IDA Alice Thompson

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THE DEPRESSION A centre focused on holistic remedies to assist retired fishermen suffering from Seasonal Affected Disorder. This treatment centre adapts common techniques and exercises which are proved to assist people suffering from this form of depression which utilises the natural phenomena and assets of the seaside town of Morecambe; combining aspects of the historic structures of the town with natural forms and materials mimicking bird habitats. In the winter months the centre will provide a residential treatment centre for S.A.D. sufferers and in the summer will become a habitat for the breeding birds in Morecambe, facilitating bird watching.

THE BIRDS Since the expansion of the seaside resort in the 1900s much of the extensive nature reserve on land, which played host to hundreds of thousands of wildfowl each year has been destroyed. However Morecambe’s unique expanse of inter tidal flats and salt marshes still provide a breeding, feeding and resting ground for thousands of birds however these areas are set apart from the popular tourist haunts and journeys through the town.


This chapter aims to introduce the brief and programme of the building and the site. Site investigations regarding environmental conditions, weather, lighting, geology and materials specific to my site will be undertaken using EcoTect and the data and findings will be examined and discussed.

In addition the building will be accessible throughout the year for the local people, in particular the older generation of Morecambe who have experienced both the summer, in the 50s, and the current winter of the seaside resort, as an extension of the promenade. The structure will provide an alternative route along the shore, an extension of the promenade, providing a more peaceful experience yet allow people to become more in touch with the sea, skies and especially the breeding, feeding and migration of the birds. THE SUNSETS Morecambe bay is infamous for its spectacular sunsets. Maybe it if the orientation of the bay, or the vast expanse of water creating the illusion of two sunsets, or maybe that the mournful tone of a sunset so greatly reflects the current dilapidated state of the once great seaside resort. The project also aims to refurbish the present café at the end of the Stony Pier as a larger scale, dine in fish restaurant, providing much needed vitamin D for the patients but also an enhanced viewing platform to watch the sunset for diners and patients all year round. It also proposes that the end of the stone jetty is replaced with a more aesthetic pier which enhances ones route along the pier.

This project focuses on the natural assets of Morecambe Bay which initiated the boom of Morecambe as a seaside resort. However Morecambe in now in its ‘winter’ and its once sustainable fishing industry has declined and fishermen are now forced to seek work in offices. This uproot-al from the expansive waters of the bay inside can initiate Seasonal Affective Disorder. The project aims t be a treatment centre for these fishermen which uses holistic alternatives to traditional treatments through Morecambe Bays natural assets, in particular the light, sunsets and waters of the bay, throughout the winter.



During the summer months the centre will fold away to a hibernation state, creating a rest bite for birds, previously driven out by tourism. The patient’s journey of recovery through the building follows the movement of the sun as they partake in the light therapy, ionization, group therapy and outdoor fishing. This process ends with an evening meal high in vitamin D in the fish restaurant watching the setting of the sun. This restaurant will also be open to the public, inhabiting and enhancing the disappointing end of the Stone Jetty and the café. During the summer months the residential part of the treatment centre will be publicly accessible to facilitate bird watching.

Conducting an anthropological study of the town through interaction with people throughout our journey through Morecambe, influenced our experience and interpretation of the town. Defining the people we met as instrumental components in the makeup of the history and present condition of the town allowed us to elicit memories of the town which could not be obtained from the physical presence alone. The overall interpretation of the town was saddening. Many who still resided there were trapped within their memories of the thriving seaside resort and could not see the present condition of the town. Some saw the town to be dead, but the spirit remained if one looked deep enough however once the last few remaining ‘sandgrowns’ passed on this spirit too would be gone. However the festive memories of the town cannot now be recreated as they once were. Times have changed, as have pastimes and holiday activities, and the fairground and theatrics of the 1970s are no longer sustainable. This is why Morecambe needs to take advantage of its natural and historical resources that are, and will always be available to it. By engaging local people in the activities, and encouraging tourists around the UK and beyond to visit the old holiday destination for new and current attractions the spirit of Morecambe can be regeneration. The site of the stone jetty epitomised this sense in Morecambe as I watched many local people and visitors venture out to the farthest point of the jetty and, upon reaching the dingy nothingness at the end, turn straight back and continue along the promenade.


This is ironic as historically the end of jetties and pier would house a great hall or theatre which would be bustling with people and activity throughout the holiday season however now the emptiness of the end emphasises the lack of people and the helplessness of the struggling seaside town. Therefore my project aims to recreate the excitement and social scene from the 1950’s focusing more specifically on the incredible opportunity this site poses for experiencing the sunsets, whilst being a key wildlife spot where roosting and feeding birds gather in their thousands. The site also allows construction to take over an existing historical landmark which is currently overlooked, and to build on both land and water. This project follows on from our initial experiential section and my previous project which studied the act and effect of interactions. In this project the stone jetty was extended in the form of a pier which aimed to provide and intriguing sunset viewing spot which brought together the three initial hamlet which made up Morecambe which have since been forgottwn in its boom and demise as a tourist destination.

This document aims to investigate the environmental qualities of the building, informed by the site conditions and the functions, schemes and comfort conditions required. This document will provide a study of the Site Conditions, Environment, Structure and Facade of the building and its site which has been integrated throughout the design process of the building to inform and consolidate the final design. The site itself is technically very interesting as it sits out to sea, in a particularly vulnerable spot. This will provide challenges for technical design as the site conditions will be harsh and the added issues of constructing on both land and sea will prove difficult. Site Conditions Chapter One introduces the site and the specific features present such as nearby buildings and site materials and details. The second part of the chapter uses EcoTect data from the Blackpool site to enable analysis of the existing site conditions and inform basic positioning and orientation of the building. Building + Environment The second chapter focuses on the issue of saline distillation and the connection of this process with the wider scheme of heating and water supply throughout the building. Structure Chapter Three will interrogate the opening and closing mechanism of the part of the building which changes seasonally. The residential buildings open out in the ‘winter’ months to provide sheltered accommodation for the patients visiting however then close up in the ‘summer’ time to form individual bird hides to facilitate bird watching in the area. The chapter will investigate different mechanisms for this movement and appropriate materials and structural design to enable these seasonal changes. Facade + Assemblage The key issues covered in chapter four will be the connection and detailing of the different façades throughout the building, with a focus on the ‘Light Box Tower’ where key points of the treatment process take place. The main materials will be stone faced blockwork, glazing and timber which will vary throughout the building. The design of these together will have to facilitate the building skin in maintaining internal comfort conditions, appropriate shading and perform sustainably. In this chapter a ‘bay study’ will illustrate the connection details and arrangement of these façades through plan, section and elevation.



Morecambe Bay is located along the west coast of Lancaster County in England. The town is a product of the expansion of three hamlets Torrisholme, Poulton and Bare prior to the boom of Morecambe as a seaside resort. The bay of Morecambe is the largest in the UK and has some 300 square kilometres of intertidal mud and sand flats providing a habitat for hundreds of species of animals and birds as well as some wildlife. Five estuaries drain into the bay and the opening out to sea means that there is much water flow and movement about the bay. With a tidal range of up to 9m and its notoriously fast incoming tides Morecambe a treacherous bay, especially when consider the danger nature of the quick sand beaches, and the coastal town very vulnerable to the power of the sea. However these dangers did not quell the onslaught of holidaymakers to the town every summer, spurred by the extension and improvement of the rail links connection Morecambe. Also its positioning meant that people could visit from all across the UK, including a large number of Scottish holidaymakers travelling south for sun in summer. However it was the features of Morecambe; the arcades, piers, lido, theatre that attracted tourists by the thousands not the beaches, with many people choosing not to bathe along the sands of in the waters. The industrial nature of Lancaster meant that the resort was sustainable throughout the winter months also with hundreds of workers residing in the guest houses and using the resources of the town.

