Awestruck moments of natural occurrences
Well, isn’t the title apt? I mean, what more do you think can happen to you? And what more do you think cannot happen to you? All these answers are given to you every single day by nature. I am not a Creationist, being a student of science myself. So when I say that Mother Nature has a pocketful of magic tricks and incidents that remain not-quiteunderstood, I literally mean it. Nature has gifted us abundant life as it is. And above all that, it keeps us baffled every single day when we see at its magnificence. It is no surprise that whatever man saw first, he was struck with awe at its beauty in nature. Right from noticing the flowing water, to the majestic mountains, to the colorful flowers, and to the life as it is known to all of us. Nature is way too powerful and mysterious. One of the biggest mysteries that we have faced is the spider silk mystery. It is a well established fact that this form of silk is extracted and spun by spiders. Almost every single spider is known to spin webs and silk in general. Although we extract common day silk using silkworms, who are known to be agents of silk spinning in nature, however, the silk extracted from them is not the same as that of spiders. Spiders spin a silk far better and superior in quality and design. Not some might argue- what quality and what design? Do not worry, your answers will be provided. This silk is more superior due to its mechanical properties. The biggest property of this silk is that it is- wait for it- absolutely legendary. And by legendary I mean that it is the sturdiest material known to us now. Yes, you heard it right. Spider silk company has surpassed the Kevlar Industries in the race for the sturdiest material available in nature. Wow, isn’t that just awesome? Of course it is. You would not be able to believe all this even in your dreams, because you generally do not expect a simple elegant strand of silk to be so tough. But what can be said, it truly is. This silk is modified by changing its naturally occurring genetic sequence so as to produce high-quality silk that we all know exists now. The spider silk company is well known now to produce high end, military grade body armor equipments from this silk that have greatly stood the harsh tests of industrial standards carried out to ensure complete armor safety and sturdiness. While Kevlar has proved to be a boon us all in terms of safety materials over so many years, however, it is time to switch to newer and better alternatives. While the production of Kevlar armors still goes on, it is only a matter of time before the entire spider silk company takes place over the scientific proceedings with their majestic product. This is supposed to attract huge investors in funding for such an amazing piece of technology found naturally in our natural elements. Who knew spiders were capable of so much? Well, we all have been proven wrong. No surprise now thinking as to how Spider Man was able to leap tall buildings, fight off huge monsters, take extensive beating and still survive and kick everyone back. It was the magic of this special kind of silk (just kidding). Tags: spider silk application technology