What are the six different varieties of hydroponic systems?

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6typesof Hydroponicssystems www.karikala.in

produces high yields and aids in water saving
pollution reduction. You can research which hydroponic systems are appropriate for your garden because there are so many different types on the market. Six prevalent types of hydroponics systems that are frequently used for indoor gardening will be covered in this article: www.karikala.in
plants in water or a fertiliser solution without using soil is known as hydroponics.
approach is best since it
1.Deep water culture systems 2. Wick systems 3. Nutrient film technique systems 4. Ebb and flow systems 5. Drip systems 6. Aeroponics www.karikala.in 6 Types of Hydroponic Systems
1. Deep water culture systems Hydroponicsknownasdeepwatercultivation involvesfloatingplants.DWCsystems,sometimes referredtoasdeepwaterculturesystems,arethe moststraightforwardandpopularhydroponics technologysolutions.UsingaDWCsystem,plants aresuspendedinnetpotsoveralargereservoirof nutrientsolutionthatishighinoxygen.Aslongas theplantsaresubmergedinthemixture,theywill alwayshaveaccesstonutrients,water,and oxygen.Deepwatercultureisfrequentlyregarded asthemostnaturalkindofhydroponics. www.karikala.in
Inawicksystem,plantsareplacedin growingmediaonatraythatsitsononeof thetopreservoirs.Inthisreservoir,awater solutionwithdissolvednutrientsisstored. Waterisfrequentlytransferredviawicks fromthereservoirtothegrowingtray.The growingmediaaroundtherootsofthe plantsbecomessaturatedwithwaterand nutrientsastheyflowupthewick.These wickscouldbemadefromropeusingastring tofeel.Themostfundamentalhydroponic systemisthewicksystem.Wickhydroponic systemsarepassive,sotheydon'trequire mechanicalpartslikepumpstofunction.Itis idealforsituationswhenthereiserraticor nopower. 2. Wick systems www.karikala.in

3. Nutrient film technique systems

Nutrientfilmtechnique(NFT)systemssuspendplants aboveacontinuousstreamofnutrientsolutionsthat flowsovertheendsoftheplants'rootsystems.Thegrow tray'schannelssupportingtheplantsareslanted, allowingwatertotrickledownitslengthbeforedraining intothereservoirbelow.Thewaterinthereservoiristhen carbonatedusinganairstone.Thenutrient-richwateris thenpumpedfromthereservoirandbroughtbacktothe topofthechannelbyasubmersiblepump.Thenutrient filmtechniqueisahydroponicrecirculatingsystem.


4. Ebb and flow systems

In ebb and flow hydroponics, nutrient solution is flooded onto a plant bed from a reservoir below. A timer is incorporated into the submersible pump in the storage. As soon as the timer ends, the pump starts supplying the grow bed with nutrients and water.

Gravity gradually removes the water from the grow bed and restores it to the reservoir when the timer goes off. The device has an overflow tube to make sure flooding doesn't go past a certain point and damage the plants' fruits and stalks.


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