10070847 essential oils directory

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Essential Oils Directory The essential oils directory is an alphabetical listing of essential oils. The oils are listed in the following format: PLANT NAME (Botanical Name) Geographical source Description and usage information. Usage Warning:If applicable. ALLSPICE BERRY (Pimenta Officinalis) Jamaica Excellent for baking. It's fragrance provides a spicy scent in potpourris. The oil is also used to flavor beverages, candy, condiments and baked goods. Aromatherapy: warming, cheering, sense enhancing. Usage Warning: Avoid use in Sun. ALMOND, BITTER (Prunus Armeniaca) United States The source of natural cherry and amaretto flavors. Almond Bitter is the most potent of all flavors; use one drop per pint. Aromatherapy: strengthening, sense enhancing. Usage Warning: Dillute well Skin Irritant. Avoid use in Sun. ANGELICA ROOT (Angelica Archangelica) Belgium, Holland, France, Germany A warm, musky, earthy aroma with excellent staying power. Only small quantities are needed to create an effect in a perfume. The flavor is bitter and reminiscent of a blend of parsley and celery. Aromatherapy: anchoring,restorative, strengthening. Usage Warning:Avoid use in Sun. ANISE (Pimpinella Anisum) Spain, France, Italy, Morocco Gives licorice candy and chewing gum their distinct flavor. Anise is also added to

perfumes for a rich, sweet fragrance. Aromatherapy: cheering, sense enhancing, mildly euphoric. BALSAM PERU (Myroxylon Pererae) El Salvador May be used to soothe chafed skin and impart a rich, earthy scent to perfumery. Aromatherapy: exotic, anchoring, strengthening. BASIL (Ocimum Basilicum) France, United States Wide range of culinary uses. Basil's floral, spicy odor is also excellent for use in perfumes. Aromatherapy: clarifying, uplifting, energizing, strengthening, refreshing. Usage Warning:Avoid if Pregnant. Avoid use in Sun BAY (Pimenta Racemosa) Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominica Often used in hair treatments to stimulate the scalp. It has a powerful, spicy, sweet aroma and is used to produce bay rum fragrance. Aromatherapy: relaxing, warming. BERGAMOT, BERGAPTENE FREE (Citrus Bergamia) Italy From an uncommon citrus fruit. Its fruity, floral scent is excellent when used as a room spray. Aromatherapy: uplifting, normalizing, confidence building. Usage Warning:Avoid use in Sun BLACK PEPPER (Piper Nigrum) India, Indonesia, Malaysia One of the oldest known spices, primarily used in flavoring. Particularly interesting effects are obtained when it is used sparingly in perfume blends, especially with rose. Aromatherapy: warming, vitalizing, invigorating. CAMPHOR, WHITE (Cinnamomum Camphora) China, Japan

Commonly used in scenting detergents, soaps, disinfectants, deodorants, room sprays and other household products. Aromatherapy: clarifying, energizing. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption CARDAMOM SEED (Elettaria Cardamomum) India, Guatemala, Sri Lanka Appropriate (in very small quantities) for a wide variety of culinary uses. The oil has a spicy aroma with floral undertones and can be used in masculine and floral perfumes. Aromatherapy: sense enhancing, warming, exotic. CARROT SEED (Daucus Carota) France Used to provide a spicy-sweet aroma for exotic and natural - type perfumes. In skin care, carrot seed oil is used to tone and stimulate elasticity and for cleansing purposes (should be diluted 1 part carrot seed to 10 parts carrier oil). Aromatherapy: replenishing, nourishing, restoring. CASSIA (Cinnamon) (Cinnamomum Cassia) China (Wild) The distinct spicy flavor of cinnamon bark. It is used to flavor every kind of food as well as toothpaste, mouthwash and chewing gum. Aromatherapy: euphoric, energizing, warming. Usage Warning: Cinnamon is very irritating to the skin and can cause an allergic reaction with repeated use. CEDARWOOD (Juniperus Mexicana Scheide) United States A woody balsamic aroma. It is used in perfumery to add body and a warm note to any blend. Cedarwood can also be applied to the inside of a wood chest for a cedarwood scent. Aromatherapy: harmonizing, relaxing, anxiety easing, strengthening. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption

