Exam Syllabus: 1Z0-516 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger Essentials
- Log in to Oracle Applications
- Navigate from Personal Home Page to Applications
- Choose a responsibility
- Create Favorites and set Preferences
Navigating in R12 Oracle Applications
- Use Forms and Menus
- Enter data using Forms
- Search for data using Forms
- Access online Help
- Run and monitor Reports and Programs
- Log out of Oracle Applications
- Explain the footprint of R12 E-Business Suite
Introduction to Oracle Applications R12
Shared Entities and Integration
Fundamentals of Flexfields
- Describe the benefits of R12 E-Business Suite
- Describe R12 E-Business Suite architecture
- Explain shared entities within R12 E-Business Suite
- Describe key integration points and business flows between products in E-Business Suite (EBS)
- Identify Key Business Flows and products involved in EBusiness Suite (EBS)
- Describe Flexfields and their components
- Identify the steps to implement a Flexfield
- Define value sets and values
- Define Key Flexfields
- Define Descriptive Flexfields
- Define Multiple Organization (Multi-Org)
- Describe the types of organizations supported in the Multi-Org model
- Explain the entities of Multi-Org
- Explain how Multi-Org secures data
Fundamentals of Multi-Org
- Identify key implementation considerations for Multi-Org
- Define Multi-Org Access Control
- Explain Multi-Org preferences
- Explain Enhanced Multiple-Organization Reporting
- Explain the concepts of subledger accounting
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Fundamentals of Workflow and Alerts
- Explain Workflow concepts
- Describe the benefits of Workflow
- Identify the steps required to complete the accounting cycle using Oracle General Ledger
- Describe how Oracle General Ledger integrates with other Oracle eBusiness applications
Oracle General Ledger Process
- Describe the integration of Oracle General Ledger with Oracle Subledgers & non-Oracle systems
- Explain implementation considerations for setting up and using Oracle General Ledger and Oracle eBusiness Suite
- Describe an overview of Accounting Setup Manager, currency concepts, budgeting, EPB, reporting & analysis
- Describe how journal entries are positioned in the accounting cycle
- Describe the different Journal Posting options
- Define how to perform Account Inquiries & Drilldown to Oracle Subledger Applications
Basic Journal Entries
- Import journal entry information using the GL_INTERFACE table
- Plan the key elements of Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI)
- Define Web ADI setup options for key flexfields
- Utilize Web ADI profile options, forms functions, menus, and responsibilities
- Manage Data Access Security for Legal Entities and Ledgers
Advanced Security
- Explain key Advanced Security setups and process
- Manage Data Access Sets
- Control security of Management Reporting
- Explain Multi-Currency concepts
- Use Currency Rate Manager
- Perform Foreign currency journals Entry
- Perform Revaluation of foreign currency balances
- Translate functional balances into foreign currency
- Describe overview of Secondary Tracking Segment
- Use Foreign Currency Reports
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Financial Reporting
- Explain the positioning of Financial Reporting within the Oracle General Ledger business flow
- Build basic reports
- Use key elements of the Financial Statement Generator (FSG) for creating financial reports
- Use Standard listing reports available for FSG report definitions
- Create FSG Reports with XML Publisher
- Use Web ADI for Financial Reporting
- Explain key implementation issues regarding Oracle General Ledger financial reporting
- Describe the components of Ledger Processing options
- Describe Secondary Ledgers & Reporting Currencies
- Describe Accounting Setup considerations with one legal entity
Accounting Setup Manager
- Describe Accounting Setup considerations with multiple legal entities
- Describe Accounting Setup considerations with no legal entities
- Create Accounting Setups
- Describe the various Subledger Accounting Options
- Perform the Primary Ledger Setup steps
Accounting Setups
- Describe Ledger Balancing Segment Value Assignments
- Perform the Secondary Ledger Setup steps
- Complete Accounting Setup
- Create Recurring Journals
- Formulate Mass Allocation Journals
- Describe AutoAllocations and related implementation considerations
- Explain AutoScheduling
Advanced Journal Entries
- Describe the Journal Scheduling process
- Describe key issues and considerations when implementing Advanced Journal Entry
- Describe the business benefits of using Oracle General Ledger's Advanced Journal Entry functions
- Explain overview of Consolidations and their positioning within the Oracle General Ledger business flow
- Identify the key implementation issues regarding consolidations
- Use the features and functionality of Global Consolidation
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Summary Accounts
System (GCS)
- Use the elements of the Consolidation Workbench
- Create eliminating entries
- Use Standard reports and inquiry options available for consolidations Ledger
- Describe the elements required to create a ledger within Oracle General Ledger
- Describe the basic components of Accounting Setup
- Describe the important elements for creating a Chart of Accounts structure
- Creating a new Accounting Flexfield structure
- Utilize the Account Hierarchy Manager to view and maintain Accounting Flexfield values
- Explain summary accounts and how they are used in General Ledger
- Define How Parent Values/ Rollup Groups are used in General Ledger
- Determine how Summary Templates are used
- Use Budgetary Control & maintain Summary accounts
- Plan and maintain Summary Account structures
- Explain the anatomy of a budget
- Explain the components of budget accounting cycle
- Define budget and budget organization
- Explain Budget Entry methods
- Apply Budget Rules
- Transfer budget amounts
Financial Budgeting
- Perform budget review and correction
- Translate budget balances
- Review balances in Master/Detail budgets
- Create budgets with Budget Wizards
- Use available Standard budget reports
- Plan Budget implementation requirements
- Explain the accounting cycle
- Perform key steps in the close process
- Perform journal import of subledger balances
Period Close
- Perform Subledger Reconciliation
- Explain the Period Closing Process and Reports
- Consolidate account balances
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Oracle 1Z0-516 Certification Sample Questions and Answers
To make you familiar with the Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger Essentials (1Z0516) certification exam, we have prepared this sample question set. We suggest you try our Sample Questions for Oracle 1Z0-516 Certification to test your understanding of the Oracle 1Z0-516 process in the real Oracle certification exam environment.
