Portfolio (EN) _ Alicia Carrillo

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Alicia A. Carrillo Aguilar 09 Nov 1986 Nationality: Spanish Flat 7, Barberry Court, 21 Manbey Park Rd, E15 1EY Stratford, London +44 7926 631847 alicarrilloa@gmail.com aliciacarrilloa aliciacarrilloarchitect.wordpress.com



Professional experience

June 2014 Masters of Architecture (MArch) (5 years), University of Granada, Spain

October 2011- October 2012 Internship in Estudio Seguí | Studio of architecture and planning www.estudiosegui.com

Architecture, planning and environment design.

2014 Thesis Project: “Architecture in the coast: territorial dynamics in the Andalusian coast and architecture for a new sustainability”. “Vitis-vinum-culture. School of wine production beside Padrón river (Estepona, Málaga). Architecture in the Andalusian coast. Regression of natural spaces in western Costa del Sol”.

Software skills Computer skills AutoCAD Revit Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Sketchup + V-Ray rendering Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) WordPress

Website and graphic design -“Clínica Dra. Aguilar Rosell” www.clinicaguilarosell.es website design - Invitations, cards, flyers, marketing design

Languages Spanish (native) English (Professional working proficiency - B2)

Complementary courses

Developed the design and prepared tender documentation. Produced plans for the following projects: - Competition: “Guadalmedina river management in Málaga (Spain)” (1st prize) - Competition: “Public integration of spaces generated after the underground works of the A7. San Pedro de Alcántara (Marbella, Málaga)” - “Review of the General Plan for Urban Zoning in Jaén”

August 2014 - January 2015

Assisted on the project “Mahatma Liliput” a series of Workshops on architecture for children.| Mahatma Liliput (Mahatma Architects) www.mahatmaliliput.com Development and coordinator of different workshops on architecture for children between 3 and 11 years old.

2012 - 2014

Assisted in the organisation of “Greencities & Sostenibilidad” 5th Forum on Smart Solutions to Urban Sustainability FYCMA (Trade Fairs and Congress Centre of Málaga) www.greencities.malaga.eu

Assisted, organise and co-ordinate the annual forum in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Greencities is a highly specialised professional forum about Urban Planning, Architecture and Sustainable Management.

- Revit Quick Training (25 h) | (2015) - Intensive English course, intermediate level (B1) (138 h) | Babel idiomas (2014) - Photoshop Quick Training (30 h) | Animum 3D School (2012) - IV International Workshop on Landscape: “City&Port” | University of Málaga (2012) - “Design, Modelling and Geometry of Tipologies and Computational Forms of Architecture, Engineering and Arts.” (70 h) | Seminar of the Research Teaching Project 2009-2010 University of Granada - Workshop “Dissent or resistance” (30 h) | Workshop about social architecture in the Albaicín (Granada) | University of Granada (2008)

November 2012 - December 2013

Voluntary works

March 2015 - June 2015

Week of Architecture of Málaga (October 2013)

Architecture Guide describing places, historical facts, etc. | Malaga Institute of Architects

ARQUITAXI International Congress (2009-2010)

Volunteer at Arquitaxi (Nonprofit organization of proffesionals and students of Architecture): Organisation of Biennial International Congress of Architecture.


Collaboration fellowship, “Educational Cooperation Program between PROMÁLAGA S.A. and the University of Granada” Participation in the organisation and coordination of various activities in the “Transfiere 2012” Forum. www.forotransfiere.com

Further professional experience Tour guide for walking tours in London | Te lo cuento de camino LTD

August 2014 - January 2015

Mahatma Showroom (creative toy store) | Store assistant

2012 - December 2014

Salesland | Conference hostess

Honours and awards October 2014

Thesis Project selected in “2nd Sustainable Building Design and Urban Planning Biennale”

The Greencities Scientific Committee, the CSCAE, ASA and the Malaga Institute of Architects.

July 2012

1st Prize on the tender “Guadalmedina river management in Málaga (Spain)” CIEDES Foundation (Málaga) | Collaboration with the winning team (Estudio Seguí).


