Easter brochure

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Index: France’s Easter Menu


Romania’s Easter Menu


Poland’s Easter Menu


Italy’s Easter Menu


Portugal’s Easter Menu


France’s Easter Menu France

Menu de Pâques

Starter Asparaguses in a spicy sauce in the avocado

Preparation: 20 min Cooking: 20 min Ingredients (for 4 persons) 1,2 kg of white asparaguses 1 beautiful avocado 8 grains(beads) of green pepper 1 lemon 1 egg yolk 1 soupspoon of cognac or armagnac 20 cl of natural yoghurt (brewed or not) Preparation Peel and bind(connect) asparaguses in bootees. Plunge them into some salty boiling water, let cook 20 min approximately. Drain, and let cool on a clean linen. To prepare the sauce: empty the avocado and mix the flesh with the pepper and the lemon juice. Incorporate also the egg yolk, the cognac and a pinch of salt. Then, whip slightly the yoghurt and incorporate it to the preration . Serve asparaguses accompanied with some sauce in the avocado.

Entrée Asperges à la sauce épicée à l'avocat

Préparation : 20 min Cuisson : 20 min Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) 1,2 kg d'asperges blanches 1 bel avocat 8 grains de poivre vert 1 citron 1 jaune d'oeuf 1 cuillère à soupe de cognac ou d'armagnac 20 cl de yaourt nature (brassé ou non) Préparation Peler et lier les asperges en bottillons. Les plonger dans de l'eau bouillante salée, laisser cuire 20 min environ. Egoutter, et laisser refroidir sur un linge propre. Pour préparer la sauce : évider l'avocat et mixer la chair avec le poivre et le jus de citron. Incorporer également le jaune d'oeuf, le cognac et une pincée de sel. Ensuite, fouetter légèrement le yaourt et l'incorporer au tout. Servir les asperges accompagnées de la sauce à l'avocat.

Leg of Lamb

Gigot d'agneau


de Pâques:

Serves 8 : Ingredients: - 1 leg of lamb 1, 5 kg - 6 cloves garlic - 2 bunches of spring onions - 1.5 kg of fresh peas - 600 g of beans - 400 g green beans - 16 artichoke hearts - 120 g butter - 1 bunch parsley - Salt and pepper Preheat the oven to gas mark 6 (180 ° C). Preparation: Slip a clove of garlic around the neck of mutton. Prick the meat with a knife and insert cloves of peeled garlic into the meat. Coat the lamb with 40 g of butter. Salt and pepper. Place the lamb in a baking dish and bake for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables: Wash and peel the onions, shelling peas and beans, green beans fray. Cook the vegetables separately, uncovered in a large pot of unsalted boiling water 20 minutes for green beans, 40 minutes for peas and beans. In a skillet, melt the remaining butter and sauté the artichoke hearts on 2 sides. Remove them and keep them warm. Put the onions in their place and fry a few minutes without letting them brown. Then add the other drained vegetables, salt and pepper. Cover and cook over very low heat for 5-6 minutes. Let stand 10 min with the lamb with foil before carving. Pour the drippings in the skillet with the vegetables. Arrange artichoke hearts around the leg and top with vegetable mixture. Serve immediately. Wine Agreement Serve with red wine (Bordeaux ...)

Pour 8 personnes: Ingrédients: - 1 gigot d'agneau 1,5 kg - 6 gousses d'ail - 2 bottes d'oignons de printemps - 1,5 kg de petits pois frais - 600 g de haricots - 400 g d’haricots verts - 16 coeurs d'artichauts - 120 g de beurre - 1 bouquet de persil - Sel et poivre Préchauffer le four à thermostat 6 (180 ° C). Préparation: Gigot d'agneau de Pâques Glissez une gousse d'ail dans le mouton. beurrez l'agneau avec 40 g de beurre. Sel et poivre. Placer l'agneau dans un plat allant au four et faites cuire pendant 40 minutes. Pendant ce temps, préparer les légumes: Laver et éplucher les oignons, les pois à écosser et les haricots, les haricots verts mêlée. Cuire les légumes séparément à découvert dans une grande casserole d'eau bouillante non salée 20 minutes pour les haricots verts, 40 minutes pour les pois et les haricots. Dans une poêle, faire fondre le beurre restant et faire revenir les fonds d'artichauts sur les 2 côtés. Retirez-les et gardez-les au chaud. Mettre les oignons à leur place et faire frire quelques minutes sans laisser dorer. Puis ajouter les autres légumes égouttés, sel et poivre. Couvrir et cuire à feu très doux pendant 5-6 minutes. Laisser reposer 10 min avec l'agneau dans du papier d'aluminium avant de le découper. Verser le jus de cuisson dans la poêle avec les légumes. Disposer les cœurs d'artichaut autour du gigot et le dessus avec le mélange de légumes. Servir immédiatement. Accord sur le vin Servir avec du vin rouge (Bordeaux ...)