CELERY SEED (Apium Graveolens) France, India, United States A spicy, warm flavor used to enhance flavor in soups, sauces, vegetable juices, meats and pickles. This oil can also be used in minute quantities in perfumery. Aromatherapy: nourishing, warming. CHAMOMILE, GERMAN (Matricaria Chamomilla) Hungary, Morocco, Germany, Russia Oil of German chamomile (also known as blue chamomile). The blue color comes from the component azulene which is formed during the distillation of the oil. The odor is sweet and apple-like and adds a warm, long-lasting undertone in elegant perfumes. Chamomile is used in massage oils and other herbal preparations. Aromatherapy: relaxing, soothing, nourishing. CHAMOMILE, ROMAN (Anthemis Nobilis) Hungary, Belgium, France Often used in perfumery. It blends well with bergamot, jasmine, neroli, and clary sage, lending a warm, fresh note when added in small quantities. Aromatherapy: relaxing, replenishing. CHAMOMILE, WILD - See ORMENIS. CINNAMON LEAF (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) Indonesia, Ceylon Used to flavor spiced fruits, baked goods, pickles and candy. The flavor and aroma are more reminiscent of cloves than cinnamon. It provides a hot, spicy and somewhat bitter flavor. Aromatherapy: refreshing, vitalizing. CITRONELLA (Cymbopogon Nardus) Indonesia, Sri Lanka Lemony, grassy aroma. It is used for scenting room and outdoor sprays, as well as household products. Aromatherapy: purifying, vitalizing.

CLARY SAGE (Salvia Sclarea) France Blends well with a wide variety of essential oils for perfumery with a sweet, spicy scent. Aromatherapy: centering, euphoric, visualizing. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant CLOVE BUD (Eugenia Caryophyllata) Madagascar, Indonesia, Comoro Islands Used in mouthwash, toothpaste, chewing gum and dental preparations. It is useful in the kitchen for both sweet and savory dishes. The oil has a powerful, spicy-fruity aroma. Aromatherapy: warming, sense enhancing. Usage Warning: Clove oil is highly irritating-avoid contact with your skin. Avoid if pregnant. CORIANDER SEED (Coriandrum Sativum) France, Holland, Russia Wonderfully mild, sweet taste. It can be combined with bergamot for a popular candy flavor. The fragrance of the oil is spicy, aromatic and pleasantly sweet. Aromatherapy: relaxing, gently clarifying. CYPRESS (Cupressus Sempervirens) France-Cypress Has a refreshing, spicy and pine needle-like aroma often used as a modifier in pine fragrances. Aromatherapy: purifying, balancing. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus Globulus) Spain, Portugal, Australia, France, China Commonly used to scent topical preparations such as liniments and salves. It also serves as a flavoring in cold and cough products such as inhalants, cough drops and syrups.

Aromatherapy: purifying, invigorating, cooling. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption FENNEL, SWEET (Foeniculum Vulgare) Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Japan Sweet, warm-spicy, aromatic oil for both flavoring and fragrance. Fennel is used extensively in imitation maple extracts, candy, anisette liqueur, baked goods and desserts. Aromatherapy: restorative, warming, invigorating. Usage Warning: Dillute well, skin irritant. Avoid if pregnant. Avoid use in sun. FIR NEEDLE (Abies Alba) Russia, Austria (Wild) Fresh spicy scent. A few drops on a light bulb, in the carpet, or through a diffuser will evoke the thick fir forests of the high country. During the holidays, this oil will fill a room with the festive aroma of a freshly cut Christmas tree. Aromatherapy: centering, refreshing, harmonizing. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. Dillute well, skin irritant. FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia Carteri) Somalia, Ethiopia, India Sweet-woody, peppery fragrance. Frankincense is used extensively for incense and fine perfumery. Aromatherapy: relaxing, restorative, gently clarifying, visualizing, meditative. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption GERANIUM (Pelargonium Graveolens) France, Morocco, China Delightfully sweet scent. An important ingredient in all types of fragrances, it has a powerful, leafy-rose aroma with minty undertones. It is also used in skin care products for both its fragrance and astringent cleansing properties. Aromatherapy: balancing, normalizing. GINGER (Zingiber Officinale) China, Jamaica

An important culinary oil with a spicy-woody flavor. It is used to flavor fruit dishes, cookies, cakes, condiments, meats, liqueurs and soft drinksÑespecially ginger ale. Aromatherapy: warming, strengthening, anchoring. GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus Paradisi) United States Citrus aroma and flavor. It can be used as a flavoring in candy, frozen desserts, baked goods and carbonated beverages. Aromatherapy: balancing, refreshing, cheering. Usage Warning: Avoid use in sun. HYSSOP (Hyssopus Officinalis) France, Italy A spicy, camphor-like strong scent. Hyssop blends well with clove, lavender, rosemary, sage, clary sage and other citrus oils. Aromatherapy: refreshing, cleansing. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. People with high blood presure should avoid. People with epilepsy should avoid. JASMINE ABSOLUTE (Jasminum Grandiflorum) Morocco, France, Italy A very powerful fragrance with a full, rich, honey-like sweetness. The fragrance of jasmine is a component in so many perfumes that there is an old saying "No perfume without jasmine." A tiny amount will go a long way. Aromatherapy: relaxing, sensual, exotic, romantic. JUNIPER BERRY (Juniperus Communis) Italy, Yugoslavia A balsamic, woody, pine-needle scent. It is used with citrus oils in room sprays, and in masculine perfumes, after shaves and spicy colognes. Juniper is also used as an ingredient in gin, and for flavoring bitters, liqueurs, meats and baked goods.