The town continued to be a successful seaside resort until the 1970s when it became more fashionable, and in some cases cheaper, to travel abroad to Europe for the summer, especially where the weather was more reliable. And so began the fall of Morecambe and its gradual demise into its current state. Although remnants of the old spirit of Morecambe remain, it is now mostly a run down ghost town with only the memories of the older residents of its former glory. With less reasons to visit the town and less people to remember it how it once was, Morecambe is becoming run down and is barely recognisable to the visitor as a once great British seaside resort. However regeneration of the area and celebration of the assets which still remain could save the seaside town.



Specific pints of interest include the Midland Hotel, the Lifeboat Station and the Stone Jetty Cafe and the Lighthouse (clockwise from below). The Cafe, an old railway station, once used as for fish storage following the closure of the railway, is a grade two listed building which sits at the exact location of this project. Since the building is listed it cannot be destroyed and this poses a greater issue of planning permission for the project. Therefore the building must be incorporated as part of the scheme and the architecture and design must be sensitive to the aesthetic of the cafe. The Lighthouse, also listed, must remain visible from all parts of the bay to allow it to continue to fulfil its function, therefore the building must not block or cover the light-box part of the lighthouse. The Lifeboat Station at the base of the jetty must continue to be functional and therefore any construction in the bay to the east of the stone jetty should not prevent access for boats between the waters an the slipway. The public access route to the restaurant should also consider the fact that the approach to the lifeboat station must be kept clear and easily accessible for an ambulance in the case of an emergency. The Midland Hotel, in particular the views from the bar and tea rooms must not be blocked or hindered by the construction of this project. It should also consider the relationship between the two buildings and the fact that the hotel sits along the pilgrimage to the building. The building should aim to contribute to the hotel and experience of the guests, not negatively effect the experience or aesthetic of it.


Although there is no visible wildlife growing on the site along the stone jetty as it is made ground, considerations must be made for the plants and animals growing along the sides of the jetty and the boulders providing protection. The project must minimise disruption to this wildlife and any unavoidable disruption must be consolidated by relocation of the flora and fauna or conservation methods elsewhere in the project or in the vicinity. The construction of the seasonal part of the buildings out at sea will have to consider the impact of construction on the tidal salt flats and the wildlife they sustain. It is hoped that by using sustainable building materials the damage from toxins into the bay will be minimised but also growth of plant and animal life on the surface can be encouraged. (see photos centre). Due to the unpredictable nature of this geological area secure foundations will need to extend quite far into the flats to ensure stability and safety and this will disrupt a large amount of marine life as much of the animals the live there reside between the surface and five meters underground. Also as people are encouraged to access these buildings during the summer months by walking over the bay at low tide, further disruption will occur. As part of the building will provide habitats and roosting spots for birds in the area some of this disruption is made up for, however the continued upkeep and state of this natural habitat and nature reserve must be sustained. Allowing growth, such as can be seen in the centre images, birds and other wildlife will be encouraged to inhabit the building and surfaces.



ways however improved docking points will make up part of the new structure improving access to the stone jetty by boat. The residential building will also have direct access to the sea with boat docking facilities for the fishermen. However the most important approach to and along the stone jetty is by walking, the jetty in itself making an extension to the coastal promenade. Visitors and locals can walk to the jetty from the town centre, bus stop and train station easily. Most activity along the coast was seen along the promenade which marks where the town meets the beach. Many local people, in particular the older generation, stroll along this stretch of path routinely everyday and encouraging them to venture further out to sea to breathe in the sea air will be invaluable to their health. Also the enhanced end of the jetty will encourage more people to walk about Morecambe, venturing from their daily routes through the town. The restaurant site is also walk-able distance from the Midland Hotel and remaining guest houses along the coast front of Morecambe.

This geological map shows that the site is primarily tidal flats deposits with some pockets of storm beach deposits and till. The stone jetty is situated on made ground which extends to the midland hotel site and as far as the coastal road. The made ground should provide adequate foundations for the building since the majority of it will be one storey therefore relatively low loading. However any extension of the building out in the bay will have to recognise the unpredictable nature of the ground made from deposits. This map does not show the extension to the jetty as part of the coastline protection scheme which extends from the end of the jetty. This too would be Made Ground as it follows similar construction to the Stone Jetty, surrounded by a base of boulders.


Morecambe bay has a variety of transport links joining it to other destinations in Lancashire and the UK. Buses and trains appear to be the main links which locals and visiting tourists use to travel to the town although many choose to drive as there is a coastal road which runs alongside the promenade, which is always busy, as well as a large car park directly opposite the jetty. The rail links between Morecambe and the rest on England age back to the late 19th century when the first railway was constructed on the site of the stone jetty. This created a link between England’s national railway network and access to the town by

boat. Boats could sail into the bay, and guided by the lighthouse, dock at the stone jetty, by the railway station and have access to the town or rail. Previously rail tracks ran the full way along the stone jetty to The Platform, originally a larger scale train station but now these tracks have been covered as they fell into disuse and the jetty have been resurfaced. The jetty is also accessible by boat with three slipways extending off the structure, two at its end and one at the base, however these are rarely used as access and the base slipway is mostly used as an access point for lifeboats to the lifeboat station. The proposed scheme involves destroying the end of the jetty and the two slip-

The site of the Stone Jetty is particularly complicated when considering construction which extends over the inter tidal flats. Not only is the foundation design a challenge in such ground but also the tides must be taken into consideration. Currently the jetty sits at 7.9m above sea level however the notoriously variable tides at the site have a range of 10.5m in a spring tide, covering a distance of 12km between high and low tide. The chosen site along the stone jetty lies where the ‘mean low water’ mark dissects it. Therefore the land around the site mostly will be dry at low tide however will always become submerged at high tide. The map above suggests that water levels will fluctuate between 0 and 3m with an average of 2.1m based on a jetty wall height of 10m.

As can be seen from the map there are seams of Millstone Grit Group Bedrock which run through the bay which echo the river channels in the bay leading to estuaries around Morecambe. At the end of the jetty this seam can be seen which describes the Kent Channel and marks the mean low water level. However as the tide can sometimes travel out as far as 12km there will be times of the year when there is no water around the end of the stone jetty at low tide, or only a small amount of isolated water over the area of the channel of the Kent estuary. Currently the end of the stone jetty is providing protection to the coastline of Morecambe by minimising the potential risk of flooding and storm surges, but also controlling the levels and topography of the beach areas.

Dismantling of the end of the stone jetty will therefore require the new construction to provide this protection. Also any construction on the bay to the east of the jetty will also require incorporation of safety measures in the design to protect it against the dramatic tidal forces and changes in the bay but also from driftwood or larger objects dragged in by the tide. So far only the stone jetty structure has been strong enough to withstand the tides in Morecambe will all previous pier structures being destroyed. The stone jetty’s structure consists of large sandstone block walls which are supported along the west side by meters of large boulders which back up against the wall to the height of the jetty. These dissipate the force of the waves whilst aid the structure against the water varying water pressure at high tide.