Nest of Easter

Ingredients : a disk of chocolate genoise small eggs in sugar 150 g of dark chocolate 100 g of cream 50 g of butter raspberry jam Cut the disk from the direction of the height and furnish with raspberry jam. Boil the cream, melt the chocolate in microwave. Pour the boiling cream on the chocolate, incorporate the butter into small pieces and smooth in the whip. Reserver at the cool until the consistency of a little bit thick "cream". Prepare a piping bag with a very fine cartridge, furnish the pocket and raise(draw up) in circle around the sponge cake the lower jaw supperposant the "threads" of lower jaw, to imitate the shape and the architecture of a nest. End the gateau by furnishing the center of a little lower jaw, and decorate with eggs. Have a rough time without putting in the refrigerator, to keep a flexible lower jaw in mouth.

Nid de Pâques

Ingrédients un disque de génoise au chocolat des petits œufs en sucre 150 g de chocolat noir 100 g de crème 50 g de beurre confiture de framboise Découper le disque dans le sens de la hauteur et garnir de confiture de framboise. Bouillir la crème, fondre le chocolat au micro-onde. Verser la crème bouillante sur le chocolat, incorporer le beurre en petits morceaux et lisser au fouet. réserver au frais jusqu'à la consistance d'une "pommade" un peu épaisse. Préparer une poche à douille avec une douille très fine, garnir la poche et dresser en cercle autour de la génoise la ganache en superposant les "fils" de ganache, pour imiter la forme et l'architecture d'un nid. Terminer le gâteau en garnissant le centre d'un peu de ganache, et décorer avec les œufs. Déguster sans mettre au frigo, pour garder une ganache souple en bouche.

Romania’s Easter Menu Meniul de Paste din România

Starters (appetizers):

The Easter-Plateau as the starters includes: unsalted sheep cheese, green onions, radishes, red eggs with sliced lemon on top, roe, haggis.

Lamb Haggis


Ingredients: 500g lamb offal (liver, kidney, heart, lungs, etc.) 2 eggs 1 slice of bread 1 tablespoon of sour cream 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs (parsley, dill) 2 green onions 1 tablespoon of lard A caul of lamb or a piece of pie Salt, pepper

Ingrediente: 500g maruntaie de miel (ficat,rinichi,inima,plamani etc) 2 oua 1 felie de paine 1 lingura de smantana 1 lingura verdeata tocata (patrunjel,marar) 2 fire ceapa verde 1 lingura de untura 1foaie de placinta sare, piper

Preparation: 1. Grind the offal (heart, liver, lungs etc) 2. Add the eggs, the bread soaked in milk, the salt and a pinch of pepper, the sour cream, the chopped herbs, the chopped green onions. Make a homogeneous composition. 3. Wash the caul several times. 4. Spread the caul on a tray, leaving a part of it slide over the edges. 5. Put the mixture evenly in the pan, then wrap the edges of the caul above. 6. Bake it in the oven. 7. Serve it sliced.

Mod de preparare: 1.Maruntaiele(inima,ficat,plamanii)se trec prin masina de tocat 2.Se adauga miezul de paine muiat in lapte,sarea si un praf de piper,smantana,verdeata,tocata marunt,ceapa verde tocata.Se realizeaza o compozitie. 3.Se spala prapurul in mai multe ape. 4.Se intinde prapurul intr-o tava,o parte din prapur trebuie sa alunece peste marginile acestuia. 5.Se aseaza uniform compozitia de mai sus in tava,apoi se inveleste cu marginile prapurului deasupra. 6.Se coace la cuptor 7.Se serveste taiat in felii.

Egg Dyeing

Vopsirea oualelor

A) by traditional methods Boil the egg, then add the paint 1)prin metode traditionale obtained naturally or the chemical -se fierbe oul pe jumatate,apoi se one and boil it for one minute. introduce in vopsea obtinuta natural sau pe cale chimica unde se mai fierbe un minut. B) after the eggs are half boiled, 2)ouale-dupa ce au fost fierte pe jumatate they are wrapped in different sunt infasurate cu diverse frunze,apoi legate leaves, then bound in cloth and in panza si introduse in vopsea. placed in the paint. -unele sunt infasurate in foi de Some are wrapped in onion, then put into the paint.

ceapa,apoi introduse in vopsea

Incondeierea: -se face cu ceara naturala de albine The decoration -oul este introdus in ceara - is made with natural bee wax -cu un condei subtire apoi se incrusteaza - the egg is placed in wax diferite metode traditionale - various traditional patterns are -oul se introduce in vopsea in diferite grade drawn with a thin pen. si momente - the egg is inserted into the paint in various degrees and times. Bauturi: vin alb,dupa preferinta! Drinks white or red wine, as you prefer!

