Building a long-lasting water network is essential to managing overall supply and demand. IoT technologies are essential to this process as a whole.
IoT devices are more flexible than ever before, both financially and physically.
The price of IoT sensors has decreased significantly over the past few years as a result of the increase in internet-connected devices available on the market. The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on the earth may reach 30.7 billion by 2020, almost twice as many as there are people.
Non-RevenueWaterreferstothewaterthatis lostbeforeitreachestheclient(NRW).Losses canresultfromtheft,holesinthedistribution network,andinaccuratemetering. NRWisalsoapersistentsourceofwasted resources,includingwater,energy,andmoney, whichcanbefoundinalmosteverycity. AccordingtoaWorldBankreport,theoverall annualcostofnon-revenuewaterisaround $141billion.Thefinalsectioniswhathappensin thedevelopingworld.