Get complete detail on 1Z0-882 exam guide to crack MySQL 5.6 Developer. You can collect all information on 1Z0-882 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on MySQL 5.6 Developer and get ready to crack 1Z0-882 certification. Explore all information on 1Z0-882 exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
How to Prepare for 1Z0-882 Exam on MySQL 5.6 Developer Certification? MySQL 5.6 Developer (1Z0-882) preparation guide helps you to get focused on the exam. This guide also helps you to be on the 1Z0-882 exam track to get certified with a good score in the final exam.
1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer Exam Summary Exam Name
MySQL 5.6 Developer
Exam Code
Exam Product Version
MySQL 5.6
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
Exam Price
USD $245 (Price may vary by country or by localized currency)
150 minutes
Number of Questions
Passing Score
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Recommended Training
MySQL for Developers MySQL Learning Subscription Unlimited Product Learning Subscription
Schedule Exam
Pearson VUE
Sample Questions
Oracle Certified Professional MySQL 5.6 Developer (OCP)
Recommended Practice
1Z0-882 Online Practice Exam
Exam Syllabus: 1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer Subjects MySQL Architecture
Sub Topics - Use MySQL client programs to interface with the MySQL Server interactively and in batch - Describe SQL Modes and their impact on behavior of MySQL - Identify characteristics which have session scope
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
Creation and Design of MySQL Schema Objects
- Design and create normalized databases - Create and modify tables using appropriate data types and indexing - Describe and create table constraints enforcing data integrity - Creating and modifying views - Identify and use various methods to obtain metadata for MySQL database objects
Querying for Data
- Execute a basic SELECT statement - Limit rows returned by a SELECT statement - Limit columns returned by a SELECT statement - Apply sorting to SELECT statement results - Execute SELECT statements which aggregate and group data
Joins, subqueries and UNION
- Identify, describe and use JOINs in MySQL commands - Describe and utilize subqueries in MySQL commands - Perform operations using UNION clause
Basic Optimizations
- Identify statements requiring optimization - Recognize and create optimal indexes for query optimization - Recognize and fix sub-optimal SQL commands - Identify appropriate optimization strategies for InnoDB usage - Optimize performance through data normalization General MySQL Syntax - Explain MySQL implementation of identifiers including case sensitivity, qualified names, aliases and use of reserved words - Identify MySQL data type properties and appropriate usage - Recognize and use common functions and expressions for all MySQL data types - Identify and use comment syntax - Describe and utilize prepared statements - Describe transactions and transaction isolation levels and the impact they have on database behavior Creation, Design and Use of - Describe and use triggers MySQL Stored Programs - Create and execute stored procedures - Create and use stored functions - Implement error handling within stored procedures Modifying Data - Describe and execute INSERT statements - Describe and execute REPLACE statements - Describe and execute UPDATE statements - Describe and execute TRUNCATE statements - Describe and execute LOAD DATA statements - Describe and execute DELETE statements
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
MySQL Application Development
- Identify key characteristics, features and options for PHP, Java and .NET development using MySQL standard drivers - Write a basic Java application that uses MySQL - Write a basic PHP application that uses MySQL - Write a basic .NET application that uses MySQL - Interpret MySQL error messages - Collect available diagnostic information - Describe and use NoSQL and memcached API
Oracle 1Z0-882 Certification Sample Questions and Answers To make you familiar with MySQL 5.6 Developer (1Z0-882) certification exam structure, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you to try our Sample Questions for Oracle OCP 1Z0-882 Certification to test your understanding of the Oracle 1Z0-882 process with the real Oracle certification exam environment.
1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer Sample Questions 01. Which statement(s) from following list are true for BINARY and VARBINARY data types? a) When BINARY values are stored, they are right-padded with null values to the specified length b) When VARBINARY values are stored, they are right-padded with null values to the specified length c) When VARBINARY values are retrieved, trailing nulls are removed d) When BINARY values are retrieved, trailing nulls are removed 02. Which of the following are true in relation to character set and collation relationships in MySQL? a) A collation may belong to only one character set. b) A collation may belong to many character sets. c) A character set may have only one collation. d) A character set may have many collations. 03. A table country exists with a column Name. A user variable @ limitcount contains the value 20. Which two statements are valid uses of the LIMIT clause? a) SELECT Name FROM country LIMIT 100-50 b) SELECT Name FROM country LIMIT 100,50 c) SELECT Name FROM country LIMIT 35 d) SELECT Name FROM country LIMIT @limitcount e) SELECT Name FROM country LIMIT RAND ()
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
04. Your application is running slow. Which two features provide information that help to identify problems? a) The MYSQL error log b) The slow query log c) The performance schema d) The GET DIAGNOSTICS statement 05. Which of the following statements is correct? a) User variables exist only for the duration of the connection in which they are created. b) User variables are always persistent from one connection to the next, provided the user is the same. c) User variables persist from one connection to the next, regardless of user. d) User variables persist from one connection to the next provided the user is the same and the persistent keyword is given to the set command at definition time. 06. An application tracks usage of educational courses in a company. Many people can take one course. Each person can take multiple courses. The data has been stored in one table but it is growing too large. You decide to normalize the table. What would a normalized data model contain? a) Two tables: employee and course, with foreign keys on employee ID and course ID. b) Three tables: employee, course, and a table cross-referencing employee IDs and course IDs c) Two tables: an employee table with multiple course IDs , and a course table d) Four tables: employee, course, courses by employee, and employees by course 07. You have a transaction that queries a table at the beginning of the transaction and performs the same query later. Which two transaction isolation levels guarantee that you get the same results both times? a) Repeatable read b) Read committed c) Read uncommitted d) Single user e) serializable 08. Which two Functions can be used in a C program to retrieve information about warning? a) mysql_info b) mysql_error c) mysql_warning_count d) mysql_errno
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
09. Which statement describes the process of normalizing databases? a) All text is trimmed to fit into the appropriate fields. Capitalization and spelling errors are corrected. b) Redundant tables are combined into one larger table to simplify the schema design. c) Numeric values are checked against upper and lower accepted bounds. All text is purged of illegal characters. d) Columns that contain repeating data values are split into separate tables to reduce item duplication. e) Indexes are created to improve query performance. The data of types of columns are adjusted to use the smallest allocation. 10. What are two ways in which normalizing your tables helps improve performance In MySQL? a) Smaller table sizes and row lengths improve sorting operations. b) Separate tables allow indexing more columns. c) Fewer nullable column improve index usage. d) Normalizing Improves the performance of innodb_file_per _table. Solution: QUESTION: 01
Answer: a, d
Answer: a, d
Answer: b, c
Answer: b, c
Answer: a
Answer: b
Answer: a, e
Answer: a, c
Answer: d
Answer: b, c
How to Register for 1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer Exam? â—?
Purchase exam voucher from Oracle University
Register for exam at PearsonVue.
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Abstract: Get complete detail on 1Z0-882 exam guide to crack [ExamProductversion]. You can collect all information on 1Z0-882 tutorial, practice test, books, study material, exam questions, and syllabus. Firm your knowledge on [ExamProductversion] and get ready to crack 1Z0-882 certification. Explore all information on 1Z0-882 exam with number of questions, passing percentage and time duration to complete test.
Subtitle: 1Z0-882 Practice Test and Preparation Guide
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1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer
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1Z0-882 MySQL 5.6 Developer Oracle OCP
1Z0-882: MySQL 5.6 Developer