First course Lamb Bortsch Ingredients: 2L of water 1L of bortsch 1 Kg of lamb meat 1 carrot 1 parsley (the root of it) 1 onion Pot herb green onion 3 spoons of rice 1 yolk, 3 spoons Preparation: 1. The head and some pieces of lamb meat are boiled in the water with salt. We then add the carrot, the parsley and a small onion. 2. When everything is boiled the bortsch boiled separately is added. Then we add the potherb and rice and the green onion cut in very small pieces 3. The cream and the yolk are mixed and added in the end after we let the borsch cool down for a

BORS DE MIEL INGREDIENTE: 2l apa 1l bors 1kg carne de miel 1 morcov 1 patrunjel 1 ceapa verdeata ceapa verde 3 linguri de orez 1 galbenus, 2 linguri de smantana MOD DE PREPARARE: 1.Se fierbe in apa cu sare capul si bucati de carne de miel se spumuieste si se adauga un morcav un patrunjel si o ceapa mica taiata marunt 2.Cand toate acestea sunt fierte se toarna borsul fiert separat si strecurat se adauga verdeata (patrunjel,frunze) ceapa verde taiata fin si orez 3.Smantana si galbenusul de ou se omogenizeaza si se adauga in final

Second course Lamb Onion and garlic stew Ingredients: 750g lamb meat 40 stalks of green onion 20 stalks of green garlic 2 spoons of flour 1 coup of bortsch or 2 spoons of vinegar 1 spoon of tomato sauce Salt Preparation: 1. The meat is cut in appropriate pieces and it is fried together with a spoon of grease 2. The green onion and the green garlic are scalde 3. They are frying in a little lard 4. They are put in the pan a little flour is added, then a cup of bortsch with water salt and tomato sauce 5. After it starts to boil it is put in the oven and it is left to boil

STUFAT DE MIEL INGREDIENTE:750g carne 40 fire de ceapa verde 20 fire de usturoi verde 2 linguri de untura 2 linguri de faina 1 pahar de bors sau 2 linguri de otet 1 lingura de bulion sare MOD DE PREPARARE 1.Se taie carnea de miel in bucati potrivite si se prajesc cu o lingura de grasime 2.Se sparesc firele de ceapa si de usturoi verde 3.Se prajesc usor in putina untura 4.Se pun in cratita cu carne se adauga un praf de faina un pahar de bors fiert indoit cu apa sare si bulion de rosii 5.Dupa ce a inceput sa fiarba se da la cuptorsi se lasa sa fiarba inabusit pana scade

Lamb Roast


Ingredients: 1,500 kg lamb meat 1 spoon of oil 1 slice of lard salt condiments (pepper, hot pepper, thyme, garlic) Preparation: 1. It lamb legs and breast are chosen carefully. The meat is cut into peaces 2. The grill is heated and greased with a piece of lard 3. We put on the grill the pieces of meat embalmed with pepper, hot pepper thyme and garlic 4. They are grilled on both sides 5. In the end salt is added 6. It is served with lettuce and garnish (usually French fries)

INGREDIENTE:1,500kg carne de miel 1 lingura de ulei 1 felie de slanina sare condimente(piper ardei iute cimbru usturoi) MOD DE PREPARARE 1.Se aleg pulpele capul pieptului se curata de pe oase carnea se taie bucati se cresteaza din bucata in bucata 2.Se incinge gratarul se unge cu bucata de slanina 3.Se asaza bucatile de carne inmiresmate cu piper ardei iute cimbru usturoi si alte condimente 4.Se rumeneste pe o parte si pe alta 5.La final se presara dupa gust sare 6.Se serveste cu salata verde su garnitura


Sponge cake

Cozonac cu nuca

Ingredients: 600grams of flour a cup of milk 2 eggs 2 yolks a half spoon of salt 140 g of fresh butter 2 spoons of sugar 20 grams of yeast The pad: 500 g of milled nuts 350g of powdered sugar one pinch of salt one cup of milk

Ingrediente: 600g faina 1 ceasca cu lapte 2 oua intregi 2 galbenusuri \2 lingurita sare 140 g unt proaspat 2 linguri zahar 20 g drijdie vanilie Umplutura: 500g nuci macinate 350g zahar pisat un praf de sare 1/2 ceasca lapte

Preparation: 1) Melt the yeast with a cup of sugar and with some little warm milk. Let it ferment for a half of hour. 2) Whip the butter with 2 spoons of sugar until it become foamy 3) Sift the flour in an bowl and in the middle lay the yeast cake, a cup of milk, 2 eggs and 2 yolks whipped with a half spoon of salt. 4) Beat it, adding the whipped butter until it is homogeneous. 5) Let the dough rise The pad: Mix the minced baked in the furnace nuts with the powdered sugar and a half spoon of salt. Warm that with a half cup of milk and knead it until all becomes a dense dough.(if needed , you can add some milk but be careful not to soak the pad too hard.) 6) The risen dough is separated in two. Lay it on the table, interspersed with flour; above it lay half of the nut's pad in a uniform layer, scroll it. Act the same with the remaining dough. Twist them. Lay it in the plateau greased with butter (oil or grease), spread egg on it and it put it in the oven at medium temperature for about 45 minutes.

