Alicia's Portfolio

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Alicia Francisco Sรกnchez

TFG- Competition

ROHAN- Competition

Housing at Gran Canaria




ETSAB Museum of Contemporary Art Piscina Mirabilis

Chybik + Kristof Architecs and Urban designers

ULPGC - 2th grade Studio I

Green Milano

Mental care Hospital




ETSAB Architecture and city III

Czech Technical University in Prague Masters Studio

Chybik + Kristof Architecs and Urban designers

Library in Barcelona

Prague Airport’s new terminal



ETSAB - 4th grade Architecture and city II

Chybik + Kristof Architecs and Urban designers

Courthouse in Rødovre

Arts + Crafts + models

2018 ETSAB - 4th grade Architecture and city I

Chybik + Kristof Architecs and Urban designers

Re-use Italy! There is some added value in the smell and

Therefore, what do they have in common

texture you get from second-hand books, a non- material property you cannot buy or

attempt to create: they both eventually wont

produce and simply add to newer editions.

exist. At certain point, our building will be

Everything is about time. And if you try to Competition-tFG Re-use Italy! Barcelona, Spain

make a contemporary building from another

is right now, therefore all the project was

which was made in the Augustian wars, then

planned not only taking this for granted but

you are more than three centuries disadvan-

using it as a goal. The moment when both


buildings happen to be a single ruin. All the design was made by taking into consider-

ETSAB Barcelona 2020

too imposing a building to conserve by add-

ation the ephemerality of materials, using

ing today’s architecture. From its damaged

glass or wood as the skin of our project,

walls to the massive size of pillars, it was considered in its entirety. There was noth-

the structure, which should stay with the cur-

ing you couldn’t remove or change without

rent ruin until the end. Both together would

breaking with the dynamic of the building.

belong to a single project constructed in two

Every part belonged to a system which was impossible to isolate. The idea of creating anything from it, with new materials and new logics seemed too intrusive itself non depending on the result. Our guiding concept consisted in following the pre-existing


This competition took place while I was “the importance of natural light for muse-

Thanks to this practical exercise I could prove many of the concepts I took for granted on the explanation of my three subjects of study, being able to compare them and their techniques on the task of gaining natural light.

+ Section such as the bar, reception and souvenir shop; +Shadow’s Graphics

Downstairs the galleries are separated by thick glass which allows natural light to ac-

The relation between old and new is closely

cess all the artwork. Sculpture in the middle

related with lights and shadows: Roman

walkway, leaving paintings for the perimeter. -

ent codes of shadows in the path

Work In Progress...

Ground Floor


100 +1.92





10 m +8 m

7m 4m

+2,5 m +0


Model 1-1000

Program 1.










-9 m


Underground Floor


A 1:50 model showing the concept of the building was useful for experisuitable for this kind of Museum. In the




menting with techniques of light more


Floor Tile alternatives

Model Making

Summary of the Models 1-100. General view 1-1000. Urban Plan 1-50. Details regarding the new structure

masterplan in milano temathIc WoRkshop Barcelona, Spain

In the last “Architecture and City� ETSAB Barcelona Prof. Carme Rivas 2020

session we aimed to solve an urban design problem in an area of Milan. Regarding our criteria, the main issue to solve was related with the

Our project rethought the circulation of people and cars. We created a green system which connected all the tainous landscape which provided all the constructions of a natural drain-

Grey Milano

Green Milano

Ling chi The new library occupies what was once the site of a coffee factory. This one has many interesting things according to the typical Barcelonian architecture dedicated to factories, so it was a goal to conserve as many as I could from the preexistent Library in barceLona Architecture And city ii Barcelona, Spain

architecture. And what about Ling Chi? Ling chi is a very old Chinese way of torture. It involved trying to get the maximum

ETSAB Barcelona

amount of pain from the one who was being

Prof. Antoni Barcelรณ

killed by removing small parts of the bosy in


a very slow way. if the executioner would take a whole leg from the victim, he or she would die very fast, but if he decided to take off his fingers one by one, the prisioner would suffer much more without dying so quickly. I took the new project in the same way: how many unuseful things i could remove from my building without letting it die? is the faรงade a main part? no, it is not its heart but a nail, on the other hand: is the repetition of the windows of the faรงade something important? yes, it is brain or anything that could kill the whole building by removing it.

