Home Remedies For Insomnia Lifebun.com
Honey • Honey is a naturally occurring ingredient that contains the powerhouse of many essential amino acids and vitamins. • Honey usually creates a small spike in blood glucose levels after the consumption.
Kiwis • Kiwis are one of those fruits which can alter your sleep levels and its quality. • Kiwis are the abundant source of serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin works as a neurotransmitter for brain while dopamine controls the regulation of mood.
Bananas Banana contains the Magnesium and potassium, both these function as muscle relaxants, magnesium helps brain to feel sleepiness by assisting the process of GABA, while potassium is very much useful in treating disorders like restless movement syndrome.
Barley Grass Powder • Barley is the type of grain which consists the naturally occurring melatonin form as well as its precursor such as tryptophan. • Barley grass assists in sleep due to its naturally high levels of Vitamin b, GABA and Folate.
Chamomile Tea • Chamomile is the most traditional and classic remedy to achieve a state of tranquil for proper quality of sleep which has been used from many years. • Chamomile is commonly considered as a tranquilizer and mood enhancer. • According to experiments chamomile has mild sedative qualities.
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