Mod de preparare: 1)Se moaie drojdia cu o lingurita de zahar si putin lapte caldut;se lasa la dospit 1/2 de ora 2)Se freaca untul spuma impreuna cu 2 linguri de zahar 3)Se cerne faina intr-o covata(lighean mare) se face loc la mijloc si se toarna plamadeala,o ceasca de lapte,2 oua intregi si 2 galbenusuri frecate cu 1/2 lingurita de sare 4)Se framanta,adaugand untul frecat spuma,pana face aluatul basici si se desprinde de pe mana. 5)Se lasa sa creasca Umplutura:Se amesteca nucile deja coapte in cuptor,maruntita in masina de tocat,cu zaharul pisat si 1/2 lingurita de sare.Se opareste cu 1/2 de ceasca de lapte clocotit si se freaca pana totul devine o pasta consistenta(la nevoie se mai adauga putin lapte,cu grija pentru a nu se inmuia umplutura prea tare). 6)Aluatul crescut se descparte in doua se intinde pe blatul de lucru,presarat cu faina,deasupra se intinde jumatate din umplutura(compozitia)de nuca intr-un strat uniform,se ruleaza,obtinandu-se un sul.La fel se procedeaza si cu aluatul ramas.Cele doua suluri se impletesc incepand cu mijlocul.Se aseaza in tava unsa cu unt(ulei,untura),se unge cu ou si se pune la copt.Se coace la foc potrivit.

Easter cheese Pie (pasca) The dough: 500 grams flour 125 grams sugar 50 grams butter 2 spoons of oil 250 ml milk 3 eggs 1 spoon of rum vanilla 25 grams of yeast 1 teaspoon of salt The pad: 1 kg of fresh cow cheese 200 grams of powdered sugar 50 grams of butter 2 packages of vanilla sugar 5 eggs 3 spoons of sour cream 1 spoon of rum 100 grams of raisins 1 spoon of semolina 1 spoon of flour

The Easter Cheese Pie is undoubtedly the uncrowned queen of the Easter recipes. This is prepared just once a year, on Easter and very much appreciated by everyone for its delicious taste.

Preparation: Melt the yeast with a cup of sugar and with some little warm milk. Add 3-4 spoons of flour in some boiled hot milk and stir it until it becomes homogeneous. Let it cool and then add the yeast. Let it rise Beat the yolks, add the salt, then the sugar until it becomes a foamy composition When the yeast and is risen, we add it to the rest of the flour and mix it adding also the yolks, some warm milk and the white well beaten Knead it for at least half an hour, adding gradually the oil, the rum, the melted butter, and if the dough is too hard, add some more warm milk The the dough rest and rise for about one hour in a warm place Split the dough then in half and each half in 3 pieces Spread the first half round as the form of the tray. Smear the tray with butter and put the dough in it Make from 2 parts of the dough 2 rolls of the thickness of a pencil, plait them and put them around the tray, on its edges. Let it rise Split the left piece of dough in 4 and plait them 2 by 2. Put them on the top of the padding as a cross For the padding: mix the cheese and the butter, the yolk, some salt, the vanilla sugar, the semolina, the flour, the sour cream, some of the raisins. Pour them in the tray and add the rest of the raisins Smear it with beaten egg and put it in the oven for about one hour Let it cool and take it out from the tray. Eat it cool

Pasca cu branza

Ingrediente: 400g aluat cozonac Umplutura: 500g branza de vaci 3 oua 100 g zahar 50 g unt proaspat 40 g faina vanilie coaja de lamaie 25g stafide 1/2 lingurita sare

Mod de preparare: Aluatul de cozonac se intinde intr-o foaie de 1/2 mm grosime intr-o tava unsa cu unt/ sau untura,ulei) Din cateva movile de aluat(cat un creion) impletite se impleteste o cruce asezata pe mijlocul foii de aluat si pe marginea tavii. Din ingredientele de mai sus se realizeaza,prin omogenizare,o umplutura care se pune peste aluat.Se unge aluatul cu ou.Se da la cuptor,la foc potrivit.Cand este gata,se scoate din tava dupa ce s-a racit.

Poland’s Easter Menu Menu Wielkanoc Polska

EGGS We can served boiled eggs or stuffed eggs. We can stuff them different ingredients, for example mushrooms, ham, tuna ,etc.


SAUSAGES KIEナ。AS it's boiled or fried and we serve it when it's warm. You can eat it with horseradish.


MUD PIE is made of baker's yeast, warm milk, flour, sugar, a pinch of salt, eggs and variety delicacies. After baking, the dough is glazed with



CREAM SOUP soup made with leaven of flour having a characteristic sour taste.


EASTER SHORTCAKE is a sweet, traditional Polish Easter cake. It's drawn up with all kinds of cakes: brittle, biscuit and stuffed with the masses, marmalade and jam. The surface is decorated with icing, fruits, nuts and dried fruit.


BEETROOT AND HORSERADISH the dish is made of boiled and spiced beetroot and horseradish, which can be added to meat.


