Directory Submission will help for ranking

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Basic use and process of directory submission

Shilpa 4th March 2009

What is directory submission 

Search engine and directory submission services is one of the finest services in SEM. Intense research has been done on the search engine and directory submission process to guarantee quality of exercise. Directory submission is a process to increase link popularity of your website to improve search engine rankings and position. Directory submissions is an important and initial process in search engine optimization campaigns undertaken by seo companies. Directory submission is the process of submitting site URL to web site directory. The process is not merely filling the form at directory submission page but also involves more than this. Two ways of submitting in directories: Automatic Submission Manual Submission

Automatic submission involves downloading a piece of software which will automatically post your web site or service to multiple

directories quickly

The advantages of automatic directory submission are that it will save the submitter a lot of time compared to manual submission processes and services

Manual submission involves visiting every directory one by one and submitting your web site or services manually over and over again The advantages of manual submission is that the directory entries will be of much higher quality and have a greater result of being accepted and indexed, which in turn will give you a higher quality and number of visitors

Advantage of Directory Submission Services The Directory submission services have the following benefits which may it necessary for every website to use these services:  Theme based relevant one way inbound links to support your search engine optimization strategies.  Save your time and energy  Drive thematic traffic to your site which will convert into sale to enhance your profits.  It helps in fast indexing of your site in search engines.  It helps in improving you search engine ranking.

Process       

Selection of Web Directory Search for Website URL Selection of Proper Category Creation of Valid Email Account Filling of Directory Submit Form Adding in List of Directory Submission Checking of Directory Listing Approval


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