Know How To Do Formatting Of Fonts And Colors In Gmail
Gmail Is The Only Mailing Software That Has Reached This Kind Of Popularity. Having An Account On It Is As Important As Breathing In The Air. Google Has Provided Uncountable Features With Their Gmail. So It Doesn’t Come As A Surprise Now To Know Why And How It Gained User Base This Large. Because Of Having These Large Users, They Give Prominence To The Safety And Security Of Sensitive Data Of Their Users; For This, They Developed Multistep Security Settings.
Now when it comes to the features, there will hardly be many people who know about all the awesome features of it. For instance, it also provides us the advantage to change the font and color settings in it. It does sound a lot interesting, so we will help you with this and will tell you how you can personalize your account. Steps to:
1. Formatting Email •Go to Gmail account > Compose Option. •Here, you have to scroll down to the extreme bottom of your message; you will see the Formatting options, all you need to do now is go through it. 2. Changing Style
•Open your Gmail account.
•You have to choose the option Settings at the extreme top right corner.
•You can then make changes according to your need.
•Go to the default Text Style option. •Now you can change the text font in whichever way you like.
•After doing all the above steps you must not forget to save the changes at the end to finalize the changes.
If you have any other questions or issues you want the answer to then surely get in touch with Gmail Support Number Australia +61 283173468 and avail their remarkable expert advice on all the matters. They have solutions to all kinds of problems related to Gmail.
Gmail Is Providing The Best Mail Service All Over The World. If You Are Facing Any Issues Regarding Gmail, Then Contact Gmail Support Number +61283173468
Original Source: Know How To Do Formatting Of Fonts And Colo rs In Gmail