Italy’s Easter Menu Menu di Pasqua di Italia

Frittata con Egg omelet with asparagus asparagi

Ingredients: olive oil, salt, pepper, 10 eggs, 120 grams grated pecorino cheese, 2 kilos fresh asparagus, for 6 people Execution of the recipe Clean and then steam the asparagus until well cooked cut into 4 in. long trunks. Beat eggs , salt, pepper and cheese together in a medium bowl, heat olive oil in pan add steamed asparagus, add egg mixture, turn over when light golden brown. Serve hot

Ingredienti: olio di oliva, sale, pepe, uova 10, pecorino grattugiato 120 g, asparagi, o di asparagelli selvatici 2 kg. per 6 persone Esecuzione della ricetta Lessate gli asparagi, ricavate solo le punte e le parti tenere (queste tagliatele a tocchettini). Sbattete in una terrina le uova col formaggio grattugiato, sale e pepe; unite gli asparagi. Versate tutto in padella, nell'olio bollente, date forma di frittata e cuocete normalmente.

Pasta with Sardines

Pasta con le sarde First Course/ Primo Piatto

This dish is not only tasty but it’s also cheap as the ingredients are all economical. Fish in general, and these in particular, are highly recommended by experts on health.

Questo piatto non è solo gustoso ma è anche economico perché tutti gli ingredienti sono economici. Il pesce in generale, e questo in particolare, è molto raccomandato dai nutrizionisti

ingredients for 4 persons 40 minutes for preperation Long macaroncini 400 gr Fresh sardines 600 gr Wild fennel 6/7 bunches Raisins 1 spoon Pine nuts 1 spoon Anchovies in oil 5 pieces White almonds 1 spoon Extra-virgin olive oil 3 spoonfuls 1 Big onion a pinch of Saffron Salt to taste

Ingredienti: per 4 persone, tempo di preparazione 40’ . Bucatini 400 gr Sarde 600 gr Finocchietto selvatico 500 gr Uva passa 1 cucchiaio Pinoli 1 cucchiaio Mandorle 1 cucchiaio Filetti di acciughe sott'olio 5 pezzi Olio extravergine 3 cucchiai Cipolla 1 grossa Zafferano 1 bustina Sale q.b. Bollite in acqua salata le foglie dei finocchietti nella pentola della pasta, scolateli con un mestolino bucato e tritatele. Conservate l'acqua. Scottate le mandorle, spellatele e tostatele a fuoco basso mescolando con un cucchiaio di legno. Lasciate a riposo l'uvetta in acqua tiepida e, intanto, pulite, lavate e asciugate le sarde; tagliate finemente i finocchietti e la cipolla tenendoli separati. In un tegame fate leggermente dorare la cipolla con cucchiai d'olio. Aggiungete i finocchietti e, dopo qualche minuto, unite i filetti di acciuga. Mescolate bene per far amalgamare gli ingredienti. Unite i pinoli, l'uvetta e le sarde continuando a mescolare per 7-8 minuti. Infine, unite le foglie tritate dei finocchietti, sale e zafferano sciolto in poca acqua e lasciate cuocere per 2-3 minuti. Lessate i bucatini al dente nell'acqua dei finocchietti, scolateli e unteli al sugo; lasciate insaporire per qualche minutomescolando. Versate il tutto in una profila, tritate le mandorle e spargetele sulla superficie. In una padella con poco olio fate rosolare le sarde da entrambe i ati, salatele e disponetele sopra il composto. Infornate per 5-6 minuti. Servite caldo

Clean the sardines, remove their heads and bonés and wash the fillets thoroughly under tap water. Soak the raisins in warm water. In the meantime, remove the tougher pieces and choose the more tender ones. Then boil them in plenty water for 10 minutes. Remove them from the pot with a ladle with holes and keep the water boiling for the pasta later. Drain the fennel, chop them up and put them well on both sides. At this stage add the diced fennel, season with salt and pepper. Cover the pan and finish cooking. Put 2 spoonfuls of oil into a small pan and heat it. Add the chopped anchovies and stir with a wooden spoon until they have melted.Then add it to the sardines and mix together, be careflul not to break the sardine fillets. Put the pot with the fennel water on the fire and boil the pasta in it, removing when still al dente. Drain the pasta and season it with the sardines and their sauce, mix and serve.

Ricotta cheese & spinach filled Tortelloni with pistachio nuts and sage

Tortelloni con ricotta e spinaci ai pistacchi e salvia First Course/ Primo Piatto

Ingredients for 3 servings: 250g ricotta cheese and spinach filled tortelloni. 30g peeled pistachio nuts, 1 cup fresh heavy cream, 20g butter, 2 leaves of sage, 3 tablespoons gratted cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Whip together the pistachio nuts and the sage, lightly simmer in a pan with the butter for about 1 minute, add the heavy cream, salt and pepper. Cook the tortelloni in salted water, cook until "al dente", drain and add to pan stir together over low flame for about 30 sec. Sprinkle on top the gratted cheese

Ingredienti per 3 persone: 250g tortelloni con ricotta e spinaci, 30g di pistacchi sgusciati. 1 bicchiere di panna fresca, 20g di burro, 2 foglie di salvia, 3 cucchiai di formaggio grattugiato, sale e pepe quanto basta.Frullare i pistacchi con la salvia, insaporirli in padella con il burro per 1 minuto, unire la panna ed aggiustare di sale e pepe. Cuocere in abbondante acqua salata i tortelloni, scolare al dente saltare in padella e condire spolverando con il formaggio grattugiato.

