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From the Search Committee
A Letter from the Search Committee
Dear Prospective Priests:
One of my favorite things to say – usually when found somewhere I’m not necessarily supposed to be – is, “Everybody’s got to be somewhere.” While everybody’s got to be somewhere, we choose Greenwood; we choose Nativity. I choose Greenwood even though I was born and raised here, and know its warts; I returned here after living and working elsewhere. I choose Nativity despite the fact that I was not raised in its traditions, and have worshiped elsewhere. I choose Greenwood and Nativity because of who we are.
Nativity, like our community as a whole, is a great mix of tradition and contemporary thinking; we have found the balance between our anchors and sails and thrive in between. We possess an outstanding quality of life, spiritually and socially, as a result. We hope that this profile informs you as to what makes Nativity and Greenwood so special.
In recent years, we have been trending towards a growing, financially stable congregation within the Episcopal Church that had a pretty clear vision for our future. That vision has been blurred in the past year by a pandemic and attendant measures taken as a result which were not foreseeable. It has robbed us of some of our collective energies and enthusiasm, but it has not robbed us of hope. Our hope is not simply for a clear pathway forward, with the assistance of an experienced and energetic spiritual leader; our hope is to be able soon to do the work to clear the pathway together, alongside an experienced, energetic leader. We know that among you is the energetic, experienced leader Nativity seeks.
Harris F. Powers III Nativity Search Committee