How to Induce Lucid Dreaming By: Linda M. Poole
How to Induce Lucid Dreaming Learning about how to induce lucid dreaming is important because it is an ability that everyone would like to have. Imagine being able to control your dream and remembering every single detail. Dreams are where people have the freedom to move and imagine things that are limitless. It is the state where humans experience things that are unreal but appear concrete while in a dream state. >>>Click here to get more information about how to induce lucid dreaming<<<
The first step to achieving lucid dreams is actually remembering what your dreams are. You can try MLD or Mnemonic Lucid Dreaming technique. This is a scientific way to actually recall the details of your dream even after waking up. Think of this as talking to yourself and conditioning your mind and your body to focus on your dream details and storing them in long-term memory. Every night before you sleep, develop the habit of saying “I want to remember this dream” and your mind will soon pick up the signal. Apart from talking to yourself, you can also visualize how you want your dream to be. Most dreamers often wish to talk to people who have been long dead or those in a faraway place. You can picture his or her face with your eyes closed before your sleep. Focus on the details, the crinkles around their eyes, the color of their hair, their dimples – anything that are unique to their face. You can also say these details aloud and use as many descriptive words as you can to make the visualization easier. Having these details as the last things on your mind before you sleep will make it easier for you to have control over your dream. Now, some people who are able to have frequent lucid dreams do not get to remember a lot of the details of their dream. Some of them get too excited upon realizing that they are dreaming and snap out of it in a few minutes. Unfortunately, many instances of lucid dreams are forgotten. To prevent this, you should pay particular attention to staying calm during lucid dreams. You can also lengthen your dreams by running or jumping. Spinning, though, has been reported to be the most effective. Another way to induce lucid dreaming is identifying your dream signs. Your inner creativity is the one responsible in creating these dream signs so they could be anything from talking animals or people with thick books for heads. You should record every To get more information about how to induce lucid dreaming, please visit this site
dream that you can remember on a journal or a voice recorder. This will help you identify what your dream signs are. Remember that dream signs are things that are out of ordinary and are clear indicators that you are in a dream. Certain dream situations can appear so real that it can make you believe you are awake instead of being in a dream. Being able to spot what your dream signs are gives you the ability to tell the difference. There are a lot of reading materials on how to induce lucid dreaming. You will learn more by reading other works. If you want to get more information about how to induce lucid dreaming, please click here.
To get more information about how to induce lucid dreaming, please visit this site