1st Prize Photograph Competition “Don’t stop flying” | Iberia Airlines

Publications October 2014

Competition for communications and 2nd Sustainable Building Design and Urban Planning Biennale (2014 Edition) http://aulagreencities.coamalaga.es/descargas/ Thesis Project “VITIS VINUM CULTURA” included in the publication (pages 659-703)

September 2014

“Regression of natural spaces in western Costa del Sol: Active Waterways Parks like regenerative action.” blogURBS Urban Studies and Social Sciences | www2.ual.es/RedURBS/BlogURBS Article concerning the research on the Thesis Project: VITIS-VINUM-CULTURA


“Urban renovation: Health Care Centre in Casas Bajas, el Zaidín (Granada)” Architecture magazine “Márgenes Arquitectura” No. 2 “Granada. Aquí, ahora”

Portfolio INDEX Student projects Crafts marketplace (4th year project).....................................................4-7 Ordinance of Vega Granada (5th year project) ................................8-11 Health care centre in Casas Bajas (5th year project)......................12-15 Vitis Vinum Cultura - PFC (Thesis Project)......................................16-27 Drawings.........................................................................................28-31

Proffessional project Competition: Guadalmedina river management............................32-37 Competition: San Pedro Boulevard................................................38-41



4th year project

The building stands out in the environment due to its geometry, shapes and colours while protecting the ensemble of the Albaicín. The view towards the building from other more elevated constructions blends with the environment through an anchored roof with copper-coloured metal sheets that protects and camouflages the glazed ceramic roof. When the sun projects in it, the colours are reflected in the lower side of the anchored roof, whose glossy stucco face reflects the colours, creating an interesting and changing effect during the day.



The floor is structured in eight glass modules protected by the roofs, which are inserted between the big load bearing walls that create the rhythm of the construction. The marketplace modules are divided into shops and workshops. Thus, the manufacturing is never far from the product sold.



The project consists on a metropolitan park in the limits of the city and La Vega (Granada’s meadow). It creates a green-urban continuum with attraction poles. The main action was the highway tunnelling, collapsed by the traffic, and a physic limit. A continuous park is projected with new poles of activity. The North area is surrounded by education centres. Thus, the park gets an education character through a hostel and a nature classroom. In the South area, linked to the new museums and a growth area, the cultural character is enhanced by a library, tertiary equipment and communal vegetable gardens.


The nature classroom is configured as an education centre focused on La Vega and the crops generated in it. Its objective is to provide vegetal education linked to horticulture. The multifunctional equipment consists on the following: --A children’s home that faces the lawn area and the organic element that acts as a playground and serves as an amphitheatre. --The checkpoint of the building where streets, workshops and classrooms converge. --A curved restaurant with a terrace that closes the perimeter and allows and individual use. The restaurant is self-sufficient and uses the crops of the vegetable gardens. --Labs and offices that act as a transition between the vegetable gardens and the most urban area. 11


Casas Bajas (Granada) is a low density neighbourhood that has remained practically intact throughout the years. It is also close to a growth area. All of these reasons have caused its collapse. The objective of the project is the regeneration of the neighbourhood through a general reorganization and the creation of a health care centre that assembles the central space, providing a new scale.

The building offers a simple reading. It is formed by two forceful and lineal volumes that adopt the dimensions of the neighbourhood’s blocks, one for the emergency room and the consults and the other for the medical specialities. They are linked in a permeable central area, the connection core, full of dynamism due to the lighting and the doublehelix stair that serves as the building’s backbone. 14




“Vitis-vinum-cultura. School of wine production in Estepona, Málaga. Regression of natural spaces in western Costa del Sol”.