Involtini alla siciliana

Sicilian Style Veal Rolls

Second Course/ Secondo Piatto

This dish can be found in various parts of Italy with different variations

Ingredients: for 4 servings Veal slices 600 gr Artichokes 2 Prosciutto crudo (Parma Ham) 50 gr White wine ½ glass 1 small Onion Sesame butter 1 spoonful Extra-virgin olive oil 3 spoonfuls Lemon juice the juice of 1 lemon Vegetable broth ½ glass White flour 2 spoonfuls Salt to taste Pepper to taste Tomato sauce 4/5 spoonfuls Thread for tying the meat rolls up Clean the artichokes removing the tougher outer leaves and the spikes. Boil them in salted water together with the lemon juice. Drain them, dry them and cut them into thin slices. Cut the ham into small pieces separately and mix it together with the sesame butter. Lay the veal slices on a board and place on them a little of the mixture, salt and pepper and two slices of the artichokes. Roll the meat slices up and tie them up with the thread and coat them with the flour. Put the oil into a pan, then sauté the onion lightly, add the meat rolls and brown them on both sides. Add the wine and, if required, alittle hot broth every now and then. When the meat is ready, put them onto a serving dish together with their sauce. As an option, tomato sauce can be added over the rolls. Serve hot.

Questo piatto si trova in tanti posti d’Italia con diverse varianti

Ingredienti: per 4 persone Fette di fesa di vitello 600 gr Carciofi 2 Prosciutto crudo 50 gr Vino bianco 1/2 bicchiere Cipolla 1 piccola Burro di sesamo 1 cucchiaio Olio extravergine d'oliva 3 cucchiai Succo di limone 1 Brodo vegetale 1/2 bicchiere Farina bianca 2 cucchiai Sale e pepe q.b. Salsa di pomodoro 4-5 cucchiai Filo per avvolgere gli involtini Pulite i carciofi togliendo le foglie dure e le spine. Scottateli per 5 minuti in acqua bollente salata e acidulata con il succo di limone. Scolateli, asciugateli e tagliateli a piccoli spicchi. A parte tagliate a pezzetti piccoli il prosciutto e impastatelo con il burro di sesamo. Stendete sul tagliere le fette di carne, su ognuna mettete un po' dell'impasto, sale, pepe e due spicchi di carciofo. Arrotolate, fermate gli involtini con il filo e passateli nella farina. Mettete l'olio in un tegame a fiamma bassa, dopo aver rosolato leggermente la cipolla e unite gli involtini, lasciandoli dorare da entrambi i lati.Aggiungete il vino e, se occorre, poco brodo caldo per volta. A cottura ultimata mettete gli involtini con il loro sugo in un piatto di servizio. A piacere si può versare sugli involtini qualche cucchiaio di salsa di pomodoro. Servite caldo

Baked lamb with potatoes

Agnello al forno con patate

Second Course/ Secondo Piatto

Usually the lamb is a dish that brings to the table at Easter. You can cook in many ways, but we recommend this recipe, Baked lamb with potatoes. Ingredients 1 Kg Lamb meat; 700 grams potatoes; 2 garlic cloves; 1 glass of red wine Rosemary Laurel thyme salt Oil First place to marinate the lamb in a bowl with the garlic, rosemary, bay leaf, thyme and wine. (usually you let marinate over night). The next day, peel the potatoes and cut into large pieces. Season with garlic, olive oil, salt, rosemary and place the pan in a lot where you're going to cook your lamb. Put the meat over and add salt. Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for an

Solitamente l’agnello è uno dei piatti che si porta in tavola a Pasqua. Si può cucinare in tantissimi modi, ma oggi voglio consigliarvi questa ricetta, Agnello al forno con patate. Ingredienti 1 kg di carne d’agnello 700 gr di patate 2 spicchi d’aglio 1 bicchiere di vino rosso rosmarino alloro timo sale Olio Per prima cosa mettete a marinare l’agnello in una ciotola con l’aglio, rosmarino, alloro, timo e vino. (solitamente si lascia marinare per una notte intera). Il giorno dopo pelate le patate e tagliatele a pezzettoni. Conditele con aglio, olio, sale, molto rosmarino e disponetele nella teglia dove andrete a cuocere il vostro agnello. Adagiate la carne sopra e salatela. Cuocete in forno preriscaldato a 180° per un’ora è mezza.

Sicilian Cassata

Cassata Siciliana Desert/Dolce

This is a dessert eaten in Palermo whose origin comes from the Arab “Quas’ at” which means “a small round bowl”, because of its original shape. The combination of the various flavours goes back to Saracen cuisine.

Si tratta di un dolce mangiato a Palermo, la cui origine deriva dal arabo "Quas 'a"che significa "una piccola ciotola rotonda", a causa della sua forma originale. La combinazione dei vari sapori risale alla cucina saracena.