The jetty contains chambers which once assisted in loading and unloading boats during low and high tide. It is likely that these chambers would have separating walls between the two exterior walls which would provide further strength to the jetty. Over time the surface of the jetty has been damaged, likely through activities along the jetty and the saline spray from incoming waves, however is has since been resurfaced with patterned concrete.


The weather information and patterns examined throughout this study will be based on data collected from a weather station near Blackpool. Although EcoTect provides a weather study of UKLancashire the data from Blackpool is more accurate as it is positioned slightly south of Morecambe but along the same coast and therefore the data is more reliable than from a station much furthur inland.

In particular the 21st of each month signifying the start of autumn and end of winter, December 21st, the shortest day and height of winter, and January 21st, the most depressing day of the year. Rooms which have different function depending on the time of year will have to consider the comfort and living conditions required for each time and the effect of the external conditions at that time.

Since the building is functional throughout the entire year, data will be examined from the whole year however certain aspects may be looked at in more detail, for example the sun positioning and timing, which will inform the exact positioning and orientation of some of the buildings and rooms, will use findings from the months of September- March.

The restaurant, the only part of the building which has only one function will be oriented about the sun paths throughout the whole year, and the positioning of the sunset at these times. This will provide a challenge as the building requires comfortable conditions throughout the year regardless of the difference in external conditions between summer and winter. Therefore the



design must optimise heating, cooling and ventilation but also minimise glare and heat gain in summer, and heat loss in winter. It must also take into account the sun paths, direction and overshadowing at the site. Morecambe Bay: 54.1 N, 3.0 E Lancashire: 55.3 N, 0.0 E Blackpool: 53.8 N, -3.0 E

Spring Equinox: March 21st

Summer Solstice: June 21st

Spring Equinox: March 21st


Autumn Equinox: September 21st

Winter Solstice: December 21st

Summer Solstice: June 21st


Some consider January 21st to give a truer reflection of winter conditions than the winter solstice therefore the sun position data from this date, which is traditionally when ‘Blue Monday’ falls, will be used to inform the design, layout and orientation of rooms and spaces used as part of the S.A.D. treatment. From these charts there is a clear orientation for the building, in particular the residetnial and treatment parts. Each of these show the positioning of the sun at 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm.

Autumn Equinox: September 21st

This table allows comparisons to be made between the dawn and sunset in summer and winter but also how much lower the suns path is in the winter months. The chart top left shows the optimum orientation of a building to utilise any natural gains or strategies.In the case of Morecambe 177.5 degrees is the best case scenario, whereas buildings should not be orientated east facing

Winter Solstice: December 21st

The only overshadowing at the site will occur from the Stone Jetty Cafe situated along the south west edge of the Jetty. As can be seen from the top image, a combined diagram showing the overshadowing throughout the year, majority of the shadows fall in the NE-SE and NW-SW regions. Overshadowing will not be problematic for my design as the construction lies in the area north of the cafe which is never in shadow. This is because shadows would only be formed on this area during the hours surrounding midday, where the sun is at its highest and thus the shadow areas are minimal.



The images clearly show that the North and South faรงades have and even spread of radiation and stronger solar radiation than East and West. Whereas the East and West faรงades have a denser amount of radiation falling in the upper and lower part of the facade respectively. The graph below allows comparisons to be made between faรงades. As expected the roof obtains the most radiation, the graph also tells us that although the east facade receives the most radiation in the summer months, the south facade has more radiation constantly throughout the year. Therefore since the building is used throughout the year, it would be better to place solar panels facing south, to maximise solar energy in winter for heating and desalination.

North Facade

East Facade

Direct Solar Radiation


Monthly Incident Solar Radiation (Wh/m2) 180000

South Facade


160000 140000 120000










High Low


West Facade






Temperature over 24 hour period

0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Diffuse Solar Radiation

Monthly Temperatures


These charts show the intensity of the incident solar radiation on the faรงades of a model using EcoTect. The images on the right show the distribution of radiation around the facade and the table and graph show the changes of radiation monthly throughout the year.


The above graphs show the solar radiation over a a 24 hour period and the variance of this throughout the year. As can be seen from the darker central peak the summer months receive much more solar radiation than the outer winter months. This will need to be taken into account when considering solar energy especially if parts of the building are opening and closing or moving as their orientation will need to account for this change.

The top graph is a similar 3D representation of the temperature throughout the day over a year at Morecambe. It shows the obvious relationship of warmer summers and midday being the warmest time. However the middle line chart shows a particularly rapid decrease in lower temperatures in November, around when people begin to develop S.A.D and this could be due to spending more time indoors to keep warm. Therefore in the building spaces should be provided for patients to take shelter however still be able to see much natural light yet in comfortable conditions.



Cloud Cover 3.5

The cloud cover appears to have a relatively constant trend throughout the year, with a build up of clouds in the early morning and late evening then the least amount of cloud cover in the middle of the day. This is to be expected as while the day gets warmer some clouds will burn off, but this trend is particularly helpful as it suggests that there is less cloud obstruction of sunlight when the sun is at its strongest. This said there is still a large amount of cloud cover throughout the entire year, between 40-60%, especially in winter which is not ideal for the worst cases of S.A.D. However this does combat some of the shading issues.

3 2.5 2 Daylight Hours


Cloud Cover

1 0.5 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Relative Humidity

Relative Humidity This 3D chart shows that the humidity is much less in the summer months at around 40% but reaching 75% in the winter months. This issue can me mitigated in an enclosed building by designing sufficient ventilation strategies. However this may be due to the lower temperatures in the winter as this requires less water in the air to give a high humidity level. Strategies such as natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation and by building the Light Tower around a central atrium will facilitate ventilation and air movement.


These Charts show data over a 24 hour period for a specific day. Illustrated below is the information for December 21st (winter solstice) , January 21st (considered true winter) and summer solstice, june 21st. As can be seen from the blue line on December 21st there is no direct sunlight and only a small amount of diffuse daylight between 10am-4pm. This diffuse shape is mimicked on Jan 21st however more direct and diffuse sunlight is seen on these days

over a slightly larger period of time. This shows me that the light treatment will have to take place between 10 and 4pm and according to Jan 21st the peaks occur at 10 and 1. June 21st is extremely different, with much larger peaks of direct sunlight than the winter months. This indicates that where glazing is used for S.A.D. there must be sufficient shading to protect the inhabitants. The above graph shows this same relationship except with monthly averages. It clearly shows that there is a severe lack of sunlight in the ‘winter months’ therefore the sun paths, orientation and peaks should be carefully examined so the design of the building facilitates sun exposure.

The graph top left shows the average daylight hours at Morecambe Bay each month. It clearly shows a severe decline in daylight as winter approaches in the months of October and November. Looking at this graph it is understandable how some people develop S.A.D if their mood is so closely related to the number of daylight hours.


Rainfall The rainfall in Morecambe is interesting as it appears to be relatively constant throughout the year except during October and November. This is understandable as the temperatures are dropping and cold fronts approaching, yet it is not too cold for rain. This increase in rainfall could encourage more people to visit the restaurant to watch the sunset from inside, however it could affect the programme of the patients movements through the building in their treatment as affects outside movement and the sunshine. It is therefore important that a sheltered route extends the whole way through the building for the patients.




Winter Comparisons between Summer and Winter Data

Psychometric Chart: Winter

Psychometric Chart: Summer

Wind Frequency These charts show that the wind is actually much calmer in the winter months although still oriented in a WSW direction. This is interesting to know as winds are required as part of a ventilation strategy in winter however not particularly in summer except for maintaining comfort conditions. Therefore these lighter, more concentrated winds are easier to manipulate than the summer winds.