ew libra n ry for the rden, ry places to ve ha a

nished: the

Chimneys in Barcelona’s factories

Floor +1


courthouse in rødovre Architecture And city i Rødovre, Copenhagen

ETSAB Barcelona Prof. Antoni Barceló 2017


Ground floor






underGround floor


Turning a Brewery inTo a MenTal Care HospiTal Trnovany, Czech Republic Studio Czech Technical University in Prague Prof. Vรกclav Girsa 2018




Základní objem

Posunutí hmoty

Stínící terasy s rostlinami

jeden objem

$% !"#

Dvojitá fasáda

rohan- coMpetition Prague, Czech republic Chybik + Kristof Architects and urban designers





Základní objem

Posunutí hmoty


jeden objem


! Typické patro






Devá váté patro a








! !





livinG SPAceS.

house for 5 + studio + airbnb Studio i Las Palmas , Spain 9m ULPGC Prof. ร ngel Meliรกn 2013




-3 m





-3 m






Scanned with CamScanner

Scanned with CamScanner





-3 m

Scanned with CamScanner

Townplanning V Barcelona, Spain ETSAB Barcelona Prof. Carles Crosas 2016

In the industrial area of Gabå, a billage close to Barcelona. We had to attract those living in the residential area to the industrial zone. The proposal consisted of a map full of opportunities which would inspire ences which couldn’t get by staying at home. One of the most ambitious ideas was the one which included the old people living in a factory environment, by changing the security and vegetation of its streets, becoming an open and comfortable place instead of one surrounded by cars and vans

Townplanning VI Barcelona, Spain ETSAB Barcelona Prof. Stefano Cortellaro 2017

new terminAl At the PrAGue’S AirPort

Prague, Czech republic Chybik + Kristof Architects and urban designers




Design study / May 2019 Design study / May 2019


Arts Crafts & models

Conceptual model Tianjin, China Summer ‘18

Competition model Tianjin, China Summer ‘18

Competition model

Prague, Czech Republic Winter ‘18

University conceptual models

librAry in bArcelonA

courthouSe in rødovre

mentAl cAre hoSPitAl

houSe for 5 + Studio And inde-

l’Eixample it

This exercise consists in planning a

In the run down area of Trno-

Pendent flAt

was necessary to plan a library

new courthouse for the city of Ro-

vany, 3h away from Prague, the-

for the neighborhood. the pro-

dovre, in Copenhagen (Denmark).

re’s this old abandoned hops’s

project I had to participate in

the building includes

One of the aims of the new buil-

grill owned by a small family who

when I started working at Chy-

a kindergarden, cafeteria, you-

ding was to include in its program

didn’t know what to do with it.

th area, music and all the requi-

the library and the city hall which

The project consisted in turning it

happen to be very succesful since

red spaces to have a proper study.

surround it, both of them made by

into a mental care hospital so the

a big part of this project is going

the Danish architect Arne Jacobsen.

patients could enjoy the fresh air

to be buildt during the next years.

The plan takes advantage of the

and vegetation of the countryside.


courthouse’s underground location,

the whole concept turned around

bringing order to the space with se-

several books by Dr. Oliver Sa-

ries of light and dark spaces, as if

cks, who aimed me to develop

In the heart of

gram of

how could I help these people to roll.

feel better through architecture.




in general of the whole area.

houSe for 5 + Studio + Airbnb

forbeS office in brno

new terminAl At the PrAGue’S







During the last years living in Bar-

During the time I worked for Chy-

celona I realized how importtan was

bik+ Kristof I took part in many of

for me to give an artistic perspective

their projects by making the models

to everything I was projecting, the-

of them even tho I was not direct-

reso this are some of the conceptual

in this case I chose an astronomer:

ly related with the design part. At

models I made during the working

the decision to divide the whole

some point Ondrej Chybik rea-

time of my classworks. I hardly re-

area in three parts helped in the

lized I enjoyed quite a lot in this

member to have given any of the-

This exercise consisted in planning a residence including a living space for

part of this project carried out by

for two people and also a studio for someone whose job we could choose.

could use them in an update.

se in the deadline, but all of them

hard job of letting light in: one third part was decided as a courtyard,

a series of models for the airport

were shown at certain point to my

so this expert could see the stars

they were projecting, which will be

professors so I could explain bet-

through the window to the open

built at the end of 2025 in Prague.

ter whatever I was thinking at the

This work consisted in having

moment of planning the project.

these volumes ready for the presentations make








never the meetings were. it was very stressful but highly satisfying.

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