Ricotta cheese 800 gr - Sponge cake 500 gr Sugar 250 gr - Candied fruit 200 gr - Black chocolate 150 gr - Icing sugar 150 gr Apricot gelatine 150 gr - Maraschino 1 small glass - Vanilla 1 stick - Pistachio 1 spoonful Ground Cinnamon a pinch - Salt for servings:8. Put the sugar, vanilla stick and a couple of spoonfuls of water into a pot. Let the sugar melt on low heat mixing with a wooden spoon and then remove the vanilla. Sieve the ricotta and put it into a bowl, mixing it well with a wooden spoon until it is soft and creamy. Without stopping mix, and add the melted sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. Chop up the dark chocolate and dice the candied fruit and add them to the ricotta, keeping aside a little candied fruit. In a small pot, put a little salted water and throw in the pistachios for a few moments. Then drain them, peel them and add them to the ricotta, and mix well. Flavour with the maraschino. Line a cake dish of about 25 centimeters diameter with greaseproof paper. With a sharp knife cut the sponge cake into slices a centimeter thick and cover the bottom and the sides of the dish. Use a little fruit gelatine to make them stick. Then pour the mixture into the cake dish and make it level it with a spatula. Then cover it with the rest of the sponge cake.

Ricotta 800 gr - Pan di spagna 500 gr zucchero 250 gr - 200 gr di frutta candita 150 gr di cioccolato nero - zucchero a velo 150 gr - 150 gr di gelatina di albicocche— Maraschino 1 bicchierino - 1 stecca di vaniglia - 1 cucchiaio di pistacchio - Cannella di uno pizzico - Sale per porzioni: 8. Mettete lo zucchero, la stecca di vaniglia e un paio di cucchiai di acqua in una pentola. Lasciate fondere lo zucchero a fuoco basso mescolando con un cucchiaio di legno e poi togliere la vaniglia. Setacciare la ricotta e metterla in una ciotola, mescolando bene com un cucchiaio di legno fino a quando è mórbido e cremoso. Non interrompere il mescolare, e aggiungere lo zucchero fuso e un pizzico di cannella. Tritare il cioccolato fondente e tagliare la frutta candita e aggiungerli alla ricotta, tenendo da parte un po' di frutta candita. In un pentolino, mettere un po' d'acqua salata e gettare i pistacchi per qualche istante. Poi scolarli, sgusciarli e aggiungerli alla ricotta e mescolare bene. Insaporire con il maraschino. Foderare una tortiera di circa 25 centimetri di diametro con carta oleata. Con un coltello affilato tagliare il pan di Spagna a fette spesse un centimetro e coprire il fondo ed i lati del piatto. Usare un po 'di gelatina di frutta per renderle rigide.Quindi versare il composto nella tortiera e farlo in piano con una spatola. Poi coprire com il resto del pan di spagna.

Cover it with a plastic film and put it into the refrigerator for a couple of hours. In a pot, put 2 to 3 spoonfuls of apricot gelatine and the same amount of icing sugar. On low heat and mixing well, let the ingredients melt. Check that it has reached the right thickness by taking the mixture into your hands. If it forms a thread, take it off the heat. Take the cake out of the cake pan and put it onto a sheet of greaseproof paper. Spread the gelatine over the top with the aid of a spatula. Put the dark chocolate into a small pot at very low heat and let it melt stirring with a wooden spoon. Pour the melted chocolate on the middle of the cake then cover the whole cake with a spatula. Let it dry then place the cake on a serving dish and decorate it with the remaining candied fruit and serve.

Coprire con una pellicola di plastica e metterlo in frigorifero per un paio d'ore. In una pentola, mettere 23 cucchiai di gelatina di albicocche e la stessa quantitĂ di zucchero a velo. Su fuoco basso e mescolando bene, lasciate sciogliere gli ingredienti. Verificare che ha raggiunto il giusto spessore, tenendo il composto in vostre mani. Se si forma un thread, togliete dal fuoco. Prendete la torta dalla tortiera e mettetela su un foglio di carta oleata. Stendere la gelatina sopra la parte superiore con l'aiuto di una spatola. Mettere il cioccolato fondente in un pentolino a fuoco molto basso e fatelo sciogliere mescolando con un cucchiaio di legno. Versare il cioccolato fuso al centro della torta poi coprire tutta la torta con una spatola. Lasciare asciugare poi poggiare la torta su un piatto da portata e decorare con la frutta candita restanti e servire.