Relative Humidity The humidity seems to stay the same throughout the year. This may be because the site is particularly windy and vulnerable as set out to sea and coastal towns commonly have a lower humidity than inland cities.

Average Wind Temperature


The above wind rose clearly shows a that the prevailing wind at Morecambe Bay comes from a West-South Westerly direction. It is likely that this is a sea wind which has travelled across the Irish Sea which comes into the bay from s similar West-South West direction.

Since my site is the end of the stone jetty it will be quite exposed however the cafe which sits on the site will block out a fair amount of this wind as it sits downwind from the building scheme.

As can be seen from the graphs the wind is slightly warmer in Summer however only by about 5 degrees. This is fitting as winds which travel accross the Atlantic often bring warmer swells in Summer. This also fits with the general temperature trend of Morecambe.

Average Rainfall In Morecambe the average rainfall is quite constant throughout the year until Oct/Nov time which would be ‘Autumn’. It is quite common in the UK that there is not much rainfall in the winter months as expected since it is too cold. These charts show a slight increase in rainfall in the winter months, and these are more concentrated from a North Westerly direction.

Psychometric Chart: Winter with Solar Gains

These charts show the level of thermal comfort required in a building for a medium level of activity, such as which would happen in the Light Tower. In summer this level can be easily achieved however in winter it is not possible for comfort levels to be met unless there is some type of thermal/heating strategy in place. Below left shows that if Passive Solar Heating is taken into account comfort levels are only just sometimes achieved therefore the building will require highly insulated construction but also some heating strategies to ensure comfort levels are met. The graph on the right shows the solar gains and therefore the heating and cooling degree hours in the month. It clearly shows that a large amount of heating is required in the winter months (marked in blue), however this does severely drop off in the months of July and August and here the required solar gains can be obtained from the sun. Analysis of degree days shows a similar relationship with only cooling strategies required in July and August but severe heating needed in the months of December-March.




It has been really interesting to investigate and analyse more thoroughly the weather data for Morecambe. In particular it has been useful to compare the Summer and Winter data. The main challenge for my project will be to successfully utilise the light and solar data since it is a holistic treatment centre for S.A.D. which is brought about by this lack of sunlight which Morecambe experiences every winter. Identifying the key site factors and conditions will help my investigation into Environment, Structure and Facade and much of this information will prove useful in the proceeding chapters and inform my final design, even if they prove challenging.



Served to patients and visitors in restaurant

Water used as drinking water, washing of the fish, and in sinks and showers

Cooked in restaurant kitchen

Greywater scheme

Washed in pure water until de-salted Stored underground in cool space Dried fish stored in barrels packed with salt

Pure water collected Pure water run down faรงades and is collected

Rain water collected from north west rooftops

Gradually condenses against cold surface into liquid Glazing becomes cloudy


This chapter will investigate into the process of salt distillation which provides the component for fish salting preparation as part of the treatment process for patients which is served in the restaurant in the evening. This system within the building will be connected to a wider heating and water collection and recycling scheme which must be implemented sustainably.

Fish moved to basement to be stored

Dry salt stored in containers in basement

Fills up between the glass faรงades of the light box

Hung to dry

Top layers, of the whiter salt, collected

Rises as steam through the chimney

Fish gutted and split

Salt component remains in the pool

Pure water evaporates off the pool

Fish bought from local fishermen

Fish caught by patients

Heating of the saline solution Saline water collection from the sea in pool Tides move water further up the bay

Distillation, Fish Salting and Water Recycling Schemes



Materials The main bulk of the chimney requires a high thermal mass as this will create a more efficient system which retains as much heat within the chamber as possible. It is reasonable to assume that concrete would be the most practical solution, with its high thermal mass, but also given that it is a cheap and practical building material for an entire building therefore can provide the foundations for this building.

D. C.

The denser the concrete the higher the thermal resistivity however this is only marginal, especially when considering a large volume of concrete. The only issue is that this desalination will only occur twice daily as it relies on the tides therefore heating concrete intermittently will prove very uneconomic. Therefore another material which is a very strong conductor of heat will be required to face the inside wall of the furnace.




This chapter will therefore have to investigate: A. Distillation process B. Underfloor heating C. Greywater Schemes D. Rainwater Collection These schemes will be contained within the octagon building which provides the pivotal point of the scheme between the private and public areas but also the permanent and changing spaces. Salt water is collected in a pool within the octagon light house structure. The pool is heated causing the water to evaporate off leaving the salt. The salt component is collected and used as a fish preservative, whilst the steam rises up through the building, filling the top floor facade to create a private space.

Here the steam then condenses and the warm water is collected and recycled. This water can then be used as part of a grey water scheme or, in practice, could be used as a drinking source. This will join part of a wider grey water scheme which includes water collection from the north west glass rooftops of the restaurant. The heating system of the saline pools will also be connected to a larger heating system which controls the comfort of the restaurant building. Investigation will take place into a suitable, sustainable design of this distillation process and also the connection between this and the heating and grey water schemes in the building. Different materials will be researched to develop an optimum design in terms of thermal mass, conductivity and aesthetic.

This chart shows the thermal conductivity of a variety of potentially suitable materials. Although it is not one of the highest conductors Stainless Steel is the most viable material choice since it has a high conductivity compared to concrete therefore will heat up instantly thus instantly starting the process of steam and condensation, whilst having more qualities in terms of durability, malleability and price compared to the other, better conductors. Portland Cement would be the best choice of concrete as it is the most common, cheapest but also provides a relatively high conductivity.



Steam enters between internal glazing layers Ventilation brings in cold air through between two external glazing layers, which cools the internal glazing Warm air rises and is extracted and transported to underfloor heating system Condensation forms in inner cavity against cooler glazing Pure water runs down this glazing panel and is collected at the base to be recycled

The process of distillation can be crudely replicated by simply changing the material properties surrounding the liquid to induce the evaporation and condensation process. Using the thermal mass properties of concrete to construct the heating chamber for the distillation process ensures minimal energy is required. At the receiving end of the process a less thermally efficient material can be used, such as glass, which will conduct the cooler, surrounding air and thus cool the steam. Since the temperatures in Morecambe are relatively low throughout the year, particularly in the winter months, ranging from





Water rises as steam through the chimney Basin is heated by Saline water contained in basin sunk into the basement floor level Saline sea water flows in with high tide, larger particles are filtered at the entrance

Chimney Wall Section Detail Stainless steel panelling along inside of chimney Steel fixture bolted to rigid insulation Rigid insulation layer Waterproofing membrane In-situ concrete Insulated terracotta duct transferring warm air In-situ concrete Stainless Steel panelling 1 Details (clockwise from bottom)



2. Central glazing layer

Sketch of fixing between chimney and glazing

3. External Glazing layer

Detail of joining between steel L section and concrete

4. Steam chamber Ventilation Chamber

Axo of connection between chimney, concrete floor slab and glazing

5. Ventilation Chamber

Connection between stainless steel plates along inside of chimney


1. Internal glazing layer

2 3 4 5


2 3 4 5



6. Open, adjustable timbre shading louvres


7. Closed, adjustable timber shading louvre 8. External timber frame 9. Internal lightweight frame 10. Counter sunk, Stainless Steel Dowell (r5mm)


12 9






As a precedent for glazing design the detail and aesthetic from a corner window in the Sustainable Research Building, University of Nottingham was examined.