Aromatherapy: strengthening, refreshing, restoring. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. LAVENDER(Lavendula Angustifolia) China, France, Tasmania A classic scent for perfume and a wide array of skin and hair products. It has a sweet,balsamic, floral aroma. It is occasionally used as a flavoring in chewing gum, fruit flavors, candy and beverages. Aromatherapy: balancing, soothing, gently clarifying, normalizing. LEMON (Citrus Limomum) United States Widely used in beauty care. This oil is cold pressed from the rind; three dozen lemons are used to produce each 1/2 ounce. Aromatherapy: energizing, uplifting, refreshing, cheering. Usage Warning: Avoid use in sun. Dillute well, skin irritant. LEMONGRASS (Cymbopogon Citratus) Guatemala, Haiti, Sri Lanka, China A cleanser for oily skin and used in shampoo to add luster to the hair. It has a powerful, citrus aroma and is a preferred fragrance in room and outdoor sprays, soaps and detergents. Lemongrass is widely used in perfumes and in the production of vitamin A. Aromatherapy: vitalizing, cleansing. Usage Warning: Dillute well, skin irritant. LIME (Citrus Aurantifolia) United States, Mexico Dozens of limes are needed to produce 1/2 oz. of oil. Uses of the oil include beverages, sherbet and hard candy. Aromatherapy: equalizing, refreshing, cheering. Usage Warning: Avoid use in sun. MARJORAM, WILD (Thymus Masticina) Spain (Wild) Useful in massage oil for sensitive skin. (Marjoram hortensis, called sweet marjoram, is the commonly used cooking spiceÑwild marjoram is used in

aromatherapy and body care.) Aromatherapy: purifying, clearing, strengthening. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. Avoid use if pregnant. MELISSA (Melissa Officinalis) France Produced from the herb lemon balm. It takes up to 600 pounds of fresh lemon balm plants to yield one ounce of oil. The oil has a lemony aroma and sharp, floral-lemon flavor. Aromatherapy: relaxing. Usage Warning: Dillute well, skin irritant. MYRRH (Commiphora Molmol) Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia One of the oldest-known perfume materials. Mentioned 3,700 years ago, myrrh has a long history of use as incense, especially with frankincense, during the Christmas season. Aromatherapy: centering, visualizing, meditative. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. Avoid use if pregnant. NEROLI (Citrus Aurantium) Morocco, France, Italy, Tunisia Distilled from the flowers of the bitter orange tree. Neroli has a refreshing, spicy, aroma. It is one of the most widely used floral oils in perfumery. Neroli is also used in preparations such as a massage oils, skin creams, and bath oils. Aromatherapy: centering, relaxing, soothing, exotic, sensual. NUTMEG (Myristica Fragrans) Indonesia, East Indies Contains the characteristic flavor and fragrance of nutmeg spice. It is used in cooking as a replacement for the spice. One or two drops are sufficient in most recipes. It is also used in men's fragrances and spicy perfumes. Aromatherapy: rejuvenating, uplifting, energizing. ORANGE, SWEET (Citrus Sinensis) Brazil, United States, Spain One of the most popular flavors in the world. Orange is widely used in foods of all

types. In perfumery sweet orange is often used as the heart of floral blend. Aromatherapy: cheering, refreshing, uplifting. Usage Warning: Avoid use in sun. ORMENIS (Ormenis Mixta) Morocco (Wild) Used diluted in vegetable oil to condition and bring out highlights in blond hair. In perfumes it provides a long-lasting sweet undertone. Aromatherapy: soothing, nurturing, relaxing. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. PATCHOULI (Pogostemon Cablin) Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia (Wild) A widely used fixative in perfumes. The very intense aroma is described as earthy, rich, sweet, balsamic, woody and spicy. Aromatherapy: romantic, soothing, exotic, sensual. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. PEPPERMINT (Mentha Piperita) United States A strong, cool, minty flavor. Peppermint oil is refreshing in both taste and aroma. A popular flavor in breath lozenges, toothpaste and mouthwash. Aromatherapy: vitalizing, refreshing,cooling. Usage Warning: Dilute well, skin irritant. Avoid use if pregnant. PETITGRAIN (Citrus Aurantium) France, Italy, Morocco, S. America Made from the leaves and twigs of the bitter orange tree. This oil has a fresh and sweet fragrance with a woody undertone. It is added to massage and bath oils and hair care products. Aromatherapy: relaxing, soothing, stabilizing. ROSE, ABSOLUTE (Rosa Centifolia) Morocco, France A sweet, deep, long-lasting aroma. Rose absolute is an economical alternative fragrance to rose otto essential oil. It is used extensively in medium and highpriced perfumes of all types for its aroma and fixative qualities.