River mouth Obstruct river cross Dam

The Andalusian coast was characterised by its environmental wealth. Due to the urban growth over the last 50 years, it is one of the most degraded areas in the peninsular coastline. We have studied the CSO, the current state of the natural spaces and the transformation suffered by the territory and in particular, by the rivers, which are the connection between the Montes de Mรกlaga and the sea. Western Costa del Sol Province of Mรกlaga

Highway AP-7 Industrial area Water treatment plant. Ending built-up area Town Golf course

Over the past few years, the coast has suffered an increased land occupation creating a linear city with vague borders where occupation instead of density prevails.

Ending agricultural area Ending walk Place of interest

CSO is formed of two unrelated consolidated strips: the linear city and the Montes de Mรกlaga, sewn together by the rivers. Between both we found an intermediate space of scattered architecture that occupies the land anarchically.


Occupation 1956

Highway N-340


Occupation 1998

Occupation 2007

Real river Verde river Guadaiza river Guadalmina river Guadalmansa river Padrรณn river

Manilva river


Fuengirola river




Urban mass Natural mass Anthropised mass

Padrón river bed 1956

Damaged building Flood 500 years MANILVA RIVER Length 16.3 km Basin 35.10 km² Flow 364 m³/s

PADRÓN RIVER Length 14.8 km Basin 23.63 km² Flow 305 m³/s

GUADALMANSA Length 26.5 km Basin 65.15 km² Flow 778 m³/s

GUADALMINA RIVER Length 26.8 km Basin 65.83 km² Flow 876 m³/s

GUADAIZA RIVER Length 24.6 km Basin 49.49 km² Flow 649 m³/s

VERDE RIVER Length 39.30km Basin 55.12km² Flow 1054 m³/s

REAL RIVER Length 13.8 km Basin 26.16 km² Flow 479 m³/s

FUENGIROLA RIVER Length 21.9 km Basin 129.17km² Flow 1618 m³/s

Padrón river bed 2010

The relationship between this intermediate space and the most important green corridors has been studied. Later on, the study focused on one these corridors as an example: Padrón river.


PADRON RIVER, AN ACTIVE WATERWAY Padr贸n river in Estepona (M谩laga) was chosen as an example of analysis and intervention towards the protection of green corridors. Lowering and variation of the riverbed, urban pressure, noise pollution, exhaustion of the floor and aquifer resources, fractures due to the highway... all of these are issues that seriously affect the ecosystem with devastating consequences such as floods, beach deterioration, dune species extinction, etc. Once the transformations suffered and the changes in crops, vegetation and roads were studied, a project based on regeneration and ulterior protection was created through an active waterway park that will become an organising element and a recovery strategy.

Hiking route


Reforest area


Waterway park

Obstruct river cross Activities

Bike route

Information point

Bike rental

Padr贸n River (public domain zone)

Equestrian route


Archeological area

Satellite equipment

Equestrian school

Children adventure sports

Opportunity area (equipment)

Secundary road Path / track Waterway park path

After the natural regeneration of the river, compatible and respectful uses are proposed to increase the value of the river. This way, the river is protected and the awareness of the importance of green corridors is risen. The activities and elements proposed do not interfere with the river passage, given that they have been projected and designed so they can be flooded. As a landmark and regenerating the plot occupied by the concrete plant, equipment is projected to complement the river activities and increases the value of the area. In the territorial scale, it services Estepona and western Costa del Sol (CSO). 21



Vitis-Vinum-Cultura originates from the recovery of a traditional crop in the area (the grapevine) which had disappeared due to a grape phylloxera plague and the subsequent tourism boom. It is a wine refuge, where theoretical and practical knowledge are intimately linked. The basis is the immersion in the world that surrounds it for students, workers and visitors. It is a place where time, patience and passion are the main ingredients.


In a sea of vineyards, like a boat, the project anchors to the ground by means of walls. These potent directing walls adapt to the paths of the vineyard and lead them to the centre of it, attracting all glances. The walls gather up and direct. The different pieces that lean against the walls do not determine the use, seeking the simplicity and adapting to the ground and the new trace created by the vineyard.


The complex communicates with the landscape through the roofs, with the background of the Montes de MĂĄlaga, an abstraction of the orography through asymmetric and tilted planes.