11. Neoprene protective layer 12. Silicone Seal 25x25mm


13. 10mm sealant 14. Rubber filler gasget



Central Glazing Panel External Glazing Panel Glazing Frame Louvre Blade Blade Clip Strap Mullion Birdmesh Standard Mullion Timber fixing frame Flange frame


The exterior glazing panel of the triple glazing facade composition will contain a ventilation strategy. This mediates the boundary between the glass steam chamber and the external environment. The ventilation louvres located at the base of the glazing panel will draw in cooler outside air which will maintain a cooler central glass panel. This is essential to facilitate the condensation of the steam against the internal side of the central glass panel. The flow of air up through the external glass chamber will move this warmer air up through it which can then be collected and recycled elsewhere in the building.



There are several issues that will arise due to this Desalination Process. Firstly the chamber will require maintenance, however as the salt collection will only be happening during the winter months this leaves six months for any work, or cleaning to be done. Using Stainless steel, which has superior qualities compared to other metals in terms of rusting, strength and wear, means issues and repairs are unlikely to be common. The ventilation strategy must be maintained also as it is important that the heat released in condensation is carried into a heating system so that heat damage such as warping does not occur. This heat exchange must also be monitored along with the drainage system which collects the pure water to ensure the system continues to run smoothly and effectively.


Analysing this issue in this way has helped me process the system of desalination and how it can be implemented within a building but also connect with other systems in the programme. By researching techniques and design details and connection a better solution could be applied to the problem.


The residential part of the building will have two different states: winter where it blooms and opens out, and summer where it will close up in hibernation. Therefore I need to investigate materials and systems which can move: fold away and open up depending on the season. The function of these parts also changes between seasons. In the winter months the residential area provides accommodation for 7 individual patients. During the months of September to March the structures will open up and connect to one another forming a string of spaces leading off from the main treatment space. These rooms will be used by the patients as a space to sleep, and they are encouraged to spend most of their time in the communal areas and outside with other patients, however this space must also provide a retreat for them if they choose to return during the day. Therefore the internal environment must comply with comfortable levels, however it is imperative that natural light entering the space is maximised.

them and the town from the unpredictable waters of Morecambe Bay. As precedence for this I will look at folding techniques as seen in ships sails, origami, and marques structures, as well as buildings like the Butterfly House for inspiration. I have begun to experiment with paper folding and should continue to do this with other 3D materials to inform my design through maquette making. When considering the materiality of the parts which open out and move materials must be found which are lightweight but strong but also the fittings, joints and connections between these parts and the base structure must be researched, in particular looking again at precedence. Issues will also arise as to how to make the moveable parts and their connection to the stationary parts water tight and prevent thermal bridging through these elements where necessary.

During the winter these structures will close up into themselves becoming individual, separate bird hides for the public. Unlike the residential spaces these will not be accessible along a promenade path from the main building and a route must be designed which minimises disturbance to the birds. Comfort levels are not as challenging as during the winter months as people are expected to spend shorter amounts of time in them, the summer months mean warmer external conditions and the requirements of the skin allows for the necessary insulation as the people should not be visible from the outside therefore the cladding is simpler.


This chapter will be examining the construction system of the residential part of the building. It will investigate the appropriate materials, construction and form for the structure of this modular component of the building, specifically designing how it will open and close seasonally.



Dawn Stimulation (Bedroom)

Fishing (Outdoor Balcony)

Group Therapy (LightBox)

Sunset (Restaurant)

As the conditions of the site are quite extreme I will need to investigate into forming a substantial base, from which the building unfolds, to protect against the tides. I imagine this will involve a large mass of concrete, especially as the building rests adjacent to the concrete pier. Taking precedence from previous pier structures in that area it appears that steel and timber lightweight structures have succumbed to the sea whereas the stony pier is the only structure to have stood the test of time so far. Since the project involves destroying the existing end of the stone jetty, which is currently acting as a coastal defence, and replacing it with a more fragile structure, an alternative technique and structure is required to prevent coastal damages. This should be incorporated into the design of these structures to protect both

Personal Contemplation (Study room)


One approach to this issue was modelling how these structures could fold away in summer and appear to open out in winter using techniques learnt in a paper folding workshop and seen in the book “Folding techniques for Designers”. Also the precedent of Ming Tang’s shelters inspired by oragami were studied. The form of these (see above) is particularly interesting as it would allow for a variety of views however the construction of a rigid bamboo frame supporting a paper facade would not be practical in Morecambe Bay due to the more severe conditions therefore ea more heavyweight design would be required. The visuals of Tang’s design are representative of a flower opening up in bloom, marking the coming of spring. This natural concept could be echoed in the design for the residential however in winter the ‘petals’ would open out from the core structure; allowing more light in and more open space for the patients. This concept also allows for the structure to be based about a plane, upon which the opened façades can rest.

Following on from this, the precedent ‘Push Button House’ was research. This project involves the dividing up of a shipping container, and the walls and ceiling are folded out to form four adjoining rooms. Although as a building in this idea is weak as this folding technique does not allow for walls, or more than one wall for any of the rooms. However this method of unfolding is interesting and maquettes were made to models the idea that the ‘summer’ walls could fold out in winter to reveal a room within.


This design could allow for an inside room which incorporates a lot of glazing into the facade to allow dawn stimulation of the patient. The moveable cladding could simply be rough timber planks as the internal glazed building would have to be watertight and provide sufficient insulation for the occupant during the winter months by itself. The timber would simply provide a skin which prevents birds seeing movement within the building during bird watching in the summer. These walls, when folded out, could make up part of the walkway for the patients, access for the building, or simply a balcony area. This design would have its advantages as the timber facade would be extremely lightweight therefore would not require too complex fixings or joints, but also not put too much weight on a supporting structure. In this project dynamic pistons were used to open the structure however with a simple, small scale timber structure the building may be operable by hand.

The Butterfly House uses biomimicry in design based on the transformation of a caterpillar into a chrysalis and opening into a butterfly. These three stages are inherent in the design of the extension sculpted onto an existing historic house. The house features Canadian cedar wood work and the sculpture morphs out from the original structure. A closed conservatory depicts the chrysalis stage of a butterfly’s metamorphosis and the wings or the butterfly extend out from this structure in the form of retractable canopies. These canopies are constructed from kevlar material attached to a steel frame, providing shelter for the garden path but also shading from the sun when inside the conservatory. This concept of folding out from the wall to provide a shelter, both along an exterior walkway but also from strong solar rays should be incorporated into the final design of the residential structure as shelter from the elements will be important. As can be seen in the diagram below left, the facade design required for bird hides appears to facilitate the idea of opening both upwards and downwards to create a sheltered walkway.



The design for the D*Haus developed from the concept of Henry Dudeny, whereby a rectangle can be split into four pieces that can then be rearranged to form an equilateral triangle. Through this movement other shapes are also formed. This idea was initially put into practice when designing furniture however was then applied on a much larger scale to create an eco house which could adapt and change shape depending on the external weather conditions. This therefore meant that the building skin and façades could be revealed or hidden depending on the requirements of the building to maintain comfortable internal conditions. The design take advantage of the different external conditions between seasons and adapts to utilise the solar, rainfall and temperature gains that can be innovatively incorporated.

