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Kellert, S.R. (2005). Building For Life. Washington: Island Press.

biophilic design is the “passionate love of life and all that is alive.” Fromm, E. (1973). The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Figure 2: Maggie’s Centre, Manchester (Source: Dezeen, 2016)

“Humans evolve in a biological-non-artificial or manufactured environment and continue to depend on ongoing contact with nature for their physical and mental well-being.”

Figure 1: Interface Flooring Showroom (Source: Oliver Heath, 2016)

Figure 3: St Mary’s Infant School (Source: Dezeen, 2013)

“An exciting and engaging learning environment to enhance the children’s school experience at such a vital early stage in their school life”

Figure 4: St Mary’s Infant School (Source: ArchDaily, 2013)

ArchDaily. (2013). St Mary’s Infant School.

Figure 6: Top Five Elements most wanted in the Office. (Source: Human Spaces, 2016)

Figure 5: The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace. (Source: Human Spaces, 2016)

Figure 7: Google Offices. (Source: Human Spaces, 2016)

“Patients whose windows overlooked natural sceneries were released after 7.96 days compared to 8.71 days it took for patients who looked at brick walls” Corbett Inc. (2017). Biophilia in Healthcare Design. Figure 8: COSEM Medical Centre (Source: Anglian Home Improvements, 2017)

“Employees with natural landscape views took an average of 57 hours of sick leave compared to the 68 hours taken by employees with no views at all” Corbett Inc. (2017). Biophilia in Healthcare Design.

“research has shown that biophilic additions to an interior space have an overwhelmingly positive effect on the people inhabiting the space”

“Staff problems that can be attributed to poor interior design include staff illness, absenteeism, retention, and overall job performance. With good, biophilic interior design these issues are minimised by 10 percent”

Figure 9: Khoo Teck Puât Hospital (Source: RMJM, 2016)

Corbett Inc. (2017). Biophilia in Healthcare Design.

Corbett Inc. (2017). Biophilia in Healthcare Design.

“Research demonstrates that poor interior design in healthcare facilities inhibit recovery rates, increase anxiety and stress”

“It is vital to keep patients’ psychological welfare in mind”

Figure 10: Into The Woods and Faraway (Source: Oliver Heath, 2017)

“a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution�

World Health Organisation. (2014). A State of Well-Being.

Figure 11: Biophilic Bathroom (Source: Oliver Heath, 2017)

Figure 12: Positive Healthcare (Source: Oliver Heath, 2017)

“Due to increasingly stressful lives an emphasis is placed on the need to escape the everyday to experience true relaxation. Hygge fights against this notion demonstrating that overall wellbeing can be enhanced by making small changes to everyday environments, relieving the need to escape at all� Amara. (2016). How To Hygge.

Figure 13: Park Royal on Pickering (Source: Human Spaces, 2015)

“In the $2.5 trillion healthcare industry, simply changing patients’ views from their hospital beds could yield over $93 million in annual savings nationwide.” Corbett Inc. (2017). Biophilia in Healthcare Design.

References Reference List: Amara. (2016). How To Hygge. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from luxpad/hygge/ Anglian Home Improvements. (2017). Faux Windows Aid Relaxation and Brighten Rooms Without Natural Light. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from goodtobehome/home-news/faux-windows-help-brighten-rooms-without-natural-light-aidrelaxation/ Anne Blaschke. (29 January 2015). Human Spaces - Case study: St Mary’s Infant School – Jessop and Cook Architects. Retrieved 10 March, 2017 from ArchDaily. (2013). St Mary’s Infant School / Jessop and Cook Architects. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from BiophilicCities. (2016). Biophilic Cities. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017 from Bringslimark, T; Hartig, T; Patil, GG. Psychological benefits of indoor plants in workplaces: Putting experimental results into context. HortScience 2007, 42, 581–587 Browning, W., Ryan, C., Herrwagan. J., Hosey., L. 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design Improving Health & Well-Being in the Built Environment, 4(4.1). Retrieved from HTTPS://WWW.TERRAPINBRIGHTGREEN.COM/REPORTS/14-PATTERNS/. Cleveland, A. (2014, 25 April). Biophilic Design + Restorative Environments - Interior Design Thesis [Video File]. Retrieved from Corbett. (2015). Biophilia in Healthcare Design. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from http:// Dezeen. (2016). Google Offices. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from 2016/03/22/google-office-design-negative-effect-interiors-jeremy-myerson/ Dezeen. (2016). Norman Foster’s Timber Framed Maggie’s Centre opens in his home town of Manchester. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from norman-foster-partners-maggies-centre-cancer-care-manchester-england/

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McCracken, D. S. Allen, D. A. Gow, A. J. (2016). Associations between urban greenspace and health-related quality of life in children. Preventive Medical Reports, Vol 3(22113355), 212-213. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.01.013 Natural Learning Initiative. (2000). Retrieved 23rd March, 2017 from HealthyPlanetHealthyChildren.pdf Oliver Heath. (2017). Biophilic Design. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from http:// RMJM. (2015). The Architects Perspective - Khoo Teck Puât Hospital. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from Stitt, F. (1999). Ecological Design Handbook. Columbus: McGraw Hill Professional. Sully. A. (2015). Interior Design: Conceptual Basis. (chapter Lighting Concept. P. 186). Springer International Publishing 2015. Retrieved from http// Terrapin Bright Green. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic design. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from World Health Organisation. (2014). A State of Well-Being. Retrieved 23rd March, 2017, from World Health Organization and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Social determinants of mental health. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2014. ISBN 978 92 4 150680 9 (NLM classification: WM 101). (12-14). Retrieved from

List of Figures:

Figure 1: Oliver Heath. (2016). Interface Flooring Showroom. [Photograph] Retrieved from Figure 2: Dezeen. (2016). Maggie’s Centre Manchester. [Photograph] Retrieved from https:// Figure 3: Dezeen. (2013). St Mary’s Infant School. [Photograph] Retrieved from https:// Figure 4: ArchDaily. (2013). St Mary’s Infant School. [Drawing] Retrieved from http:// Figure 5: Human Spaces. (2016). The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace. [Graphic] Retrieved from

Figure 6: Human Spaces. (2016). Top 5 Elements most wanted in the Office. [Graphic] Retrieved from Figure 7: Human Spaces. (2016). Google Offices. [Photograph] Retrieved from http:// Figure 8: Anglian Home Improvements. (2017). COSEM Medical Centre. [Photograph] Retrieved from Figure 9: RMJM. (2016). Khoo Teck Puât Hospital. [Photograph] Retrieved from https:// Figure 10: Oliver Heath. (2017). Into The Woods and Faraway. [Photograph] Retrieved from Figure 11: Oliver Heath. (2017). Biophilic Bathroom. [Photograph] Retrieved from http:// Figure 12: Oliver Heath. (2017). Positive Healthcare. [Photograph] Retrieved from http:// Figure 13: Human Spaces. (2015). Park Royal on Pickering. [Photograph] Retrieved from

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