alicia shao/2016 >>> if this then that
a distinctively human phenomenon
is it a moral responsibility to fight poverty? is poverty a measure of inequality? is poverty a personal responsibility? is consumption a statement of our identity? is it a lack of resources or lack of capability? is material deprication more important than dignity?
disability PSYCHOLOGY
deprivation PHILOSOPHY
Poverty increases the risk of mental illnesses: casual facor or consequence. Low-SES environment limits cognitive development, preventing children from achieving their full ‘genetic potential’. The ‘scarcity hypothesis’ states that people’s attention focus narrows, concentrating on the immediate task at hand (poverty) at the expense of peripheral tasks or long-term planning.
Poverty is not the lack of means but rather being deprived of capabilities at length. Traditional definitions of poverty in terms of income and wealth isolate just one of the many factors that determine individual capability and well-being. Justice, human dignity, and basic humanity demand that society relieves poverty wherever possible, as poverty is a measure of social justice and social inquality.
inequality SOCIOLOGY
divider ECO-THEORY
To a large extent, people’s social class positions still influence the opportunities open to them. Starting out life in poverty means a greater risk of poverty in later life. The stigma and shame in understanding the experience of poverty is curcial to change those experiencing poverty can be negatively stereotyped by institutions. It is difficult to distinguish the difference between individual behaviour and poverty.
Social class has an economic base - the uneven distribution of resources, or poverty, leads to class divide. The exploitation of the poor by the rich groups in society occur via the quality of life style. By emphasising the concept of class, it provides a shift in perspective, focusing on group (rather than individual) characteristics, with individuals’ status considered dependent on the socio-economic environment in which they live.
...if poverty is a form of deprevation, then we should provide opportunity independent of personal circumstance. ...if money divides people, then we should unite for something greater. ...if people face inquality due to poverty, then we should distinguish between person and poverty. ...if we face a limited life potential due to poverty, then we are morally obliged to fight it.
... if we face limited potentials due to poverty, then we are morally obliged to fight it. >>> all movement follows a left to right movement for consistency >>> flickering images for added uneasiness >>> strong contrast with background for effect >>> colours to evoke emotions: white: pure green: disgust gold: exciting grey: dull >>> background fades to black at key moment for added emphasis
style frame & key visuals
stylised clip of actual snail >>>>>
background flickering green snail white snail flashing yellow dots grey dots
...if people face inquality due poverty, then we should distinguish between person and poverty.
>>> no movements except for circles at the end: feeling of confrontation >>> strong contrast for exaggeration and evoke a “loud“ impression >>> fast flashing for nauseous effect >>> zebra blinks every 2 seconds for added detail
style frame & key visuals
stylised image based on real photo >>>>>
background flickering zebras moving circles
...if poverty is deprivation, then we should provide opportunity independent of personal circumstance. >>> straight up, centered camera >>> all dark colours except for the bird as it represents freedom and hope >>> mobius strip turning shown through the moving of water and fish - inifinity >>> background flickering fades during climax: fish breaks the cycle and escapes
stylised video footage with illustration >>>>>>>>>
style frame & key visuals
background flickering rotating Mobius strip (?) swiming fish bird
first violin, solo double string and empty notes to evoke the feeling of melancholy.
second violin, tempo fast marching strings for the feeling of anxiety and desperateness.
cello, bass long notes with vibrato for depth and hopelesness.
since all pieces were inspired by classcial thoughts, this idea is extended in the form of classical instruments. All pieces are composed in A minor with added B and B flat - minor key gives an extra blue feeling.