1Z0-516 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger
Essentials Sample Questions
01. The management segment qualifier must be attached to which key flexfield segment?
a) future segment
b) department segment
c) company segment
d) account segment
e) intercompany segment
02. How should an administrator set up a conditional restriction for access to a Product Family?
a) by providing conditional access criteria in the Restricted Access section of the home page setup
b) by setting up a restricted profile and user group in Commerce and hiding the add, reconfigure, and delete product options
c) by writing a Constraint rule at the Product Family level
d) by hiding the model Punch-In on the home page by using JavaScript
03. All manual journal entries are defaulting to a non-current period. Which step was omitted from the accounting cycle?
a) updating the period
b) posting journal entries
c) consolidating financials
d) reversing journal entries
e) translating foreign balances
04. You set the GL: Journal Review Required profile option to “Yes.” Identify the result.
a) requires all journals to be reviewed before posting
b) requires review of recurring journals before posting
c) requires review of a journal entered in GL by the approver before posting
d) requires generated AutoAllocation journals to be reviewed before posting
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05. Which item cannot be queried in the Find Consolidation Process window?
a) balance type
b) parent period
c) mapping sets
d) parent calendar
e) elimination sets
06. A red "x" appears instead of a part (item) in a configuration. What causes this?
a) The Recommended Item rule is recommending an incorrect price for the part number
b) The Recommended Item rule is recommending a part that does not exist
c) The Recommended Item rule is recommending more than one part number
d) The Recommended Item rule is not firing
07. In Commerce, what is the order of operations for the standard Modify sequence?
a) Modify tab, Advanced Default function, Formulas, After Formulas Advanced Modify function
b) Modify tab, Before Formulas Advanced Modify function, After Formulas Advanced Modify function
c) Modify tab, Before Formulas Advanced Modify function, Formulas, After Formulas Advanced Modify function
d) Before Formulas Advanced Modify function, Formulas, After Formulas Advanced Modify function
e) Integration, Before Formulas Advanced Modify function, Formulas, After Formulas Advanced Modify function
08. Identify two features of a Value Set that has a validation type of “None.”
(Choose two.)
a) It has an approved list of values associated with it.
b) The entered value must meet the formatting requirements.
c) The Flexfield value security rules cannot be used for a segment that uses this Value Set.
d) Users can enter any value that they want even if it does not meet formatting requirements.
09. Select two components that are required to create the accounting setup by using Accounting Setup Manager.
(Choose two.)
a) ledgers
b) operating units
c) data access sets
d) definition access sets
e) subledger accounting method
10. What are three valid reasons for a Configuration rule failing to execute?
(Choose three.)
a) A runtime error occurs within the rule, which is firing before the current rule
b) The status of the rule is set to Inactive
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c) The rule’s Condition attributes are hidden in Configuration Layout
d) The attributes used in the rule are not added in Configuration Layout
Answer: b
Answer: b
QUESTION: 02 Answer: a
QUESTION: 07 Answer: c
QUESTION: 03 Answer: a
QUESTION: 08 Answer: b, c
QUESTION: 04 Answer: d
QUESTION: 09 Answer: a, e
QUESTION: 05 Answer: d
Answer: b, c, d
How to Register for 1Z0-516 Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 General Ledger Essentials Exam?
● Purchase exam voucher from Oracle University
● Register for an exam at PearsonVue
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