milk dress
Nicole Cooley November 2010 ISBN: 978-1-882295-83-8 paper with flaps l $15.95
“These are poems of birth and motherhood. They begin with a new life and end in a new self. They probe deep into the places where love extinguishes identity and yet renews awareness. What is so compelling here is that the arc of this journey is described with such music, craft and rigor in this wonderful collection.” —Eavan Boland “If it’s possible for a book to account for why and how mothering changes everything: so many things change everything: in this book, in the background and sometimes in the foreground, New York City after The World Trade Center Towers were destroyed, New Orleans after Katrina’s devastations, a woman’s body after a baby takes it over, a woman’s body when it’s an extension of a baby, a poet’s body understanding our elemental destiny, Milk Dress is a meticulous chronicle of devotion and terror, love and responsibility. To watch a poet with a poet’s skill with words and music address what is, after all, that without which we would have nothing, is exhilarating and what we have poetry for.” —Dara Wier
Laura McCullough
January 2011 ISBN: 978-1-882295-84-5 paper l $15.95 “Laura McCullough’s Panic is a news broadcast from the edge—literally, the shoreline, the coast where New Jersey’s towns give onto open water, and figuratively, the nervous boundary of contemporary life, with its negligence and violence. McCullough seems to possess a sort of psychic hidden camera: a restless, obsessive eye looking deeper and deeper into occasions of disaster both personal and public. Somewhere between Edgar Lee Masters and C. P. Cavafy, these plain-spoken, character-filled poems will haunt readers with an unsettlingly familiar landscape: the swimming pools and boardwalks and shorelines of our darkest, most anxious American nights.” —Mark Doty “Lovely and vigilant poems lay bare those seen and unseen forces that expose us again and again to our own mortality, to our daily yearning for beauty and grace. Embracing the narrative range of a novelist, Laura McCullough writes with the razored scrutiny of the fine poet she is, making Panic a timely and important book you simply must read.” —Andre Dubus III
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Shor 2010 tlisted for T.S. E th liot P e rize!
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By a 2010 NAACP Image Award Winner!
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...paradoxical power...
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