Train Track Railing GB 2585-2007 50kg/m rails (dimensions above) Iron nail connection between base plate and I section

The initial layout as a square is designed for the harshest external conditions and thus the outdoor façades have high thermal mass with minimal windows which take advantage of the sun positioning in these months. Gradually as the weather becomes warmer and lighter the building opens out to maximise solar gains and natural lighting. However in the summer months the unwanted solar gains are minimised. Throughout the year the sun is also utilised as a source of water heating.

Universal Beam Steel I-section 610 x 229mm Bolt connection between beam and column

Every facade of the building is designed to be able to withstand on its own, open to the external environment, but also can potentially be connected with another facade to form a thick wall. They are all constructed from cross laminated timber with different areas of glazing. This construction type may be relevant for this



250x250mm Timber supporting column


project as it can still be lightweight however is strong enough for the harsh coastal environment. Since the structure only needs to be one storey, smaller thickness’s of timber could be used . The diagram below (bottom right) shows the sequences of motion of the three moveable parts as the building is arranged into its 8 different designs. It can also be seen that the largest, diamond shaped part remains stationary throughout the transformations of the building. This is probably necessary to ensure safe movement of the other 3 segments, to have a base piece to move around. The three other segments move in a circular motion about the central piece on rails which are embedded into the ground, the arrangement of this can be seen in the image top right.


Interpretation of the D*Haus design process and details with relevance to this project. Here I have applied the same method of layout scheme to aid design of the seasonal residential building. The mechanism of tran track railing to manouver the movable structures has been detailed above, applied to the timber pier esq structure of the Seasonal Solace

Left Page: Clockwise from Bottom Left: Initial floor plan ideas, experiementing with the relationship between individual residential buildings; Walled structures showing the process of opening out and connection between walls; three dimensional study, both open and closed, experiementing with windows and views. This Page: Series of photographs of a maquette constructed to test the structure skeleton of the residential timber buildings, also testing the path of the railings required for the moveable bedroom room.




Above is the most recent plan, which incorporates the sea wall from which the timber supports extend out to the structure. This also incorporates the new design of the structure which moves between seasons.

The above sketch depicts the seasonal closing, ‘hibernation of the bird hides in winter and the opening, ‘bloom’ of the residential buildings in winter.





This plan was the original design of the residential buildings. All were supported on timber struts alone and shared two walls with the neighbouring bedroom. The structure in this case does not move however facades and materials open out in winter.

This latest sketch shows the latest concept idea, whereby the residential buildings are nestled more firmly into the sea wall. This is crucial to ensure the patients feel more protected and mimics nesting habits of the more popular Oystercatcher birds in the area who construct their homes from hollows and scrapes in solid structures.

500x100mm steel bolted connection plates Steel reinforced in-situ concrete sea wall 250x250 primary structure solid timber beams 250x250mm supporting timber columns set in sea wall 250x250mm solid timber supporting columns extending diagonally from sea wall 250x250mm secondary structure solid timber beams

These models show the design for the residential/bird hide structures on the site, in context. The idea of using timber follows from previous piers which have now been destroyed by the unpredictable sea at Morecambe. By utilising a sea wall as one foundation strategy to fix the timber structure more firmly into the sand bed on site, protection is provided for the structure but also for people walking along the other side, from the force of the waves and sea spray. The timber struts which appear and change as the building moves between summer and winter represent the parts of Morecambe still abandoned and destroyed, like the old piers in the seaside town, but they also provide perching spots for birds out at sea.



This axonometric study details the timber base structure which protrudes from the concrete sea wall to support both the static and moveable parts of the residential buildings and the railing along which the bedrooms pivots on.

Foundations Concrete raft foundation 500mm adjustable timber louvres Internal wooden louvres which can individually be adjusted to form shelves during winter and changing height viewing windows for bird watchers in summer.

This plan details the same construction marking the path of the rail tracks which will be used to support the moving part of the structure as it pivots between seasons. The rail will be supported on a steel I section detailed previously in the chapter. This I section will be supported by the 250x250mm timber columns founded in the sea bed, which can be seen along the path of the rail in this plan. Secondary timber beams will extend between the primary structure beams to add lateral support to these columns which stand alone. It is unlikely that additional bracing will be needed however if so commonly thin steel member cross bracing is used in pier structures or alternating diagonal timber bracing using thinner timber members could be implemented.

Concrete piles

Bolted Steel T-section fixes the timber members Timber strut supported in Sea Wall

200x20mm timber plank shuttering Waterproof membrane Timber support members 100mm thick wool insulation Hard wood sheet

150x150mm Timber ceiling frame



150x150mm timber frame for moveable structure 250x250mm timber beams extended from supporting structure for static structure


Overall applying the three tier process to the issue of creating a blooming and hibernating structure which facilitates bird watching and S.A.D treatment has benefited my design. Initially the concept was proving challenging however analysing the issue then researching precedents and applying similar methods and approaches to this design project aided the design. Analysing the skeletal frame and structure through maquettes and models meant that the tectonics and aesthetics could work hand in hand to produce the optimum solution.



Light Box Therapy Light box therapy is considered to be the most successful treatment method for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Patients are required to sit with a Light Box of artificially created natural light for up to 1.5 hours a day. This treatment is very time consuming and also requires access to a light box. This interpretation allows the patient to bask in natural light, as though resting in a conservatory environment for individual, contemplation or personal time. Using the information from ‘Daylighting: Architecture + Lighting Design’ it can be seen that at midday on a cloudy day in Morecambe Bay 7klux are being radiated and thus around 40 minutes will need to be spent to achieve the required 5kluxhrs.

Group Therapy Group therapy is also a successful treatment for this form of depression and it is particularly useful when follows a private therapy session as issues which arise can then be discussed with others. In this group discussion natural light can be filtered into the space however this light should not be overly bright and solar gains should be controlled to keep heating to a comfortable level. Private Therapy These spaces will require more privacy than the group sessions as nearer the public ground level but also as it is a more intimate activity. Fish Drying Here ventilation and shading devices should facilitate the movement of wind through the space but also movement of heat through to aid fast drying of the fish. Direct sunlight and large solar gains should be avoided since the fish should only dry not cook to avoid ruining.




In this chapter the issue of seasonality will again be address. The bay being considered is the Light Box tower, within which the desalination process investigated in Chapter 2 will take place. This tower also holds the rooms and spaces for some of the holistic treatments for the patients throughout the winter months. However in the summer it will be accessible for bird watching and bird nesting.


This poses an issue for the design of the facade as its two functions again have very different priorities and requirements. With this in mind both the facade, internal design and journey, and shading/privacy mechanism must be carefully designed, in particular the natural daylighting and solar gains must be considered throughout the building but also throughout the year. In turn this will also affect the aesthetic of the building seasonally.

This issue will be addressed by firstly identifying the rooms and spaces in this bay study, then identifying the specific criteria and design required. The design process will then be described, and the evolution of the scheme. As a result construction drawings and details will be presented of the bay study and the facade design u-value calculated. The sucess of this design will then also be examined.

Public Access Route Public access through the building will lead out to the bird hides which span over the bay but also provide an access route in summer up through the tower to allows views across the bay and at the movement of the birds in the sky. This should be made obvious through design, considering phenomenology of the spaces and access routes.

Desalination Below ground level is where the desalination process will begin. This space will also make up the supporting founding structure for the tower and inform the inside materiality and assemblage of the tower.

