Where am I now A Visual Evaluation Alice Garrard
• Practical skills I feel I've improved on are experimentation with different mediums, before I started majority of my work was hand drawn, the course has encouraged me to take more risks and to also produce more roughs, therefore examine more ideas and ways to approach the brief.
Practical Skills
• My skills on Photoshop have also increasingly improved, which has given me a lot more confidence to use it and has consequently meant creating more digital work. I also feel my understanding of composition has developed due to the briefs being a lot more structured and specified to what I was used to.
Drawing with ink then adding color in Photoshop
Exploring emulsion printing and stenciling
Personal Management Skills
Time management has been the foremost important management skill I’ve acquired since being here, at first I found the work load stressful to balance but having multiple modules and deadlines to complete has slowly but surely empowered me to organize my time to make sure I meet the deadlines. Although difficult at times I think its given me a better insight into the industry expectations.
My study skills have advanced from context of practice, it has helped to gain a better understanding of acquiring the right research
Study Skills
and has also enabled me to analyze images and text with a better perceptive. The lectures and seminars have made me become more aware of the social, historical, Cultural, t echnological and political impact on not only society but on my own
• Confidence within my work and ideas • Taking more risks • Exploring different ways of image making • Allowing mistakes
Personal Development
PPP has been really useful in helping me to reflect on my skills and potential. It has encouraged me to be a lot more confident within my work as well as teaching me what opportunities are out there and what different types of illustration are out there.
Professional Practice
This course has opened me up to all the possibilities of illustration, and that it doesn't’t just have to be a drawing. Gaining this understanding has allowed me to explore less literal ways of expressing forms and figures. I have worked a lot with collage this term and it has made me become more confident in just using shapes and textures to represent my work.
Types of illustration
"Drawing makes you see clearer" - Hockney Illustration is a way of looking and representing the world, it can be a visualization of feelings and emotions or a way to explain things. The aim is to physically engage with the context and to translate, enhance and clarify the messages through visual language. Things I've learnt to think about when image making is;
Purpose of illustration
• Context • Aesthetic • Process • Content • Product • Purpose • Composition
Illustration can communicate an idea or notion too specific, or with a specific tone of voice unique to its creator Purpose
Problem Audience