The courtyard arranges and connects the pieces together, creating an inner and outer space where everything converges, a connection and living area that changes depending on the time of year. The relationship between the pieces, two by two, is reflected in their connected layout. The complex searches two scales: urban and rural linked to the waterway park and territorial, provided by the program of the grape growing and wine production school and the relation to the highway.








Drawings and sketches using different techniques

Exit Neptuno underground parking, ► Granada Ink drawing

Bibataubín Palace, Granada ► Watercolour and pencil drawing ◄ Door San Miguel Bajo church. Albaicín, Granada Coloured pencils drawing


San Miguel Bajo ► square. Albaicín, Granada Ink drawing

San Miguel Bajo ► square. Albaicín, Granada Pencil drawing ◄ San Miguel Bajo church. Albaicín, Granada Coloured pencils drawing



Estudio Segui,study is the winner in the National Competition for the Urban Integration Guadalmedina River, Organized by the Hon. City of Malaga through the Foundation CIEDES, the proposal gets the banks of the river and eliminates interference constructive and controls the dammed river bed, all with a respect for the environment and participating in town.

Estudio Segui is awarded by the Hon. City of Malaga through CIEDES Foundation, with the first prize of the National Competition for the Urban Integration and Management of River Guadalmedina. The problem of the organization of Rio Guadalmedina can not focus or simple landscaping of its bed, or in operations embovedado to make it lose its nature. In any case, the main question will rediscover its "hidden picture" rescuing the banks of the river as transitional spaces with the city. Civility River must pass through the recognition of its geographical reality and redefine their riparian areas. 34


The main strategies of the proposed organization are: 1. BANK MORE, MORE RIVER, MORE URBANITY. The main question will rediscover its "hidden picture" rescuing the banks of the river as transitional spaces with the city. Civility the river should therefore go through the recognition of its geographical reality and redefining their riparian areas. 2. DISPOSAL OF THE WALLS, MORE PERMEABILITY, MORE TRANSPARENCY, MORE LANDSCAPE. The "barrier" is not the river, but on the contrary their existing floodwalls. The wall is the disturbing element of urban permeability. Cancel the effect "drawer" that cause the perimeter walls of the river is the beginning of the solution for the management of the River Guadalmedina in its bed, recovering its banks.


3. RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT OF LEMON, MORE CONTROL OVER CITY. Guadalmedina River management involves a new way to manage Lemon Reservoir, which was never conceived as a "prey" but, on the contrary, as a "regulating reservoir". Therefore, control regulation reservoir is the beginning of urbanity of the riverbed. 4. HYDRAULIC SOLUTION: MORE INTEGRATION "RIVER - CITY" . This proposal has the advantage of having an economic cost ZERO to perform the essential hydraulic activities that allow us to act in the channel downstream of the dam. What it does require is changing inexorably Operating Rules Dam The Lemon. A performance level upstream, justifying the proposal, the only requirement is the modification of existing rules Exploitation in the sense that at least always leave a volume for the lamination of 26.6 hm3.

5. A REALISTIC AND POSSIBILIST PROPOSAL FOR EXECUTION FASEADO, MORE EASILY IN ITS START RUN. Guadalmedina River management is raising a possibilistic proposed in ensuring the easy implementation of it and the reality of its implementation. The possibility of intervening at different stages of the river, for independent actions and connected within a global project, facilitates the realization in time according to the different demands of the city.



Public integration of spaces generated after the underground works of the A7 San Pedro de Alcántara (Marbella, Málaga) Estudio Seguí

Integration tender Urban Spaces Generated after the burial of the A-7. Crossing San Pedro de Alcantara, Marbella.

Alicia A. Carrillo Aguilar 09 Nov 1986 Nationality: Spanish Flat 7, Barberry Court, 21 Manbey Park Rd, E15 1EY Stratford, London +44 7926 631847 alicarrilloa@gmail.com aliciacarrilloa aliciacarrilloarchitect.wordpress.com


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