No shading required Lesser Wing Coverts Shading of direct light Median Wing Coverts

Secondary Coverts

Cross Ventilation, natural light required but minimal solar gains


Natural lighting and ventilation for workable conditions

Secondary Flight Feathers

Minimal lighting required to lead public through, sufficient enough for an access route

Primary Flight Feathers


Shading of light and privacy

Coverts are considered to be the protective layer of feathers above the longer feathers required for flight. These shorter feathers are less able to be manipulated in flight however must be maintained to continue to protect. The coverts also insulate the bird and the wing structure but also create a more streamlined wing layout. The secondaries mimic the ‘forearm’ of the bird and control lift whilst soaring and during flapping in flight. The ‘regimes’ or flight feathers attached directly to ligaments extending from the wing bone and are considered the ‘hand’ of the bird.

Lighting required for workable space for small amount of time in the day. Likely to require artificial lighting as passage in underground. Little ventilation to maintain heat.







Timber Wall Cladding

Joint Between Steel I Section Column and Concrete floor

Timber cladding

Steel I section column 358x172.2mm

Vertical timber battens

Steel plate welded to the base

Oriented Strand Board

Bolts securing the base and column into the concrete floor slab

Breathable membrane, vapour resistance 0.6MNs/g

50mm Rigid board insulation

Concrete floor slab

Vapour Barrier

100mm mineral wool insulation with vertical timber battens at 600mm centres

10mm Plasterboard Internal Acoustic Floor

Wall U-Value Calculation using Ecotect

Timber skirting board Carpet Rubber Underlay Plywood A

Underfloor heating between battens


Suspended floor: cradle and batten system


100mm mineral wool insulation Vapour barrier


1:5 PRIVATE THERAPY INTERNAL FACADE DETAIL The Private Therapy rooms are located on the third storey of the Light Box Tower. They are the only part of the building which require a high comfort level, strong acoustic insulation and heating therefore the facade and detailing of this part was chosen for an extended study from the bay section.

External Floor Concrete Kicker to weatherproof the timber 75mm Concrete 25mm Bitumen asphault structural waterproofing

Section A-A

125mm Mineral wool insulation

The three external walls within the tower of this floor are insulated timber whilst the outward facing walls are double glazed and form part of the construction mentioned in chapter two when studying the steam condensation and ventilation in triple glazed windows to create privacy and a heat source.

B Calculating the U-value for the facade detailed previously using EcoTect gave a value of 0.194W/m2 which is just sufficient to meet the criteria of the brief, and thus maintain comfort conditions through economic and environmentally friendly means. The only issue is that this construction only occur on three of the four vertical faรงades of this space. The fourth facade is an external triple glazed window which has a U-value of 1.8, therefore there would be much heat lost through this facade. However this issue is rectified by the process of steam condensation, water collection and heat recycling which can in turn be used in the underfloor heating. Using substantial insulation in the concrete ceiling and floors mean that the required acoustic insulation is met but also minimises heat exchange between the cooler floors above and below.



Adjustable timber louvres of brise soleil Bolt connection allowing pivot Timber frame controlling angle of louvre

Solar Shading Angles Maximises natural lighting throughout the day.

Lightweight static timber frame

Provides shading for people both standing and sitting when sun is very high in the sky and therefore at its strongest.

Exterior single glazing

This louvre positioning would be ideal for the facade during the winter months as the sun is lower in the sky so maximum natural light is reaching the patients.

Ventilation louvres

Double glazing containing steam from desalination process Toggle fixing Silicone seal Rigid insulation

At this angle only light shining at an angle below the horizontal will reach the inhabitant. This angle enables solar gains during the morning and evening but the inhabitants are protected during the middle of the day.

Steel corner section



Iron bolt fixing steel to concrete.

Timber support frame for brise soleil, bolt fixed to concrete

This shading configuration lets in no light and the room would rely entirely on artificial lighting if there are no other windows without shading.

Carpet finish raised timber floor with underfloor heating

This is helpful during the night as this slightly helps the room retain its warmth by trapping a layer of air and decreasing the air exchange space.

Desalination chimney




This chapter has forced me to analyse in-depth what effect and conditions I want to evoke in the Light Box Tower rooms and spaces. But critically reviewing the plan, section and elevation and the make up of them in terms of structure, materials and facade an more informed design has begun to develop. In particular identifying the challenge of different room lighting and comfort conditions has given me a better understanding of what I want the design of the tower and the experience to achieve. Focusing on different spaces and how the facade and assemblage can affect the criteria I want to achieve has improved the design. The main example of this is the ‘Private Therapy’ room. Since this space requires the highest levels of heat and acoustic insulation it was appropriate to design the details of the space and ensure the facade acted sustainably with a U-value of <0.2W/m2.



This chapter will examine how this integrated process has affected, influenced and improved my design. By comparing the scheme concept, design and ideas prior to implementing this integrated approach and after this affect can be seen and through the process of tackling the key issues of Environment, Structure and Facade through extraction- discussion- application a more informed scheme can be designed.

The structural chapter proved most interesting as research and studies led me to approaching this challenge in a more hands-on way. Constructing a series of models, gradually becoming more formed and elaborate allowed the form of the building to morph and thus a structural study to be taken. In this chapter the evolution of the design and concept can clearly be seen from the metamorphosis of the models, and this integrated approach helped me tackle the issue which was proving the most challenging.

Creating this document has allowed me to reflect on my design approach to tackling issues , and in reflection, my design, brief and process has been challenged by this integrated approach.

Facade and Assemblage investigation has forced me to carefully think about the purposes of each space in this bay and the comfort requirements as well as the aesthetic. Through drawing the required bay studies the design has evolved and although some of the concepts are not fully resolved or incorporated in the section as I continue to work in this integrated way these will all come together in my design, enhancing all aspects.

Although not all the content, which I described in Assignment Two has been covered, this practice has given me experience in a more integrated approach where by I have combined technical details and professional assistance with the evocative concepts in my brief. This has allowed me to evolve my initial designs with a better understanding and appreciation for architecture and the many processes and approached which all need to be applied and come together in order to create a successful design. It has been interesting for me to review my work prior to IDA and see how it has evolved and been enriched by this integrated way of tackling a problem as ‘impact + application’.


I have found that completing chapter 1: reviewing the site and its conditions meant that I had a better understanding of my site as previous studies had mostly covered the historical and phenomenological aspects of the experience of Morecambe. However gaining a more intimate insight to the area through EcoTect allows you to better understand the position and experience of your building at the site. Studying Desalination, although was only part of my initial study in Assignment Two, resulted in purely looking into the process, impact and implementation of the scheme into my building. Prior to this project desalination was not a big focus within the building however during research and evolution of my design as it became more integrated drew it out as a key feature.

Overall beginning to think and approach projects and challenges with this integrated design practice has proved really interesting. Although it is important to gauge a balance between designing what works efficiently with atmospheres, experiences and aesthetics, these ideas can only take you so far until they must be combined and work together to produce the optimum design in terms of experience and efficiency. This cohesion seem sto sum up the experience of using an integrated approach: as it has both guided me through a new, interesting yet efficient way of tackling new and old problems to produce the optimum design in terms of materials, structure, facade and experience.