Portugal’s Easter Menu Menu de Påscoa de portugal

Cabrito Assado

Roast veal in the oven

Ingredients: 1 kg of veal Mirandese (250g per person), 2.5 dl sunflower oil, 5 dl of olive oil, 1tablespoon lard, 4 garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves, parsley, 1 tablespoon paprika, sea salt (preferably full). Preparation: Before you start cooking this dish light the oven temperatur e (250 º C). Wet the piece of meat in very cold water and season it with salt. In a mortar crush the garlic, chilliand paprika. Onc e you join them and crushed oil, olive oil, lard, parsley and bay leaves and spread the meat with this mixture. Place meat in a baking tray which has the inner dimension approximately the size of the cut. Bake for one hour, the maximum temperature. Occasionally turn the meat and bastewith the sauce. Monitoring: golden potatoes in the

Ingredientes: 1 Cabrito médio,125g de margarina 100g de toucinho, 4 Cebolas, 4 Dentes de alho 2 Folhas de louro, 1 Ramo de salsa 2,5 dl de vinho branco, 1 Colher de chá de colorau, 500g de batatas, Sal e Pimenta Preparação: Limpe o cabrito e barre-o com uma mistura de 2 cebolas picadas, os alhos e o toucinho, 50g de margarina, colorau, 1 decilitro de vinho branco, com sal e pimenta. Faça uma cama com as restantes cebolas cortadas em rodelas, num pirex e sobreponha o cabrito, um ramo de salsa e o louro, e deixe marinar. Acrescente o restante vinho e as batatas cortadas em quartos e tempere com sal e pimenta. Espalhe pequenas nozes da restante margarina sobre o cabrito e as batatas e leve a assar ao forno, regando de vez em quando com o molho.

oven, rice and salad.

Kid goat or sheep roasted

Ingredients:  1 kid goat of medium size  125 butter gr or margarine  100 bacon gr  4 onions  4 cloves of garlic  2 parrot leaves  1 parsley branch  2,5 dl of white wine  1 colorau teaspoon  500 gr of potatoes Sal and pepper

Preparation: Prick 2 onions, the cloves of garlic and the bacon finely. Join them 50 margarine gr and colorau and 1 dl of white wine and season with thick salt and pepper. Obtain the kid goat and clay it with the prepared. Dispose in the fund of recipient to roast the remaining onions cut in slices. On these it places the kid goat, join a parsley branch and the parrot and let to be like this 24 hours, in fresh place. The following day waters the kid goat with the remaining white wine and to the turn it disposes the potatoes cut at rooms. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the remaining margarine cut in mouthfuls on the kid goat and the potatoes and take to roast in the oven, watering once in a while with the sauce that is going forming. Accompany with lettuce salad and fried potatoes.

Sponge cake in the region of Minho

Ingredients: • 12 egg yolks; • 4 egg whites; • 250 g sugar; • 150 g of wheat flour. Preparation: Beat the eggs with the sugar (25 minutes with electric mixer 45 minutes by hand).Then add the flour in gentle rain and continue to beat to make up time, ie, 35 minute sand 45 minutes to the machine by hand. Paper with four sheets of brown paper (drawing paper) form with a hole in the middle, grease, dump the dough and take to bake in hot oven 30 to 40 minutes *. When the sponge cake is well risen and fluffy, reduce heat and, if necessary, cover with paper. * This way of roasting refers to domestic ovens made in electric or gas. However, the sponge cake is much better baked in ovens called baker, heated with firewood. In this case, the sponge cake is baked in an unglazed earthenware bowl, the center of which is placed inverted a small bowl. The way is lined with paper as mentioned above .Edges of the paper is facing inward and the assembly is covered with a bowl equal to

Easter Folar

Ingredients: 1 kg flour 250 gr butter or margarine 35 gr of baker's ferment 100 gr of sugar 3 eggs 5 dl of milk Salt 1 spoon of coffee of herb-sweet 1 teaspoon of cinnamon Preparation: Dissolve the ferment in some warm milk and, with 200 flour gr, make a mass. Let to leaven it. However we works the remaining flour with the eggs, the sugar and the milk, until obtaining a very light mass, with plenty of body. Add the margarine later, salt, to herb-candy and the cinnamon. Work well the mass and, finally, join it the ferment that was to leaven. Cover with a cloth and let to leaven during 2 at 5 hours in warm place. Elapsed that time, divide the mass in balls and flatten them. On each one it places 1 or more hard eggs, according to the size of the base of the mass. Hold the eggs with some mass ribbons. Paint with a brush with egg yolk and cook in hot oven.

Folar da Páscoa Ingredientes: 1 kg de farinha 250 g de margarina ou manteiga 35 g de fermento de padeiro 100 g de açúcar 3 ovos 5 dl de leite morno sal, canela e erva-doce q.b. 3 ou 4 ovos cozidos para enfeitar o folar Preparação: Dissolva o fermento num pouco de leite morno e junte alguma farinha.Faça uma bola bem húmida e deixe levedar 20 minutos. Amasse a restante farinha com o açúcar, o leite e os ovos e junte a bola de fermento.Bata bem.Acrescente a manteiga, o sal e as especiarias. Bata até a massa se soltar da tigela.Deixe levedar numa tigela tapada com 1 cobertor, em local protegido e ameno, durante + ou - 3 horas. Faça então uma bola ligeiramente abolachada, onde coloca os ovos previamente cozidos e frios.Com um pouco de massa faça uns cordões que coloca a rodear os ovos. Pincele com gema de ovo, deixe levedar mais 1 pouco e leve a forno quente (200ºC) até ficar bem corado e cozido.

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