to exchange larger sums of money can then enter the telling spaces
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 useo vrtualrealitytoremndpeopleofthe storesbehndthemonumentsandthe rchness nvalueo theirheriage Translationinto he p people generate profit encourage the ex sting potential of locals everyone feels safe and pr vate n the r ob
"My bu lding is a community A bank that is focused on encouraging people with endless creativ ty and potential to start their new businesses in A Khalifa area"
Howaredifferentusersgoing tointersectusingExperientialArchitecture?
Integrat ve Kiosks n outdoor spaces that a low peop e to exchange sma l amounts and get to know the bank more
Gal eries is the type of display needed to showcase the work done by men and women in the workshops This is to allow more exposure and acknowledgement to their work
P oductsexh b ted ngaller es a eonesthatcannotbeseenm dst es iva sas ntersect onstend toex standneg ec the r impo tance
Integrat ve Screens that offer job opportunities and keep peop e up to date w th the upcoming events and opportun t es being he d inside the bank of A Khal fa
Integrative spaces in between the bu lding to allow peop e to understand the procedure briefly and spread more transparency across the space
Main exhibit halls are designed to be theatres for the elderly. They get to showcase any type of art they perform and could reach out to most the audience since it is the largest hall tourists can be a huge source of ncome for ocals th s wil a low people to view the bank (new idea) while being in a pos tion they are use dto f rst understanding the power of heritage to insp re ocals and help them grow their ta ents creat ng a sp ne l ke exper ence
Formal Grid
The formal grid respects Al Khalifa Main Street axis. It also allows the grid to follow the formal identity of the functiona spaces inside the bank
Holding on to a social identity?
The same purpose of comb ning between different
Informal Grid
The informal grid respects the Main Axis of The northern Mosque of Al Sayyida Ruqqaya and allows people to playfully explore the exhibit areas.
LandscapeNotceabe deveopment of andscape in contrast wth macro scae andscape anayss
This was the concentration of vegetation befor e zeinhom was bui t We can still see the scattered geometry that ooks quite similar to A Khalifa from the right The concentration of trees is the closest to the one visible now n 2021
Patternw thinchaosEvery area tends to have a dfferent geometry that makes ts dentty stand out wthout msaignment with the man Kha fa Road
D spers on of pub c transport s seen as an asset that connects both the resdents wth the branching connecton of regons
Linear grid of main streets has a direct impact on the design of districts The Linearity of Khalifa is very much reflected on sideways streets and how secondary streets are aligned parallel to it in a parallel format
Branching geometry of streets emerge from the n le Nasr city is the most rig d and inear relative to the city center Absence of landscape in t ght reg ons 2008 2010 2013
Not ceab e attempt to create a l near gr d that con ines bu d ng blocks together This he ped create a centra node wh ch n th s case were n accessible gardens
This was the plan of the place after demolishing the old buildings of ezbet zeinhom and in the process of building their housing project We can see that the trees have been removed completely from the western side.
In 2010 the blocks starts to appear on the western side of the map yet no presence of greenery is visible yet and the concentration of trees is still n the eastern side on y,
In 2013 there is more focus on vegetation towards the western side of the map that was neglected in the beginning of the planning process of the housing project
Full Model
Full model shows the integration between all grids both in zeinhom and A Khalifa area in order to respect the context and welcome the people from all sides to the building
Zeinhom floor has an entrance that welcomes people there The activities are also similar to the services being offered in thi area and allow people to engage
This floor in the bank allows workers in the bank to have some privacy from the social activities happening in the
The bridge is a continuation of the touristic experiential trip that allows people to ciew the printing area from above and understand how it works.
This is the social identity of the bank that allows the spine to exist with several user groups and have different behaviors altogether
This is the historical level of the design. It has access from the mosque and welcomes people there