Get complete detail on 1Z0-1003-20 exam guide to crack Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials. You can collect all information on 1Z0-1003-20 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials and get ready to crack 1Z0-1003-20 certification. Explore all information on 1Z0-1003-20 exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
How to Prepare for 1Z0-1003-20 Exam on Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials Certification? Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials (1Z0-1003-20) preparation guide helps you to get focused on the exam. This guide also helps you to be on the 1Z0-100320 exam track to get certified with a good score in the final exam.
1Z0-1003-20 Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials Exam Summary Exam Name
Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials
Exam Code
Exam Product Version
Oracle Field Service Cloud 20B
1Z0-1003-20: Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials
Exam Price
USD $245 (Pricing may vary by country or by localized currency)
85 minutes
Number of Questions
Passing Score
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Recommended Training
Oracle Field Service Cloud Learning Subscription
Schedule Exam
Pearson VUE
Sample Questions
Oracle Field Service 2020 Certified Implementation Specialist (OCS)
Recommended Practice
1Z0-1003-20 Online Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: 1Z0-1003-20 Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials Subjects Resources and Resource Types Time Windows
Sub Topics - Describe Resource Types and Roles - Configure Resource Types - Configure resources for Routing - Describe Time Slots, Service Windows, SLAs, and Delivery Windows
1Z0-1003-20: Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials
Inventory Types Business Rules Work Zones Display Settings Activity Link Templates OFSC APIs Routing
Notification Engine Service Requests User Types Activity Types Fields and Custom Properties Work Skills Resource Calendars Outbound Integration Channels Filters Statistics Parameters Quota, Capacity and Booking Collaboration Plug-in Framework
- Describe Inventory Types, consumption and management - Configure Business Rules settings - Describe the concepts of Work Zones - Configure OFSC Core Application display settings - Create an Activity Link Template - Explain OFSC API capabilities - Create a Core REST API request - Describe Run Schedule, Assignment Parameters, and filtering options - Describe routing reoptimization - Configure a Routing Plan - Describe the various launch conditions - Configure a Message Scenario - Configure a Service Request - Configure OFSC Core Application Screens - Configure User Types - Describe Activity Type Features - Configure Activity Types - Describe the four types of custom properties and native system fields - Create a custom property - Describe the concepts of Work Skills and Work Skill Conditions - Configure a Work Skill and associated Conditions - Configure resource calendars - Explain the options available within Outbound Integration Channels - Explain the usage of filters within OFSC - Create a filter - Explain Duration and Travel Statistics and their parameters - Describe Quota, Capacity and Booking Options - Configure Quota Management for Capacity Areas - Describe Collaboration features and usage - Understand the capabilities of the mobility framework
Oracle 1Z0-1003-20 Certification Sample Questions and Answers To make you familiar with Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials (1Z0-1003-20) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Oracle OCS 1Z0-1003-20 Certification to test your understanding of Oracle 1Z0-1003-20 process with the real Oracle certification exam environment.
1Z0-1003-20: Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials
1Z0-1003-20 Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials Sample Questions 10. What determines the availability of Details Forms and Line Item lists when creating a Business Process? a) Business Process behavior b) Business Process type c) Business Process subtype d) Business Process level 01. How can you change the data fields of folders and documents in Document Manager? a) Deploy a Document Attribute Form. b) Deploy a Document type Business Process. c) Deploy a Shell Attributes Form in which the Document Manager is available. d) Deploy the User Attributes Form. 09. You are manually adding users to Unifier. You notice that your newly added users are inactive. What is the reason for this? a) You did not enter a valid email address. b) You did not add the users to a Shell. c) You have exceeded your license limit. d) You have set this as a default when adding new users. 02. At which level are Programs created? a) Company b) Project c) Shell d) Site 08. Which two statements are true about User Preference templates? (Choose two.) a) They can be routed for approvals in a Business Process. b) Only one User Preference template can be active. c) You can have multiple User Preference templates. d) They are automatically applied when importing users. 03. You are building a workflow and specifying conditional routing. There are multiple conditions that must be met. How do you do this? a) Set up an Or operator. b) Set up a Form with a drop-down menu. c) Set up an And operator. d) Set up a Data Picker.
1Z0-1003-20: Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials
07. Identify two locations in Unifier where the Document Manager exists. (Choose two.) a) Document level b) Project level c) Shell level d) User level e) Company level 04. Identify one function granted to On Hold users. a) They can be added to workflows. b) They can log into Unifier. c) They can initiate Business Processes. d) They can create Business Processes. 06. When can an assignee decline a task if an option is enabled for a step? a) if there are multiple assignees on the step and the others have all already declined b) if the assignee is the only assignee on the step and has the ability to add assignees on the step c) if the assignee is the only assignee on the step and has the ability to add CC d) if there are multiple assignees on the step who are yet to accept/decline the task 05. The Business Process type that consists of only an Upper Form is ________ a) Simple type b) Document type c) Text type d) Line item type Solution: QUESTION: 01
Answer: b
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: c
Answer: c, d
Answer: b
Answer: b, c
Answer: a
Answer: d
Answer: d
How to Register for 1Z0-1003-20 Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials Exam? â—?
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1Z0-1003-20: Oracle Field Service 2020 Implementation Essentials