Aromatherapy: romantic, creative, gently uplifting. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. ROSE OTTO (Rosa Damascena) Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey A warm, intense, immensely rich fragrance. Rose oil is one of the oldest and best known of all essential oils. It is used in all types of perfumes to lend beauty and depth to the aroma. A drop or two in a massage, facial, or bath oil creates a luxurious, soothing experience. The oil is also used in skin creams, powders, and lotions. Aromatherapy: romantic, creative, gently cheering. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. ROSEMARY (Rosemarinus Officinalis) France, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia (Wild) Used in hair care, fragrance, cooking and cosmetics. Brush on or wash into dark hair to condition and bring out color highlights. Aromatherapy: clarifying, warming, invigorating. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. People with high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid. ROSEWOOD (Aniba Rosaeodora) Brazil Also known as Bois De Rose. Rosewood is a spicy oil used to enliven the scent of dried flowers, soaps, lotions, and massage oils. Aromatherapy: gently strengthening, relaxing. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. SAGE (Salvia Officinalis) France, Spain, Yugoslavia Used in cooking and scented products. There are many types of this common garden herb, all closely related. Spanish sage grows wild throughout Spain. Aromatherapy: warm,soothing, cheering. Usage Warning: Avoid if pregnant. People with high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid.

SANDALWOOD (Santalum Album) India, Indonesia Rare perfume used in ancient rituals as a spiritually purifying ointment. Sandalwood is a valuable fixative which blends well with other oils. It is a very mild oil suitable for dry skin. Aromatherapy: relaxing, centering, exotic, sensual. SPEARMINT (Mentha Spicata) United States, China Energizing to the mind and body. Use in bath water for it's refreshing effect. Make a facial steam of spearmint oil in a pot of boiling water to help cleanse and refine pores. Aromatherapy: refreshing, cooling, gently vitalizing. TANGERINE (Citrus Reticulata) United States, Brazil Great astringent (must be properly diluted) for oily skin. Tangerine is also a tasty addition to beverages and desserts. Aromatherapy: cheering, uplifting. Usage Warning: Avoid use in sun. TEA TREE (Melaleuca Alternifolia) Australia Delivers a warm, spicy, medicinal aroma. It is used in colognes and after shaves and as a scent in room sprays, antiseptics, gargles, shampoo, acne creams, soaps and other skin care products. Aromatherapy: cleansing, purifying, uplifting. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. Dilute well, skin irritant. THYME, RED (Thymus Vulgaris) Spain (Wild) An intense, herbaceous aroma and flavor. Thyme is used to scent soaps, colognes and after shaves and for cooking meats, vegetables and soups. Aromatherapy: cleansing, purifying.

Usage Warning: Dilute well, skin irritant.Avoid if pregnant. People with high blood pressure should avoid. VETIVER (Vetiveria Zizanoides) Reunion, India, Indonesia, Philippines A rich, woody scent. It is used as a perfume fixative, like sandalwood. Aromatherapy: soothing, relaxing, anchoring. Usage Warning: Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. WINTERGREEN (Gualtheria Promcumbens) China Fresh, cleansing mint flavor. Aromatherapy: refreshing, bracing,invigorating. Usage Warning: Harmful or fatal if taken internally. As little as one teaspoon can be fatal if ingested by a child. Not approved by the FDA for internal consumption. Dilute well, skin irritant. Avoid if pregnant. YLANG YLANG III (Cananga Odorata) Comorro Islands, Reunion, Madagascar, Indonesia (Wild) Means flower of flowers. Ylang Ylang is a richly fragrant oil, best used for body perfume and massage oil. Aromatherapy: sensual, euphoric. YLANG YLANG EXTRA (Cananga Odorata) Comorro Islands, Reunion, Madagascar, Indonesia Distilled from the early morning picked flowers of the cananga tree. The first oil drawn off is the highest quality and is graded "Extra." Ylang Ylang Extra has an intense, floral, jasmine-like aroma. It is used in exotic and floral perfumes. Aromatherapy: romantic, alluring, exotic.

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