Trivedi Effect: Energy Transmission Benefits On Patchouli Plants The Trivedi Effect® is a scientifically monitored response of living organisms and non living organisms to an unknown energy brought about through the thoughts of an individual. This energy has the ability to transform and radically alter all that it interacts with in a way that is for the betterment of humankind. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi was gifted with the ability to transmit this powerful energy in 1995 , and after years of following as a student of Mahendra Trivedi's, Gopal Nayak was also endowed with the ability to transmit this energy. In a controlled scientific experiment the Trivedi Effect® was applied to Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth) plants, herbaceous planst whose leaves are highly valued in the perfumery business and are utilized for aromatic oil . At present, the Indian Perfumery Market imports over 150 tons of oil annually while the current production in India is only around ten tons. To achieve the goal of 150 tons of Patchouli Oil annually, a number of amendment factors were studied to improve the quality and quantity of Patchouli oil to make it readily acceptable for the perfumery industry. Out of several attempts, the human energy-transmission model was applied and tested by a reputable research Institute in India through a spiritual Master Gopal Nayak under the guidance of Mahendra Trivedi. The research findings were astonishing and have been published in a Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal – ‘Biotechnology’ (Patil et al ,2012).To read the original report follow the link on
This Paper published in the journal of ‘Biotechnology’ shows the effect of Energy Transmissions™ by Master Gopal, a well-known spiritual master who regularly performs energy transmissions through the direction oof his thoughts with the aim of producing a healing effect on people under the umbrella of Trivedi Master Wellness™. Mahendra Trivedi, founder of Trivedi Foundation, Arizona, USA, sponsored a research project for independent scientific validation of the healing impact of Master Gopal using plants instead of people, in order to test his abilities on non-human life forms. Plants cannot be directly influenced by psychological or placebo effects. In this case the intentional energy of Master Gopal provided a biofield treatment. Various experiments were performed by the Scientific Research Centre of the Kelkar Education Trust in Mumbai, India. The samples were taken from the Patchouli plant whose oil content is much valued in the perfumery industry and is used as the basis of some natural perfumes. Tissue cultures were prepared in tubes in the laboratory in standard culture medium using small cut-outs, called explants, of leaves, nodes and petioles of the Patchouli plant. Master Gopal acquired the ability to transmit the energy at the young age of 15 and has now been using his abilities on people for several years. He performed the Energy Transmissions on one set of cultures while another identical set of cultures was not exposed to any Energy Transmissions. However it was prepared in an identical manner as the treated cultures to be observed as a control for comparison with the treated plants. The plants growth was then scientifically measured, validated and statistically analyzed. The documented results have been published in an international peerreviewed journal and have shown significant improvement of growth in cultures, which were treated by Master Gopal through his Energy Transmission .This effect is known as the Trivedi Effect®. The Trivedi Effect® is a natural phenomenon that, when harnessed and transmitted by individuals, transforms living organisms and non-living materials so they can function at a higher level and serve a greater purpose. Mahendra Trivedi, Dahryn Trivedi and Master Gopal possess the ability to transmit the Trivedi Effect. Differences were found during each of the stages of plant growth. A higher mass was observed in treated plants in the multiplication stage and there was a threefold increase in regeneration of new plants, with substantially higher number of roots produced by each shoot. When transferred out of the cultures to be hardened for planting, treated plants started growing significantly better than the controls. They were healthier in appearance, grew taller much faster and the leaves showed a difference in morphology. The biofield treatment used here was successful in improving the quality and growth rate of patchouli plant . At a later stage plants are to be looked at phytochemical and molecular levels . The evidence suggests that there is a good possibility that biofield treatment using The Trivedi Effect® could enhance the economic value of the Patchouli plants after treatment, producing a gain for the natural perfumes industry.
Trivedi Foundation is a non-profit organization of Mahendra Trivedi, if you want Trivedi Foundation reviews, you can visit its website at – Trivedi Foundation..