Architcect Journal. 2010. West Buckland School, Devon. London: EMAP Inform Publication Architcect Journal Specification. 2010. Timber. London: EMAP Inform Publication Architcect Journal Specification. 2011. Timber. London: EMAP Inform Publication Jackson, P. 2011. Folding Techniques for Designers: From sheet to form. London: Lawrence King Jodidio, P. 2011. Wood Architecture Now! Cologne: Taschen Lancashire County Council, 2006. Morecambe: Historic Town Assessment Report. Preston: Lancashire County Council Tregenza, P. & Wilson, M. 2011. Daylighting: Architecture and Lighting Design. New York: Routledge


Aintablian, X. W. 2011. Water Desalination: Desalination Expands as Technology becomes more affordable. Geography. Website: Accessed 27.04.13. Architectuul.2013. Butterfly House. Website: accessed 29.04.13 Chapa, J.2008. The Origami-Inspired Folding Bamboo House. Inhabitat. Website: accessed 29.04.13 Chetwood Architects. 2013. The Butterfly House. Website: Accessed 29.04.13 D*. 2013. D*Dynamic: A house for all seasons. Website: Accessed on: 29.04.13 Design Boom. 2013. D*haus company: D*table and D*dynamic. Website: dhaus-company-dtable-and-ddynamic/ accessed 29.04.13 Engineering Toolbox, 2013. Thermal Conductivity of some common materials and gases. Website: Accessed: 05.05.13 English Heritage. 1990. Former Station Building and Lighthouse, Stone Jetty. Website: uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1207223 Accessed: 08.04.2013


Frearson, A. 2012. The Dynamic D*Haus by The D*Haus Company. Dezeen Magazine. Website:http://www.dezeen. com/2012/11/06/shape-shifting-house-by-the-dhaus-company/. Accessed: 29.04.13. Lucchino, J. 2013. Illy Push Button House. Open Architecture Network. Website: projects/6405. Accessed: 29.04.13 Morecambe Bay Partnership. 2013. What makes Morecambe Bay Special? Website: bay.html. Accessed: 20.04.13. Smallman, R. Stone Jetty, Morecambe. Website: asp?id=647. Accessed: 08.04.2013 UK Met Office. 2013. Morecambe Weather (Climate period: 1981-2010). Website: weather/climate. Accessed: 01.04.2013.

Chapter 1 Map of Lancashire: Nicholson, R.North Lancashire. Website: Accessed: 25.04.13 Map of Morecambe: Wade, R. 2009. Morecambe Lancashire 1931 Map. Website: Accessed: 20.04.13 Image of Lifeboat Station: Cookson, A. 2011. Lifeboat Station – Morecambe. Website: Accessed: 20.04.13 Image of Midland Hotel: North West Caterer. 2012. Morecambe’s Midland appeals for hotel’s Thirties memorabilia Website: www.northwestcaterer. Accessed 19.04.13. Map Identifying Bird Sites: Morecambe Bay Partnership. Interest Features Morecambe to Fleetwood. Website: Accessed: 20.04.13. Chapter 3 Ming Tang’s Folding Structures: Chapa, J. 22.10.08. The Origami-Inspired Folding Bamboo House. Inhabitat. Website: Accessed 29.04.13 Shipping Container Refurbishment: Shipping Container Pros. 2013. 20 Foot Standard Storage Container. Website: Enpundit. 2013. Push Button House Quickly Unfolds into 5 Rooms. Website: Butterfly House: Architectuul.2013. Butterfly House. Website: accessed 29.04.13 Veryagudo. 18.11.12. The Butterfly House. Website: Accessed 29.04.13 D*Haus: Frearson, A. 2012. The Dynamic D*Haus by The D*Haus Company. Dezeen Magazine. Website: shape-shifting-house-by-the-dhaus-company/. Accessed: 29.04.13. D*. 2013. D*Dynamic: A house for all seasons. Website: Accessed on: 29.04.13 Train Track Railing: Liddell, S.M. 2012. Train Track Low. Website: Accessed on: 30.04.13 Pier Cross Bracing: Bourne, A. 2010. Under Brighton Pier. Website: Accessed on 30.04.13





The main public part of the building will house a sea water distillery which separates the salt crystals, to be used to preserve fish, from the water which becomes part of a grey water scheme for the guest house and restaurant. This involves the heating of the sea water, which will connect up as part of under floor heating through the guesthouse, and the transferral of steam up through the building to the light box to create the ‘ionisation’ of the room, where it is then condensed. For this design I must research the distillation process, systems and apparatus required and water storage and how this can be applied or created in architecture. I must investigate materials which can transport the steam up and then form part of the condenser at the top of the building. This system will need to remain warm at the start and then cool at the end and thus the materials must have efficient thermal mass to maintain the temperatures and take advantage of their positions in relation to the suns paths and shadows, outdoor conditions and ground temperatures. This information can be obtained from EcoTect and Weather data and by researching qualities of materials.

The building will have two different states: winter where it blooms and opens out, and summer where it will close up in hibernation. Therefore I need to investigate materials and systems which can move: fold away and open up depending on the season. As precedence for this I will look at folding techniques as seen in ships sails, origami, and marques structures, as well as buildings like the Butterfly House for inspiration. I have begun to experiment with paper folding and should continue to do this with other 3D materials to inform my design through maquette making.

Similarly the façade make up, strategies and materials will change between summer and winter. In winter the façade will facilitate light entering the building, whether it is direct or diffuse and in some cases must direct light to a specific point within the building. Issues will arise in the balance between maximising natural light whilst minimising heat loss. Although glazing will be essential, the design must ensure that the windows have an efficient U-value to maintain comfort within the building. When considering the ‘light box’ room in particular the façade will be crucial as the maximum amount of natural light is required, preferably direct sunlight, and care must be taken to design a façade ensuring comfortable internal conditions at both extremes: limited lighting and intense sunlight. In the summer the makeup of the façade is more closed and rigid. The purpose of this façade is to conceal the visitors within the bird hides and protect the fish storage. Research must be done into methods and materials which prevent the façade rusting over or the joints and connection seizing up over this 6 month period of hibernation.

In the winter the positioning of the rooms and glazing must maximise the amount of light reaching the patient as they travel through the building at different times of day. Therefore the layout of all the rooms must be informed by the winter sun paths. However in summer this effect is opposite and minimal day lighting and heat gains are required to enhance the bird watching experience and keep the stores of fish cool. Attention must be paid to the path of the sun at different times of the year and different times of day depending on the room function and usage period to achieve the most efficient layout. Using EcoTect modelling the direct lighting and shadows produced can be tested for different months and times of day which will play a key role in deciding positioning on site and orientation of key spaces. This information will primarily affect the residential area and the treatment rooms.

When considering the materiality of the parts which open out and move materials must be found which are lightweight but strong but also the fittings, joints and connections between these parts and the base structure must be researched, in particular looking again at precedence. Issues will also arise as to how to make the moveable parts and their connection to the stationary parts water tight and prevent thermal bridging through these elements where necessary. As the conditions of the site are quite extreme I will need to investigate into forming a substantial base, from which the building unfolds, to protect against the tides. I imagine this will involve a large mass of concrete, especially as the building rests adjacent to the concrete pier. Taking precedence from previous pier structures in that area it appears that steel and timber lightweight structures have succumbed to the sea whereas the stony pier is the only structure to have stood the test of time so far.

The north facing façade will also encourage growth of marine flora and fauna, without affecting the integrity of the material so this must be researched as well as the effects of sunlight versus shadow on plant growth. Also these private parts of the building should blend into the natural surroundings therefore natural (looking) materials should be used. Weathered steel has the desired effect and the iron molecules encourage algae growth in marine conditions however the effects of intense weathering will need to be researched especially in saline environments. Research must also be done into the effects of the wet, salty environment on other materials such as glass and concrete. Also as birds are encouraged to populate parts of the building in the summer the effects of bird nesting, feeding and excrement on materials and structural integrity must be looked into.

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