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Responsible Ownership - Wade Longworth
by Wade Longworth
This month I would like to write about what it means to be a responsible pet owner. Over the past year, many new pets entered people’s lives as the pandemic meant working from home and more time to spend at the house. Many people were looking for that companion that they might have always wanted but didn’t have the time. Of course, with all of these furry friends finding new homes, that means that there are most likely some novice pet owners out there. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on different ways to be more responsible for taking care of our animals.
I know that we all have day-to-day responsibilities like our jobs or running errands where there will be a time that we have to leave out pets alone. Leaving them alone can be challenging, especially if the owner has not planned what to do. We don’t want our animals using our living space as their restroom. One solution is to put them in a crate for the day. If you are not comfortable with that, you can always build a fencedin area with room to move around. It is never a good idea to leave them on the patio with the door open (in fact, this is against the Toscana pet policy!). Many safety hazards come with using this method, and if you have a dog that likes to talk, like mine, a thunderous day for everyone around.
Another great option that I like to do is to take them to daycare. It might not be every day, but it’s an excellent way to switch things up for them while knowing they are at a safe place. These are nice because they give the animals plenty of time to socialize while also getting their energy out for the day. It’s great to know they are having fun and will be tuckered out when they get home for the night.
Taking them to daycare is one way to get their energy out for the day, but probably not the most frequent way for most people. Going on walks seems to be the most common way to get out. Walking comes with significant responsibility as they are out in public, and many issues can come up. The most important thing to do is make sure that they are on a leash. We do not want them running up to strangers as it’s a safety concern for them and the other person or animal. Ensure that you are mentally present while out walking to assure that you can maintain control of the animal. While out on that walk, bring a couple of plastic bags if they decide to use nature for their restroom. You must make sure that area gets cleaned up and the bag thrown into the garbage. With these tips, we can all become more responsible pet owners.