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How to Prepare for the 1Z0-447 Exam on Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials Certification? Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials (1Z0-447) preparation guide helps you to get focused on the exam. This guide also helps you to be on the 1Z0-447 exam track to get certified with a good score in the final exam.
1Z0-447 Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials Exam Summary Exam Name
Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
Exam Code
1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
Exam Product Version
Oracle GoldenGate 12c
Exam Price
USD $245 (Pricing may vary by country or by localized currency)
120 minutes
Number of Questions
Passing Score
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Oracle GoldenGate 12c Certified Implementation Specialist Recommended Training Oracle GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals for Oracle Oracle Database Learning Subscription Unlimited Learning Subscription - All Technology Schedule Exam
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Sample Questions
Oracle GoldenGate 12c Certified Implementation Specialist (OCS)
Recommended Practice 1Z0-447 Online Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: 1Z0-447 Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials - Describe OGG functional overview and common Oracle GoldenGate (OGG) topologies Overview - Describe OGG Veridata and Management Pack
1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
functionality - Describe the difference between real-time data integration replication and Data Manipulation Language (DML) replication - Describe OGG components - Create the two types of Capture processes for Oracle database Architecture Overview - Create the three types of Replicat processes - Explain the difference between an Extract and Pump, and local and remote trails - Configure OGG's process recovery mechanism - Download and Install OGG, and differentiate between various installers (zip, OUI, tar) - Synchronize source and target databases with the Initial Load - Prepare database for OGG CDC and check databases with OGG schema check script Install and Configure OGG - Configure OGG Replication component parameter files - Configure the OGG Command Interface to create OGG processes - Describe how to identify and resolve issues in heterogeneous replication, and provide appropriate solutions - Configure OGG utilities - Describe and compare GLOBALS versus MANAGER parameters - Create solutions using component parameters for Parameters replication requirements - Install OGG parameters - Explain and identify parameters specific for non-Oracle databases Mapping and - Implement use cases for transformation functions Transformation Overview - Implement macros - Describe OGG configuration options (Data Definition Language (DDL), compression and encryption options) - Configure OGG event actions based on use cases Configuration Options - Troubleshoot conflict detection and resolution - Configure Integrated Capture, Replicat, and deployment options - Manage OGG command and data security - Implement and troubleshoot OGG Monitoring Managing and Monitoring - Explain the configuration and management of the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager 12c plug-in - Implement and troubleshoot OGG Veridata
1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
Oracle 1Z0-447 Certification Sample Questions and Answers To make you familiar with Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials (1Z0-447) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Oracle OCS 1Z0-447 Certification to test your understanding of the Oracle 1Z0-447 process with the real Oracle certification exam environment.
1Z0-447 Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials Sample Questions 01. Which GGSCI command(s) show all available information on both read and write checkpoint for an Extract? Example: 1 INFO EXTRACT <group name> Example: 2 INFO EXTRACT <group name>, DETAIL Example: 3 INFO EXTRACT <group name>, SHOWCH a) Example 2 only b) Example 3 only c) Examples 1 and 3 d) Examples 1 and 2 02. In order to add delete Replicat processes without specifying a checkpoint table, Gerald has edited the GLOBALS parameter file. To get the change to take effect, Gerald exits from the GGSCI command line, but GGSCI fails to restart. Which solution Is most likely to solve Gerald's problem? a) Use a text editor to check the GLOBALS file for syntax errors and fix them b) Use the cleanup replicat command c) Verify that Oracle environment variables are set correctly d) Add the Oracle GoldenGate Installation directory to the system PATH 03. You want to configure replication of CREATE TABLE statements from oracle to Teradata, so that only new table created in your mapped source schema is Replicated. Which should be the part of solution? a) This feature is not supported in oracle goldenGate 10. b) DDL INCLUDE MAPPED in extra parameter file. c) DDL INCLUDE UNMAPPED in extra parameter file. d) DDL EXCLUDE MAPPED in extra parameter file. 04. Which statements are true of goldenGate password encryption? - A password can be encrypted and pasted into a parameter file. - An encrypted password can be generated using the default key. - An encrypted password can be generated using a user defined-key. a) 1 only
1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
b) 2 only c) 3 only d) 1 and 3 e) 1, 2 and 3 05. Replicat is responsible for which three options? a) Reading data out of the GoldenGate trails. b) Performing data flow filtering. c) Performing data transformations. d) Check pointing the oldest uncommitted transaction. 06. What is the name and the location of the file that lists the key values used by extract for encryptions and Server Collector for decryption? a) KEYGEN file in the GoldenGate data location b) COBGEN file in the GoldenGate installation location c) GGSKEY file in the GoldenGate data location d) GGSKEY file in the GoldenGate installation location e) ENCKEYS file in the GoldenGate installation location 07. Which process(es) maintain a checkpoint file? a) Extract only b) Replicat only c) Both Extract and Replicat d) Server collector 08. If multiple GoldenGate processes are accessing a set of trial files which of the processes should include the PURGEOLDEXTRACTS parameter to trigger trail file clean up? a) Manager b) Extract c) Replicat d) Both Extract and Replicat 09. Which translations are captured if you ADD EXTRACT BEGIN now 1:00 p.m., but START EXTRACT at 2:00 p.m.? a) Transactions started on or after 1:00 p.m. b) Transactions started on or after 2:00 p.m. c) Transactions started before 1:00 p.m and committed after 1:00 p.m. d) Transactions started before 1:00 p.m and committed after 2:00 p.m. 10. When GoldenGate is configured for Archived Only Mode (ALO), what must be considered configuring the middle-tier server for Capture? a) The middle-tier capture server has the same endian order and bit width b) The middle-tier server must have a database installed on it
1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials
c) GoldenGate only supports Windows or Linux on the middle-tier server d) GoldenGate only supports UNIX on the middle-tier server Solution: QUESTION: 01
Answer: d
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: e
Answer: a, b, c
Answer: d
Answer: c
Answer: a
Answer: a
Answer: b
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1Z0-447: Oracle GoldenGate 12c Implementation Essentials